In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Don't Worry

 A lot of people are asking themselves this nagging question. Am I better off than I was 58 days ago. Many questions come to mind. If you're wondering if gasoline prices will drop, Don't Worry. If you think open borders will create jobs, Don't Worry. If you're concerned you may get a stimulus check. Don't Worry. If you're hoping that some of that whopper 1.9 trillion dollar rescue will pay off some of your debts, Don't Worry. If the economy will improve the standard of living and consumer prices will drop, Don't Worry. If you question if the President is truthful, Don't Worry. If you believe the new administration will grant amnesty to millions of law breaking criminal aliens in hopes they will vote Democratic in the next election, Don't Worry. If you desire our cities will become safer and looting will cease, Don't Worry. If you wonder why since the Revolutionary War we require a Barrier Fence and Military surrounding the Capitol Building, Don't Worry. If you may be thinking the 2020 Election may have been stolen, Don't Worry.

If you're hoping your taxes will drop soon, You should Worry

Call Me When It's Over


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Duke and Duchess of Double Wide

 I cannot think of anyone less qualified to discuss racism than Oprah Winfrey and the Royal Family. Not to disparage any of those who participated in the Harpo Interview. The price tag reported was CBS paid 7 to 9 million to Harpo. I'm betting this number is under reported.

Oprah Winfrey has an estimated worth of 2 Billion dollars. Harry and Meghan's net worth is estimated to 10 million. I think if we're looking for the source of systemic racism we can rule out money.  I also think the color of your skin is also not the issue. Racism is culture clash of opposing values or lifestyles. I did not tune in to the interview because I have no interest in the plight of the Rich and Famous.

Not that there is anything wrong with being rich as long as you did something to earn the wealth. Certainly Oprah Winfrey earned her way. I also defend Oprah against unproven radical rumors. 

I don't know what baggage the Royal Family is carrying but millions of people around the globe would happily change places with Harry and Meghan. Toss in many of these people have worked harder and deserve more than the Married Royals. Offers of trading places with other couples living in interracial wedded bliss would be a tough sell to Harry and Meghan.

 I know Harry's mother was taken away to early in his young life. Millions of others have been forced to play the same hand. Buck Up and Grow Up is my advice. Remember Harry Great Britain was 100 years late to ending slavery. Great Britain is who brought Slavery to America. We in America are reminded that in a Monarchy it is accepted that Royal Lives Matter More. The memory of Jussie Smollette's charades in Chicago indicate that more often than we realize systemic racism is just another lever undeserving people pull to get what others work hard to obtain. Racism takes on another image in all forms of athletics where racial equality is ignored in favor of who is strongest to represent. Seems fair in sports.

As far as reparations go Oprah and Meghan may be eligible for  Government paid Handouts from slavery, I think if any money is handed out it should go to the families of dead Civil War Veterans who died on the battlefield to free the slaves. The Civil War still the bloodiest War in US History. 700 thousand men gave it all to a group of people who largely ignore their sacrifice. We just finished another Black History Month, did you notice any mention of those who died for their benefits.


Friday, March 5, 2021

American Idol

 When people vote for an American Idol, Ryan Seacrest mandates the rules for voting. 

1. You may vote anytime you wish.

2. You may vote as many times as you wish.

3. You may vote from any location you wish.

5. You need not provide Identification

6. Age is unimportant and everyone is encouraged to vote.

7. It's not necessary to be a legal resident.

8. You can vote in any state you wish.

Just like Georgia, vote early, vote often the State Motto.

Other news is Maricopa County, Arizona will be the first County to receive a forensic audit of certified election results. Biden only won 477 counties while Trump won 2497 counties. Biden received 81 million votes from only 17% of the Counties. This means future audits need only recount 477 Counties. Many believe this will dramatically alter Election Results to Trump!!


The Great Neanderthal Wall in Washington D.C.

 Jobama declares those who don't obey. Dr. Fugazi mask mandates to be Neanderthals. When ever we debate others and they resort to name calling you have reached the limits of intelligent debate. Time to walk away with your trophy. Some politicians have stopped the unlawful demands of mask wearing. What happened to follow the science? If you believe Dr. Fugazi you have a wide selection of science to choose from. First Dr Fugazi said masks were not needed. He later reversed this decision when masks became readily available to the public. Early on masks were in short supply and he wanted medical workers protected first. Simply put Dr. Fugazi lied to you to eliminate shortages. Then it was one mask mandated. Later two, three or as many  as five masks were scientific.

Neanderthal is the new name for Biden's opposition. Added to other praises of Deplorables, Terrorist. Racists or Radicals. Pretty much anyone on the other side of razor wire and steel fence guarded by Beetle Baily. Many of the Guard were sickened from under cooked meals this week. My guess is they didn't dine with members of Congress.

Unemployment numbers changed little in February but local gasoline soared to $2.60 a gallon. The Southern Borders are under siege as aliens take control of our Borders. Even as Texas children freeze to death without adequate energy.  Biden's compassion is for non citizens breaking and entering. Borders are open Schools and the D.C. Capitol are closed under tight security.

Imports are up and exports are down indicating a worsening trade balance. The Consumer Price Index is up indicating your money is worth less as cost of living rises. The Government is still working under the biggest Security Breach in U.S. History. The Solar Winds Orion Software is contaminated by unknown forces. Investigations continue along with mitigation plans.

Jobama's plan to starve the private sector jobs and increase the peoples dependency on government dole is in play. The people will wait inline outside the Razor Wire to learn their fate. Costs are rising at the pump and electric meters as Trump's Energy Independence takes it's last breath. Criminal Aliens overwhelm the borders at Jobama's Invitations. I didn't vote for this Jackass and if you did welcome to what you created. The State of the Union is to bleak to admit. Until the next election Jobama will hide in the basement and blame Trump for your misery.

On the plus side Maricopa County Board of Elections is under Court Orders to release 2.1 Million election ballots to the State Legislature. In another month we can expect the forensic audits of valid ballots released with the actual results of November 3rd 2020 election. This could open the door to all other counties across the US who produced similar questionable results. We will have proof of the proof! Don't look for updates from the Media about Arizona State Legislature recount of the ballots and cross reference Dominion Machines. Ballots will for the first time be analyzed for authenticity and matched with eligibility. The new count will reverse the Election in Maricopa County and Arizona. Some news is suggesting many ballots were destroyed days before the turn over. This crime will not change the count. It will destroy evidence from criminals at Maricopa County Board of Elections.

The update for February is dismal. If your wondering why. If you contemplated who the bad guys are, It's You.

In God We Trusted 


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jobama Censures Dr. Seuss

 The Deplorables Tent grew larger today as news spread across Whoville, Dr. Seuss literature is now racists. When you cheat in the elections the public opinion becomes expendable. You can say anything you want in the basement. Oh well Boys will be Boys, uh I mean Boys will be Girls, Sorry. I think, I'm so confused. 

Mr. Potato Head is a toy I played with at the kitchen table as a child. Back in the day circa 1950 the toy was sold as a bag of assorted parts. You supplied the potato. Later models included a torso. My sister played with paper dolls also big back in the 50's. It would take a real idiot to find anything damaging about either toys. Just say idiot and someone will step forward. Now sold as Potato Head dropping the Mr. solves an imaginary problem of gender confused folks who demand everyone change to remedy the confused issues of a few people. Gone are Aunt Jemima Pancakes after 137 years of relative obscurity. If it solved a problem ok. As Jobama hurdles our civilization backwards 150 years I shutter to think about the time honored Fruit Cake's destiny. These changes are symbolic and offer no gratifications going forward. People don't object because they never cared. Those who are dead lived their lives happily in the past and did so without an ounce of negative thought to the matter.

It's tough to stay current in Jobama's upside down world. Restrooms and Gym Lockers are now controversial. One day Congress will figure out you cannot legislate Social Conscience. This is the domain of the People. We decide who, what and when we will follow. No fence will stop us! Beetle Baily is no threat to We The People. My only objection is why do we waste time on such policies when real problems remain without notice.

The Trump Tent is getting bigger as the reality of the basement dweller's policies begin to reshape our economy. Nothing is more equal than a booming economy where everybody wins. In the Basement only a select few are winning despite the obvious name plating on the cover. Covid Relief is another name for PORK Spending Democrats. To be fair, same name for Republican PORK . Trump declared he would VETO all Pork Spending. 

Take any noble cause and spin it into a divisive issue and reap profits from really stupid people. I'm talking about you! Known as Minority Fools is where criminals at the polls pack fraudulent ballots into machines pre programmed to pick the winners. The opposite of Majority Rules in Free and Fair Elections.  You clearly get better odds at Vegas than recent polling stations.

The $15.00 minimum wage sounds good to the stupid people. The deplorables know you will pay twice the taxes and inflation will take the rest. Your purchase power remains the same or less as jobs dwindle in a declining economy. Cutting taxes on people earning less than $50,000  creates jobs and bolsters the economy worldwide. Taking less money in tax is better than inflationary raises. Personal achievement will cause your earnings to soar. You work harder and earn more. Stupid people just don't get it. 

The story of the Farmer and the Congressman who join forces to buy and sell Hay for livestock. They buy a truck, travel hundreds of miles to buy hay for a dollar a bale. They in turn resell the hay for 50 cents a bale. The Farmer says "I don't think we made any money". The Congressman declares "getting a bigger truck will help".

The Ugly Truth is tomorrow when February Jobs Report is released. For those who read rather than blindly follow fantasy. Solving Imaginary Problems is the focus of a really stupid President.

In God We Trusted
