In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Duck Soup

The great election of 2012 is upon us, finally. Mitoosense has followed this election closer than any other. We chronicled the GOP primary and nearly every televised debate. When the candidates names began to surface a year ago we looked at each candidate carefully. Late bloomers Gov. Rick Perry and Herman Cain made their appearances just before the Iowa vote. There seemed to be a desperate GOP search for anyone but, Willard Romney.  The search appeared to seek out the candidate who would claim to cut taxes on corporations the most and slash regulations to ribbons. This theme trumped the obscene unemployment rate and ignored criminal invaders free ranging on American Jobs, Schools and Health Care.
Similar to Obamacare we're told this plan will fix the economy. We will then return to the wealth of the Clinton Administration, before the Bankster's stole our money through Bush Wars and Bush TARP. The field narrowed in August to billionaire Willard Romney, the media ignored Ron Paul and out of towner, Hurricane Isaac. The Big Show in Tampa was interrupted by Hurricane Isaac, the unwanted guest crashing the GOP Convention. The entire spectacle reminded me of a long drawn out episode of Gilligan's Island.

The coronation of Obama followed a week later in North Carolina. The Democratic Convention seemed to be better organized than the GOP Convention. This was a total surprise to me, Democrats could organize anything above a 2 car funeral.

After eight years of a mindless Bush Administration, followed by 4 years of disappointing Obama Administration I was convinced that We The People could and deserved better. I believe the system has failed us again. We have not produced the best candidate for We The People.                                                               

Hopefully, the big questions would surface when the rubber meets the road, between Willard and Barack. Then we would get a clear picture of each candidates positions. We did not. We got instead a slanderous attack on Sesame Street and it's henchmen Big Bird.
Barack Obama joined the fray with Big Bird and Willard. I was kinda hoping that Willard would show all his cards. Releasing his taxes and reveal his details on exactly how cutting taxes on the rich and deregulation would bring prosperity back to America. Willard joined his opponent Obama and  did neither.

Each time the GOP candidate Romney would seem to make gains in the polls Willard would do or say something that would reveal his Bane Capital Greed Streak. There was also a lot of support from other GOP Candidates, such as swimming nude in the Sea of Galilee or comments on "Legitimate Rape".
All along the way the GOP seemed to shoot themselves in the feet. This was the only time they did not  have a foot in their mouth. My hopes to replace Obama was not looking good.

Then along comes another out of towner, Hurricane Sandy. The storm of storms will have an affect on this election. Obama is front and center dealing with the needs of the Nation. Willard is pushed into the wings trying not to look as an opportunist. (see Benghazi, Libya). The election is only days away with the Electoral College biggest delegates in the heavily populated Northeast section of our country not expected to have electricity restored for weeks. Obama with the resources of the entire budget at his fingertips can hand out goodwill to voters in the name of FEMA.

Years ago there was a game show on afternoon TV where a panel of celebrities would interview three contestants to find the one who was not lying. The show went on for years before being cancelled. This election season is about exposing those who tell the truth. The problem is they are all liars.