In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina made landfall at Hallandale Beach, Fl August, 25 2005 as a Category 1 Rating. I remember it well as I was within the eye center on a few miles to the North in Ft Lauderdale. This puts my location on the dirty side of the storm's center Northeast quadrant. Forming over the Caribbean we had little time to prepare and some didn't. Hurricane Katrina was one of six consecutive weeks of Friday Afternoon Hurricane Emergency Alerts in South Florida in 2005.

I remember Katrina well because as she left South Florida she was headed for the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico drawing more strength. Within a day or two she hit 175 mph qualifying her as a Category 5 storm. The projected landfall was New Orleans, La. As a very scary storm. Less than 24 hours out she took a slight jog to the Northeast and wind speeds dropped to 120mph Category 3. Still a very strong storm.
Katrina scored 14 deaths in Florida as a Cat 1 storm.

The Storm made landfall in Mississippi/Louisiana border on Monday August 29th 2005.
Bush 43 declared a state of emergency on August 27, 2005. New Orleans did nothing in preparation for the impending catastrophe at sea. The National Weather Service did their job. Everyone from Wasthington, DC to Baton Rogue, La new it was bad for the Gulf Coast residents.

For reasons unclear to myself the people of New Orleans waited four days for the destruction to arrive. The first line of defense was the Mayor 's Office to protect his city. The people who live in the crater of a Volcano should have an exit strategy plan in place. New Orleans Plan was evidently to rely on the Federal Government to save their city.

Never put your faith in the Federal Government for anything. To rely on the Fed will always be disappointing. I consider this the first and biggest mistake of the New Orleans Catastrophe.

The New Orleans catastrophe was not about wind speeds or flood surge. The New Orleans Catastrophe story is a referendum on the the people of New Orleans. Nothing was planned and therefore nothing was finalized. The pumps and levies were not maintained and nobody did anything other than complain to others to come fix my problem.

The preparedness plan for Florida would be significantly different for New Orleans. South Florida Water Management services their pump station as a means of conservation. They must work to provide water to it's enormous population. Water is pumped out prior to hurricanes in anticipation of the deluge. Excess water is runoff. New Orleans hasn't any runoff as they live below sea level. Hurricane Andrew roared ashore in August 92 with winds of over 220 mph and the loss of life was minimal.

The people of Minnesota don't rely on the Fed to push their snow. They know it's gonna snow and prepare accordingly. They rely on FEMA as a secondary measure of support after states declare aid is needed, not before.

1577 people in New Orleans died needlessly, had they been prepared. The question today is are they prepared or are they going to rely on Uncle Sam as a lifeguard again.

The Federal Government failed the people in 2001 against a band of deranged thugs commandeering airliners. Then again 2005 New Orleans Catastrophe. The again in the Bankster Scandal of 2007. Then again 2010 Wright Eggs Gate and again 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Explosions.

This isn't bad luck we suffer from, it's bad government who is the villain.

Double Bubble?

The American worker in the last 125 years has witnessed the economy grow then fall again many times. Leaving the stability of an American agrarian era to the industrial era after the Civil War.
Since I entered the working class in 1970 I noticed a clockwork of recessions. The first few years of each decade in recession, followed by runaway prosperity the last few years of the decade.
This was true in the 50's,60's,70's,80's,90's oo's and now 10's. Although, nothing as extreme as our current predicament.
As our economy ebbs and flows, money earned on the way up is recaptured by the wealthy on the way down. The smart investors watch carefully as the bubbles grows hoarding cash, awaiting the inevitable bust.
Prices fall and investors buy in the failed economy for resale in better times.
The economy rebounds as workers return to the sweat of GDP providing the power for the next bust.
Employment and GDP growth are the only elements required to re inflate the bubble. This is our economy for the Industrialized America.
There in lies the problem, each time the bubble breaks more money is forced to the wealthiest Americans.
Each burst wipes out another industry to be forced overseas. Even the once all powerful GM fell from the axe. Sadly, we are no longer an industrialized nation making it impossible to re inflate the bubble.
Further each bubble burst, starting in the eighties has been accompanied by a loss of wages. Union busting in the eighties to uncontrolled corporate downsizing in the nineties, destroyed middle class America and replaced it with a Oligarchy.
As if this weren't enough the corporate raiders of Enron and Worldcom stole peoples retirement as they forced them to work for disparaging wages. This is the work of common thieves of the 90's not a highly paid CEO claiming executive pay and bonus.
In the nineties facing a middle class already broken and without the resource to re inflate our bubble, government utilized illegal immigration and approved unlawful uncontrolled borders to provided the sweat in the GDP for the final new millennium bust.
American stock markets repeal of 1930 Glass Steagall legislation opened the door for Investment Banking which proved to be nothing more than Plundering and Privateering uncontrolled markets by Pirates of government and Wall Street.
Retirement money gone and no viable industry left, they raided the only commodity in America, your HOUSE,your Home.
We are out of gas We have bled the Grand Ole Lady for all she has and even she cannot help us this time. We are in for a truly long haul.
Obama is trying to force the economy upwards again and has re inflated the stock markets with imaginary Houdini Dollars. Money we don't have nor do our heirs. TARP money and 0% loans from the U.S. Treasury infuse capitol to 2big2fail banks that loan the money back to government in T-bill investment creating Houdini Dollars in the economy. Even as gas and markets climb again, employment and wages fall to unthinkable levels. To fix this economy we must first rebuild the middle class in America. It's counter productive to inflate the bubble. We gave the bubble to China

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Restoring Who's Honor Rally ???

The latest dog and pony show planned by self proclaimed holy man and philosopher Glenn Beck is scheduled for today at the feet of Abraham Lincoln. I expect to watch the entire spectacle on the Internet. I wouldn't trust the editing of FOX Fairy Tales to report objectively. I must admit I have serious reservations about the content of the Rally.
I tried to access the events at the Lincoln Memorial without success. I did manage to download live streaming video with motivational gobledy gook narratives added.
The theme was restoring honor and I was under the impression the families of serving military were to benefit as support of the troops.
I don't follow Becks programming or his views. Mr Beck chose Saturday to compete with Sunday Morning Televangelist. His Elmer Gantry speech was a expression of substance abuses as he passed the collection plates. Disturbing for a TV's politico personality to suddenly morph into another self ordained Messiah of American Politics. Reverend Beck failed to part the waters of the Washington Memorial.
Summoning Deity to support political views is despicable regardless of race.
You can be sure the people attending were there supporting his daytime job of extreme right wingers. Anyhow, neither Beck, Sarah Palin or Rev Sharpton saved any souls on Saturday.
Taking advantage of it walks like duck, it talks like a duck but, we say "It's a Fish"
Rev. Sharpton conducted a similar Rally during the same time slot with even more Banjo players and singers.
I personally would describe the Beck Rally at 11:00 am turnout as, a third day State Fair crowd. Disappointing attendances when compared to the prenuptial he promised. I found myself wondering if I was missing anything good on the Home Shopping Networks....
Not "Supporting the Troops" was the standard response of Bush 43 for any criticisms of his less than stellar performance in running the government broke. Support of the troops includes a wide swath in the political spectrum as does phrases of God and Moving Forwards. The lack of clarity lessens objective criticisms.
America's Momma Grizzly, Sarah Palin and Republican Cheerleader in Charge spoke first with more tough talk about dead ancestry flag waving. Same propaganda taught to elementary school children.
Anyhow the speech: Glen Beck opened with this day is not about "politics", then evoked the power of Deity to support his mindless agenda of pure unknown nonsense. All without benefit of chalkboards and crying often associated with his speeches. The Gods are evidently backing Glens plans for a new or renewed America without separation of Church and State. The speeched surprisingly failed to recognize the service of our military now or deceased.
His inspiration came from some Latin translation and stars at the top of the Washington Monument unseen for a hundreds of years. God evidently placed the text there anticipating Glen was coming soon to help. He didn't have a name or address for God as the listeners are expected to fill in the blanks. He spoke of direction as moving forwards or backwards without support of North or South or any declaration of which way is up. He seemed confused with the specifics. If you tried to follow his directions you may have very well ended up at Stonehenge or The Sun God Rah. If Glen were a cheerleader you wouldn't know his team or who had the ball. Dr Seuss had better platforms in green eggs and ham.
His speech today was nothing to compare with the speech made 47 years ago at the same location. The speech given 47 years ago was very clear and anyone who listened knew exactly what direction MLK was headed.
Reverend Beck did expose the ugly truth of exploiting political gains while hiding beneath the veil of Christianity. Very Disturbing Indeed.....
I give the Rally a grade of I for "incomplete". We expected to hear Beck accuse others of racism and supporting the Military. I think I saw Abe tapping his feet to the music with a snicker on his face as Glen spoke to his people.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Honest Abe Still Holdin Court

Honest Abe will be holding court again tomorrow 145 years after his death. Once again unhappy Americans will demonstrate their rights as American citizens.
The content of the Rally held tomorrow at our nations capital isn't as exciting as the celebration of the US Constitution.
I hope everyone wears a gun strapped right to their waist in full view as our US Constitution exercises the first and second amendments simultaneously. Some will I'm sure.
American people will go decades without peaceful assembly if their pursuit of happiness isn't interrupted.

When the American People Stand United before Honest Abe it's always a sign of civil discord with the government.
And they're always right and the government is always wrong. The demonstration is an expression of a massive failure in the Oligarchy Government.
The peaceful assembly is a warning to our elected officials that change is not only necessary it's mandatory. If you can motivate 250,000 people to peaceful assembly something is wrong for sure.
We are the very same people for 250 years. America's bounty is the very same as 250 years ago. The only thing that has changed is our leaderships values. You can blame discord on many abstract ideals from education to foreign trade and national debt.
Honest Abe knows it's his people "We The People" who he will hear. The arbitrary rules, regulation, laws and codes of today are not his. His law book is only four pages. His government employs only a handful of workers. He will render his decision for the People again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just a Hint

To all the Gay's and Lesbo's comming out of the closet.
I would like to reveal to all "We Already Know". We just didn't want to expose the obvious to National Discussion.
Please QUIETLY retun to the closet with the rest of the perverts. We'll let you know when your orentation is of interest to general population.
I really don't care how you roll!!!

Thanks Tom

Remember When Air was Clean and Sex was Dirty

The 1973 Science Fiction thriller Soylent Green starring Charlie Heston is a must see among cult purists. Unintended to be an Orwellian prophesy of 2022, not far away incidentally.

As Americans are forced to accept contaminated foods in 2010, one begins to wonder where agriculture be in 2022.

We are being bombarded with salmonella eggs,
e-coli hamburger, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, and bottled water.

Even spring water is said to be contaminated in the water table from human impact.

Farm production is increasing the bushel per acre output. The farmers don't benefit from increased production as Supply and Demand lowers the unit prices. On the surface it appears the farm production numbers are good for the consumer until the FDA published new food values indicating the quantity may be increasing, the nutrients in the foods are declining.

We're eating more food to get the same nutrient of 50 years ago. Strawberries are enormous but, when you bite into them the flavor is not there. Could be the reason obesity is a problem in America. The very same farming technologies boosting output produces fertilizer runoff that kills fish and pollutes the water table.

We dine from frozen boxes cooked in micro wave technology. Eating comfort foods that taste good but not filling or high quality. Genetically engineered foods may look good on the grocer's shelf but fail to properly feed the nation. The genetically engineered seeds become the property of the mad men who now control the food supply. Many new engineered seed are designed to be sterile and not capable of reproduction. Non Germinating foods is a diabolical crime against humanity. The new seeds are feared to be a threat to the food supply because of the missing DNA diversity the guarantying humans against a total loss from diseases and blights.

Houses built in the fifties were built from high quality slow growth lumber. The knots found in 1970 2"x4"s were the size of a #2 pencil diameter. The US Forestry Service has developed new faster growing trees but the fast growing trees produce inferior lumber with knots as big as your fist. The result is a house, not as strong and prone to rot and insects. New technologies produce greater quantity and lesser quality is rampant in America. The increased quantity is to deal with a expanding population.

The question is: are we headed to Soylent Green in 2022?

Soylent green trailer

Dow Jones from Greedy to Needy

The swindlers of Wall Street,the one who are so smart they developed a product so inventive the porn masters of the SEC couldn't figure it out. Have broken the system they feed from.

The DOW closed today below 10,000 marking the return to 1999 levels. The return to the former millennium failed to resurrect Lehman Bros, Washington Mutual, Solvent Auto Industry or reinstate mortgages to the homeless.

There is more talk of a second stimulus bill to pay for the first stimulus package that will bailout the bailouts......

Monday, August 23, 2010

Elin Wins The Skins Shootout.

Elin and Tiger signed their scorecards in the courthouse recently signalling 18th hole and game over. The Thanksgiving Day Classic began with the nine iron shot landing Tiger squarely in the driveway rough.

Tiger accused of taking dozens of extra strokes in the skins game, was penalized in the Orlando bunker. Determined to reclaim his home field advantage Tiger worked on his back swing and long drives only to loose on the green. Elin simply putted her way to the richest player in sports.

The Swedish Beauty has now captured the crown of highest paid player in PGA. Single and eligible at age 3o. Whatever will she do? With two caddy's from her former game guarantees she will never have to carry Tiger's club or wash his balls again.

To young to retire she may take her attractive swing to conquer Baseball or her formidable jump shot to Basketball building the excitement further.

Elin's grand slam is feared to have disrupted America's balance of trade with Sweden causing a rise in the Euros. A feat for the pinnacle of her Trophy Case

Chinese Gridlock / The Great Wall

China has eclipsed America's Industrialization claiming the top spot in traffic jams. The typical American delay can last from two to four hours in the USA. The Great Traffic Wall in China is in its ninth day and over sixty miles long.
Travelers, or not on the 101 main route are reportedly playing cards, chess and eating noodles handed out by police.
What will be next for their emerging economy. Soon they will have mandatory insurances, Operator's Permits for surveillance and Nationalized Banking. All in good time I'd say

Poison Egg: Update

The FDA’s Dr Margret Hamburg announced they cannot ensure an uncontaminated food supply with the resources allocated. They need new legislation granting the FDA authority to recall suspect foods.

To this I answer. We don’t want you to recall anything or have the authority to extort money from farmers. We want you to inspect eggs periodically with the resources you have. When contamination is noted you should

1.notify the public.

2. identify the extent and the sources.

The public can handle the commerce after the FDA does their job.The samonella eggs were found in 14 States and over a half a billion eggs and the incompetent FDA fools couldn’t find a single egg? Two thousands sickened citizens didn’t have a problem and they weren’t trying.

I suggest you stop downloading Porn, eat more eggs and fire the five top money grabbers at the FDA!

Angry Mobs - Pitchforks and $578 Million Schools

The State of California cannot pay it's bills and is issuing IOU's until the next " Government Stimulus". There is nothing wrong with building a $578 million dollar school if you get a $578 million dollar building that produces multiple million dollar students.
Most likely citizens received none of the above. What they most probably got for their tax money is 578 millionaire newly enriched Contractors, School Board Members, Building Inspectors and Architects. You won't find any enriched carpenters iron workers or electricians.
We have a system of competitive low bid processes that insures the best possible price for the tax dollars. How then can the system be circumvented? The first step is to hire Architects who will produce a design that defies the laws of mass production. complex angles and roof designs is good start. A useless hole in the roof and a forty degree flag pole insures materials will not be shelf items at the local hardware.
After you have selected a ridiculous design move forwards to the bidding process. The competitive bids are issued but, only qualified Contractors are eligible to participate in the bidding. All Contractors will be required to pass the States Contractors Test, acquire Bonds and Insurances followed with State, County and City business licenses. If you cannot Bond you cannot bid. These qualifications always narrows the field but seldom produces better buildings. The processes produce a stream of Broker Contractors who all draw from the same sub-contractors who actually do the heavy lifting. It really doesn't matter who the Winning Broker is as the system will produce the same workforce. It comes down to letterhead on the paperwork and the low bidder immediately becomes in control of $578 million dollars of taxpayer guarantees. That's a big ax to swing and the Broker knows how to swing.
The Broker is now in control of a contract and he cannot build for the price given on bid day.
How can he build it for bid price? He cannot. This is where the system of corruption enters into the school. The change orders to contract is the only way for the Broker to make money and the the dollar amounts are approved by the Architects, Engineers, The School Board and County Government. The County or City that operates the School System as the owner cuts the check based upon all required approval and signatures.
Each Change Order is laden with profits that are not subject to competitive bid limitations of bid day. It's truly a free for all environment as the participants raid the public coffers. The Broker makes money regardless of whether he adds or deduct from the Contract Amount. The Broker who donates the most political capital is guaranteed he will be unfettered by building codes and change order reviews.
After awards he must secure all permits and impact fees for water sewer and electricity. More money and worse even more inspectors with their hat in hand.
The system produces an inferior construction with unqualified workers at the highest possible price imposed by corrupt officials.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eggs, Baseball and Mission Accomplished "IRAQ"


The Wright County Egg Company from Galt, Iowa is another fine example of how fragile the food supply has become from uncontrolled capitalism. America was once independently diversified as a condition of National Security.

The Wright County Egg Company meets all the criteria of 2big2fail. When one Corporation's Wealth controls the lives of every day Americans. They become a threat to national security by default. Covering 14 states and the health of millions Americans.

We watched the recall scroll upwards from thousands to millions and latest figures announced Friday a half billion contaminated salmonella eggs. Similar to the creative accounting of barrels of BP oil spewing into the Pristine Waters of The Gulf of Mexico.

The eggs salmonella is believed to be a result of rat infestations in the Hen Houses. The contamination is not passed from hen to hen. The salmonella is a result of hens eating feces of rats and the passing on the bacteria to the eggs. Yum! That's a lot of crap. The truth is always hidden as Americans are often sheltered from reality as they may become violent.
The rats in the Hen House are nothing compared to those in the House of Representatives. This outbreak is a shot across the bow warning of the real potential of a food born in house Pandemic capable of killing millions of Americans.

Keep in mind the 2 thousand people sickened by the bacteria is the product of the bigger problem of Oligarchy Government building giant industries to support their bureaucratic agendas. It's how we roll in America.

Our Corporations are allowed to grow to immense proportions consuming everything that impeded their appetite until they explode in a cataclysmic nova on the Dow Jones (ala Penn Central Railroad) The laws of Economy of Scale are eventually overridden by an obese 2big2fail system.

The Department of Agriculture now joins the Justice Department, Department of Interior, The Treasury and Defense as unable to control the Oligarchy Government. In all these failures of Oligarchy Government our leaders seek to unwind the Corporations over Federal Bankruptcy Courts to perpetuate the Wealth of the top 1% aristocracy. It's all the same movie with different cast, with corruption being the central plot. Whether it be food, drugs, borders, mining or banking the culprit is the villainous Oligarchy of Government. It's Oligarchy Government that sickens Americans, steals their wealth and ignores our borders while sacrificing American Blood and Treasure to fight the Battles of Greed Street overseas. We perpetuate the wealth and their problems forward to avoid the much needed correction of Bankruptcy Courts provided in Pure Capitalism. We have a system where Capitalism and it's laws are for only the masses and the Corporate Oligarchy reserves different laws of fabrication invented by Bush "43".
We have "Fabrication without Representation" in America.


Baseball is in the news again. It seems Baseball's Icons who will remained unnamed are accused of not only taking steroids to enhanced performance, (cheating) they are now accused of perjury of Lying under Oath to the Congressional Investigations. I have never been a fan of any sport played with a round ball but, lying under oath is not five minutes in the penalty box either.

This a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Lying to professionals would be on a par with the Senators playing Major League Ball. The Icons are clearly playing out of the Congressional League of Liars.

The truth here is the steroids have built large deposits of muscle in the cranium constricting the brains and causing the Iconic Anabolic Players to lie under Oath. Therefore not responsible to prison incarceration. Congress on the other hand is still guilty. We haven't quite figured out what Congress is on but, Stimulus Money is suspected.


The War in Iraq saw the last combat troops leaving Iraq this week. The remaining 50,000 US soldiers remain in the firehouse as a threat to any insurgents. The Iraqi Government now does the heavy lifting on their own. This week marks the end of major combat operations "Mission Accomplished" declared by George the Shoe Guy on May 1, 2003 aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. This was to be a day selected by Bush "43" to define his administration. Similar to Bush "41" declaration "No new taxes" that defined his fathers Administration.

Bush "43" will be remembered for his Evil Knievel Carrier landing complete with Navy G- Suit aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. The Abraham Lincoln was a mere 30 miles from San Diego Harbor with land captured by cameras verifying proximity to seashore. The S-3 Navy plane not piloted by Bush is now on display at Museum of Naval Aviation Pensacola, Fl.
The S-3 was immediately removed from service a testament to further the nonsense. The infamous Banner "Mission Accomplished" was secured and hung by White House Staff as publicity stunt gone terribly wrong.

Bush "41" lead us to Desert Storm in August 2. 1990 to end less than a year later February 28 1991. This action was endorsed by United Nations Sanctions and less than 400 coalition forces died in the action. The total dead thus far in Iraq War is 4,733 coalition dead and 4,415 being American Military. Seven long years and many dead after the May 1, 2003 dog and pony show aboard The USS Abraham Lincoln. The war produced No Weapons of Mass Destruction or hidden Al -Qaeda Training Camps. This information underscores the United Nations refusal to support George the Shoe Guy's War of needless Nation Building. Mission Accomplished should be judged upon "what did we accomplish". Is the world now a better place with new tyrants as opposed to the old dead tyrants?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Real Pickle

Haven't been enraged lately. The Cosmos has been suspiciously quite. This isn't an indication things have gotten better. This is merely a plateau to rest while planning the next malfeasance. Mid Term Elections is always a good time to lie low. (appropriate phrase) The Tyranny in our government continues on despite Militia and Tea Party protests. I've heard the rumblings of another Bailout/Stimulus.

The Pharaoh's are starting to feel the pinch of poverty and they will have none of poverty. Another 860 billion or so of free money should keep them happy for another 18 months and bump Greed Street 1500 points. It's told to all Americans they benefit from the system that sustains the Pharaohs wealth. It's how we roll in America.

There has been a lot of rhetoric on perceived issues of sensitivity on a mosque construction in New York.
The first amendment and subsequent amendments do not recognize sensitivity. The first amendment guarantees peoples desire to control through sensitivity will be prohibited by the US Constitution. Refreshing our government still supports some of our laws. Great sound bites in free speech but, not permitted in America.

Similar to the Presidential religion and birth certificate, it's useless conversation in America.

The BP crude has apparently stopped leaking, although I would have to see it to believe it. The commercials on the big tube are non-stop declaring the oil is gone. Another BP lie no doubt. Soon they will be claiming it never happened at all.

The Dow Jones is hovering around the year 2000 high 10,000 mark. Still 1500 overvalued. The Banksters continue to overvalue stocks with free money from Big Ben. More bonus booty for the Banksters while unemployed foreclosed victims sleep in the streets. That's the Obama Stimulus creating more wealth for Greed Street, Bigger Oligarchy and increased triple wages for Chinese workers.

The 401-K program that allows your retirement fund as fun money for investment brokers continues to overvalue markets further. The call for privatisation of Social Security would surely destroy market confidence and Social Security simultaneously.

Government Motors is building factories in China with US Taxpayer money. If you need a GM job China is recommended.

The border jumpers continue but, finding work and housing more difficult. The perception these free ranging criminal aliens are timid refugees seeking charity is loosing it's charm.
The Bush Covert Doctrines have come full circle as Americans realize the short term gains and long term pains prevalent in the Bush years.

The illusion of Health Care Reform and Financial Reforms have proven to be mechanism for building a bigger Oligarchy and subservient American Worker. Obama stresses the importance of small businesses in America creating jobs. This is where his deficit reduction payment reside. Obama expects everyone to go back to poverty pay and start paying taxes again. The American people would be better served to find work under the table and avoid the Oligarchy System completely. Corporations, Banksters and Government feed from the GDP. They don't support or contribute.
The Nation Building in Iraq and Afghanistan slugs on without clear objective. Once these countries have a government we will then try to enlist their citizens to work for Western
Corporations. Join the g-8 or g-20 depending on how much oil reserves your country
may control.
A Real Pickle I think describes our fine mess we created.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goldman Sachs a Money Pit

Goldman Sachs top Bankster exercised his November 2000 Goldman Sachs stock option on 90,000 shares @ $82.87 and sold this last week @ $149.50 for his take of $6.1 million American Houdini Dollars Booty.

At a time when 10% unemployed Americans suffer the Nationalized Banksters continue to enrich themselves with free money from the US Treasury.

The Top Bankster salary for 2009 was a mere $862,657 down from the Bush last year 2008 salary of $42.1 million compensation. The loss of income no doubt caused the Bankster to sell off Goldman stocks in hardships.

The chart above indicates the Banksters lackluster skill levels for not having sold @ 2008 high levels exceeding $240.00 a share. Easy come easy go. The sell off could be seen as a turning point in Nationalized Banking futures. If the top guy is selling there must be a reason. These guys take money very serious.

You may remember the unforgettable $800 billion TARP bailouts gifted by the Big Bucks Bush Administrations. Of the $800 billion TARP booty, Goldman's take was 10 billion in TARP money and another $13 billion paid by the Bagman AIG with more TARP money. AIG is not expected to repay any of the TARP malfeasance. Directly and indirectly Goldman received
$23 billion of TARP booty. It could be said " If the Girl Scouts of America got their cookies for free they would be equally as successful as the Nationalized Banksters".

The DOW Jones Industrial average is nearly the same today as 2000 levels after being driven to a Highest ever of over 14,000 from the 1999 Abolished Glass Steagall Act of 1934. As a result of the abolished 1934 legislation the Banksters can now legally invest US Treasury Bank funds into the Stock Markets. The markets were not benefited by the eight years of Bush.

Goldman's best and brightest followed with the new Mortgage Derivative Bundling Scheme that triggered the housing boom and ultimate collapse. They marketed this malfeasance as their new products and sold worldwide.

The Bush Administration bailed out the Banks not to protect the American people but, to protect and secure New York as The Financial Capital of the World with taxpayer debt of $800 Billion TARP Booty. Without this money paid to Bagman AIG the world markets would have suffered heavy losses and refused the New York Financial Capital.

The SEC swept the issue under the TARP carpet with Goldman settling a SEC lawsuit with a $600 million damage award to the SEC. My former paperboy could have cut a better deal.

The system that allows the Dirty Dozen Banksters unlimited access to The US Treasury money supply free of charges continues on with support of the American Government.

There are many things the taxpayer cannot control through free market capitalism. The two biggest variables that will forever keep Americans broke are the imaginary charges of interest by our Nationalized Banksters and Taxes forced by the Oligarchy Government.

Could these two thefts have the same father?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Could be Your Lucky Day or Not

Remember when the unemployment rate was 1% and the interest rate was 9.5%

2. The current US debt is 13 trillion and there are 13 digits in a trillion.

3. The unemployment Rate in Michigan is 13% of those who are not illegal disabled or out of work for more than 13 months.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Conscription in America

I read an article published in a newspaper written by Michael Fleischer titled "Why I'm not Hiring". Mr Fleischer operates a small business in New Jersey that employs 83 people. His company, Bogen Communications markets audio systems equipment for educational use for commercial and industrial institutions according to his information.

Mr Fleischer article focuses on an employee named Sally. The basics are her annual salary is 59,000 dollars a year. From this amount Sally gets to keep a mere 44,000 dollars a year due to conscription. Conscription is the word that jumped off the page at me. I have written several editorial trying to describe the government demanding National Service to an Oligarchy Government. (see earlier blogs The Grocery and The Slacker Administration Act 2010.)

Conscription is defined as use for military service or commonly referred to as "The Draft" but, certainly fits as private citizens are drafted to perform the work of the Bureaucratic Oligarchy Government.

Back to Sally. The article continues on with in addition to paying Sally's salary, Mr Fleischers pays a total benefit package of 74,000 dollars annually. Mr Fleischer failed to include Sally's total labor burdens of office overhead who's service fulfills demands of the American bureaucracy. The total labor burden would further inflate the 74,000 dollar figure even higher. Office labor burdens are the non performing employees who perform Payroll, Taxes, OSHA, and Insurance demands on behalf of the Government but, paid in full by the private sector employers. The rewards to the employers for his part in the extortion is he pays little or know personal tax himself.

Of the deductions on Sally's paycheck 9 carry a title ending with the name "Insurance". 10 if you included Social Security which is defined as contribution. Nor does it include Car insurance always required as dependable transportation is a mandatory condition of hire and state governments. Nor does it include other taxes for any hidden tax of fees , Professional License or mandatory continuing eduction extortion's. Social Security is either a tax or insurance your choice. In addition there are the huge amounts for income taxes deducted without consent.
Bogen supplies educational amplifiers and most likely has government contracts which require donations to political party affiliations to obtain contracts. This money also comes right off the top of a balance sheet. This corruption is also money Sally will be required to sweat out black ink each day. Paying to have your yearly income tax filed is money burnt in the fires of Oligarchy. Ditto for Certified Public Accountant who owe their very collegiate certifications to a wasteful senseless bureaucracy.

The spread between the over 74,000 and the less than 44,ooo is money stolen from the GDP. The $30,000 plus is money that Sally must sweat out of each work day or she is terminated or the company will close it's doors.

The numbers look like this; $44,000 divided by weeks divided by hours is $21.15 per hour. (based on 40 hour week) minus gas, insurance, interest, fees and license ad ons. Don't forget bank interest because interest and tax are both imaginary charges without consumer controls. The thirty Thousand lost from employer and employee is divided weeks, hours to $14.42 per hour earned by Sally and presumably marked up again for the standard office overhead profits multipliers utilized by all employers. This is how your boss gets rich as he profits a small amount from each worker hired. If my math is correct Sally works 20 minutes of each hour for the Oligarchy, 1.33 days a week or 17.33 weeks a year or four months for nothing. This would probably increase easily to six months if you included Property Tax, Sales Tax and the rest to numerous to mention.

Where is this immense wealth spent? Sally is only one person. If you figure one out of three people sweating in the private sector is actually working for the Oligarchy Government and this doesn't count another 2 million full time federal civil service job or state and city employees. Not to mention Government employees now make more income than average private sector workers. Firemen are reported to make 500.000 dollars a year in some areas. This is the tail wagging the dog scenario.

How do we stop the growth of government? Place an immediate hiring freeze on government workers. Place all government workers on a four day work week with wages adjusted accordingly This includes Congress and Post Office. Military, Fire and Police services naturally continue. Stop demanding college degrees for government jobs. Issue a comprehensive test for the position and hire those who scored highest. Remember, Albert Einstein worked in the patent office and had no degree.

Abolish IRS, The Patriot Act, Social Security, Healthcare Reform and Homeland Stupidity. We need to initiate substantial rewards to whistle blowers in government. Insuring that everybody is watching and sharing in the public trust. Pass legislation forbidding conscription in America.
Pass legislation forbidding corporations from political donations. Place a Fat Tax on all forms of commerce that deal in the public business. Include heavy taxes for political election campaigns advertising on television and newspapers.

Government is now Americas biggest industry and should be taxed to those who survive from the wholesale public dole.
As far as the ten insurances deducted from Sally's paycheck I propose one Insurance of Loss Prevention. One Policy that covers everything from Flood to Asteroids and Hemorrhoids to Heart Attacks without cancellation. Eliminated would be single policies for all of the following but not limited to.
1. Health Insurance
2. Home Owner's Insurance
3. Automobile Insurance
4. Worker's Compensation Insurance
5. Liability Insurance
6. Unemployment Insurance
7. Disability Insurance
All of these Insurances are duplications of the same losses. Sold over and over not by loss but locations. It's nonsense. If your in the hospital does it really matter if you fell off a ladder at work or slipped in the bathtub at home. Your Doctor doesn't care and it won't affect your cost or prognosis.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bed Bugs, Free Trade and Postcards from the Middle Class

I watched President Obama's speech yesterday as he discussed the economics of education in America. He argues that college graduations will create jobs in America. More Graduates more jobs. Very similar to his approach on Healthcare Reforms will also produce JOBS.
He makes the claim as he seeks to create a Pathway of Citizenship to 22 million illiterate free ranging criminal aliens and free entry to our country. This is an undeniable conflict in Philosophy. The Pathway to Citizenship will also create 22 million jobs that he quietly fails to mention. Once these jobs already embedded in American life become taxable. You know the 22 million jobs most Americans have no access to hire.
Politicians are pondering the change of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution that grants citizenship to all born in America.
The perception is birthrights are not applicable to illegal aliens who cannot vote. To deny their children citizenship guarantees they will never vote. None of these politicians will lift a finger to control our borders as subservient illegals are deemed much to valuable to Oligarchy America. Bushism Covert Doctrines to ignore the immigration law of the land for economic gains.
To deny their children citizenship is violation of the 13th amendment which is emancipation proclamation. (slavery) All pure greed and another pathway to Civil War.

Most of this debate I vehemently disagree. If everyone in the US were to produce a Harvard Diploma, it would not create a single job. There is only so much room at the Oligarchy Top and Collage Degrees is the current economic bar that separates the have's from the have not's. To often a degree is a purchased gate post that recognizes passage and not achievements. (see GW Bush).
University Graduation rates are the product of a strong middle class economy. As graduation rates have declined the number of Universities have increased. Many of these new Matchbook Universities offer degrees of a highly questionable curriculum. Many Matchbook Universities operate for financial gains only and produce graduates of unknown abilities. To produce a better graduate, better standard of curriculum are necessary. Or the number of graduates is as pointless as the money spent on useless certification.

People who have food on the table working one job per household 40 hours a week will nurture their children, pay taxes and send their children to college. This is not fabrication it's fact. They will do so with income they earned and paid taxes.
Providing Government Grants and Tuition circumvents the nurturing and moral upbringing the Middle Class provides as a necessary by product. President Obama stated the US Collegiate Graduation Rating worldwide has fallen to 12 th place. Falling from first place in a single generation.
Having not attended a University I had some trouble fully understanding his facts.
After some quick research I found America has fallen to 22nd position from 1970 highest in the world. I believe the manufacturing jobs we foolishly sent overseas was the estuary for future college graduates that put men on the moon.
The American Middle Class is the breeding ground for a Great America The middle class was a lifestyle culture that not only produced wealth for college, but secondary to the Family Values and Moral Fibres it instilled in it's youth.
We've all witnessed the modest garages of middle class homes that produced computers and software Guru's of the Boomer Generation. Boomers were the last generation of Number Ones In America.
Foreign Oil can be traced to Americas fall from grace. The fact we as nation did nothing to stop the free fall is unconscionable. The tumble can be traced to the Pharaohs of Greed Street that demands the most reward with the least investment. The path of least resistance seldom produces long term gains.
Once they exhausted every dime from the middle class they looked overseas to feed the greed. The overseas ventures were illegal in the US as they ignored human rights and environmental standards uncontrolled. Americans cannot compete in world markets if markets are unfair. Chinese workers don't pay for Congressional Pork.

When we mortgaged the middle class and sent our manufacturing base overseas .We supported genocide on the estuary that supported everything that made America Great. All the natural resources of the 1970's are still here in America and the factories that utilized them to manufacture. The only missing commodity is the priority of how to best use our wealth.
As the Middle class was sacrificed By the Pharaohs of Wall Street, graduation rates coincidentally fell from number 1 in 1970 to 22nd in today's worldwide rating. The President recognizes the fall, but does not address why it fell. Nor does he recognize the college graduates education began in a middle class home. After school care of children's parent working 70 hours a week will not produce quality citizens. As Parents work torn people from nurturing their children public schools grades plummeted. The teacher's produced from this system causes exponential deterioration further. The American taxpayer subsidises foreign students nurtured in proper home environment that they cannot give to their American children.
To return to number one is to establish strong family values in America. You must however, first Value Families, Mr President. This is your job. You cant throw a bone in the air and declare the winner is the one with the bone.
Remember Colleges at one time taught the Earth was Flat. The Flat Earth education no doubt produced thousands who believed same. College in itself is not a wealth of information as much as it exercises your brains grey matter to think and be rational. One can learn this behavior as Abraham Lincoln did a two hundred years ago.
We need too rebuild the Middle Class and Estuary of good paying jobs as our highest national priority. The Influx of illegal aliens diminishes a Strong Middle Class as it enriches the Pharaohs of Greed Street. 1 % Robber Barons.
The President is a great man similar to many of our Presidents. (not all) I enjoy his speeches. You must remember that in addition to his many assets his liability is, he is first a politician. I admit I'm guilty of changing the channel for eight years of the Bush administration.
President Obama challenges, Education will lead America out of the second Great Depression. I doubt this logic. Our civilization is falling apart. After the fall of Rome the world slipped in to The Dark Ages when invention and culture was dormant.
We are beginning to see a return of Diseases. Tuberculosis, Polio, Small Pox and Bed Bugs. This is not bad luck.
This the tilting point as we spiral downwards to the Dark Ages from the Atomic age.
The world has fallen victim to the Gilded Age suppressed in America a hundred years ago. The Robber Baron's have returned to rape the worlds economy in G-8 or G-20 meeting sponsored by America.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States and the First President of all People

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time.

Abraham Lincoln

Immaculate Deception

The first American Revolution began because the colonist perceived the English Crown was not needed or central to American life. When people are separated from dominance for long periods of time and extended distances they will invariably become independent. People left to their own resources also breeds independence. And finally, people will also revolt for unfair oppression and severe domination.

The first rule of any authority is never aggravate more than 50% of the people at one time. You can aggravate all, just not all at once. To do so, expect a revolt or mutiny or both. This 50% number has been toyed with for the last decade in American life.

Certainly in early American settlements the English Crown was their life line of support for every commodity. As America's dependence on English goods were substituted for American products available across the street not across the ocean the perceived independence grew.

King George's power was much stronger to the subjects of the English Isles due to geographical barriers. You could run, but you had to swim as well to be independent of King George's rule.

The colonist were kinda on your honor long distance subjects of King Georges authority. Democracy and Supply and Demand are a natural occurrence in the absence of Laws of Monarchy or Bureaucratic Rule.

Once the dependency on commodities were severed, Declaration of Independence was eminent.
The wilderness of the American continent tempered the gene pool with only the strong will survive and further produces only people of strong will. Early settlers were a tough and rugged bunch of English undesirable banished to the new world.

Without English Rule what would become our substitute for English Monarchy? We had Democracy and we practiced the laws of Supply and Demand by default. The Declaration of Independence followed by the US Constitution was our first adaptations to a government By The People For The People.

The misspelled words in these documents are apparently not the only proof of a more perfect union constantly debated. When making laws for all it's people, it's difficult to remain unbiased and not tilt the written word subtlety in your favor. The debate continues on to this day as we strive for a unbiased more perfect union.

Back in the day the arguments were no doubt centered on wealth potential and today we are further tempted by America's vast wealth. Greed is a constant threat to Democracy not present in other forms of government.

Once committed to parchment loopholes will appear. Our presumably unbiased founders built a flexible document that can be changed as needed.

Supply and Demand economics is for short term purposes only and fails miserably in long term applications. Conservation is a necessary component of Supply and Demand economics.
When I personally determine if values are fare I will always revert to the Basics of Democracy, Supply and Demand to answer any questions. Place yourself in the boots of Thomas Jefferson and answer the difficult questions of the day.

It didn't take long to figure out that in addition to Supply and Demand, Free Markets were required for fare values. Supplies or Demands can be artificially stimulated and produce false values.

Gold, Coffee, Silver, Orange Juice , Houses, Stocks and Oil have been falsely stimulated for personal gains. Without regulations Free Market don't function and people will not patronize if perceived unfair.

Thus we get The First Great Depression when market confidence is lost, even though rightfully so.

Many Americans feel separated and alienated from their "Government By The Government". This contrasts "By The People For The People" as taught and many died to protect. Not a good situation at all and extremely volatile to civil unrest. A system of "By The Government For The Government" violates our obligations to our ancestry as it deprives freedom to our descendants. What could be more important to the American Legacy? Who will play the fiddle as Rome burns?

The Patriot Act is legislation "By The Government For The Government" that does not require intense skills to evaluate whether it's acceptable to the US Constitution. Liberty is sacrificed to cover an inferior border and immigration policies.

Any moron can read both documents and determine the Patriot Act violates the 4 th Amendment and yet it endures as our Supreme Court drags their feet.

People don't buy homes if they believe ownership is impossible because of extreme taxes or unfair mortgages that underwrites the Bankers interest only. After all they're loaning you money from the Federal Credit Union known as the GDP.
TARP bailout money is "By The Government For The Government".

The Homestead Act signed in 1862 by Abe Lincoln gave anyone willing to improve 160 acres of land free title to government lands, later updated to 320 acres in 1909 and again 640 acres in 1916.
Now, a mere one hundred years later the same government attempts to tax away the now Improved Land with a poorly run obese gluttonous federal bureaucracy "By The Government For The Government".

When Banks fail they are not penalized and follow different standards than the US citizen as the taxpayer sits and watches the wheels of Oligarchy turn the greed of Wall Street Bankers "By The Government For The Government".

Home prices are now artificially stimulated "By The Government for The Government"through $8000.00 dollar free Houdini Dollars and TARP subsidy to Banks that encourage Banks to hoard homes for better future prices. This is not only an unfair market to enter it discourages the much needed eminent free market correction necessary to stabilize markets.

The housing market was falsely stimulated upwards by a lax SEC / US Treasury and the abolished 1934 Glass Steagall Act signed by President Clinton in 1999. Ditto for cars.

Wages on the other hand have been depressed "By The Government For The Government". Uncontrolled borders and perceived humanitarian needs of Non-American criminal free ranging aliens has precedents in "By The Government For The Government" that allows a lower standard of living and robs American Middle Class, as it rewards Pharaoh's of Wall Street with obscene wealth and bonus booty.

Seized money from Oligarchy supported employer payrolls separate the citizen from his rights to choose as it requires him to purchase mandatory insurances and retirement. This system blurs the line that separates government from everyday commerce which is the backbone of Democracy. You forfeit your Democracy for Oligarchy on your employers doorstep.
Every crumb you accept from the Oligarchy Government removes you farther from freedom.

Once Government Employers seizes money from the citizens to purchase goods in his behalf, seized money is skimmed in uncontrolled political burdens and then forwarded to the appointed government receiver.
The receiver then becomes immediately obligated to the "By The Government For The Government" system. It also removes the Citizens powers over his Government as taxes are seized without expressed consent.

Elections become a necessary Constitutional obstacle in the Oligarchy Illusion of a Democracy. The Oligarchy Government insures regardless of your vote the Corporation will win despite the candidate elected.

Even though I was born at night I was not born last night as my government believes.
The Healthcare Reform and Financial Reforms, Patriot Act and proposed Pathway to Citizenship signed or proposed into laws are "Immaculate Deceptions" as they promote a handful of noble reforms that benefit the people while the liabilities reward two thousand pages of legislation in favor of an even bigger Oligarchy "By The Government For The Government" system.

What would be Thomas Jefferson reply to mandatory Auto Insurance that tosses citizens in jail with fines for not paying insurance extortion. Nobody quibbles those deemed liable in Courts must make restitution's to victims. This has always been the accepted law. This has nothing in common with your Operators License or Vehicle registrations. It is pure extorsion.
Mandatory Insurance causes collusion's price fixing and waste uncontrolled by Supply, Demands and Free Market Capitalism . If it were not mandatory it would be half the costs.

This leadership did not stand in 1776 and it will be met with the same disdain in 2012.