In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Super Bowl

I'm a former fan and make it a point not watch any NFL games. My decision is based on the players conduct on and off the field. However, I'm getting a lot of media coverage of the bad call at the recent Patriots vs Saints game. Law suits have been filed to replay the game from the point of the call. I have a better idea. Let's finish the playoffs and have the Super Bowl. When the game is over allow the Saints to play the winner. I'm sure they will lose. If not. give them the rings and trophy...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Have Smoking Gun Will Travel

   At the center of the fake news in the Russian Election Meddling Investigation is Fusion GPS. We are being told that Fusion was originally hired to investigate Donald Trump and hired by the Republican Party and their supporters. In time the Republicans dropped these efforts and the residuals were bought by Hilary Clinton and the Democratic Party Supporters. It appears the history of Fusion is they function in gathering dirt on important people in politics. The opposite you might say as a Public Relations Firm might gather positive information to make something appear better than all of the information compiled would reveal. Fusion GPS deals in Mercenary Journalism or hired guns in the smelly under belly of dirty politics.  Fusion has numerous  schmear campaigns to their credit.So the way I understand these events is, Hillary Clinton Supporters hire and fund Fusion. Fusion then hires foreign national Christopher Steele who produces the Now Famous Steele Dossier. The Steele Dossier will take it's rightful place in history next to Fast and Furious, Hilary Clinton's vanishing E-mails, Too Big To Fail Bank Bailouts/ Automobile Giveaway, Weapons of Mass Destruction , War In Iraq, Bubba Clinton's Tales from the White House, Read My Lips cuze I'm Lying Out My Ass., Iran-Contra, Nixon Pardon and Watergate and The Warren Report. I'm Sure there's more and more we don't know about and never will.  The strangest aspect of the dossier is nobody outside the FBI and the F.IS.A. Courts knows what's it contains.  The F.I.S.A. Court is where the F.B.I. goes to get  warrants to investigate people like Carter Page. Page is another innocent guy tied to the Trump Campaign and has been wire tapped before. Presumably, some of the Dossier is false but the only certain  people in the FBI  know what is true. Therefore we all wait for the Mueller Report to be released , but like everything it will be redacted from the taxpayers view. We can't handle the truth for National Security. Redacted to protect WHO? Did James Comey and Andrew McCabe  overreach so far that other kindred spirits in the FBI protect themselves in a C.Y.A. operation. New guy Bill Barr or new old guy seems to be the right choice at the right time. Fusion is at the Center because on one side is the F.B.I. and F.IS.A. Courts.  Fusion and Christopher Steele in the middle and the Democratic Party on the other side with all those who are protected and WHY? So why no mention of Trump, because, Trump is the Schmear. The object of why all these folks have behaved so badly. What scares me the most is Fusion in the middle who have their fingerprints all over this investigation and many others. When or IF we ever roll that rock over at Fusion will we see how many swim nude in the political pools.

Friday, January 18, 2019

She's The Little Old Lady from California..Go Granny

Well children gather round cuze we got a story to tell about; Fancy Nancy and the Two Chucks. Any similarities to Peanuts or Lucy Van Pelt or Charlie Brown or Shermy Van Pelt is understandable but still a coincidence. The similarities between Adam Schiff and Charlie Brown are hard to ignore. It appears the Mid Term Election have spawned the properties of what could be a British Institution Comedy on BBC. The Clash of the Titans, Donald Trump and Fancy Nancy surfaced this week when Fancy Nancy drew a line in the turf when she pulled the plug on the State of The Union Speech. The State which is strong, always is strong and always will be. Still a great chance for the new bureaucrats to hob nob in their new suits on Live TV. Never televised on Saturday because of the other show on NBC just after the news. Just as Funny sometimes. Nancy draws first blood by not scheduling the State Speech which is always in the House Chambers. Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks  meanwhile planned their secret getaway to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan courtesy of the US Taxpayer. Presumably a photo op for 2020 elections and to rub elbows around government employees who got a paycheck this week. Wait a minute said Donald Trump that's my plane and you aint got no ticket to ride. Leaving Nancy and the two Chucks homeless on the tarmac in a smelly Air Force Bus. Well  Fancy Nancy said I never! The Nanny Nanny BOO BOO comes full circle. Trump wrote Nancy a nice letter saying she should stay at home and Clean The House. Nancy comes back with you put our lives in jeopardy with your announcements which is public security breech. It appears  Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks covet their security, they just don't care about yours. When they got their bags back, realized the trip overseas is caw put they begin to plant or plot the ground work for Impeachment of The President of the United States. The Constitution provides that if the House of Representative reaches a majority vote of impeachment the President is in fact Impeached. It does not mean the President is Guilty of same. The Constitution provides a trial is then held in The Senate Chamber. If the Senate votes guilty by a two thirds majority then the President is Sentenced  and could be removed from Office. OK so W.T.F. did he do. Well the Goat Skin is not clear here. Clear about Treason and Bribery, but also High Crimes and Misdemeanors are included. High Crimes and Misdemeanors is defined as what ever Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks determine as unacceptable. Could be Parking Tickets or Crossing the Border Illegally. So the Impeachment of Slick Willy was never validated because the Republicans dropped the spectacle knowing they didn't have the 2/3 votes  in the Senate. This was always unclear to me because I have always maintained Slick Willy was never impeached. I was wrong and usually am and that's the reason I'm a good fit in journalism. The Bottom Line here is the President may be impeached and remain not guilty. So Curb Your Enthusiasm about a new President because it probably will not happen unless there's a big surprise in the much awaited Mueller Investigation. If we find the President is Guilty he should go. If not the F.B.I. and the F.I.S.A. Courts need to have their wings clipped for interfering with elections. I expect heads to roll, but like the Bankers of past, nothing ever happens and the Swamp just gets deeper....

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Patronizing Patriots

Those who voted the Democrats into power must be wondering, where is the Democratic Plan to end the prolific illegal immigration at the Southern Border. We know they believe a wall is immoral yet they seem to ignore the 11 million illegals living in our midst. Also Immoral! Charges claim the illegals enter our country by visa and never leave is mostly true. It does not mean that some are walking in unimpeded across an imaginary line on a map. Rhetoric of better means are never put in writing, leaving Americans to imagine what the Democrats are proposing. They propose instead to pander the people with only negative comments and NO Leadership. President Trump has not declared he will not agree to other options, only that the WALL is one of many options. Nancy and Chuck are playing their own base as fools. Sitting on their hands and complaining instead of the Leadership they're being paid in all our tax dollars....

Monday, January 14, 2019

Like Dandelions in Spring

The Democrats are searching for their Presidential Candidate to sacrifice in the 2020 election. Everyday we see a new candidate offer his resume for scrutiny. Like Dandelions in Spring the list grows. And so it goes, the more manure you spread, the more lions you get or Demolions. Unlike the Republican counterparts the Demolions rely on the last minute messiah to emerge. The early candidates never have a chance, unless you're Clinton. The Democrats wait for divine intervention to produce their deliverer. Democrats seem to always go to the Dark Horse or Long Shot as a substitute for proven abilities. Don't look for white smoke from the D.N.C. until Spring 2020 when the aroma of manure  is strongest in our Capital. Don't look for a platform of substance either. The Demolions will run on imaginary changes of Utopian society and slanderous attacks on President Trump. Focused on the maybe, probably and wildly reported governments rumors and scuttlebutt. Fairy tales conjured from the Brothers Grimm for the electorate to vote. Trump on the other hand will run entirely on his record. The Economy Stupid, Jobs Jobs Jobs and Border Walls. People will not vote on decades old trash talk or yarn conspiring with foreign governments to swing voters. Regardless of the FBI probes or money wasted on unproven investigations the people will vote on the kitchen table issues. The spectacle of the House of Representatives endless investigations to impeach are to swing the maybe voters. They have nothing but gossip and rumors of ifs and butts were candy nuts. The volley of challenges exchanged between Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff will distract voters from the reality of stock markets and unemployment numbers. The only hope of Democrats have to win in 2020 is if they actually do something, anything of substance. They will not. Much to risky and requires work There's plenty to do and America is starved for a new focus. Politics is never good government and good government is not politics....

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Schumer's Losers

Little known  facts regarding the government shutdown. NONE of the government workers furloughed as non essential workers are Illegal Criminal Aliens. None of the Employees of the United States of America are Illegal Criminal Aliens. None of the 537 members of Congress are Illegal Criminal Aliens. NONE of the 11 million Criminal Illegal Aliens are Employed by any State, Local or Municipal Government. All of the 11 million Criminal Illegal Aliens are employed in the so called private sector, long abandoned thirty years ago by LEGAL American Workers. Most of the GOOD JOBS of the past were downsized and exported to other counties. The High Paying JOBS remaining were ravaged by unlawful employers who hire Criminal Illegal Aliens. So if you can't hear the outrage coming from the private sector workers it is because they're all Criminal ILLEGAL ALIENS. So nobody cared when our private sector jobs were decimated, I choose to be silent over the those who lost their paychecks this week. I don't care. When all of the private sector jobs are restored to OUR ECONOMY then I will demand parity to those who sponge from tax dollars. There are 11 million reasons why we need a Wall. There are 11 Million Reasons why we need Drones. There are 11 million reasons why we need more Border Agent. There are 11 million Reasons why Schumer and Pelosi Rhetoric does not work. There are 11 million reasons why amnesty and empty legislation does NOT WORK. YES we have a national emergency!!! It was 30 years ago WHEN I LOST MY JOB!!!!!!