In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Modern Banking Philosphy

If you want to rob a bank? Go to Congress or go to Harvard or go to prison.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flotsam Jetsam

If Congress passes Gay Marriage, can God still veto the law? I am betting it will cause divorce to skyrocket...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

National Discussion

Today is the first day of Summer, the longest full day of the year and marks the Summer Solstice.  This is only significant  if your a Pagan follower of Stonehenge or Mayan. Also noteworthy is my Mother's birthday, so Happy Birthday Mom you completed another trip around the giant Sun orb.
I reported 3 weeks ago not much interesting to write about in the political arena. Not that things have gotten better. Nothing has changed or improved on important issues facing America.
The downward spiral of the American lexicon has slowed a bit under Obama. Obama still insists to lead us further down the wrong path. To say Obama is better than Bush is not an endorsement from Mitoosense. I fear Romney will follow the same identical path of Bush and Obama.
 Remembering, Obama allowed the Bush Tax Cuts to continue when he took office and then signed extension of the  Bush Patriot Act. Obama validated Bush TARP and 2big2fail with Dodd-Frank legislation that regulates the citizen and ignores the Oligarchy destroying our American way of life.
The Bush Covert Immigration Doctrine that allowed illegal criminal aliens to free range on American jobs and entitlements continues under Obama. Bush who described these invaders as "people who do jobs most Americans don't want"  ignores the reality we seem to have done fine for 300 years without Bushes always incorrect assessment.
Obama is quietly waiting for the election before pushing for illegals to receive amnesty and receive citizenship over enforcing the law of the land. Obama and Holder brought suits against states who passed legislation to control the foreign infestation in their state.
Obama spent more Bush TARP bailout money and continued the Bush bailouts of the private sector Airlines, Banksters and Auto Czars.
 Nothing has been done to bring accountability to government corruption systemic at the Treasury Department or The Justice Department. We have witnessed scandal after scandal in the MMN, FAA, TSA, FDA. USDA, and SEC. Obama like his predecessor is very good at describing what happened and why it happened in true Monday Morning Quarterback fashion. Nothing is done beyond admission of the SNAFU in government.
Obama saw the Obama Care landmark health care act pass. The un-constitutional legislation that regulates the citizen and reduces Americans to Indentured Servants of the Oligarchy gripping America.
Obama's record only shines in foreign policies on both Bush Wars and killing Osama Bin Laden. Otherwise Obama is a Bush clone leaving voters holding his bag full of  "Hope and Change"
More unsettling of the issues being ignored are the topics they actually are  debating. Hot item today are Attorney General Eric Holder who is entangled in the gun walking covert Justice Department program titled Fast and Furious. Just the name is ridiculous. If we had border control and enforced our immigration laws on the books there would be no need for catching drug lords of third world countries. The entire spectacle is fallout from the bigger issue of Border Control. We are focused upon treating the illness and ignoring the source of our disease. Obama who was a critic of the Bush Administrations abuse of "Executive Privilege" today joins Bush hiding beneath the Presidential Seal of "We the People"
Attorney General Eric Holder has been inept at prosecution of Guantanamo Detainees. Unable to finalize the proper venue and locations.
We debate the merits of other peoples business in whom may marry whom and women's reproductive rights, as if Congress were pregnant and about to be married. I think they just enjoy bringing their ignorance to the masses. It also makes a great distraction to the citizens who are not working regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation. Jobs Jobs Jobs is a nut that can only be cracked by destroying the Oligopoly system. To "ALLOW" jobs to flourish (not create) you must sacrifice the government regulation of the citizens and dismantle Wall Street 2big2fail TARP babies that make the market dance with puppeteer Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. Main Street is sacrificed as the Obama administration continues to fail to create good jobs within the covert Oligopoly perimeter established in Congress.
The same issues written in March of 2009 have not been corrected. There has been no change and we are in worse shape because we traveled farther down the wrong path.
We need change and Hope will take care of itself. Mitoosense will likely support libertarian Gary Johnson for president. For sure he can't make things worse!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Today's Thought

The New York Stock Exchange and Broadcast Television are similar. Neither has much to offer yet almost everyone watches and sends them money hoping something good will happen.....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Down and Dirty

Much of our focus recently at Mitoosense has been on this years vegetable garden. We got an early start April 4, 2012. The results of a mild Winter and early Spring.  The size of the garden increased from   17 'x 30' last year to 20' x 150' with another 20' x 50' still to be planted, should I survive. The benefit of our close neighbor and his John Deere 7410. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with John Deere products the 74 refers to 74 Clydesdale's equivalency. The 10 relates to the power of 10 illegal aliens. Truly a large machine capable of turning, plowing, disc and furrowing in a single 20' wide swath.
Planted this year are Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Crooked Neck Squash, Bell Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers and Butter Beans. With the increased size we also included Corn, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Red Potatoes, Sweet Peppers, Green Beans and Sun Flowers.
For those who have an interest in the location, we are located conveniently off exit 719  East Remote. Traveling about 35 miles just outside of Nowhere. Many people ask "do we get Mail out there". Of course we get Mail. I always check to see if its one of ours also.  Nowhere is not to be confused with Knowhere which is in Georgia.
Nowhere is a small town rich in heritage. Known for being represented on both sides of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. It is also famous for the only known monument erected to the television show Hee Haw. Look for the monument across the street from Junior Sample's Used Cars and Tractor Museum, located downtown. Nowhere is also a notable leader in plastic Yard Art uncommon in more Urban settings. Residence often go a little overboard on the plastic figures each year when they celebrate the Fire Ant Festival and Parade. We often get visits from celebrity Jack Hanna and National Geographic.
Nowhere was once a prosperous farm community that fell victim to the Industrial Revolution Exodus of residence fleeing to better jobs in the cities. Similar to the residence of Roanoke the descendants were thought to have vanished. Recent DNA evidence indicates these people are now Bar Tenders and Lawn Care Professional, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China.
If you wish to visit Nowhere we suggest you stop at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant at Exit 719 East and hire a guide and interpreter. If your interested in culture  the McDonald's is located in nearby Oblivion.
Getting back to the garden, the early planting has afforded an earlier harvest projection this year. However, it has also posed many new unseen problems from last years drought ridden crops. The threat of frost is always a danger. More common are heavy rains, high winds and flooding from TS Beryl. The  warm weather and wet Spring has produced a plethora of weeds. In addition we suffered several equipment failures this year due to inclement weather. The handle of the hoe broke and has been repaired twice. It was a cheap, dirty hoe that I should have avoided.  My hoe and rake are referenced as (cultivator) C-1 and C-2 the shovel is marked as D-1 to keep things in proper order.
 Weeds are defined as plants that thrive in any climate wet or dry and neither animals or insects will eat. Safe to say their only enemy is me and I am vastly out numbered. Weeds cannot be killed. I have found the best way to propagate weeds is to dig them up with a hoe, bending down and ripping the roots out with your fingers, then casting off to a sun baked dry barren earth and stomping about with your boots. Followed by a good beating with a wood club or iron instrument. This will always produce two healthy weeds. The donor weed grows back and the new weed grows in a new location. Chopping the weeds will only produce more and smaller weeds exponentially.
The mild Winter has also been enjoyed by the insects. We have a great crop of bugs this year to inherit my hard labor. New bug this year are the Potato Beetle and Bean Bugs. We did not have beans or potatoes last year so they were simply not invited. If you plant it they will come. As I work in the garden the occasional car passes by looking and wondering what I might be doing in the hot sun. I can only say, I share the same thoughts. I am truly, finally considered outstanding in my field.
So if you suffer from a inflated ego and Golf isn't working for you. If your thinking of a visit with the Dali Lama and becoming a reclusive Monk. Try gardening. It may be all you need to adjust your attitude.
Next week we will analyze fishing...