In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

I Got Questions?

House resolutions pass and go on to the Senate. The Senate can make changes and send it back or pass as written. The Bill goes to the President and he may accept and sign or Veto. If the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch agree it becomes law. The Supreme Court may rule if challenges are brought forth. At no time did this work belong to any one person or Branch of Government. The U.S. Constitution is clear on the process. At all times this work is property of the United States Taxpayer. Recently we have had people in government take possession of the work and store the information on their personal computers. The FBI was using Government Devices computer/ cell phones to use for personal use. This is against the laws. Even though we rely heavily on the Constitution to guide our processes it cannot speak to activities not carried out. Such is the case with House Resolutions Articles of Impeachment. There was and still is a expectation that the peoples property will follow the process in a timely manner. We have words like Necessary and Proper and Implied Powers that fill in the blanks of what you must do and the sketchy world of what is implied and expected. This is the area that the US House of Representatives has place the Taxpayers Property in jeopardy. The Article do not belong to Nancy and Chuck Or Jerry and Schiff. Therefore what they have seized from the people is not an Impeachment as they have described. They instead have seized house resolutions and Impeachment cannot occur until properly transmitted to the Senate. Then and only then will Donald J Trump be Impeached. The matter of seizing the taxpayers property will be a matter for the Supreme Courts. We all know what were doing and We the People also know what were not doing and know the difference. So Nancy you got ants in spanxs if you think you can pull this off. Better drop your beads and broom or your gonna get sued in Federal Courts .Worse is the November Remember of the Voters who are always in Power... Happy Trails Bitches... Tom

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Democrats Martyr President Trump

50% percent of the citizens believe President Trump should have been Impeached... 100% of the people want to know his crime.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Party Poopers

In light of the recent vote on articles of impeachment of President Donald J Trump, I propose, Jerome Nadler and Adam Schiff be required to do all of the dishes at the next State of the Union. All House Democrats be banned from attending The Next Trump Inauguration 2021. Nancy Pelosi surrender her gavel and broom as the first order of business of the 117th Congress. The second order is to pass legislation requiring two thirds vote to Impeach the President as opposed to 51 percent currently.. All those who voted for Impeachment be required to stand in the Corner of The Oval Office until they learn what the President of The United States does to fulfill his Oath Of Office. To those who watched both the Inquiry to Impeach and vote to Impeach saw first hand what real evidence is, when Chairman Lindsey Graham questioned I.G. Michael Horrowitz over his report released December 9 2019. We all witnessed how government works when not a choreographed recital in a Bunker in the Basement. Michael Horrowitz was equally at ease answering questions from both Democrats and Republicans. In true contrast some of those asking questions seemed nervous. The Inspector General did not waver when he answered and remained consistent throughout the day. When every Democrat asked their lead questions they focused on the conclusion that No  Evidence of Political Bias was found to initiate Crossfire Hurricane or  the first Full Inspection Warrants issued from the F.I.S.A. Courts. This information is in the first pages of the report. It does not represent the whole report. The I.G. answered the question so many times he began to add clarification that this declaration gets murky for all of the extensions requested of the F.I.S.A Court. The Democrats clearly were attempting to twist the viewers who did not read the full report into believing it was the standard for the entire report. It was not. I read the report 4 times and can attest that because of the I.G. tenacity for only evidence, truth and facts he refused to connect the obvious dots. I.G. Horrowitz only answer was the reasons the behaviors of the FBI were wrong, could not be explained and motivation was unclear.. Senator Mike Lee may have had the only real answer is; That because there is no evidence none explains that  BIAS DID EXIST AT THE FBI and the zero proof is the proof of cover up...Also missing from the Senate Judiciary Hearing was hostile nature of the Chairman and the decorum of both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate. My faith in Government was restored from the spectacle of incompetency witnessed at the US House of Representatives.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Never Piss On My Shoes and Tell Me It's Raining

OK, I said I will not get involved in the lunatics at the House Of Representative. I heard the testimony questions and answers and mindless drivel of Chairman Schiff. I concluded that this Dog and Pony Show can only end one way and President Trump will be impeached at the House of Representatives. Not proving guilt or innocents but from bias political will. All that remains is the vote and I suspect the Democrats will vote party and prevail. So Nancy Pelosi can stop riding her broom over the Capitol Building skywriting Surrender Donald. Adam Schiff can return to his comic character Charlie Brown and Gerry Nadler can return to his day job as head teller at Gringolls Bank on Diagon Ally. At the same time the much awaited I.G. Report from the Department of Justice was released as promised Monday the 9th 2019. It appears to trample on the US Constitution and violate the rights of a US Citizen is not at all as I thought. It's really a series of steps involving the FBI , National Security Office and F.I.S.A Courts created in 1978. In this case it begins with the creation of a team at the FBI to investigate reports from a F.F.G. or Friendly Foreign Government. The team is given a name of Crossfire Hurricane in true gum shoe traditions. The next step is the surveillance of citizens thought to be involved. This requires a Preliminary Investigation Warrant or a Full Investigation Warrants from the F.I.S.A. Courts. These warrants require little more than I wanna see whats going on here from the FBI. With the promise of  possible violation of National Security or Federal Laws Broken. No doubt the information from the F.F.G. was part of the review process but not required. We don't know who the Friendly Foreign Government is or what exactly they reported. The time is August 14, 2016 Important to note the Steele Dossier was not received at the FBI until September, 19 2016 Also important is the original warrants do not allow wire tapping or electronic surveillance. For wiretapping the bar is much higher and requires some level of proof.  According the the I.G. Report both the creation of team Crossfire Hurricane and the original Warrants both occurred before the Steel Dossier was available. This seems to down play the importance of the Steele information. Very true considering the extremely low threshold of information required to obtain the first warrants. Early on the FBI found that the Steele Dossier was the work of  a  Primary Sub Source and Christopher Steele was only a middle man. Subsequently they found the Steele Dossier was political in nature and unreliable information. It was Submitted to the F.IS.A. Courts for the First renewal and of Highly Intrusive Nature. The Steele Dossier was submitted without clarity to the Court. This is Lying. The renewals then used wire tapping and electronic surveillance. So if you heard the Steele Dossier played no part in the original investigation and warrants you are correct. If you heard the Steele Dossier was not used to obtain wiretapping and electronic surveillance then you are very wrong. The I.G. Report goes on to list 17 wrongs 17 omissions 17 errors 17 I don't care and 17 mistakes at the FBI. Like the Mueller Report long on content short on conclusions. The truth is unimportant. The truth is James Comey ran his bureau like it was a Railroad. His Own Personal Lionel Train Set. Comey was a poor Director and the first person to tell you was Donald J Trump. Happy Trails Tom....

Articles of Impeachment

House Democrats fulfilled their Halloween Wish to impeach the President. The American people have not witnessed anything this insignificant since Y2K, Who Shot JR and the Mayan Calendar End of Days. Only time will tell. November 2020 less than a year away........................... Also noteworthy is Joe Biden's performance at a Iowa Town Hall where he attacked a local farmer. The Farmer asked Biden a question regarding his son Hunter Biden involvement with Ukraine Oil Producer Burrisma. Joe Biden answered by saying your a God Damn Liar. Biden never answered the Farmer's question and immediately seized the position of the victim. Charging the Farmer had accused him of an abuse of power. Very Much like Nixon making claims I'm No Crook!!! A little touchy for a man who moments earlier claimed the reason I'm running for office is because I know a lot more than most people.  Biden then approached the Farmer flanked by secret service goons and berates the Farmer with feats of strength and mental aptitudes testing. Talk about a abuse of power!!. Old Joe talks cheap when flanked by gun laden secret service men. Four days Later the Biden who knew so much more than the rest of us blames his own staff for not alerting him that his sons affiliation with Burrisma was a conflict of interest. Same question 2 different answers in a 4 day period. By the way Joe my money is on the Farmer in a fair fight. Happy Trails Tom

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tax Credits

Democrats with full  Media Support are proposing Tax Credits Legislation to anyone associated with Kangaroo Proceeding of the Mueller Probe or Impeachment Inquiry of Donald J Trump. Taking pages right out of the Bankers Play Book from Too Big To Fail that crime does in fact pay!!! Even the viewers who wasted hours of their time would qualify a small tribute.. The Republicans oppose saying the Democrats should reimburse the Treasury for Court Costs and the broadcast time billed directly to the D.N.C. Those who testified  already receive 200 thousand a year salary plus perks and should not expect extra pay for working. The taxpayers who wasted their time should just suck up.. Comments from Republicans why Democrats all part their hair in the same manner should be ignored

Mattress Gate

With the Kangaroo Rodeo in Washington winding down new challenges face the Trump White House. Deemed Mattress Gate the Democrats are hot on the trail of who removed the Do Not Remove tags from the White House Bedding. This is what we know so far. When the Obama's moved out and the Trumps moved into the White House new bedding pillows etc were delivered. We know all of the bedding had the mandatory Federal Tags attached. Upon recent inspection from the White House Staff they noted that all the Tags are missing. A whistleblower contacted the appropriate people at the CIA to confirm these  new allegation. The Whisleblower's identity will naturally remain confidential. The Democrats in the US House of Representatives have pledged they will launch a new Impeachment Inquiry for President Trump. Proof reportedly is, the President had access to scissors and unimpeded access to the bedding. Representative D. Adam Schiff, Beverly Hills California ( yes folks from Hollywood get a representative too} has stated he has seen the evidence that ties President to the scissors and the bedding launching a third Kangaroo Rodeo in Washington DC. Adam is expected to ask the tough question of; what is your favorite color? how long is a string? and what the meaning of Is Is? First witness is reportedly to be Tom Clancy.. Rumors circulating among the Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is also unproven at this time... Also questions from Republicans on why the Democrats all part their hair the same manner should be completely ignored...Happy Trails Tom

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Friendly Reminder

Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer have forgotten that 6 months before President Trump delayed 400 million dollars in aid to Ukraine for 55 days. The Democratic Trio Shutdown our own government for 35 days. There was no mention of trials or impeachment when the American People were ignored!!!!! Rumors circulating among Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is unproven thus far. Happy Trail Tom

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Catch 22

November 19, 2019...... Impeachment Inquiry. The knot was tied this morning as Rep Devin Nunes questioned Lt. Col Vindman about information he relayed to the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council. The words barely left Devin Nunes lips when Chairman Adam Schiff interrupted and advised Lt. Col Vindman not to answer the question to protect the identity of the Whisleblower. This is the first time Adam Schiff  stopped a witness demanding the question not be answered. In a real life Catch 22 you cannot answer the very question that will end the Inquiry. Rep Nunes next question was you stated in previous testimony you did not know who the whisleblower was. Is this still true? Vindman's lawyer enters and advises they will not answer any more questions without consent of the Chairman. Rumors circulating among Republicans that Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is unproven!!! This is glaring proof that Adam Schiff lied when he said he was unaware of the whisleblower's identity. Also obvious is if Lt. Col Vindman did not know who the whisleblower is, he does now. We are very close to revealing the blow job and blue dress of the Clinton Impeachment. Also noteworthy Lt Col Vindman's name has been blurred from the public. Why? Ms Williams name is still readable. Both Ms Williams and Lt.Col Vindman testified that the Transcript provided by President Trump is factually correct. George Kent, Bill Taylor and Marie Yovanovich testified that the Hunter Biden Association with Burisma was a conflict of interest. Devin Nunes advised Bank Records indicate the amount from Burisma to Biden to be in excess of 3 Million Dollars.  Millions certainly qualifies as bribery by any definitions. So there you have it Kent, Taylor, Yavanovich ,Williams and Vindman agree the previous leaders of Ukraine were corrupt and should be replaced. Vice President Joe Biden threatened Ukraine if you don't fire the Prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden your Foreign Aid Check will be delayed. The prosecutors now removed was a Win Win for the hard working people in foreign service. The Law of Unintended Consequences prevails as the Bidens walk with Millions in the Win Win outcome. Obviously President Trump does not agree with the second Biden Win and sees Joe Biden's threats to fight Ukraine corruption is in fact corruption to fight corruption. I believe Vice President Biden could have utilized US Diplomacy to eliminate the Corrupt Ukraine Prosecutor and the 3 Million in Bribery to his family is just stand alone Payola. The witnesses so far have not been asked or been empowered to validate the Biden's Bribery. Simply not in their job description. The National Media refuses to investigate these two  cases as separate.  I also agree with President Trump the money realized by the Bidens from Burisma should be returned. If Laws were broken proper trials required. Nobody is above the law especially the Vice President and his Family...... Happy Trails Tom

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Silent Majority

Every election is never won by the Democrats or Republican. The silent majority in the middle will decide who represents the country.  The people decide the culture of government in a democratic society. When government attempts to decide the culture of the people you have tyranny. The obvious protection is The US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.      Some people will split ticket vote, casting ballots for all party affiliations. Ardent hard line party people vote straight ticket partisan voting. These people for the most part are candidates or wanna be candidates and special interest private sector voters who wish for unfair legislation in their favor. Unfortunately this condition carries predominately into all government. There has been an undeniable attack ongoing against our President that began during his campaign for election. The issues occurring in 2016 are now being the centerpiece of a criminal investigation in progress  by Attorney General Bill Barr. Remembering back to November 2016 the polls reported by the media favored Hillary Clinton by wide margins. Reports were everywhere the Russians were meddling in our elections. President Obama was aware of Russian Activities and slapped the hands of Putin in a similar manner as his administration sat on their bureaucratic butts while the Russians shot down civilian aircraft and invaded Crimea. Crimea then was held by the Ukraine. No real explanation from the Obama in his last days of lame duck. Hillary was ahead in the polls and the administration was on the Down Lo.  There is strong evidence the FBI obtained illegal F.I.S.A. Warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. Very similar to Watergate. The difference being No Such F.I.S.A. Warrants were legal until 1978 . The crimes are virtually the same, the investigation are different with the 2016 focus are now on the FBI and F.IS.A. Courts. The 2016 FBI investigations resulted in the conviction of people in the Trump Campaign BUT, for crimes committed in 2006 . In the case of Carter Page they yielded nothing as Pages Civil Rights were needlessly trampled several times over many years. Conversely, many people at the FBI were fired for their part in Attacking the Trump Campaign. Even the Muller Report Found NO Evidence against Trump. In stark comparison to President Obama and President Trump is Ukraine and how it should be handled. Nobody can dispute the difficulty confronted by every President and even the worst President would be considered exceptional in comparison to the average guy. A tough job indeed.. We the People are being saturated with partisan facts from the Democratic Party under their control is the US House of Representatives. The lists of wrongs supported by these people are undeniable. Wrong Hillary would win the election. Wrong about the Mueller Reports. Further lies from the Democrats that evidence against the President was forthcoming and Representative from Beverly Hills California Adam Schiff had actually seen the incriminating evidence. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also from California responds to all charges like a shell shocked war victim who is not capable of controlling her party much less the Speaker Duties. This is a very long dissertation on information spread over many years. The reason is simple, the attack on President Trump is an attack on the US Constitution and the Executive Branch. The truth here is the objections coming from the Democrats  are Bribery, Obstruction, Collusion and Quid Pro Quo. What they describe as impeachable are actually the President carrying out his Oath of Office. The President has the rights to make treaties with foreign powers, The President has the right to investigate corruption. It's his job!! Also the charges in the Impeachment Inquiry are biased as the witnesses called. Not attacking Bill Taylor, George Kent or Yavonavitch. All of the witnesses are good Americans without prejudice towards the President. However they will only respond to the questions asked which paints an entirely different truth. The result of Chairman Schiff in complete control of both witness and questions acceptable to the Chairman. The outcome can only be  a Adam Schiff truth. Make no mistake about it OUR US Constitution is being tested as two branches of government go head to head. What is clear to me is the answer to the House Impeachment Inquiry will not be justified until all the facts are known. Not starting in the middle and jumping around cherry picking facts. Adam Schiff and Shell Shocked Pelosi are wrong again. Not because Trump is innocent, they are wrong because they refuse to start at the beginning. Before 2016 and how we got to where we are now.  Let's call it the WHOLE TRUTH...The Attorney Generals Ongoing Criminal Investigation must be completed before we can assess the actions of the President. These events are tied together as one.  Or as I began with ,The Government deciding the culture of the PEOPLE IS TYRANNY.... Stop it NOW Schiff!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Trails Tom

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Stress is defined as the resistance required to choke the daylights out of someone who desperately needs the adjustment. So goes the House Inquiry Impeachment of Donald Trump chaired by Adam Shifty Schiff. The Kangaroo Rodeo continues at great costs to the taxpayer. Two statements standout from the fiasco at the House were: First the statement made by Adam Schiff "he did not know the identity of the Whisleblower". Obvious lie that is condescending to even the most uniformed of people. The second also hard to believe exchange is when Ambassador Taylor revealed the revelation he received from a unnamed person that this individual overheard a phone conversation between President Trump, where Trump inquired about the pending Biden investigation forthcoming from Ukraine. The voluntary new information was after the the cell phone conversation was completed this individual declared the President was more concerned about the Biden investigation than US Aid released to Ukraine. Chair Adam Schiff eagerly questioned. Was the second hand information audible to or " could the eavesdropper hear the voice of the caller from his position? The Ambassador Taylor quickly answered "YES"  What the American public had just witnessed was the manufacture of so called truth between two people who were never party to the content of the Phone call. The comment was the analyses of the forth party removed from this new revelation. Pure opinion of the forth person and if we believe that the third person could hear both people: why would the question be necessary???  Back Stories circulating among Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is largely unconfirmed!! After two and a half hours of Democratic misrepresentations of partial fact and inappropriate conclusions the Republicans were finally allowed to question the George Kent and Ambassador Taylor. Devin Nunes let the dogs out. During the first two and a half hours both George Kent and Ambassador Taylor answered the democratic question comment and conclusion effortlessly. The comfort of both witnesses no doubt stems from the coaching received by Adam Schiff either directly or indirectly. Also the question were also vetted so that any questions that followed with undesirable results would not be asked so as not to confuse the American people about game day on TV. Conversely when Devin Nunes let the dogs out. Nunes first asked a plethora of questions confirming past statements taken from witnesses previously.  These question removed any possible back peddling of the testimony. Neither changed their stories and stayed in concert. Both witnesses slowed in answers, ask that questions be repeated and response time slowed while they chose their answer. Both Witnesses were uncomfortable with the uncoached questions. The first dog out was John Ratcliff Texas who spurned Adam Schiff about calling the Whisleblower. Then Stephen R Caster Republican Attorney began closing the dialog tighter and tighter to reveal real truth from each witness. A pattern was developing as Republicans passed the ball back and forth confusing the once confident witnesses. The hammer came down when Jim Jordan Ohio verbal attack of fast paced undeniable facts. The uncomfortable witnesses were forced to answer questions about the real corruptions that faced President Trump and the collusion that took place against the Trump campaign in 2016. Also noteworthy was the declaration that Hunter Bidens position at Burismo was a conflict of interest. Any inappropriate conflicts automatically gives the President a obligation to protect the people of The United States of America. I believe this is the smoking gun that will exonerate the President and eventually will place his opponents behind bars. Clearly, first hand information from witnesses under oath will be more valuable than rumors from third, forth and even sixth places removed. Representative Elise Stefanik also proved to be effective bringing out facts. I think the Republicans won the day hands down.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Kangaroo Rodeo

The Democrats celebrated Halloween 2019 with a partisan vote for impeachment inquiry of POTUS. Democrats should suspend the Kangaroo Rodeo immediately and Trump should plead guilty to save the taxpayer money. The finding will go to the Senate where the smart people live and the whole process will get thrown out. The Democrats will ride their Kangaroos out of town next election and The House will get a new Speaker... Happy Trails Tom

Friday, October 18, 2019

Lazeee Boy

Much of the focus in politics today is centered on the impeachment blather spewing from the Democrat Controlled House of Representatives. My fear is the Democrats will continue their siege in 2020. The constant drum beat of Impeachment is drowning out important  issues we Americans need. Immigration, Trade and Jobs have replaced the  national dialog of unemployment and poor economy of the Obama Administration . Americans are finally off the easy chair and back to work in numbers not seen in 50 years. Wages are on the rise and Wall Street and Main Street are in step together. If you support war overseas, uncontrolled immigration up your butt trade deals then Impeachment is for you. Dust off that Lazee Boy and settle in for years of maybe gonna get better hopeless change from the Democrats. The Democrats had eight years to solve the problems of Deuce Bush. Sadly, nobody went to jail and the laws passed will not prevent another melt down crash. Vote for Democrats next November pick out your Lazeee Boy and wait for your check in the mail and long lines everywhere. The Dems don't have a plan accept empty promises of tomorrow. So get to the store and buy that Obama Lazee Boy made in China. The Republicans need to stop defending the President, he will be fine. Instead Attack the Democrats for control of the House. Stop the Nonsense!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

More Blather

America seems to have placed the Mueller Report in it's rightful place in the ash heap of history. The attacks against the President have continued. The most recent attacks accuses the President of strong arming the President of Ukraine to complete their investigation into corruption in a Petro Company owned by Russian Oligarch and Hunter Biden AKA Burisma.  The investigation against Burisma was dropped when then Vice President of  the United States was video taped saying if they did not drop the investigation and fire the Ukraine Prosecutor the Vice President would use his power to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine. The investigation was dropped and Ukraine got the US Payola. Seldom does America get a smoking gun as obvious as Joe Biden's video tape. Old Joe was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. I am certain that when the investigation completes into the charges against the Biden's we will find a abuse of power by the Vice President and the Biden family profited from that abuse. We have no such evidence against President Trump and the phone call in question has been made public. It is also just as clear to me that Trump asked the President of Ukraine to complete the investigation into Burisma Biden's Fiasco as a matter of US Investigation in Corruption at the White House. It is also clear the Trump Family did not profit from Trump's actions. No Smoking Gun. In comes Rep Adam Schiff with a full press Capt Queeg strawberry investigation to prove Trump obstructed Congress against Trump's obvious innocents. We all were lied to by Schiff who advised the public he had seen the evidence against Trump in the now infamous Mueller Report. Trump has continued to tell the truth. For those of us who remember a time when televised programming contained civil persons who spoke only when it was their turn to speak and did constantly try talking over a room of rude discourteous people in televised Smack Down Event. Years ago these people were courteous and the message was truthful and important  interesting information exchanged. Today we sit through endless hours of blather on the boob tube spewing lies from serial liars. Each yelling louder than the next. In the end both Trump and Biden are guilty of conversations with Ukraine. Only one was illegal, unethical and immoral. Only one made billions Only one would take a job as Al Capone's account and claim innocents

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Daily Blather

The constant blather of maybe, what ifs and looks like it could be, has vanished from the bobble heads of cable news. Silent since Mueller gave testimony. The daily blather has focused instead on President Trump being a racist. Racism charges are tossed about without proof or documentation. It appears that if you are charged as a racist you are guilty until proven innocent. Never any specific standards or definitions are required. You need not commit an act. Hear say is good enough in lieu of facts or evidence. Meanwhile noise coming out of D.O.J. Bill Barr regarding collusion at the F.BI, D.N.C. Fusion GPS is equally silent. Disturbing that charges so serious are not considered news worthy. I conclude that violence and enforcing the laws at the border are deemed racist even though not all are similar minorities detained. Collusion in the FBI and election meddling takes a distant second place to the perceived plights of citizens from other lands. Happy Trails

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Connecting the Dots

It was active in Washington DC this week as the democrats rolled out Robert Mueller to testify on his part in the Special Investigation ordered by D.O.J. Rod Rosenstien. The hope was that Mueller would provide the smoking gun on charges of obstruction of justice clarifications by President Trump. Sadly, the Democrats were availed to No Collusion No Conspiracy, No Obstruction and No smoking gun. What was revealed was Robert Mueller was uniformed on many issues regarding the investigation and subsequent report. When questioned by democrats on obvious answers he refereed to pages in the report. When questioned by Republicans he answered with I cannot speak to that because of ongoing investigations at D.O.J. What I witnessed was a confused man wielding immense authority who did not seem familiar with his Investigation. All this rhetoric was not to discuss Russian Meddling in US Election. The real purpose was to open the doorway to impeachment of the President. Purely. political and supports nothing in Russian Influence or future election. I was disappointed the Special Counsel would not address information on the accuracy of the evidence that was the basis of the investigation. We will be forced to wait until Attorney General William Barr  concludes his report with John Durham. Then we may may find out what parts were played by Chrisopher Steele and Joesph Musfid.  The fact we need two costly investigations to validate what happened in 2016 elections is all the evidence you need to see the Dog and Pony Show Politics at work. The only aspect of the Special Counsel Investigation I learned is Bob Mueller is totally unaware his investigation omitted half of the evidence.  Moving on to Sunday I tuned into hear what the networks talking heads would reveal. Much to my surprise, The Mueller Testimony took second place to a rant from Elijah Cummings made to D.H.S. Secretary about deplorable conditions at the Border and Border Patrol in general. Specifically enraged by children who sat in their own feces. A position which is difficult to argue. Having sat in my own feces many times in my life I can attest to the odors and comfort issues at play. I suspect that if Mr Cumming were equally as honest he would be just as guilty of the embarrassment of the situation.. Again this is politics at work and Mr Cummings is just as responsible for his part in allowing these conditions to continue at the border. Enter President Trump who is equally enraged that Mr Cumming's refusal to take ownership of the legislation and funding as root causes at the border and children with dirty diapers. Trump in turn challenges Mr Cummings with similar and worse conditions in Cummings own district. Trump is immediately vilified as a racist and Cummings although guilty of the same logic gets a free pass, but just as guilty. The networks pile on ABC, NBC CBS all condemn the President as a racist. Chuck Todd should change the name of his show to Beat the President instead of Meet the Press, Chuck pounded Senator Rick Scott not on the accuracy of the Trump claim, Comparison of Baltimore Conditions to Conditions at the Border. Todd and all the other networks chose not focus on the accuracy of the claim but rather Trump's motive or why did he think such a thing, He must be racist. Remember, Mr Cummings did the exact same thing, yet he gets a pass. My questions are simple. Was Eligah Cummings assessment of conditions at the border accurate and what proof can be provided? Was President Trumps assessment of comparable or worse conditions in Cummings district accurate?  Are Poppy Diapers now more important than Russia Meddling in Elections?  If Russian Meddling were Racist would this issue become more important on Sunday Talk Shows?. How did poppy diapers become racial? This is the basis of investigative journalism. Find the truth! Jumping on the Band Wagon of unknown motives and jumping to unverifiable conclusion is just loose talk and unprofessional. Not good for rating, because nothing lights up the rating quite like Who's a Racist this week. Anyhow, this all very simple to figure out. Even Homer Simpson could get the correct answers. Oh yeah I forgot Homer is on FOX... Happy Trails Tom

Friday, June 7, 2019

Pass the Guacamole Please

President Trump announced he will impose new sanction tariff against Mexico this week. The response from Mexico was immediate. Mexico sent their envoy to the White House to negotiate, sadly nobody was home. The Trump was busy rubbing elbows overseas in Europe with the Queen and her kids. The celebrations was of our Allied Victory in 1945 and D- Day where Hitler was put on notice to start packing. I suppose D-Day and WW 2 has different meaning to different Americans. For me I was not there, but I know lots of people who were there. I was working as a carpenter in 1972 and at lunch we would all gather in a large empty room to brown bag. Everyday there was this guy who would always dominate conversations with war stories of Vietnam. Day after day until another fellow spoke and asked the guy" I was in Nam what unit were you in? Turns out the guy with all the war stories was in Saigon printing checks at a typewriter. The silence was deafening. The usual follow up was ,where were you. The second guy said "infantry." There was another guy, older, seasoned and he began to smirk. Not Laugh. The man was in extremely good shape in his forties, chewed a cigar, played a lot of Golf. I personally had known this man for 8 years. He was very quite but not introverted.  Civil to all and friendly to some. As our conversations turned to him he was asked"were you in the war". He said "YES"  Turns out this guy who I had been friends with was in the first wave on Omaha Beach June 6th 1944. Without emotion he briefly recounted the days events in a stunned room of younger men. Just a few words followed by several questions, then silent. I never knew!! From that afternoon on there were no further mentions of the Vietnam Conflict. I am very proud to say that I never served in Vietnam. I extremely proud of those who did serve. And I am proud of those who went to Canada. And those who died are just as dead as those crosses at Normandy. All these years later I have not changed my thoughts on Vietnam. Those boys who went to Vietnam were my friends. not headlines on the news. A different war and a different generation. When I think back as a young boy I remember the Veterans of W.W.2. were common. Walk into a neighbors garage and you would see German souvenirs, Japanese Flags, German Lugars remnants reminders of the days of sacrifice. Like my friend from Omaha Beach there was never much talk. When they spoke it was in monotone solemn whisper and ended with a shake of the head and a pat on the back. Just to hard to talk about very long. This display was not for the benefit of myself or others. These exchanges were not all that common but very similar to witness. In that strangest of ways World War Two was very real and equally as close to me. There is  a saying among all veterans " That if you weren't there you will never understand, If you were there you needn't ask". The school of adversity requires no tuition and will always produce the best America has to offer. Their responsibilities never ended as civilians. They were custodians of the culture and administered what was acceptable conduct of the Boomer Generation. They did so out of respect of those who died and the enormous debt they left as their legacy. You misbehaved and you would very quickly find yourself on your ass looking up. As time goes on we get farther and farther away from that world. New generations follow without the adversity of Nazi Germany. Japan and Germany are our allies now and very difficult to imagine trying to kill them. As a result of our environmental cultures the new generations have very different solutions to today's challenges. President John F Kennedy said " Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what can you do for your country. The difference to me is the difference between a Great Country who put Men on the Moon while they led the world in virtually every category or a polarized nation of organizations with their hands out claiming entitlements along with rights. It really once bothered me to watch the senseless greed of other generations take unfair shares of our economy in the name of politics, banking, healthcare and medicine. This is their turn by virtue of the US Constitution. They may run this country as they wish. They may run it in the ground but it's still their turn. They will reap the rewards of those actions regardless. The Great American Experiment continues. I do ask myself. These people today, would they stand in line to join the Army to defeat Hitler? Would these people storm the beaches of Omaha and raise a Flag on a barren Iwo Jima? If the answer is yes. then we have nothing to fear. Answer No and all things are possible. Back to President Trump and his Tariffs. I voted for Trump because I thought he would be best for our economy. I was right. Trump is using the Bully Pulpit to rattle our adversaries with a combination of accelerated  military spending and the strength of the new Trump Economy around the World. The Sanctions and Tariffs imposed and executed makes the world a safer place. Imposed but not executed are just the same empty threats ignored for decades. The same with Trump's Economy. We have tried all these tax tricks in the past without much success. The Trump Tariffs will either way cause the American worker to benefit. Countries can either forfeit their market shares or build new factories and new jobs in the US. Either way we win. America is becoming Great Again We can see it and feel it. We are getting stronger. Now is the time to give Trump the ball and end run. Stop all the pointless investigation of the Mueller Report and give the ball to Attorney John Durham and Lawyer Warrior Bill Barr Attorney General. Expose who is responsible for the phony information at the FBI. If people within the FBI are breaking the law go after them. Pursue, Pursue, Pursue until we have the whole truth, not the Mueller Truth.......... Happy Trails Tom

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stop Short and made a Grab

Most of America tuned in yesterday to catch Robert Mueller's Press Release (off the record by the way). Contrary to the Democratic Representatives, Mueller made no new clarifications. The Dems are focused on the obstruction issues  associated with the President. The underlying crimes were not an issue, only that the President may have obstructed the investigation that proved himself and countless others INNOCENT.  Incidentally the underlying crimes committed all occurred under Democrat Barrack Obama not Trump. The purpose of the investigation order from Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General was to  see what evidence there was concerning Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Mueller made clear the success his team had made to uncover all those who were guilty of this crime. This is at very center of his work and paramount to the investigation. The media, politicians and contributors don't give a flip about dirty deals in the Kremlin that threaten our democracy. Ditto to the House of Representatives and Nancy who offer no legislation to protect the 2020 election. The essence of Mueller's work is burred in how best to attack President Trump. Clearly Robert Mueller's only interest was to protect his own legacy that must have been impugned by critics who claim Muller had the venue to offer his assessments on the public record but remained silent for the record.  Nor did Mueller ever investigate the underlying evidence of the underlying crime. Never a thought to the accuracy of James Comey FBI Director, and the phony F.I.S.A Warrants and those underlying documents. How could you whistle past the Graveyard and not take a look at the Infamous Steele Dossier. The Steele Dossier also has the fingerprints of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama! Mueller instead hangs his hat on Constitutional requirements that a sitting President may not be charged. This claim is nothing but irresponsibility and dodging Rosenstien's Order. Mueller made clear he would not be questioned by those present and essentially pleaded the 5th Amendment. Mueller the consummate wordsmith mindful of the possibility of lying when trick questions are imposed.  Mueller further advised he had closed his office of Special Counsel and his retirement eminent. Basically Mueller pulled a Stop Short and made a Grab, made famous by Jerry Stiller. That's my move and I own it!!! The Russians are having a field day celebration of this obvious success handed to them on a sliver gilded Democratic Plate. You would think Americans would be concerned about the RED THREAT at our Polls.  Many Democrats want Non citizens be allowed to vote. What's next voting at the Kremlin!!  Happy Trails Tom

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Warrior Lawyer

Bill Barr Attorney General was led to sacrifice this week to appear before the US Senate to explain why he was not responsible for Bob Mueller's now released report. Mueller who had 2 years to forward his opinions to the ever anxious Democratic House ,but chose to remain silent. Mr Mueller in classic op-ed style waits like a political sniper for his superiors Bill Barr  and Rod Rosenstien to step into the trap. Mueller blindsided Bill Barr with a follow up letter to criticize Barr's interpretation of Mueller's 2 year 400 page extravaganza. Stating Barr did not meet with similar conclusions in the Report. Mueller has laid the ground work by making sure the letter was leaked to the Washington Post. When Barr received the now famous letter regarding the bupkis report, he phones Mueller for the wasssup. Now, not in writing, Barr claims Mueller advised that his complaint and subsequent letter to Barr was to document his disapproval of the Press coverage  concerning the 4 page letter drafted at the D.O.J. What a bunch of hooey!! Mueller could have sent his letter directly to the Washington Post and avoided the D.O.J completely.  Had Mueller done so then Barr would never had been snared in the trap of lying. Obvious Barr is stunned by the revelation in the Senate Chambers. GOTTCHA... If Mueller would have waited 2 weeks the entire 400 page report was made public and he said,she said would not matter. The same method of operation used to trap others not guilty but failed to account the past correctly, thus your lying!!!  Each Democratic Member of the Senate continues where others left off beating the Attorney General with the same Stupid Stick for hours. Never mind that no collusion was discovered and no indictments of Trump was advised in the Mueller Report. This leaves a crack in claims of obstruction of justice. Barr did a excellent job of explaining to Congress that all of these charges of obstruction are within the duties of the President granted in the US Constitution. The explanation excellent, the retention was zip. The imaginary claims of obstruction are the only hope for the Democrats in 2020. Now it will be Barr's turn to examine what crimes were committed to make such false accusation against a Presidential Candidate and the President Of the United States. When Richard Nixon's Campaign broke into the Democratic National HQ at Watergate it was because Nixon did not have access to the F.I.S.A Courts created in 1978. What cost Nixon his presidency becomes legal For 2008 President Obama. Both men spied on the opposing party and both were caught. One was legal,the other not so much. No foul No Crime we ask? Not quite. What Barr will now focus on was the entire process at the F.I.S.A Courts to see if they followed the laws concerning spying on US Citizen. OK so just as I was sure Trump was not guilty I am just as sure when the truth comes out The Democrats in Congress will be as nervous as a dog passing impeachment seeds. There will be an overhaul at the FBI and F.I.S.A. Application in the future will be scrutinized for authenticity.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Today's Thought

Independent Bernie Sanders has announced : he supports convicted felons serving sentence should be allowed to VOTE. Does this mean they can also run for President and carry a gun in prison?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Place Your Hand On The Holy Bible

I swear to "The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth" (unless redacted) Redacted is a loophole in honesty and character for elite politicians illusions of the facts.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Robert Mueller: The Dog Ate My Homework

The much awaited Mueller Report has been released to the Department of Justice. Now we can begin the arduous task of spinning those words into political yarn. Fitting I think for an investigation which began with political yarn can end in the same manner. We The People should not stop our investigation of those who are responsible in government that lied to perpetuate the nonsense.  Reading between the lines it's obvious many Trump Supporters were lured into traps to obtain access to Hillary Clinton's  Missing E- Mails. Most were finally revealed when duplicates were found on a computer owned by disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner. Those at the FBI who followed the Democratic Bait exposed their own agendas to control the outcome of a election. Committing the very crimes they were appointed to investigate...

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bupkis Report

The Mueller Report has not been released or not to me and the Democrats are now downplaying the reports impact. This is the strongest indicator that some one knows that Trump is not guilty of Russian collusion. Democrat Adam Schiff's implied evidence is likely just fantasy. The dialog has shifted from treason to Trump's request for security clearances, Trump Taxes and Unpaid parking tickets. Two years of suspicions unproven or proven to be unproven thanks to the Mueller Investigations. The next two years no doubt will be filled with more democratic yarn spun in the backrooms at the DNC. The dirt published about Democrats  meanwhile goes completely ignored. Proof that the roots of the DC Swamp go very deep indeed.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Honest Man

A Honest man is one who will tell the truth, even when it's not in his best interest to do so. A liar is a man who accounts an incorrect facts, even if he believes at the time it to be true. A Perjurer is a man who knowingly tells a lie. A Charlatan is a man who tells lies when it's in his interest to do so, but will reverse his position after the truth is known and the lies are revealed. This person who reverses his accounts when truth is exposed is a scoundrel and cannot be trusted. Which man is disgraced attorney Michael Cohen ???

Monday, February 18, 2019

Proof not Politics

Andrew McCabe was featured on 60 Minutes last evening. I learned nothing from his interview. It was clear that both Comey and Mccabe  dislike the President a great deal. Mccabe failed to prove the FBI was innocent of using their office to sway our election. Also just as clear both men would prefer Hillary Clinton in the oval office. Both men seem to languish in their imaginary power to pick who should be President. It's not clear if both men would have a job at the FBI today if Hillary won. Hillary was incensed by Comey who reopens the E-mail scandal weeks before the November election. The reason that James Comey made the announcement is largely due to Bill Clinton's actions on the Tarmac with Loretta Lynch Attorney General that spoiled her ability to act.  The perfect storm of everyone overreaching their job descriptions or positions of power. Facts are not clear and most of the pertinent information is in the hands of Bill Barr Attorney General and Robert Mueller Special Counsel. We don't have the facts and doubtful we ever will. What is clear to me is Politics is deeply embedded in the FBI  and drives infringements of our civil rights and the Bill Of Rights. I think both Comey and Mccabe  chose wannbe, gonnabe and usetobe over real facts which are non existent. I wish CBS had waited to air the Mccabe interview until after the Mueller Investigation is known. My guess is the Mccabe story will not be supported by facts and his statements rendered worthless. The actions of The Peter Principle of people making disturbing decisions that effect the public adversely. The Trump Base elected him to shake things up and get the Government Workers to get their hands out of their pockets. Nobody ever believed it would be pretty or easy. Thanxs Donald....

Friday, February 1, 2019

What Which Cannot Be Named

Three branches of government. Two houses of Congress Our Country is infested with 11 million illegal criminals in our midst and the only discussion that our leaders can come up with is what the solution should be named. What a Cluster F%&k. Lets take a page from our Hogwarts Manual and call it a voldemort. Y'all know what I'm talking about the "Border Wall" or voldemort.  Our Ship of State is sinking and Nancy Medusi won't look for the pump until we call the thing that removes water from the bilge has a proper name. You just can't call it a pump.  Pump is immoral. We the people are clear, we don't care about means and methods. We don't care if you throw the baby out with the bath water, just solve the problem (The Elephant In The Room) Clearly the dialog is evasive and the Democrats are only interested in minor distraction points to avoid the obvious. If you don't like wall then build a voldemort, anything but sit on your ass and talk about Webster's. Nancy Medusi claims the criminals are crossing the border with a passport and tickets for trains, planes and ships. Theses entrants must have some level of vetting to get a passport. So the criminals who cannot get a passport must come across illegally. We have agents at terminals who check for drugs, contraband and human trafficking. The best way to bring in contraband is illegally crossing the border. Seems to me that checking folks at the  immigration terminal will most likely be sporting proper papers. In contrast those crossing our borders at night in some wilderness will not have any papers and most likely be felons intent on criminal activities. Asylum seekers should be those who are persecuted by their own government. Those who don't like their own culture are victims of choice. Those who don't like their own culture are not persecuted.  These clowns are guilty of bad judgment and lacking self discipline. They require a dictators for direction. These people are not ready for self government and most claim that US citizens are the true invaders and they are merely claiming there birth rights in ancestry. If they had a credible ancestry they surely wouldn't need mine. Ancestry and Culture ARE NOT Geographical!! If you live in filth and crime in Mexico then you will live the same standards in America. Go Home and fill out the paperwork and we'll call ya!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Super Bowl

I'm a former fan and make it a point not watch any NFL games. My decision is based on the players conduct on and off the field. However, I'm getting a lot of media coverage of the bad call at the recent Patriots vs Saints game. Law suits have been filed to replay the game from the point of the call. I have a better idea. Let's finish the playoffs and have the Super Bowl. When the game is over allow the Saints to play the winner. I'm sure they will lose. If not. give them the rings and trophy...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Have Smoking Gun Will Travel

   At the center of the fake news in the Russian Election Meddling Investigation is Fusion GPS. We are being told that Fusion was originally hired to investigate Donald Trump and hired by the Republican Party and their supporters. In time the Republicans dropped these efforts and the residuals were bought by Hilary Clinton and the Democratic Party Supporters. It appears the history of Fusion is they function in gathering dirt on important people in politics. The opposite you might say as a Public Relations Firm might gather positive information to make something appear better than all of the information compiled would reveal. Fusion GPS deals in Mercenary Journalism or hired guns in the smelly under belly of dirty politics.  Fusion has numerous  schmear campaigns to their credit.So the way I understand these events is, Hillary Clinton Supporters hire and fund Fusion. Fusion then hires foreign national Christopher Steele who produces the Now Famous Steele Dossier. The Steele Dossier will take it's rightful place in history next to Fast and Furious, Hilary Clinton's vanishing E-mails, Too Big To Fail Bank Bailouts/ Automobile Giveaway, Weapons of Mass Destruction , War In Iraq, Bubba Clinton's Tales from the White House, Read My Lips cuze I'm Lying Out My Ass., Iran-Contra, Nixon Pardon and Watergate and The Warren Report. I'm Sure there's more and more we don't know about and never will.  The strangest aspect of the dossier is nobody outside the FBI and the F.IS.A. Courts knows what's it contains.  The F.I.S.A. Court is where the F.B.I. goes to get  warrants to investigate people like Carter Page. Page is another innocent guy tied to the Trump Campaign and has been wire tapped before. Presumably, some of the Dossier is false but the only certain  people in the FBI  know what is true. Therefore we all wait for the Mueller Report to be released , but like everything it will be redacted from the taxpayers view. We can't handle the truth for National Security. Redacted to protect WHO? Did James Comey and Andrew McCabe  overreach so far that other kindred spirits in the FBI protect themselves in a C.Y.A. operation. New guy Bill Barr or new old guy seems to be the right choice at the right time. Fusion is at the Center because on one side is the F.B.I. and F.IS.A. Courts.  Fusion and Christopher Steele in the middle and the Democratic Party on the other side with all those who are protected and WHY? So why no mention of Trump, because, Trump is the Schmear. The object of why all these folks have behaved so badly. What scares me the most is Fusion in the middle who have their fingerprints all over this investigation and many others. When or IF we ever roll that rock over at Fusion will we see how many swim nude in the political pools.

Friday, January 18, 2019

She's The Little Old Lady from California..Go Granny

Well children gather round cuze we got a story to tell about; Fancy Nancy and the Two Chucks. Any similarities to Peanuts or Lucy Van Pelt or Charlie Brown or Shermy Van Pelt is understandable but still a coincidence. The similarities between Adam Schiff and Charlie Brown are hard to ignore. It appears the Mid Term Election have spawned the properties of what could be a British Institution Comedy on BBC. The Clash of the Titans, Donald Trump and Fancy Nancy surfaced this week when Fancy Nancy drew a line in the turf when she pulled the plug on the State of The Union Speech. The State which is strong, always is strong and always will be. Still a great chance for the new bureaucrats to hob nob in their new suits on Live TV. Never televised on Saturday because of the other show on NBC just after the news. Just as Funny sometimes. Nancy draws first blood by not scheduling the State Speech which is always in the House Chambers. Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks  meanwhile planned their secret getaway to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan courtesy of the US Taxpayer. Presumably a photo op for 2020 elections and to rub elbows around government employees who got a paycheck this week. Wait a minute said Donald Trump that's my plane and you aint got no ticket to ride. Leaving Nancy and the two Chucks homeless on the tarmac in a smelly Air Force Bus. Well  Fancy Nancy said I never! The Nanny Nanny BOO BOO comes full circle. Trump wrote Nancy a nice letter saying she should stay at home and Clean The House. Nancy comes back with you put our lives in jeopardy with your announcements which is public security breech. It appears  Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks covet their security, they just don't care about yours. When they got their bags back, realized the trip overseas is caw put they begin to plant or plot the ground work for Impeachment of The President of the United States. The Constitution provides that if the House of Representative reaches a majority vote of impeachment the President is in fact Impeached. It does not mean the President is Guilty of same. The Constitution provides a trial is then held in The Senate Chamber. If the Senate votes guilty by a two thirds majority then the President is Sentenced  and could be removed from Office. OK so W.T.F. did he do. Well the Goat Skin is not clear here. Clear about Treason and Bribery, but also High Crimes and Misdemeanors are included. High Crimes and Misdemeanors is defined as what ever Fancy Nancy and the two Chucks determine as unacceptable. Could be Parking Tickets or Crossing the Border Illegally. So the Impeachment of Slick Willy was never validated because the Republicans dropped the spectacle knowing they didn't have the 2/3 votes  in the Senate. This was always unclear to me because I have always maintained Slick Willy was never impeached. I was wrong and usually am and that's the reason I'm a good fit in journalism. The Bottom Line here is the President may be impeached and remain not guilty. So Curb Your Enthusiasm about a new President because it probably will not happen unless there's a big surprise in the much awaited Mueller Investigation. If we find the President is Guilty he should go. If not the F.B.I. and the F.I.S.A. Courts need to have their wings clipped for interfering with elections. I expect heads to roll, but like the Bankers of past, nothing ever happens and the Swamp just gets deeper....

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Patronizing Patriots

Those who voted the Democrats into power must be wondering, where is the Democratic Plan to end the prolific illegal immigration at the Southern Border. We know they believe a wall is immoral yet they seem to ignore the 11 million illegals living in our midst. Also Immoral! Charges claim the illegals enter our country by visa and never leave is mostly true. It does not mean that some are walking in unimpeded across an imaginary line on a map. Rhetoric of better means are never put in writing, leaving Americans to imagine what the Democrats are proposing. They propose instead to pander the people with only negative comments and NO Leadership. President Trump has not declared he will not agree to other options, only that the WALL is one of many options. Nancy and Chuck are playing their own base as fools. Sitting on their hands and complaining instead of the Leadership they're being paid in all our tax dollars....

Monday, January 14, 2019

Like Dandelions in Spring

The Democrats are searching for their Presidential Candidate to sacrifice in the 2020 election. Everyday we see a new candidate offer his resume for scrutiny. Like Dandelions in Spring the list grows. And so it goes, the more manure you spread, the more lions you get or Demolions. Unlike the Republican counterparts the Demolions rely on the last minute messiah to emerge. The early candidates never have a chance, unless you're Clinton. The Democrats wait for divine intervention to produce their deliverer. Democrats seem to always go to the Dark Horse or Long Shot as a substitute for proven abilities. Don't look for white smoke from the D.N.C. until Spring 2020 when the aroma of manure  is strongest in our Capital. Don't look for a platform of substance either. The Demolions will run on imaginary changes of Utopian society and slanderous attacks on President Trump. Focused on the maybe, probably and wildly reported governments rumors and scuttlebutt. Fairy tales conjured from the Brothers Grimm for the electorate to vote. Trump on the other hand will run entirely on his record. The Economy Stupid, Jobs Jobs Jobs and Border Walls. People will not vote on decades old trash talk or yarn conspiring with foreign governments to swing voters. Regardless of the FBI probes or money wasted on unproven investigations the people will vote on the kitchen table issues. The spectacle of the House of Representatives endless investigations to impeach are to swing the maybe voters. They have nothing but gossip and rumors of ifs and butts were candy nuts. The volley of challenges exchanged between Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff will distract voters from the reality of stock markets and unemployment numbers. The only hope of Democrats have to win in 2020 is if they actually do something, anything of substance. They will not. Much to risky and requires work There's plenty to do and America is starved for a new focus. Politics is never good government and good government is not politics....

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Schumer's Losers

Little known  facts regarding the government shutdown. NONE of the government workers furloughed as non essential workers are Illegal Criminal Aliens. None of the Employees of the United States of America are Illegal Criminal Aliens. None of the 537 members of Congress are Illegal Criminal Aliens. NONE of the 11 million Criminal Illegal Aliens are Employed by any State, Local or Municipal Government. All of the 11 million Criminal Illegal Aliens are employed in the so called private sector, long abandoned thirty years ago by LEGAL American Workers. Most of the GOOD JOBS of the past were downsized and exported to other counties. The High Paying JOBS remaining were ravaged by unlawful employers who hire Criminal Illegal Aliens. So if you can't hear the outrage coming from the private sector workers it is because they're all Criminal ILLEGAL ALIENS. So nobody cared when our private sector jobs were decimated, I choose to be silent over the those who lost their paychecks this week. I don't care. When all of the private sector jobs are restored to OUR ECONOMY then I will demand parity to those who sponge from tax dollars. There are 11 million reasons why we need a Wall. There are 11 Million Reasons why we need Drones. There are 11 million reasons why we need more Border Agent. There are 11 million Reasons why Schumer and Pelosi Rhetoric does not work. There are 11 million reasons why amnesty and empty legislation does NOT WORK. YES we have a national emergency!!! It was 30 years ago WHEN I LOST MY JOB!!!!!!