In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Who Cares

 The 2.3 trillion defense spending, covid 19 relief and annual spending or 6000 pages never read until President Trump threatens not to sign the lousy legislation is not quickly signed and retired to history just yet. The Democratic House made sure that all reasonable time needed to examine the legislation would be exhausted and well after the Election was over. Time management we'll call it. Surely the Lame Duck President would not deny the American people the measly 600 dollar stimulus contained in a trillion dollars of PORK. Trump throws a curveball and rejects the legislation as wasteful (it is) and the 600 dollar stimulus a insult to the Taxpayers (it is) Now, Trump is the good guy and shames Nancy and Company of insensitive greed. In addition Trump wants section 230 Legal Liability Protection removed from Decency Laws. Yeah, I had to look it up too, 230 protects internet moguls from content from third party contributions. Or they are not required to withdraw it from their web pages if they did not write same. They can censure anything they wish and not required to print anything. That's called editing. Making 230 a giant loophole. Nancy over at the House responds quickly adding another 1400 dollars matching Trumps 2000 dollar demand. She could have asked for 3000 thousand but we the people  are only 1400 dollars more important today. Wow, Trumps a hero If he gets the 2000 dollars he wins the hearts of all Americans and some Mexicans. If Trump signs the bill his compassion is still 600 dollars. A win win for Trump. Democrats who voted for Biden are rethinking their votes. Nancy sends her added 1400 dollars to the Senate for approval calling the Republican Bluff. In steps Mitch McConnell and he says" not so fast Nancy". Lets do this right. Mitch demands some sweeteners. Mainly repeal section 230 and create a Commission to Study Election Issues. Ouch, Advantage Mitch. So Trump is angry and he should not be. Who loves ya the most America. Does anyone really care if Internet Billionaires get sued. (not me it's a civil issue not Constitutional) Who would object to an in depth look at our election process in America. (clearly needs to be changed for continuity at the Federal Levels). Only a fool would deny Americans another 1400 dollars now. So If Nancy will not support the Senate Legislation we know Internet Titans are under the wing of the Democratic Party. If Nancy does not want a investigation into election issues then she doesn't really care about your vote. Either way we should get a clearer picture of Who Cares and Who is a Swamp Rat. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Friday, December 25, 2020

H.R. 133

 Those who voted against H.R. 133 in the Senate are  Rick Scott, Rand Paul, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz ,Mike Lee and Ron Johnson. In the House Greg Stabe , Jim Jordan, Mike Cloud, Tulsi Gabbard, Warren Davidson, John Curtis, Trey Hollingsworth, Fred Keller, Morgan Griffith, Thomas Maggie, Tim Burkchette, Bryan Steil, Clay Higgins, Mark Green, James Sensenbrbrenner,  Rashid Tiaib, Lance Gooden, Kelly Armstrong and Chip Roy. These people should be reelected. To President Trump I demand you wait until  Sunday Night and Veto this piece of Crap Legislation. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Biden Translated

 December 23, 2020 Jobama said  "One Horse Pony" Jobama Meant to say "One Trick Pony." Not the same as a Dog Faced Pony Soldier he insulted a woman at a meet and greet during the Primary. Jobama also said Hitler was a friend and Abraham Lincoln was a racists.. It happens when you're a feeble, 78 years old. Jobama has talked the talk since he was thirty. The only person we know of who understands Jobama is the legendary President 43 George W Bush.. Jobama quote "Lets get one thing straight" ha that's what we've all been waiting for Joe .... One thing Straight!! 12/25 2020 No News from the Biden Basement on Americas Relief Stimulus. The 600 dollar amount in comparison to the 2.3 Trillion Congressional Special Interest Bonanza is proof enough how little compassion both parties have your welfare. Bait and switch Congress pitched 900 billion Covid 19 relief,  then slips in  the defense bill together. Another 1.4 Trillion. Nobody new the amounts of PORK both bills contained. Drumming Public Support and shaming the opposite party to their favor is primary to the written legislation. The Bill passes both Houses with out anyone reading the crap it contained. The very name is as bogus as the legislation that contains neither Defense or Relief in contrast to the sum they give away. The shadow of the swamp exposed in the bright light of Trump's VETO... If you want to stamp out socialism 2021 start by cleaning up capitalism. Congressional Math = Imagine you bought a candy bar for a a Nickle paid with a dollar and Congress, Nancy and Mitch give you a Nickle as your change. If you want to clean up the Democratic Party start by cleaning the Republican Party. Vote all of them OUT. Vote Trump back IN... If you are an American and either Democrat or Republican YOU are a disgrace to our ancestors.  Answer to the fiasco in Congress is Split the Covid 19 Relief legislation apart from the Defense Bill as it was originally proposed. Add or change the Stimulus to 2 thousand Dollars. Remove all PORK from this bill and expose  legislators who are sincere from the the true liars. This mess didn't start until the defense bill was combined with the shiny carrot Relief Bill. Merry Christmas to all Americans. 12/30/20 Jobama has named Anthony Weiner to head the Department of Suburban Intelligence and Internet Stuff a fine choice indeed. The Governor of California has declared the Governor of New York should wear a mask and eat outside to save lives.. Both Governors attacked Trump for not fixing their state.  Jobama criticized Trump today saying he was a soldier pony with a dog or something he thinks about in the basement. Biden's dog Major hurt Jobama's foot and  had him court martialed to Sergeant. That stuff about his sons computer is hacked by that guy in Ukraine (Probably) Highly Illegal if within 55feet of a United States Post Office also.

President Reject Biden

 Jobama has not taken office and already blaming Trump for his mistakes. Announcing " The Darkest Days Are Ahead" I knew that when he got elected at the Electoral College. The Biden prophecy of doom is a not so clever attempt of denial of his responsibility. The prophecy of doom is not good for the people or his own party. It does offer vindication down the road of " I told you so". Comforting to his failure maybe.  Biden's selfish personality, does nothing for the Country. Thanks Jobama is that the best you got?  Trump still the leader of choice will nuke the 900  Billion Covid Relief Bill with his Veto. 900 billion last week swells to 2.3 trillion this week. Who knows for sure. You can't believe anyone today. Trump is demanding Americans get 2 thousand dollar relief stimulus instead of Nancy's 600 dollars. This money goes straight to deserving hard working people separated from their paychecks because of Chuck's shut downs in the private sector.  This  money is also life support to our economy to insure we don't slip into depression. Giving 40 million to the Kennedy Center is wasteful pork spending in light of the obvious fact It cannot be used in the pandemic unless we convert it to a hospital.. Mitch McConnell is a avid conservative and late supporter of President Trump. Mitch 's conservatism quickly changes when 3 billion is needed to build a dam in his home state of Kentucky. 600 dollars to save Americans from starvation is generous, while 3 billion for his dam project is cost effective. Airlines still flying, have travelers dying in their seats but ya cant sit down inside at Burger Bob's and have a beer. Trump's Operation WARP Speed has vaccines spreading across the country faster than Covid can  spreads is just as he promised back in the Spring. Truly a modern day Iditarod that will insure Trumps Leadership a place in history. Trumps message of success is inspiring. I would rather reach for the stars and settle for the moon than standing in your basement and talk about how far it is to travel. I don't need a scientist to tell me more people will die. I need a fighter to save lives with drive, ambition and tenacity. Remember when Trump mandated factories produce ventilators? Remember when Trump authorized vaccines be produced before clinical trials had been completed? Donald J Trump saved millions of lives. We will never forget those who died as we never ignore the blessing of lives saved. Republicans be forewarned if you don't object to to the Electoral College vote January 6th in the Senate or vote to OVERIDE any TRUMP VETO you will pay for it with my future votes!! "Make America Great Again" will never be forgotten!!  Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Monday, December 21, 2020

American Unsung Heroes

 With all the mud flying not enough credit is given to American Heroes who make us all proud. This week I offer praise to General Gustave F Perna. The General stood tall as he took full responsibility for the deployment of  Warp Speed Covid 19 vaccines. Taking the bullet for small corrections but never credit for the lives saved because of his life or death task. Contrast this action against James Comey who continues to side step his irresponsible leadership at the FBI.  Also Warrior Lawyer William Barr gets credit for his uncompromising respect for the law. In the face of immense political pressure Barr followed the Law and Department Guide Lines as others not only ignored the law but chose to criticize Barr's decisions. Two wrongs never equal right. Barr lead his Appointment with highest  dignity. Making the comparison between Bill Barr and Eric Holder an easy choice History will prove these men Barr and Pena are true men of honor. Tom

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pentagon Halts Transition Briefing to Jobama

 Full disclosure: I have never tweeted and never signed in. I was on Facebook but have not contributed since it went public traded. My life is way to complicated without these added conflicted lies. I maintain  the smallest digital footprint possible and advise others to follow. The Pentagon has denied Joe Biden transition briefing this morning. Could this be the miracle on Pennsylvania Ave we've been waiting for. In a list of never happened before and first time evers this revelation is at the top in American History. D-Con it's not just for rats any more. Stay Tuned Bogus Alert: about six hours after I picked up this story I learned it was false and had been retracted. I did verify this news from several reliable sources. I apologize to anyone who may have read my blog.  I usually get one or two hits a day not counting Russian Hackers , FBI and CIA naturally. I did read Hunter Biden had his first art show. This can only mean his rehab is going well. His painting and baskets I suspect will never be worth much. True Biden fashion. It should look good when he goes to sentencing that he has been to rehab. It is worth mentioning the Trump tax returns are legal and Donald is not under Investigation. Also the Trump impeachment proven bogus and collusion Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine patently false. Everything Jobama did to drag Trump through the mud the last four years are actually crimes of which they are guilty. I have chosen not to remove the information about the Pentagon's Actions. This news represents how unworthy the press/media has become. You should not believe anything reported on television or the internet. The level of incompetence in this Nation is only exceeded by it's liars. Officials are still claiming the Russians have been reading our mail again. This time hacking into government files. Same way they read Hillary Clinton's E-mails. Also newsworthy is we are selling millions of dollars of Covid 19 vaccines to China. I think most Americans would be against tax dollars  used to benefit Chinese Communist. If you think Covid 19 was bad for ya wait until Biden 46 comes in January. Tom

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Seize the Georgia Mail In Ballots

 Seize the Georgia  Mail In Ballots in January. The courts have ruled on both sides of election fraud. Some Courts ruled the suit is too late while others ruled your to early. We know now the Georgia Election in November was fraudulent. We know elected Georgia Officials Gabriel Sterling and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger believes who voted is secret. This jackass called the law on Senator Lindsey Graham for election tampering. No sir how they voted is secret, not who voted. You sent them a ballot did you not!!!  The unimpeded voter fraud must stop, not the investigations that follow. There are over One Million Mail in Ballots to be examined. You cannot trust Georgia to follow the law. Video Tape clearly show ballots hidden under tables pulled out when poll watchers were not present. Seize the Ballots and seize the envelopes. Demand counting not be interrupted during the count. Insure dead people don't vote again. Too much political lip service has been heard since the last election. Do something now!!!!!

Pissed Off Hoosier

 Just a bit to clear the air in the mystery of the 2020 elections. I'm going with there's probably some truth in all the allegations. Some of the machines used were abused to favor Biden. Most of the fraud occurred in large metropolitan districts.  Some states enacted un-constitutional voting laws. These same states did not follow their own laws of properly processing ballots to be valid.  Some states illegally counted votes without required election oversight or broke the law completely and did not allow oversight at all.  Challenges made and reported by the Media there is NO Proof is just nonsense. The election was thrown in the Absentee Mail in Ballots. Contributing factors are the corrupt press/media including ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX. Also just as guilty are all social media.  Rest assured the evidence required by laws to be saved will vanish faster than Hillary Clinton's Emails. I've said for years the internet has all the privacy and security of a Georgia Billboard. Please be advised you cannot believe anything you hear read or see. Propaganda is a reality in DOMESTIC US Elections. The way rich people continue to be rich is the power in the money they spend. Every time a billionaire spends a dime he gets allegiance from his recipient. No where is there a greater concentration of wealth than the United States Treasury. Nobody has more access to this wealth than corrupt public servants in Congress. All the power they wield is from tax dollars. Any entity wishing to obtain wealth from tax dollars must expect to pony up campaign donations as a  line item on his budget. The Congress just sits in the center as all this circular wealth surrounds him. That's why Joe Biden and family are rich. Sometimes all legal often times just PAYOLLA. To reign in this power we the people must stop the flow. I suggest for starters that NO Campaign Tax Dollars be spent on Media/Press advertisements. More important all campaign dollars spent be taxed. If you want to buy a politician it should not be tax free. The Media/Press has turned elections into a sporting event. They could care less about journalism or investigating the truth. I encourage all Americans to Vote With Your Remote. Contrary to Chris Krebs declaration that he oversaw the most secure election in US History is not only is he wrong he is also the biggest jackass I ever met. He was the director of foreign interference in US Elections His authority did not extend to criminals stuffing ballots in Detroit and Philly. This claim of Russia medaling in the 2016 elections has been proven false at every level of Government from Justice Department all the way to dog catchers. Included are the infamous Robert Mueller FBI and Michael Horowitz Inspector General. Mr. John Durham's investigation is still pending if there is one? Mr. Krebs incidentally is no relation to the more famous Maynard G Krebs. Krebs has taken credit  for imaginary threats registered from a sour grapes Hillary Clinton loser. Just as Lonesome George Gobel's claim no Japanese War Planes made it past Tulsa Oklahoma during WW2 as a credit to his military experience. Finally I suggest that all the people who stood in line with picture ID in hand and voted on November 3 to call your Representative in The House and 2 State Senators to formerly object code 3  U.S.C. 5 to the Senate Vote on January 6 2021. If they do not object then do not vote for these charlatans again. It should be a litmus test for those Congressmen who have your back from those who want to put a knife in the same location. I also encourage all citizens to travel to Georgia and vote in their dishonest election for the Senate in January. Vote early and vote often. If you thought Covid 19 was bad wait until you see Biden 46 screw things up. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

What Now

 We continue to debate the authenticity of the 2020 election. Dates come and go and with them changes the rules for how to handle election fraud, election count and even election violations of the US Constitution. Each date brings the declaration of "Well They Can't Do Anything Now It's over". It will never be over until we have an honest result from this election. It's distressing a Michigan State Policeman refused to obey a court order at the ballot counting and was not arrested later. Some states broke with the constitution allowing votes counted after November 3rd  with no post mark no address. The time for states to evaluate their votes came and went on Monday 12/14/20. After the State wrongfully post their certification they become the bearer of that malfeasance. If at some future date it is proven  that fraud did occur then none of their votes in the  Electoral College count and withdrawn. It's not the job of other states to figure out which vote should count in that state. That date is gone. Once you certify your votes YOU'RE DONE. If Michigan, Pennsylvania Georgia and Wisconsin failed to follow the Constitution. then they are in default. If you think we are going to school states on how to run state government you are woefully wrong. None of your citizens will count until you learn how to run an honest election. If you obey the Constitution as we have done for 230 years the penalty is State wide, it's not science. Just stop cheating. The opposition Democrats claimed the 2016 election was corrupted by Donald Trump. We foolishly spent 35.2 million on the Mueller Report and another 11.5 million on Impeachment. Add another 10 million for DOJ Investigation Inspector General Michael Horowitz December 9th 2019 Total 56.7 million to conclude allegations were false. Further proof is coming the entire Trump investigations evidence was conjured in the Democratic Party and leaked to FBI and then submitted to the F.I.S.A. Court  Costs for John Durham's report has not been finalized.  So I propose we the people spend 60 million dollars to determine the true winner in the 2020 elections. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

A Man I Met

 I met a man at several family gatherings. After he established confidence in me has asked for advice dealing with another authority figure in his life. He presented a situation where he had done something that he knew was wrong. He then began to elaborate on the person and his problem dealing with the outcome. He began to outline several scenarios to explain his actions to the authority. I was truly amazed at his creativity. After listing at least 3 explanations, he asked which story did I prefer. They were all lies. My answer was swift and short. The advice was clear. Always tell the truth and go from there. I could not believe there were people who actually go through life with these convictions. I should mention his father was a liar and I'm certain he was merely emulating what he was taught. Shameful. I was raised by my Father who was a man of extremely strong convictions. He never went to Church. He spent a lot of time in a bar drinking beer. He served his country in the South Pacific and Korea as a proud member of the US Marine Corp. He went to work everyday until he was seventy. My father paid his bills and taxes on time and never lied to anyone. In addition if you were a liar he would call you out. If you lied to him directly he would declare martial law on your ass on the spot. I had many teachable moments to draw from growing up. This story is not about My Father or the liar who confided in me. ( That Man is no longer welcome at family gatherings) This story is about Joe Biden. Joe is known for his lies through the years. Recently there was a news clip where he counseled his followers about Defunding the Police. Again you must appreciate the creativity of a liar as he crafts deception. Trying to persuade his followers that any declarations of defunding the police should never be mentioned until after the Georgia Election January 5th. He then calmed the crowded room and reaffirmed his position to defund the police as promised. That's something were gonna do but you can't tell them that now. They will use it against you in the Georgia Senate runoff. It's better to lie now and after the election we will do what we want. I can only assume without objections from those present he must be in a room full of liars. The crooked media didn't catch it either. This was on a national broadcast and he knew cameras were everywhere. In a room full of folks who have been calling Donald Trump a Liar for 4 years. A testament that lying is such a big part of his life he forgets about others who would object. Any how I never believed Joe Biden and I will never believe his son for reasons stated above. If Joe takes the oath of office you will have the promise of a liar. Like all liars he will eventually lie to you also. Because he is a liar. Biden will assume the Presidency over roughly 38% percent of voters. He will rule a Zombie Government without a majority of citizens. He will spend the next 4 years begging for us to follow. We never will. Don't ever fuck with we the people Joe we will beat you every time. When a slime ball like Joe gets to the White House he doesn't go alone or do it without help. It took a lot of treason at all levels of government to get him to power. We must be vigilant to vanquish those responsible and reclaim the Constitution and Democracy. We can't clean their house but we can clean ours.  Any Republican not willing to take on the fight does not deserve your vote. Wish Washy Republicans or RINOs are as big a a problem  as lying Zombie Democrats. Anyone supporting Biden should be deprived of your liberty. If you think Covid 19 was bad wait until you get a wiff of Biden46. I still believe in the Constitution and Martial Law in extreme cases. The US Constitution did not fail you. You failed the Constitution!! It's not over Joe until the fat lady Sings again. Happy Trails Suckers Tom...

Sunday, December 13, 2020

No Taxation without Representation!!

 It's been a year since Michael Horowtiz published the Inspector Generals report on the FBI/FISA Court handling of Operation Crossfire and those who were responsible. Nothing has happened from Attorney General Barr or John Durham. Trump says HE HAS THE EVIDENCE. Meaning Bill Barr. Even the banter of a year ago seemed to point to convictions at the FBI were forthcoming. IS the DC Swamp deeper than we thought? It appears SO. Can we have a honest election? It appears NOT. Vote with your remote and boycott products made in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and China. No Taxation without Representation!!! To the 77million people who voted for Trump I recommend we Don't protest. Don't Break Windows and Destroy Property  I recommend don't do anything.  Don't pay your share. Don't Support Crooked Politicians Don't Obey a government that has illegally seized offices. See how far they get without the majority 77 million? Can anyone please give me directions to the Free World I've lost my way.  Happy Trails Suckers. Tom


 The Supreme Court ruled they will not hear the filing of Texas vs Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. Don't take my word for it but I read they ruled Texas failed to show they were affected negatively by outcomes in other States. This filing was never about the election outcome. This suit was to show these States held elections that were Un-Constitutional. It was about procedure under our laws not about votes counted. Since we know the US Constitution was violated in these states then how do We the People seek satisfaction in other states voting for Federal Office. I don't think anyone cares how they vote for Governor or any representatives of State Government. I think the Supreme Court should be sued for failure to act on this matter. Sued in The Court of Public Opinion The only true high court. Do we really need a Constitutional Amendment to declare the Supreme Court is responsible to hear any case regarding violations of the Constitution. Since time is of the essence of a lame duck President we can't wait for lower court rulings. They must Hear the case on Texas filing. It is not important if the action is positive or negative. Only that it was not Constitutional YES/NO. They walk away from We the People accountability. Nobody questions the court Nobody gets to ask WHY. They just climb back to the Ivory Tower and refuse the People. They don't get microphones shoved in their face or make televised appearances to answer very simple questions of why don't you enforce the Constitution. Add they have lifetime appointments and never elected. To be clear they are responsible to hear the Texas filing and rule on  State Constitutional Election Procedures. They need not be concerned about the outcome or tabulations. They know their ruling could only lead to a reversal in the Electoral College and they will not accept that huge responsibility. If it were not for the huge burden of the decision they would react much differently. They would favor We the People and not Cover Their Own Asses. It gets hot in the Kitchen it gets hotter in the Court. In the mean time could anyone please give me the directions to the Free World? It seems I've lost my way. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Bang Bang Fang Fang No Happy Ending for Democrats

  Fang Fang or Christine Fang Chinese Whore and Spy infiltrated the United States from 2011 to 2015. Politics it's said makes for strange bedfellows. She had many successes, but her prize catch was (D) Eric Swalwell 15th District Representative member of House Intelligence and Presidential Candidate. Bang Bang Fang Fang skipped out and returned to China when the FBI got to close to her cover. My watch says 2020 and almost 2021. Why am I just now hearing about this story in the Media. Why did the News not report the story so important to me. Actual valid information would be caustic to the impeachment of Trump and would most likely swing the election to Trump in 2020. The 2020 election is over and now we hear about what they knew in 2012. Nancy Pelosi has ran to support her fellow Democrat Swalwell with no actual proof of innocence. We were all aware of Stripper Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election. That lie went to court and Trump won a judgement against the Stripper.  Why does the Media Hate Trump? Where is the investigation of Hunter Biden. State secrets under wraps courtesy of the DC Swamp and Corrupt Press. Why are we so informed on events not true (Steele Dossier) and the whole truth is suppressed. How can we vote if the truth is suppressed. We have elections to establish domination not representation. The process is manipulation, hypocrisy over democracy. The Election of Biden in 2020 may very well become the last crime of the DC Swamp and Corrupt Media. Make America Great Again. Vote with your remote. Happy Trails Suckers Tom.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Food For Thought

 The Media Titans are beginning to release pent up truth kept silent to isolate the Biden Campaign from a negative press. Or Lying Again.  Specifically, Hunter Biden's extorsion efforts in China. The existence of Hunter's laptop which has been denied for months. So damaging nobody knows the truth about what it contains, not even the N.Y. Times. Also the release of information on Eric Swalwell (D) CA district 15 and his Chinese Whore Spy. You may remember his failed bid for President. The Chinese reportedly are flashing around a lot cash to anyone in the Democratic Party in a bid for classified information and influence generally. Ditto for Hunter same story different names.  Swalwell sits on the House Intelligence Committee which allows him review of some of Americas most sensitive secrets. The Chinese want TRUMP out at any cost, The Trump tariffs must be a burden. Payola is much cheaper.  Before I go any further it's important to mention. the stories about espionage, money laundering and election voodoo is all Pale In Comparison to the Sins committed by the Media. All The Media who either does not report accurately or does not report. We the People are just learning how complicit they are in dirty politics and bad government. So if you want to clean house? Start with FOX, ABC, NBC and CBS. they cannot be trusted. In other words vote with your remote. Boycott the lying press and social media. People like Biden and Swalwell thrive in Americas Coverup. Tonight information that could have been reported months ago was formally reported unreliable Russia Influence and not true is not only true but considered new information. They're not that stupid folks. They are that corrupt. Now the claim stories are true is impossible to believe anything they report. Chuck Grassely (R) IA Senator and the oldest member of Congress makes a claim that Attorney General had evidence on Biden and Swalwell but would not release it out of fear it would influence our election. Pretzel Logic to allow the Chinese to have a free hand in our election propaganda but our truth should be silent to guarantee Trump would not be favored. Trump should be disadvantaged by the absence of TRUTH.  No wonder Trump is so mad at AG BARR. Disregard all that has happened and ask yourself these 3 questions. If the Media was not in Biden's pocket would he still win the election. 2. If we had a reliable press would these crooks still commit fraud if they new they would not be protected. 3. Will Biden in the White House pardon his son. You bet he will!! Obviously the rotten press feels they know what's better for America than the 77 million people who stood in line. Showed their I.D. and voted honestly for TRUMP in a clearly crooked election. Happy Trails Suckers. Tom

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Redo Rodeo Texas Sues 4 States Election Voodoo

 Finally, a break in the 2020 Election. Texas Attorney General files suit in the Supreme Court and the Black Robes are coming on. This one I'm gonna watch closer than the John Durham Russia Probe. Remember him? John's been consulting with famed lawyer Rumpelstiltskin. John's had enough time to convict Robert Mueller. SCOTUS is to review the Texas Suit on 12/10/2020 at 3 PM. Stay Tuned!!! I am sorry to report Friday December, 11th 2020 there will be no Miracle on Pennsylvania Ave. The Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man was seen leaving the Supreme Court tonight marching towards the White House with bad news. Happy Trails Suckers Tom.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 I'm not fat, I'm to short. If I could grow another 9 inches taller I'd be perfect. The National Debt is 27 Trillion. This is a fine figure. If the GDP was a Quadrillion.  We're about 773 trillion short right now. So how do we bump up our G.D.P. income from 25 trillion to a Quadrillion. We could ask Bezos or Gates for help. No they could maybe come up with a trillion.  Naw, Bezos and Gates could only pony up 300 billion on a good day. It would take lets see. If there's a thousand trillion in a quad and a thousand billion in a trillion we need 700 more billions to get to the first trillion and then another thousand of those to get to the Quad we need. Hint, the Queen is also tapped out I checked. If we got all the Billionaires we could squeeze to a trillion. We will need a thousand of those folks. We're still a thousand short of our goal. Each US citizen is 888 thousand in debt. Clearly we need a boost. How about we charge aliens to enter our country. Set a pay window at the border. Charge a thousand dollars each with a matinee on Sundays. One Thousand times a Thousand is a million times a thousand to a billion times a thousand to a trillion times a thousand to get to a Quad. Whoops there's only 7.5 billion people on Earth. This is getting into Carl Sagan numbers. Maybe we could tax poop. Ya a poop tax might work if everybody on Earth paid a dollar every day  is 365 times or 365 times 7.5 billion equals. 2 trillion 737 billion 500 million and change. Yep I think a poop tax on all human life will work. And it's only a dollar. Call your Congressman today and wipe out the debt as you wipe your ass.  Take a dump pay a buck.. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Monday, December 7, 2020

Oh Know Joe

 Oh Know Joe Biden is President.  Or No Know Biden has done it again. His greatest achievement since college plagiarism. We can't start the impeachment for 2 years. Who left the basement door open? What can I say? Did Biden stay in the basement for months to be closer to his voters in the cemetery. Maybe. If I were going to throw an election with a crazy amount of phony ballots I think the first task is to make claims or predictions now that will appear prophetic in November. I'll say we know Trump will refuse to vacate the White House. Statements, the count will continue for days and Trump may lead election day but the Mail In Ballots will swing the vote but, only in a few states and only a few counties. I will just stay here cozy in the basement because I don't do well in the spotlight of tough questions. I will not have a solid platform to attack.  I will have the sweetheart media to validate me early and silence any disputes that will be sure to happen. The Media will be first in line for new events and internet will not be used to contact voters. The poll workers will be trained when and where and how many of the phony ballots will be deployed. The voting machine will be opened to the internet and machines will be shut down periodically to evaluate the tabulation. Poll watchers will be deprived of watching ballots opened. The counting will stop with phony emergencies to confuse and cover the theft going on. We want a close election to give an appearance of authentic. A dramatic win may cause suspicions. I will claim victory early to catch voters off guard. Local politicians and judges will be forewarned of the possible Trump suits. Delay and Obstruction will be my greatest assets. Time will be in my favor and long counting will reduce the time to launch counter attack. What's the worst thing that can happen? It's not Watergate!!  Happy Trails Suckers I'm the President.....

Almost News

 What's worse than fake news? Answer: Almost News. Fake News is easily refuted, change the channel or fact check elsewhere. Fake News is just another word for lying. The invention of the Internet and Social Media has opened the door to liars everywhere. There is also a never ending supply of suckers to follow the yarn spun. The advent of Cable News and Opinion Shows has created a competition for the ratings. Ratings equal advertising dollars. Gone forever is mainstream 600: PM nightly news where events reported were similar regardless of channel selected. CNN was once a highly respected news source reporting live happening now.  Reporting live from Bagdad in a hotel room as bombing could be seen through windows of the room without electricity. US Marines beach landings in Africa greeted by CNN. Those were the days. CNN changed hands and new officers elected to plant lies at 7:00 am shows then report on the lies all day until the 10:00 pm news declares the report is not authentic. Followed by a quite retraction with apology at 7:00 am the next day. The Internet unleashed a fire storm of outrageous claims to compete for the Suckers attention. Born from this the Doozy Smolette School of journalism is a level of skepticism of logical viewers forced to wade through the daily lies in search of the truth. Nowhere is this more important than elections for representation. Nowhere is the lying any greater than Politics. Far worse is what I call is Almost News. Almost News is where journalists spout  outrageous claims are forthcoming any day, stay tuned. Rush Limbaugh who said if you have a bombshell. then you damn well better be able to produce same. Seldom is the claim produced but the date of release is extended time and again until all interest is lost. I'm talking about the Russia Probe which is supposed to bring down the FBI. Or the extortion of Hunter Biden in Ukraine. Or the Impeachment of President Trump. A lot of Pomp with no Circumstance. Now WE The People are Immersed in who won the election. Who will lead in the White House in January? Wild stories of Supreme Court decisions which will reverse the Presidency in the Executive Branch. I honestly don't know which is worse. The hope we will correct the election or the Election we know is bogus. We can remove bad politicians but how do we clean the Media. You can denounce CNN for the Donna Brasille incident in the 2016 Debates. Four years later they continue with similar lies. Spread to ABC CBS and NBC I have seen live broadcast from the White House that followed with Journalists appraisals and comments that never reflect what I saw, what I heard Live Real Time. Delivered as News Contributors confused facts. What the hell is a News Contributor? Journalism is not an expression of endorsement. We don't care if you like the guy, just tell me what the asshole said. I don't like the guy either. That's not what we pay him for. Do the job is all I expect. Journalism is supposed to be facts reported upon. I don't need a corrupt Media to spread propaganda about who won the Election. I saw it happen. I saw the phony mail in ballots come in early morning the next day. We count the votes as proof over and over to prove we have a valid result. We Never Check to see if the Ballots are Authentic. They are NOT and Everyone knows it.  There is no evidence is hogwash, pure hogwash. We should not need evidence, all we need is suspicion to trigger investigations. What we have done is destroy America and the Constitution. Nobody it seems is strong enough to bring truth to America. So President Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham don't show me the almost news. Show me the truth and back it with your reputations. Tell it like it is not how it's gonna be. It's a wide open market for anyone ready to take the position for truth. We are in uncharted ground ready to inaugurate a President who does not have the support of a majority. I predict a rough ride for the next 2 years regardless of who is in the White House.....  Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Elephant in the Room

 The election continues and the lying will not stop. One side adamant the election was fraudulent. Major Networks and Media Titans report no evidence of fraud capable of changing the outcome. The Trump Campaign continues to produce evidence in lawsuits and pleading with State Legislatures. Some States changed voting laws through Un-Constitutional methods. Highly Illegal Methods. I have a number of Presidential Elections dating to John Kennedy to draw from as conventional or normal. Of coarse the Pandemic has complicated the process by allowing people to vote Mail In Ballots. Only a truly despicable politician would parlay the deaths of 275,000 Americans to fix an election to his favor. Only a despicable Political Party would contrive phony Impeachment hearings and blame current Administrations for the deaths of 275,000 Americans as failed policy. If you take out the Mail In Ballots then Trump wins by a landslide. We are asked to believe that all of the people who voted Election Day, Early Voted in Person or Voted with Certified Ballots voted a majority in favor of Trump. All bonified certified voters with picture ID. People who voted Mail in Ballots un certified voted in overwhelming margins for Biden. No signature No Proof of Address No Identification and No Notary Republic Witness. Trump is completely ignored in this imaginary  mail in demographic. The Trump Team seems to be completely ignored by the Courts and Media Public Opinion. At the center of the dispute is not who gets to sleep in the White House. At stake is our Republic our system of government. 232 years ago our founders struggled not to win the war with England. The real struggle came to establish self government to represent our people. After years of bickering they settled with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They gave us a flexible document that could be changed in future generations. I would be many years before we had a American Born President. The first were all former British Subjects. They established inalienable rights. Declaration Of Independence 1775. We are all proud of our rights. The problem is the founders failed to mention the inalienable responsibility and civic duty required when you own the House and not just Renting. Many examples of assumed responsibility were taken for granted. They assumed that looting arson and rioting would never be confused with Lawful Assembly. It is true that as Americans we can choose to live this way if we wish. All you need is a majority of citizens who support Anarchy over Democracy. A return to tribal lifestyle over a Nation of Laws. Here it seems is the Elephant in the room. If we cannot have a valid Election then your Representative Democracy is Officially in the Shitter. We the People are coming closer to revolution with each riot. Each Fraudulent Election worsens our liberty. And every citizen who refuses to follow Majority Rule is a threat to Pursuit of Happiness. By failure to respect the majority, all your precious rights go down the shitter with Civic Responsibility. If we cannot find common ground then revolution is Eminent.  On November 4th I saw the Election unfolding and I made phone call to my State Congressmen. 2 Senators and House of Representatives. My request was to Declare Martial Law and Suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Martial Law Comes right out of the Constitution as provided by our Founders. To extreme you say? I think not. Our election is our voice of We the People. Nothing Nothing is more important than Free and Fair Elections. My phone calls to Congress were ignored. The reason is the Congress is not interested in My Rights. Congress is focused on staying in Power and Martial Law will upset the Apple Cart for sure. So they squander my inalienable rights for their convenience. If my rights are not restored I will not bother with Standing In Line to Vote. Certainly there are more effective way to restore my voice than Fraudulent Elections. When one side plays by the rules and the other side ignores the laws then you're on a pathway to revolution. When the FBI spends more time reading my E-Mails phony wire taps with corrupt FISA Warrants I cringe. If we have reached a level of corruptness we cannot identify the Fake News from Reality were on our way to revolution. If you think that I am gonna burn police cars brake windows and destroy personnel property you are wrong. When Democracy is gone kiss your rights goodbye. No Schools No Hospitals, No Welfare, All gone with the wind. If Congress can't make things work then we won't need their authority to Declare Martial Law. We are already there!!  If we can't agree on the TRUTH then you will never fix the Problem. The Media and Courts Ignore the Trump claims of Fraud. The Media does not respond to Trump Claims. The Media does not report or deny the Claims.  Somebody is lying. The lies are part of a bigger picture and my inalienable rights are in the Shitter. If we cannot agree on the TRUTH then the only solution is in the streets. Happy Trails Suckers. Been a great run. Tom

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 I voted November  3rd at my designated polling place. I arrived at 7:00 am hoping to be first in line. I was not. I was 51 according to my ballot. The wait was 1 hour and temperature was 34 degrees. My turn came at 8:00 as I was greeted by a man asking for my Identification. In this case I showed the backside of my pictured driver's license to be scanned. We all know and I oppose the information stored by this number is well beyond Driving History. From this number they can tell if you cried on your first day of school. Not to mention a host of regrettable mistakes in my youth. I paid for each occurrence. On to the voting machine to cast my ballot. My first vote was for President Nixon. The wait and line were similar. The temperature warmer. The voting machine was bigger than a Piano with buttons and switches and privacy curtain. I voted by pulling a lever that one may find in a large truck emergency brake, I was done and a bit proud of my selection. Less than 2 years later he quit. I mean the President QUIT. That was my first experience with Democracy. This year I approached a table that some years past would be suitable for eating in front of the TV. On top of the TV tray was a box the size of a medium suitcase. No screen as I made my selection. It seems every 4 years they have a new way to vote. I was very comfortable with the old bigger machines with the emergency brake exit. Hopefully I voted correctly.  As I walked away with my printed ballot was then entered into another machine for tally. A smiling lady placed a sticker on my shirt that displayed " I Voted". Again I was proud, Anyone who knows me is aware that I voted. Thousands of people I don't know saw my shirt sticker and knew I voted. Therefore Voting is not a Secret. Who you voted for is a secret. This is the rule for 200 years. In the past many people voted absentee. Certainly people in the military should vote and those who may be handicapped can also vote, I also am aware that each State has different regulations and procedure for Elections. In a Democrazy voting is a much different than Democracy explained above. In a Democrazy the poll station is very secretive of who is voting. No Identification is required. Poll workers strive to remain isolated away from any onlookers. And the person who voted is more protected than how they voted. The rules are much different in a Democrazy. Anyhow my first vote for Nixon was in vain and my recent vote was a wasted effort. The reason is some jerk in Georgia considers who voted a secret. Imagine my amazement remembering thousands of people who recently wore shirt stickers I Voted. Criminals in Detroit Michigan dumped thousands of fraudulent ballots in the count at 3AM November the 4th. Same with Philly. What the don't realize is they put a loser in the White House. The Executive Branch of Government has been stolen. The belief that there be no accounting of who voted is protected by the constitution is outrageous. Not true. Without validation of who voted we get Democrazy. Millions of ballots were sent out and never returned. This is not because there ballot did not count. It's because those votes were not needed to a win for Biden. If they needed more they had plenty. If I cannot vote then I will not obey those in Office. what ever Joe Biden does I will vow to stop him at every turn. He will never get my support until the truth is known. No Thanks Joe and Calamity I'm gonna take a pass for the next four years. At least 4 years. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Friday, November 20, 2020

Step One

 Step One is a voter validation number for each absentee ballot for President/Vice, House of Representatives and Senate. Step 2. never allow voter inputs outside the United States for tabulation from any foreign entity. Step 3. All  State Ballots require Name, Address, Date of  Birth, POST MARKs typical certification that must be pre validated authentic etc. State certification validation is encouraged to be done prior to election day.  NO tabulations announced until Election Day. Once the ballot is certified authentic it should be stored and filed by Federal Validation Number. Validations sent to the federal government need only the coded number on each ballot with no information about the voter or how they may have voted. Vote Validation Numbers must be in on or before election, day no exceptions. Voter Validation only confirms eligibility and this person did vote. Receipt of both the ballots at the State level and coded number sent to the federal government constitutes a valid vote. Step 3. Election tabulations are to be kept secret with no access until all voting is complete.  All Tabulations are secret until all counts are complete and the winner is known. Synchronization at both the State and Federal level must be reconciled. If you don't know how many votes need to be dumped you will likely guess wrong and be caught. This is not voter suppression. Validating ballots insures everyone can vote by mail if they wish. We want each legal voter to vote and every legal vote counted. We want a secret ID ballots as we demand all ballots be secret. Right now balloting is not secret and tabulation are unreliable. This will eliminate most of the cheating as it speeds the process. It will restore voter confidence AND make voting much easier and cheating much harder.  If you don't care for the Biden Administration today, wait for tomorrow. Biden will change his story daily with a new accounting of endless scapegoats and lame excuses to explain laws broken and every false promise made. Biden will accomplish nothing and take no responsibility for his failures. The longer Trump can keep Biden from transition reigns of Power the better off America will be. THE Biden Buck Stops Next Door!!! . Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Zombie Administration

 Really, Biden is appointing a zombie cabinet to support his zombie election. Neither Tom Clancy or Walt Disney could dream this big.  I remember Jerry Ford was President and he never received any votes or won a state. I hope we don't have Biden for 4 years.  Trump was ahead 800000 votes on election day with all votes counted from machines. On November 4 at 4am Biden jumps ahead from phony mail in ballots.  Some no post mark, no signature and voted just Biden. Clearly some clever electioneering. We can put a man on the moon he just can't vote in America. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Trumps Pathway to Victory

 The state of Georgia has announced a full vote recount for President. The lead by Biden currently is 14000 votes. Trump needs a win in  Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Michigan all are within reach.  Alaska  and North Carolina  are states where Trump is still ahead. Flip Michigan and Pennsylvania and Trump takes 284 electoral college votes.  Enough to walk through the front door at the  White House again. We could witness the greatest defeat since the 1980 USA Hockey Team won the Gold Medal at the Olympics...

Trump and the Media

 5 years ago plus  or minus Trump announced he would run for President. He quickly learned the Press/ Media could not be trusted to convey his words accurately or at all. Trump looked in his toolbox and found the Tweet. And so it began. When Trump became President he continued to tweet rather than allow networks to scoop the White House News. News from the White House and the President became vetted by the President himself. You can't report falsely what the President said if everyone in America received the information at the same time. This way the press is denied partial or false reporting. The longer this went on the worse the confrontation became. One year ago the Media/Press launched an all out assault on the Trump Campaign while they kept Bingo Biden in the Basement. Free speech guarantees this right to speech. At the same time only negative information was reported on Trump. Only Positive Information was reported on Biden. Slanted Journalism is the result. It appears Biden may take the White House and the peoples direct access to the White House will end. All our knowledge will once again be censored by the Press. You will know what they want you to know. This is not free speech. News reporting becomes propaganda. Knowing the difference between  them is each citizens responsibility. This has always been true. The big difference is the Trump Tweets revealed only the truth. Often ugly but always accurate. The acid tests in the coming administration is Are You Better OFF. Biden is backwards. Taking the standard of living to the dumpster. No Jobs, Higher Cost of Living, Higher Taxes and no Improvements across the board. You may not hear or see what's going on in the next 4 years but you will feel it. The new administration will be full of excuses to mask the failure. Biden has begun to ask for unity among all Americans. A position never advised during the elections. If Joe wants Unity. If Joe wants to fight for us then let's start with a fair election. Joe should embrace a recount of valid voting. Other wise Joe will take the White House walking in backwards through the BACKDOOR.  Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Close Enough For Horseshoes

 Election officials are saying on record that people voted twice, people who should not be allowed to vote have voted. dead people have voted and phony out of state people voted and these ballots were counted. All of these things happen in small numbers in normal election. No Sir You're on Drugs and that is not what we pay you to do!!!! Famously quoted by others is.. I'm a little bit pregnant, I've had one or two Officer and I don't recall her name sir. In other words these elections are more like playing Horseshoes than selecting a leader of the free world. What this official admitted publicly is there are grounds for investigations regardless of those who are not impowered to decide will tell us. I demand that every mail in ballot be double checked and verified as a legal vote. Not just merely recount the fraudulent votes again. We demand as citizens if we are going to stand in line 6 feet apart wearing face masks outside in 34 degree temperatures for more than an hour the very least our official can do is get off their lazy freeloading arse and check the ballots before counting them. Clearly, voting in America needs to be cleaned up or your wasting everyone's time and money. If we spent one tenth of the money wasted on political advertisement we could have valid elections!!!!! Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Monday, November 9, 2020

The End of Christianity

 The recent 2020 election has provided undisputable proof that thousands of people rose from the dead to cast  a vote for Joe Biden only. Nobody else, just Joe. 2000 thousand years ago we had similar reports and a guy named Joe was implicated then. This can only mean we are all Jewish. Or Joe Biden is a liar. Happy Trails Suckers

Clean the Polls

 Regardless of the outcome of the 2020 election it is obvious we need to overhaul our federal election process and give it a good scrubbing. First declare donations to party are NOT tax deductible. Add Heavy Taxes to every political advertisement in every media. Demand honesty in every news broadcast with National Watchdogs handing out stiff Fines for erroneous misleading information. Add new election policing at the federal level to insure no bully intimidations at the polls. Require random checks of validations of votes. Checking both vote process and voters. If spot checking reveals incorrect tally, complete a audit of every vote with backups. Nothing Is More Important!!!  Provide heavy penalties and jail time for every offense. Once the odds of being caught are greater than the odds of not getting caught is the only way to valid Federal Voting.

Defund the President

 Since Bingo Biden and Calamity Harris will take office with  a trail of phony write in absentee ballots as their constituents. WE can only assume their base is as much a hoax as his presumed office. Add this to the endless lists of first time evers and never before happenings proudly touted by the imaginary press . There's a lot that I don't know but in this particular instance I witnessed the theft real time on every news outlet in America. ANYONE with a  a brain can connect the dots on this hoax. (Obviously does not apply to Democrats) It's difficult to distinguish which suffered the most. Both the Process and Reporting have slipped to lowest ever accounting. Now the same fake news who got Biden in office has ordained him winner before votes are counted and court cases completed.  The answer is as obvious as the solution. Analyze every absentee vote in every battle ground states. If Biden still wins then we go forward. If nothing is done we go backwards. The task of a new President to unite America is always the biggest challenge. Tough to accomplish with a majority win at the Polls. Impossible to achieve with a imaginary voters with imaginary ballots. Such elections produce imaginary leaders.  If you cheated your way through college then the degree you received is an empty piece of paper. A process not fully thought through with Biden's IQ. Don't take my advice just ask Calamity Harris what she had to say about Joe in the Primaries..  The Biden Presidency is based upon an imaginary platform with no stated purpose. Biden's Platform is a mindless abortion of sound bites from the basement that changes daily as he walks backwards into the Oval Office. He has no goals. He just wants a big party for himself.  I propose we place the White House up for sale and require Biden's Office be in the dumpster where they both belong. Defund the President as the Idiot in Charge deserves. No police Cars have been burned, Windows Broken or Looting in the name of Donald Trumps imaginary loss. Tom

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biden selects Hunter

 Joe Biden has declared that if elected he will appoint Hunter Biden as the first US Ambassador to The Dollhouse.

Stupid Easy

  Ballot harvesting has been going on for a long time. In the computer age it makes it easier than ever. All you need to tip an election is 30 thousand votes in only Battle Ground States. EASY. First you verify through public records who is not registered to vote. EASY. Without their permission you register these people who never voted to falsely register. EASY. Obtain ballots using these names or in some states just ask for blank ballots. EASY. Wait until days before election and mail these fraudulent ballots to be counted. EASY. Or simply dump these fraudulent ballots without post marks and mix with valid ballots.  Pews research an estimated vote turn out of 100 million. They also estimated 139 million could have voted and chose not to.  Just 1% of these could make a loser a  big winner.. This explains why Trump wins among People who voted in person. Trump wins again with people who voted early in person. Trump wins again in people who voted with certified mail in Ballots. Trump loses in late vote absentee fraudulent votes in states who are governed with politicians complicate in the fraudulent elections. The election flips by people who did not register and did not vote and have no idea of the abuse. 30 thousand votes in each battle ground state is Easy to forge. Fraudulent votes also explain why Trumps  early leads on election night flips to Biden in days after. Stupid Easy. The votes will appear to be valid even though they were cast fraudulent by people who should be in prison. This is not dirty politics or October trickery. This is an assault on our Constitution and We The People. The only way to prove this happens is to reverse the process and check every absentee write in votes cast by people who weren't registered before did not vote in the last election. Contact these people and find out if they are still alive. Still live at the same location. Ask did they register and did they VOTE. ALSO STUPID EASY.  If poll workers only check to see if a person can vote as opposed to checking if they did vote should be the tally.  We also know thousands of ballots were mailed out and never returned. Making the ballot resources plentiful again, EASY. We all know this election turned out huge numbers of voters. We all know the pandemic caused many people to vote early or absentee. These facts simply cloud the truth, it only take 30 thousand votes in only battle ground states to put a CROOK in the White House.  The first time in US history a president took office without Ohio. Biden was also was soundly defeated at the Iowa caucus. Count only valid votes and Trump wins again....

Friday, November 6, 2020

Naked Voter Fraud

 The election for President 2020 is nothing more than a sham. We the People may be slow  but we're not stupid. At least not as gullible as the residents of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. All states that President Trump led at some point election night. Republicans did well in the Senate and House of Representative's. Are we really going to believe this trend did not follow in the Presidents race. The wild card in all the battleground states is the Absentee Vote. Harvesting votes has been going on for a long time. Never this obvious. Never this flagrant. One thing is for sure. If were going to vote in this manner we are going to have Mandatory Federal Laws Guarantees of Continuity in elections. How the states vote for dogcatcher is up to them. Federal positions must have federal laws. I'm not sure how this will play out in the courts and I fear that the real loser may take office.  All politicians left and right speak of our great nation. Democracy, Union, Republic and Constitution are all proud emblems of our success as a nation. Be aware these fine qualities all have underlying rules that must be adhered to. Most of our rules can be traced to No lying. No stealing. No cheating No exceptions to anyone regardless of pedigree. When violations occur we have lost it all. All things become possible and likely sooner than later. Without the obedience we are no better than our worst enemy. At the top of this list is our Union and respect for our fellow man regardless of how wrong we may disagree with his culture. Unfortunately the left has condoned the anarchists' looting and arson because civil unrest might help in national elections. It did not. It became obvious the unrest only occurred in Democratic controlled governments. It's time to declare Martial Law and suspend Habeas Corpus..  I will be damned if I will let some career criminal pick who will led this country. If he wishes to burn Portland or Chicago to the ground I don't care. If we can't follow the laws, then don't follow any laws until peace can be maintained. If you think you don't have rights now, Under Martial Law you don't have ANY Rights. Lawless behavior becomes accepted norm. Sounds extreme. No it is not extreme because we are already there. If I cannot choose who makes the laws then I sure as hell am not going to follows the laws. This is not about Trump versus Biden. It's about fair elections. So let the Courts convince us the election for President is valid. Not lawful but morally and  ethically the intentions of real voters. Lots of things are lawful and not acceptable behaviors. The President Should Declare Martial Law in any state where voter fraud is expected. Right Is Might ...Support the Donnybrook Republicans TOM...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

He Don't Call. He Don't Write

 He Don't Call. He Don't Write. He said he was gonna fight for me. Give me free stuff. Pay my rent and buy my groceries. Every day I go to the mailbox and get letters from him. Ten times an hour he speaks to me on my TV.  What, No free College. No free Healthcare and worse I gotta get a JOB.  He don't call.  He don't write.  I hope he's all right. The election must be over.  How could he forget so quickly. Say it aint so Joe... Did we count all the river votes and ballots left in the trunk of the rentals cars at the airports. I hope he's all right. Burma Shave Tom

Monday, November 2, 2020

New Normal

 One more day before the election. So why are the Democrats boarding up windows and doors. What has gone wrong with the Republic. What sickness does our Union suffer from. Very Sad Indeed. I approved this message. None of the lies. Happy Trails Tom

Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Pole Voter Stress Disorder: It started a year ago. Beginning slowly. Eminence of what we all know was coming. Another 4 year Presidential Election and with it the Executive Branch of Government. Media and Private Interests picking teams strategies and Politicians who will best do their bidding. The results of one year of propaganda, lies and insults have brought most Americans to the first round draft pick voters status. The topic of politics normally mostly ignored and boring is now main stage. Even the looters thieves and arsonist are coveted for the vote. The Politicians who formally devoted all their time to fund raising switches to what will make this person vote for me. Most notable are the 30 second advertisements non stop on every channel 24/7. The normally irritating blather of Accident Attorneys, Bath Remodeler's and Hawkers of Product are drowned out by Election Blather. I have not been this irritated since the Sham WOW guy went to prison. Even the guy selling boats made out of screen doors is gone. No Ronco, No Insurance Advertisements, How will we ever adjust. Soon, November 3 is Election Day will bring an end to the TV Blitz. The sudden changes will no doubt cause many Americans Emotional Trauma and require professional help counseling. I personally recommend all Americans exchange their Covid 19 face mask for a set of high quality Ear Plugs until we return back to normal broadcasting November 6 or 7. It will take a few days for the protests to subside and folks reclaim their sanity. Those most vulnerable should refrain from watching any commercials or at the very least keep a close eye on that Mute Button. Be confident the vast wasteland of television broadcasting will return. And a new crop of couch potatoes will be planted. Shows like Who's Your Daddy and Bee Bop News will return. The cash to support civil unrest will dry up and the Cities will become quieter with the colder weather and time change  as usual. The Politicians who win the voters confidence will vanish in political swamp hibernation until the Mid Terms when they will return to fight for us again. The Losers should get jobs selling Products as inferior as the platforms they once promised. I really don't know or care where they go, Prison Maybe. It will no doubt be a huge improvement to the status quo but still a far cry from what we should expect from ourselves. So I approved this message and Happy Trails Tom.........

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 What's more despicable than foreign governments interference in US Elections? More despicable are US Politician's who pawn their crimes off against the US Taxpayers as interference from those same governments. The  Foreign Autocrats who meddle in our elections have no intentions of  guiding who might become President. The intent is to divide the American Citizens by casting doubts on a valid outcome. They are not stupid and expect to be caught in exchange for sound bites on the 6:00 pm  broadcast news. Every election since 1789 has been declared unfair by the loser... Despicable are noble causes that are used to hide unspeakable crimes. Banners waved of inequality, unfair or unjust to dignify looting, arson and battery are merely distractions.  The Holy Wars from 1100 to 1300 were used to kill and wage senseless wars in the name of Christianity.  Despicable are media broadcaster who offer biased reporters as debate moderators position to craft questions that can only benefit one candidate.  Moderators will focus on the Noble Cause never the crimes committed at the same time. Asking questions about criminals who are injured or died by police making an arrest, who were called by citizens to enforce the laws. This is not profiling. If you were walking down the street and confronted for no reason by Cops is much different than an officer investigating bad checks, stolen cigars and domestic violence. Everyone knows the laws are easily interpreted, some just defied by those rejecting  any authority. These are Criminals not Hero's. If you don't want cops in your neighborhood ..Don't call the Police.. Same for the botched 60 minutes interview where President Trump walked out. I give Trump high marks for walking out on slanted questions practiced in preparation with questions that can only benefit Bingo Biden. To much focus on Covid 19 which will not be an issue in February, 21. The Inauguration regardless of who wins will not remedy this disease. The effects on the economy will linger for years as the world recovers economically.  We should be voting on the recovery not the disease.. Voting on 4 year term over an issue that will be gone in 4 months is crazy.... I approved this message. Not the lies Tom

Friday, October 16, 2020

Goes Without Saying

 I have said many times before "Buying Politicians" should not be tax deductible period. Legislators at every level of government are constantly trying to invent better ways to tax the people. They avoid anything that may affect them negatively in the same manner. If it affect them positively and they still get elected its just win win again and again. Billions of dollars are collected from the top 1% income earners to elect in office representative's who make decisions for how the other 99% live or not depending on incomes. The 1% recognize they must have a minimum standard for how the other 99% live or not.  That's why we have free programs from the government to insure people are happy living at poverty levels.  These programs lessen the possibility of uprising or civil unrest which is always expensive. Cheaper to feed the beast than have him bite you in contrast. It is unfair to me why the people who donate vast wealth every election actually do so at the taxpayers expense. These deductions should stop  immediately. Also we should add charges for every political ad on TV Radio and Magazine efforts. Turning this huge amount of money over to the US Treasury will eliminate 1% Billionaires and restructure the wealth among all Americans.  I approved this message!!!!Burma Shave Tom

Election Blather

 November 2020 and we the people are headed to the Polls. This years main event is Trump Pence vs Biden Harris. I think Trump has done a good job. High marks for the economy, foreign policy and pandemic response. The media is not unbiased and favors Bingo Biden. Similar to 2016 race, the polls show dyslexic Democrats leading by wide margins. Four years ago the networks had a lot of embarrassing explanations the day after the election. How could they be soooo far offf. Trump wins and Hilary has complained  ever since. It causes me to wonder if we will see a late October surprise from the networks. This time as Media changes the poll numbers to reflect the people who vote. I also believe more people believe Bingo Biden and son Casino Biden are both corrupting foreign policy for personal gains. I don't think either could organize a 2 car funeral with or without plagiarisms. Harris is way to Black. Neither her race or skin tone offends me. Her race baited attitude may secure votes from like minded Black Racist's but this a small number and most people are good regardless of culture. Barrack Obama won the highest office in the land twice by avoiding racial preferences and sticking to issues of all Americans. The Democratic Platform is based upon " Who's Your Honky" as if minorities are only interested in imaginary racial issues. If Harris wants to pursue her causes she should do so at other levels of Government. Pence is a solid running mate who protects the President's backside. Pence is also capable of taking over if needed. The Republican Ideology is we open the economy to prosperity through work and profits/ investments to achieve stated goals. The Democratic Ideology is to tax what we have and hope we get to the end before  we're bankrupt. The end goals for both Left and Right Ideology are similar. The pathway to victory however is in stark contrast. If you believe in gimme gimme somethun, then you are a good fit for Biden /Harris. On the other hand if you believe that perseverance and hard work dedication is the answer the you will fit well in Trump /Pence camp.  We all know which way works and the other never has!!!! We have an open seat at the Supreme Court. Trump has picked Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy. I did not approve of Senator Mitch McConnell's handling of Merrick Garland 4 years ago. I firmly believe that  Garland deserved the vote. If changes to the Constitution or legislation needs passed to insure the Presidents nominations are taken in order they were received and not by who is in office, this debacle would cease. The Democrats have had 4 years to change this oversight. They appear to be satisfied with just complaining over work ethic. None of this reflects on Amy Coney Barrett or her impeccable credentials. I am impressed that she has no affiliations with Harvard or Yale Law schools. Constitutionally there is nothing written, the Supreme Court should come from East of I-95. Sounds as stupid as it is also true. Common sense does not prevent the Dyslexic Democrats from attacking her birth place, race, religion and culture. White, Catholic and born in Louisiana are not as noteworthy as contrasting Black Gay or Latin resonates. These characteristic actually reflect the values of the nominator and shares nothing with the abilities of the candidate. You must be a racist if you believe the Supreme Court should have representation based on these qualifications. "Like me" is more important than just Household American. Ditto for Ivy League Schools versus Notre Dame. All are fine schools. We will all become equal when we discard racial, cultural and ethnic stereotypes. As long as we support the small differences we will only get more divisions...The Democrats who try to discredit Amy Coney Barrett are the same individuals who support the shameful resume of Bingo Biden and led the Impeachment Show of the President. The world may be watching as the laughter gets louder. Clearly there is to much party in Government and not nearly enough American Experience. This is what captures peoples attention around the Globe. It should be who we are. Get out and Vote it's better than Christmas    .... Happy Trails Thomas Palmer.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Dateline: 2020 September 26

 This just in; a Tornado touched down at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The event was rated by the National Weather Service as a  very rare category E.F. ZERO. No lives or injuries were reported as the Tornado decimated beach chairs and umbrellas for over 150 yards. Fortunately the beach equipment was gathered up and returned to use. That which was beyond repairs was sacrificed to the Bar God Boorah in ceremony at sunset.  The Myrtle Beach Tornado is said to have surpassed the impeachment of Donald J Trump in news ratings......  It's who we are and where are we going?  Happy Trails Tom

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Biden's Pick For VP

 Insiders deep in the Biden Camp say they believe Joe is close to picking his running mate. It was released that those nearest to the basement door overheard Joe chanting EENY MEENY, MINY, MOE. This can only indicate Joe's highest level of government knowledge???? Thanxs Burma Shave Tom

Friday, August 7, 2020

Big Question

 Big question today. If Joe Biden is elected in November will he continue to govern from the basement???? A liar never changes his spots I'm told

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Herman Cain Dies

Former 2012 Presidential Candidate passed away today from complications from Covid 19. Herman was born December 13 1945. In a time when Blacks from the deep South were not supposed to succeed Herman broke all the records kicking down imaginary barriers supported by others from his own race. In addition to his 2012 Presidential Candidate Herman managed to obtain a Master's Degree from Purdue University and Bachelor's Degree from Moorehouse College. He became CEO of Godfather's Pizza, CEO National Restaurant Association, Chairman Federal Reserve Bank Kansas City. He claimed to be raised poor but happy in Atlanta Georgia. His parents were hard working people who paid their own way in life. Herman Cain did not abuse drugs and had No Arrest Records which eliminates Herman as the litmus test for Black Role Models Today. Herman Cain played by the rules and amassed a estimated wealth  of between 3 million and 6 million Dollars. President Barack Obama is speaking today at the funeral of John Lewis who marched on a bridge in Alabama and was a elected Congressman. Both men about the same age. Both born in the deep South. Who is your role model and why. Happy Trails Tom

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Barrack Obama

Since 1889 Aunt Jemima has been the face depicted on pancake boxes. 131 years is along run. 24 years after the Civil War. This move may have been considered progressive in the day. 100 Years after the American Revolution and the United States Constitution. Complaints of racial stigmas forced the manufacturer to drop the name and face today. I never thought pancakes could be controversial. I do know this much for sure. If white people were depicted as Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben then there would be outrage from  the same minority of equal opportunity and why are Blacks not hired for these positions. Martha Stewart would make billions today doing exactly the same business model. I am certain that regardless of the faces used on Pancake Boxes the complaining will never stop and logic is never a consideration. Just for the record, I never gave 2 shits about the Confederate Flag or Monuments to Confederate Soldiers. I think most people don't care. Racial Equality lies in the minds of those who are taught from  birth this stigma. Perhaps if Black Ancestors applied themselves in either of these wars, freedom may have come sooner and without permission from others. An obvious hard fact for the African American community to acknowledge.. 8 Years of a Black President never gets it's recognition and those who voted for him are called Racists. Just as those 700,000 brave white soldiers who died in battle to free the slaves are completely ignored by  Black history books. Black History chooses to focus on bridges and marches that occurred in the deep South some 200 years later. The loss of life was minimal in comparison to the Civil War where tragic prices were registered and ungrateful to whining people today...... Happy Trails Tom

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Biden's Basement

A poll taken today in Joe Biden's Basement indicates  a whopping 13 point lead among non family members. Numbers for direct family slip a bit to 9 points but still heavily favored downstairs. Upstairs Trump is still leading!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Black Crime Matters

A lot of attention is generated today when a black person dies in confrontation with police. I lived through the 1960's and remember the race riots, and war protests of the era. Particularly the 68 democratic convention and the murderous execution of 4 students by the National Guard at Kent State May 1970. The right to assembly ,free speech is uno in the Bill of Rights. It warms my heart to see the Bill of Rights played out still today. I sleep better knowing that everybody is watching. I am white Caucasian, honky, cracker etc What ever you may call my Scottish ancestry. The US Constitution does not condone those who loot, burn steal and property damage as part of protest. Nor do I have empathy for criminals who commit these crimes and those who became accessories as bystanders who did nothing to stop obvious crimes. You cannot hide behind injustice to commit other crimes. Certainly there is a lot of injustice today as we strive for a more perfect Union. There exists without question a disparity in Police actions with Black people. The voice I hear resonating is Blacks are more likely to encounter Police than others. Numbers are different for each demographic. This tells me that targeted Blacks are not guilty or less guilty than others. It means that other demographics should be held accountable by the same standard. If the racial balance in a Police jurisdiction is 70% white 20% Black 5% Latin and 5% Percent Asian then this balance should be upheld as a quota for Police to follow. Pull over 2 Black citizens for a broken tail light but not another Black accused of that crime until 7 whites 1 Latin and 1 Asian have also been targeted as Police Enforcement. When this happens the rage from other demographics will no doubt stop the process. The Cops should have less contact with people for petty crimes and just mail a letter with warning. If you ignore the warnings then expect trouble. This should free Police to focus on crimes in progress rather that driving without insurance, license or tags which is revenue harassment for the state and insurance titans. These laws should be enforced in accidents or reckless driving cases. With quotas in mind. Police have long had ticket quotas to follow which in turn pays salaries, allows more cops hired. I don't approve of these quotas but if done fairly without discrimination then I could live with the process. Criminals who are caught in a active investigation should not be given a pass get out of jail card because of race. Resisting arrest fighting with police or running, you should expect to encounter deadly force. If you've committed no crime then you have nothing to fear. I detest encounters with Police and feel NO justice can be expected on Police Authority. Only if accompanied by complete video of the body camera..I am certain that if demographic quotas are kept American people will be better off.,,,, PS send the bleeping illegals packing across the border and the sooner the better. Happy Trails to everyone Tom

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hear Ye Hear Ye

Thomas Jefferson is often credited with saying Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism. Bitching and complaining to form a more perfect Union. It's how we roll in 2020. It won't be Dissent that takes us down in the USA!! Apathy is our only weakness. Get out there and bitch today at Congress....... Burma Shave Tom

Friday, May 8, 2020

It Starts Today

We talk about it. We have complained about it. We all have the power as consumers to fix it. Stop buying products made in China!!! I know it's tough to find what we need not made in China. That situation is also our fault. We should have stopped the complaining and seized control long ago, say 1980. We have bought poison dog food poison tooth paste while our intellectual property is stolen with impunity. Now we are led to slaughter by our own greed. So when your out shopping today wearing your surgical mask ,carrying disinfectant towels and hoping you might cut a deal on toilet paper, feeling lucky! Remember how this happened. Remember who turned your life upside down. We have imported Covid 19 with the rest of the planet. Take a swing at the communist who caused this mayhem. Do your part. ...IT STARTS TODAY ...TAKE A LEADERSHIP ROLE... DO NOT BUY ANYTHING MADE IN CHINA..... Burma Shave Tom

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Georgia Placebo or Guinea Pigs

The President laid out his plan of phases to restart the economy. AKA push the limits of Covid 19. We have a control group of 50 states and 50 Governors. All represent 50 different levels of complication. If we all followed one plan we would all learn the same outcome. Only by deviation from state to state will we experience positive or negative outcomes  to scale. If everyone took the same actions we learn nothing. Even poor outcomes may reveal new information previously unseen. Forward is the only way out and status quo is slow death without necessary education for the future. Let's all watch the leadership in Georgia and benefit from the outcomes.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Fiscally Irresponsible Pandemic

Every bailout takes us one step closer to Socialism in the US. States like  New York who over spent when times were good now suffer from the added burdens of unemployment and lost revenue. Covid 19 is not to blame for the balance sheet of poorly run state economies. I agree with Mitch McConnel the vaccine for States Economies is Bankruptcy not Bailouts There never was a 2big2fail   and New York being home to Wall Street and High Finance need only to grab their boot straps and pull hard, complain less Burma Shave.  Tom

Monday, April 20, 2020

Stimulus Pains

If you thought the Corona was bad wait until we see the effects of all the free cash flowing out of DC. Does anyone think it odd that our Congress who is tasked with levy of taxes depends on the Treasury to pay these expenditures. Congress depends on the Eternal Revenue Service to collect taxes from guess who. Then why would the IRS be tasked with paying out stimulus bucks? Several months from now and certainly after election day we will feel the pressure in our backside as the stimulus knife is slowly removed. The rule of supply and demand will take place and inflation is on the way. If you read our US Constitution you will find that nowhere does it say Congress has the power to gift, credit, grant money or deduction in article ONE. Due to some fancy foot work by George Washington and Alexander Hamilton this wooden nickle comes The Supreme Court. Along with trillions in debt accrued in paper money accounting. Corona is not good for the lungs but free money from folks who have none is a pain much lower in the behind.. The National Debt is at 23.3 trillion today. Take us to WARP 24 Scotty  we need more power.... Burma Shave Tom

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Mythical Value of Toilet Paper

I was stunned upon entering my local super market that on the shelf was a pallet load of Toilet Paper unseen for more than a month. Joy over came my emotion as I grabbed from beneath the ONE Only sign above. This was not my first time purchase as I have been a avid consumer for years. In the check out line the product rang up at $7.99 for 8 rolls. A bit pricey I surmised. It was then that I realized the true value of T.P. cannot be measured on the shelf. The intrinsic nature can only be realized in a sitting position in an uncrowded room. It is also true that those without T.P. are shunned by society. I wondered now that the T.P. is on the shelf, maybe we won't see quite as many masks of other patrons. Happy Trails Tom.

Imagine for a moment?

President Donald J Trump is at the White House today thanking Americas Trucking business for the jobs well done during the Covid 19 attacks. I paused to IMAGINE what if we could thank the workers in the shuttered textile mills from not long ago for making masks and gowns sorely needed today. Imagine if we could thank the workers who once made our electronics and pharmaceuticals right here in the USA. Imagine if we opened all our shuttered industry, maybe just maybe Covid 19 would still be contained in Wuhan where it rightfully belongs!!!!!!! Main Street USA has become an open sewer of World Trade Managed By the Pharaohs our very own Wall Street. Shameful to all Americans Past, Present and Future... Happy Trails Tom..

Chinese Pandora or Oopsy We Nuked the Planet

More and more reports are surfacing the Covid 19 disease was hatched by incompetent  Chinese Communist in a Wuhan laboratory. If true, this accident or not must be dealt with in the World Court of Opinions. Clearly the death and suffering is on par with a Nuclear Bomb. With  millions of people dead and trillions lost in commerce a price must be paid. The Punitive Damages should be awarded to every earthling who suffered from Chinese Incompetence. I support the President in restructuring the World Health Organization. The devastation is the only proof I need.... Happy Trails Tom

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Blame Game

If CNN, ABC and CBS can blame the President for what he didn't do 6 .weeks ago. Why does none  of the above mention the responsibility of the Governors. Remember the first person to die from Covid19 in the US was February 29.. What about the Mayors are they responsible for every death in their city? No Governors are not responsible for deaths in their state. The President is not responsible for the death rate in the USA. Every American is to blame because none spoke up. Nobody Knew!!!  If you wish to play the blame Game lets blame the media who was silent in January and February and did nothing. The Monday Morning Quarterback is always correct about what should have been done. The security in these statement is we will never prove what might have happened if other options were taken. I'm sick and tired of journalist asking 15 times of 3 different people the same questions in 2 hours then 30 seconds later never mention the answers on live broadcasts. The President and his aids answer all the questions and frustrations never appear until it's answered 4th time. When this pandemic is over we will rejoice over the living survivors not trample on the dead. Happy Trails Tom

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

God Speed Donald J Trump

In the days ahead the American people will follow their leaders into an unknown future. Certainly this is a time where great deeds are performed by average Americans.The toughest decisions since D Day lie ahead. Watch closely and listen carefully as pseudo politician calculate their response in votes; Big words like IF, Maybe or Unless. President Trump will make the call and the weaker politicians will not object. Objections require thoughts and another plan better. They will remain silent for now. The President must decide what is best for America and it's people. The choice is between bad or worse and is always toughest. The President is not challenged by what is best today but what is best next year and after. People are dying and his decision regardless of options will not change this fact. I'm  grateful that I am not asked to make this decision. As an American I will follow because we are always stronger together. A house divided cannot stand. I support this President and with Gods blessing we will make it through this time.  Great men are chiseled from the challenges they face. This Challenge will certainly create Great Men from your average everyday Hero. It matters not the path we take, only we all go the same direction. No doubt regardless of his decision there will be those who will smear his choices for political tally. For me all I have is" God Speed Donald J Trump" I will never doubt you. Happy Trails Tom....

Friday, March 13, 2020

Corona Virus Emergency

New York Mayor Deblasio announced a state of emergency in New York. Placing a moratorium on muggings, drive by shootings, car jacking and banker frauds. In the nations capitol similar steps were taken with moratoriums on Pork Barrel Spending, Baiting the hole for the Rich and all grants, credits ,deductions and lobbyist are banned until further notice . Come on you know I'm kidding? Keep your eye on the ball. While everyone is concerned about getting sick, the toilet paper supplies and hoarding disinfectants occur in the anarchy. Only a few will get Covid 19 and fewer will die. Meanwhile, Stocks Oil and Gold are all down directly affecting all Americans for years to come. Happy Trails Tom

Friday, February 28, 2020

Market Looses 6 Trillion since December 2018

The Corona Fears have triggered a crash and burn in the NY Markets. Down today are Apple, Amazon, Gold and Bitcoin. Hard to imagine removing 1/3 of the national debt in a year. In the past the Federal Reserve responds to crash by pumping more dollars into the banks and lower interest rates. Inflation combats depression to keep the economy churning. The Asian Money Machine is in full off position causing dominoes in global trade. If you have a Panic Button I'd say push it NOW.  Six Trillion loss is six trillion that will not be invested. We are in full reverse today. The Big Question is: Who do you think is best suited to run the Country over the next 4 years. If you say Buttigieg 3 Times he disappears. Biden couldn't run a 2 car funeral, Sanders is useless in any form of capitalism, Klobuchar is selling Scout Cookies. and Tom Steyer is the biggest hypocrite in modern times. Bloomberg is the only Democrat who has any understanding of Capitalism. The rest of the Democratic hopefuls are all CAPITOLISTS NOT CAPTITALISTS.. Happy Trails Your Gonna Need Today.... Tom

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Prince of Malaprop Or Dr. Dogberry..

Trying to follow the Democratic Debate news. I was impressed with Warren who attacked Mini Mike on treatment of women. Warren who is memorable for being able to carry her DNA out to ten decimal places. The claim made by Warren was Mini Mike addressed women as "Fat Broads or Horse Faced Lesbians" We have no proof that Mini said these insults or even if the were insults. We do have proof The Prince of Malaprop (Joe Biden) has called a woman at town hall a" Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier". Not the typical Biden response of push up contest challenge or arm wrestle for the really tough questions. We call out Biden as the Prince of Malaprop because the King would be Yogi Berra and Queen Goldie Hahn.  You never can predict what Joe might say. Biden came out of Iowa saying "Make America Fine Again" and "I think were gonna be Okay". There was no honorable mention to Klobashar or Steyer for not knowing who is the current President of Mexico. They assumed that Joe would not know and Mini Mike probably knew the correct answer. They all seemed to agree Bernie is a Communist and receives aid from Russia. Basically the Democrats agree Healthcare and College Tuition should be free to all. Farting Cows Airplanes and Firearms should be outlawed. Overall not an impressive lineup which begs the question " what type of people will cast a vote for these wizards". Why are they all selective about when or who they should be offended.  What goes unnoticed by Democrats is Prison for Republicans. The double standard is overwhelmingly supported by the Media. Unchecked they no it will not be reported. Nancy has been quite since she destroyed her copy of the State Of the Union. Adam Schiff continues to play the Democratic Games of "Who's Your Daddy" in the basement of the Capitol. Its still a long way to November but I think I know which way I'll go. Happy Trails Tom

Monday, February 10, 2020

Brad Pitt Wisdom Decoded

I turned on the Academy Awards at 10:45 with intentions of catching the eleven o'clock news airing soon.  There was Spike Lee on stage so I turned off my set and went to sleep. Awake early 5:00 am I tuned in to catch morning news, First story was related to the Academy Awards, not Best Picture, Actor or Actress. Instead best Supporting Actor Brad Pitt. I enjoy all of Brad Pitt movies and support the Oscar and his obvious talent. Never thought much of his life choices or his judgments. His acceptance was followed by a garbled utterance about this weeks events in Washington DC. What he does so well on script is speech but solo on his own is another story. Dumb Blond usually does not apply to men but Brads wisdom is a good fit for the analogy. Decoded it sounds like Brad was upset with the votes in the Senate to hear John Bolton's testimony. Dear Brad, I'm surprised that you don't care for Trump. You both support the same barber and  hair styles. The reason you didn't hear from John Bolton is because he was never called to testify at the House Inquiry. The House Inquiry and Impeachment Articles was the  Cliff Notes of Impeachment done for Timing and not Content. Politics over Country. Party over US Constitution. Had the House truly wanted to Impeach Donald Trump they would have settled in for a long slog required by the Founders. Each Branch of Government using the powers within the framework they envisioned. They expressly created equal balance in the 3 branches to insure against a politically driven charge by either party would fail short term. Impeachment is a long process and I believe the Founders saw the importance by requiring elections in the House every 2 years, Presidents every 4 years and Senate every 6 years staggered.  The election sequence themselves and the length of time is proof enough they did not want an over run of We The People and their precious vote. The only way you can achieve Impeachment Fast Track is with 2/3 consensus of guilty. If you cannot achieve this high mark required in the Constitution your attempt is politically driven as it violates the voters and is nothing more than a lot of pomp and no circumstance. The pathway that Democrats followed demonstrates that timing was of the essence. Holding the Articles of Impeachment for 33 days to coincide with State of the Union was all politics. No question that a majority vote to allow for new witness and more documents would have lengthened the process. It would not change the outcome. This Impeachment was nothing more than a Witch Hunt started on Halloween hoping to uncover dirt they didn't possess. Anyhow Brad you will get your wish and Bolton's Book should be out soon. The Republicans will continue to uncover the mountains of evidence left at the House Inquiry and our election in November is secure to "We the People"... Using the low bar established by House Democrats Donald J Trump may very well be the first ever President to be Impeached 2 or 3 times. That future fortunately lies in the hands of the VOTERS not some psycho in the House. Congratulations On the Oscar, Still Love Your Movies Brad..... but like Adam Schiff it's just acting, All Hollywood. I respect your opinion and your vote. Please respect MINE....... Burma Shave Brad Just Vote.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hunter Biden's Dad

Hunter Biden's Dad has never won a presidential primary or caucus in his 3 attempts. when it comes to losing nobody beats Joe. Bernie Sanders and Mitt Romney have both lost the run for president multiple times. Romney ran 2 times and Sanders 3. Both men won primaries or caucuses along the way. Biden on his 3's a charm is still the biggest loser in primaries. Joe has not done well in the debates either. Strangely, the Democratic Debates allow hecklers on stage but not in the audience. I hope Hunter's Dad does well and wins at the Convention. Trump will show us all what a loser Joe is in November.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Gayle KIng and Paula Deen

I caught the tale end of a interview that Gayle King had with a woman who had reportedly been assaulted by Kobe Bryant.  Death threats are reported by King. Very similar to the criticism of Paula Deen. Both women told the truth. Only difference is Paula Deen had a loaded gun in her face. When the truth is told we all need to accept it regardless of how ugly..

The Stormin Mormon

Senate Vote is in and the Trump Team has been acquitted. The fallout from the media is leading with the Romney vote, guilty of Abuse of Power. Romney made his plea to the press saying it was his religious belief that required his guilty vote. I detest Party Patriots and support those who vote outside of Party Affiliations. I also detest people who result to personal attacks, vulgar language or swearing in heated debate. When confronted with this debate I simply walk Away. You have reached the limits of intelligent debate of your opponent.  The same is true when people use race or religion in debate as if it were applicable. Nancy Pelosi and Romney have both applied the same logic to their personal faith. My faith is personal and I rarely ask Jesus for backup. So when Mitt and Nancy attempt to convince people of a higher authority on their side as defense I cringe.  I have nothing but pity for their deity. Hiding behind your faith is not in your job description. If you support Party or Religion over constitutional responsibilities you should not take the job. Mitt you should resign your seat to a person who will represent the voters. Drop the Holy Holy I got all I need at church. Lets call it separation of Church and State.......... President Trump meanwhile has fired Lt Vindman and Ambassador Sondland from their White House Posts.  There is no place for politics in Public Service. Don't stick your head out and do the peoples work. Your opinion and thoughts are only heard outside the White House fences. To be clear neither men lied under oath, both men's testimony were filled with deceptive opinions rehearsed with Adam Schiff.  The DC Swamp got a little drier as a result. I continue to watch the Department of Justice and the Senate Judiciary Committee to follow through with their investigations.  Nothing is more important to me than the prosecution of those who Lied ,Perjured and Deceived "Me The People"!!!!!Time is of the Essence before November Please. Happy Trails Tom