In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

The United States authorized Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report has been released. The Commission headed by Treasury Secretary California Phil Angelise and ten other non-federal employees make the balance of the Commission.

This report is of particular interest to this Blog. On April 17, 2010 the Blog listed what I believed were the necessary contributing factors leading to the 2008 collapse. Both reports are available on line for a full comprehensive reading. In the final analysis the Blog report of a year ago is very close to the same contributing factors of the Commission. No Surprise here.

The Commission report does not state if theses factors were conspiracy in nature or the product of widespread incompetency capable of bringing down the United States of America.

From my view, I believe at some point a conspiracy did evolve and proceeded upon the complete reliance of a full faith effort by the US Taxpayer to bailout the planned collapse. Banking and Finance has relied upon an un-written understanding that became standard business models in Finance since 1999. This plan would eventually identify Silverado Savings and loan Fiasco and the TARP Act. The malfeasance became simply Hank Paulson's 2big2fail and George H Bush's "Read my Lips".

These charges will never be tried in a Court of Law because of the Power of the wishes of those connected. The Commission's facts gathered, show the reckless regard for strong Banking Institution in America from Regulators, Congress, Federal Reserve, US Treasury and Investment Banking. The report indicates Investment Bankers focused on foolish purchase of smaller banks and heavily leveraged assets beyond the logic of a paperboy. The facts overwhelmingly show widespread incompetency as not a possible conclusion. The Banks raced to become the largest of the worst in two decades of buyouts, acquisitions. All approved by the Federal Reserve. The insolvent winner became entirely reliant on the funds of the Federal Reserve to support day to day operations.

The fact they collapsed is not the product of bad luck or consumer confidence. Consumer Confidence is the prudent conclusion to a corrupted Banking system. The TARP Bailouts perpetuate the failed system infusing more capital that will ultimately fail in the same corrupt system. TARP made the problem bigger, it wasn't a solution.

I also believe the United States would be much better off if the collapse were a product of widespread incompetency. Incompetency is a relatively easy fix. You fire those involved and fine tune until the problem goes away.

Conspiracy and corruption are systemic in nature and requires a total rebuild of corrupted systems of finance, banking and government. Closer examinations of the FCIC report indicates the collapse began 30 years ago in deregulation of legislation enacted during the Great Depression of the 1930's. These same legislation's would be declared archaic and not in step with the needs of Modern Day Global Banking. The Chairmen of The Federal Reserve stated the old legislation could be replaced with new methods of control. That control turned out to be print more money and create huge taxpayer debt and destroy confidence in Finance in America.
The legislation of the thirties carried the US through world wars, years of prosperity and tossed hundreds in prison who violated the laws. The collapse of 2008 has not placed anyone responsible in prison.

Absent from the FCIC report is acknowledgement of the fallout from collateral damage of the greedy. The full force of the theft is being paid by the innocent lives of American men, women and children homeless and without good jobs that pay the bills. The rewards for the theft can be found in the captured real estate, salary and bonuses of the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. All made possible through acts of Congressional Greed stretching back some thirty years.

The people responsible continue to be re-elected from lobby money. Today Wall Street Investment Banker Goldman Sachs announced the salary of CEO Lloyd Blankfein would increase three fold from $600,000 to $1.85 million dollars annual salary. Four of Blankfein top henchmen were also rewarded in spite of Goldman Sachs poor last quarter down 53%. Also announced this week were seizures of 11 small commercial Banking Institution thus far in 2011. Commercial Banks seized in 2010 was 157 with ONE MILLION homes foreclosed. This proves competency does not equate to success in America. The American Dream is now based upon conspiracy and corruption in what was formerly known as The United States of America.

Since the collapse of the 2008 Congress has passed legislation that address the fallout but ignores the source systemic corruption.

The Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform and Consumer Protection Act closes some obvious loophole in Consumer Banking. It fails to address the negative impacts of Investment Banks who now run the DOW Jones Wheel of Fortune as their personal Casino. Nor, does it address the Countrywide Financial VIP loans eligible to "Very Important People" like Chris Dodd (D) Connecticut Kent Conrad(D) North Dakota, 2 US Senators, 2 former Cabinet members and 1 US Ambassador among others.

The Countrywide VIP loans offered reduced interest rate, waived points, lender fees and lacks borrowing rules. Same as money in my book. Countrywide Loans were absorbed by Bank of American in Countrywide's eminent default. Chris Dodd choose not to run again for his senate seat amid the controversial VIP Loan. Chris Dodd instead left his legacy in the Dodd Frank Act that legalized 2big2fail and ignores corrupt lobbyist, legal bribery, Oligopoly Campaign Contribution and subsequent corruption it directly produces. Ditto for Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act 2009. Congress has focused upon curing the fever and not the infection.

Listed below are findings I felt were most important. All are important and I suggest every American read the complete report and then read again between the lines as I have done.

The Commission Report FCIC is a detached compilation of subpoena inspired information investigated by the Commission. Surprisingly a well written easy read of information gathered. It draws little conclusions and makes no statements of how to avoid another collapse.

Nearly 11 trillion in household wealth has vanished. Businesses large and small have felt the sting of deep recession.
Millions of homes foreclosed, unspeakable unemployment and homeless women and children hungry living in the streets. Standing in full view of TARP supported Investment Bank owned and boarded empty properties . Each local municipality should pass zoning legislation to raze empty Bank Owned property. Either sell or pay people to live in the Bank owned homes to negate the windfall bankster profits and provide relief for the Taxpayers. Take down the boards!!!

Many people who abided by all the rules now find themselves out of work and uncertain about their future.
Force banksters to hire more workers and double their pay scale to reduce the obscene wealth of Bankster Executives.

Much attention over the past 2 years has been focused on the decision by the federal government to provide massive financial assistance to stabilize the financial system and rescue large financial institution that were deemed systematically important to fail.

Rewarding failure is the government center piece that makes the 2008 theft profitable. Remove the motive and the corruption will cease.The fear logic "we all benefit" is pure Government Bullshit. Assumption your retirement money is now been saved is nonsense. Without TARP bailouts homes would return to fair market values not influenced by government in business enterprise. Housing prices would settle in at comparable 1960's wages now common in 2010. Don't worry about me I'll be fine. When viewing possible solution to government, always challenge the basics of the problem. The Iraq War began because of the threats of imaginary WMD's and hostile terrorist camps within Iraq. We would have avoided the entire war if we demanded proof of George W Bush's obvious paranoia. President John F Kennedy had photos of Russian missiles in Cuba. The TARP Bailouts would have been avoided if we allowed the Banks to enter Federal Bankruptcy Court. That is our redistribution of wealth system in America. Lehman Bros, did fail and was resold to Barclay's Bank in 24 hours without bailouts. Instead Americans fell for Hank Paulsons fear tactics the sky was falling with his one hand firmly in the kitty.They had a lot of skin in the game and took huge booty bonuses along the way.
Those decisions and the deep emotions surrounding them will be debated long into the future. While the vulnerabilities that created the potential for crisis were years in the making it was the housing bubble fueled by low interest rates,easy and available credit, scant regulation, and toxic mortgages that was the spark that ignited a string of events, which lead to a full blown crisis of the fall of 2008.
The housing bubble gets to much credit. When banks infuse low interest rates, easy credit and scant regulation you accomplish the same with doorknobs or donuts. The vehicle is a non issue in the bank heist. The bubble has been done before and you can bet it will happen again in five to seven years.

The losses were magnified by derivatives such as synthetic securities.
Derivatives and synthetic securities are the product of Goldman Sachs. Illegal 12 years ago. The highly complex products proved to be felonious smoke and mirror parlor games. Nothing more than triple AAA rated snake oils. Both so called products were a practice reserved for Houdini and others in slight of hand businesses in former decades. Records indicate Houdini did not attend Harvard or Yale. Anyone sending hard earned money to Greed Street is as insane as gullible. The winners of Greed Street are those who are not eaten along the way.

From 1978 to 2007 the amount of debt held by financial sector soared from $3 trillion to $36 trillion, more than doubling as a share of GDP.
During this time deregulation was common. As MEGA banks grew to 2big2fail, industry and manufacturing plummeted with the good jobs they provided. All facets of the American Standard of Living fell with education leading the way.


By 2005 the 10 largest US commercial banks held 55% of the industry's assets more than double the level held in 1990. On the eve of of the 2006, financial sector profits constituted 27% of all corporate profits in the US, up from 15% in 1980.

The profits of 2006 were as imaginary as the products sold. Cheap money from the Feds were passed along to the consumer's in the weeds, who unwisely bought into the hidden risks. Savvy investors foolishly believed the figures on monthly statements indicated real wealth. More money was leveraged as reinvestment of the imaginary money. Truly all the money was on paper and had no place in reality. Many youthful investors bought into a system they thought to be ongoing for two hundred years. Sadly, First Time home buyers bought homes like Guinea pigs headed for slaughter. The decade lead by George W Bush of 00's appropriately became a lost decade of circular economics. Leading us on the costly $13 trillion path to where we began. The poor judgment of the Bush Administration seemed to permeate into every aspect of commerce in America. We followed the Weapons of Mass Destruction logic throughout government.


We conclude this financial crisis was avoidable. The crisis was the result of human action and inaction. The captains of fiance and the public stewards of our financial system ignored warnings and failed to question, understand , and manage evolving risks within a system essential to the well being of the American public.
Very well put although short a commitment to conspiracy and corruption. Investors would be wise to understand the rules of Greed Street can be changed at any time. Money thought to be safe today, is at risk tomorrow. A constant vigil on investments and legislation is required.

To paraphrase Shakespear, the fault lies not in the stars, but in us.
Exactly, if an 17th century playwright saw it coming where was Allan Greenspan.

There were warning signs. There was an explosion in risky sub prime lending and securitization, and securitization, an unsustainable rise in housing prices, widespread reports of egregious and predatory lending practices, dramatic increases in household mortgage debt, and exponential growth in financial firms trading activities, unregulated derivatives and short term "repo" lending markets. Yet there was pervasive permissiveness; little meaningful action was taken to quell the threats in a timely manner.
What began as mysterious products quickly evolved into entrapment of innocent people who provided the demands for more mortgages to feed the derivative and CDO's to sell triple AAA to ignorant investors worldwide. The people who provided the mortgages thought they were buying a house, not a house of cards. I was one who did see the collapse coming. When home values quadrupled and outpaced available rents it was inevitable a correction was eminent. What I didn't foresee was the bailout TARP that allowed the Banks to hoard homes.

The prime example is the Federal Reserves pivotal failure to stem the flow of toxic mortgages, which it could have done by setting prudent mortgage lending standards.
Strongest language found in the report criticizing the Federal Reserve. "Pivotal failure" is not unlawful then or today? Ya can't fix stupid

The record of our examination is replete with evidence of other failures: financial institutions made, bought, and sold mortgage securities they never examined, did not care to examine, or new to be defective; firms depended on tens of billions of dollars of borrowing that had to be renewed each and every night, secured by subprime mortgage securities; and major firms and investors blindly relied on credit rating agencies as their arbiters of risk.

Blog:They new it was crap and new values would plummet. They new they would be bailed out. The assumption the Credit Rating Agencies didn't know is the nature of their business. They effectively sell information to investors for profit. Malpractice is found in all aspects of government, investment banking, credit ratings, AIG the bagman and Brokers who sold the snake oils.
We conclude widespread failures in financial regulation and supervision proved devastating to the stability of the nation's financial markets.
Double DUH

More than thirty years of deregulation and reliance on self regulation by financial institutions , championed by former Federal Reserve Chairmen Allen Greenspan and others, supported by successive administrations and Congress, and actively pushed by powerful financial industry at every turn, had stripped away key safeguards, which could have helped avoid the catastrophe.


In addition the government permitted financial firms to pick their preferred regulators in what became a race to the weakest supervisor.
You must be kidding. The foxes are guarding the hen house. You can bet the weakest supervisor had a Ivy League Degree and pulling down $300,000 annual salary of taxpayer waste. Tim Giethner had trouble computing his personal taxes owed, How could he be entrusted with the Treasury.

The Securities and Exchange Commission could have required more capital and halted risky practices at the big investment banks. The Federal Reserve of New York and other regulators could have clamped down on Citigroups excesses in the runup to the crisis.


Too often they lacked the political will in a political ideological environment that constrained it--as well as the fortitude to critically challenge the institutions and entire system they were entrusted to oversee.

Sounds like Credit Reporting Agencies worked for the Banks. The Treasury and Federal Reserve worked for the Banks. Congress worked for the Banks The Banks were clear to sell their snake oils on Greed Street worldwide.

From 1999 to 2008 the financial sector expended $2.7 billion in reported federal lobbying expenses; individuals and political action committees in the sector made more than $1 billion in campaign contributions.
You can bet Dodd-Frank Act does not address the legal bribery of politicians

We conclude dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis.

To many of theses institutions acted recklessly, taking on too much risk with too little capital, and with too much dependence on short term funding.


You will read among other things about AIG senior management's ignorance of the terms and risks of the company's $79 billion derivatives exposure to mortgage-related securities; Fannie Mae's quest for bigger market share, profits, and bonuses which lead it to ramp up it's exposure to risky loans and securities as the housing market was peaking; and costly surprise when Merrill Lynch's top management realized that the company held $55 billion in "super-senior" and supposed "super-safe" mortgage-related securities that resulted in billions of dollars of losses.
They were clueless. For being so stupid they sure made a lot of money along the way. Remember these inept people drew huge bonuses as the bubble grew. Posting imaginary profits co-sponsored by Congress. The salary and bonus were a tribute to their business savvy.
When the collapse came they continued to believe they earned further tribute and did.

We conclude a combination of excessive borrowing, risky investments and lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision course with crisis.


For example five major banks-- Bear Sterns Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley were operating with extraordinarily thin capital. By one measure, their leverage ratios were as high as 40 to 1, meaning for every $40 in assets there was only $1 in capital to cover the losses. Less than 3% drop in asset values could wipe out a firm. Much of the borrowing was short term, in the overnight market- meaning the borrowing had to be renewed each and every day. 2007 Bear Sterns had $11.8 billion in equity and $383.6 billion in liabilities and borrowing as much as $70 billion in overnight market.

We were never told the outcome of the Treasury Department Stress Testing. Now we know the truth.

The kings of leverage were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two behemoth government sponsored enterprises. 2007, Fannie Mae and Freddie's combined leverage ratio including loans they owned and guaranteed stood at 75 to 1.

Congratulations, taxpayers you now own Fannie Mae, Freedie Mac, GM and Fiat. The Toxic Assets, Snake Oils, Smoke and Mirrors now belong to the Taxpayers and the Banks are solvent with Federal Reserve Funding. Your 401-k and other retirements investment have been off loaded by the Banksters into toxic assets of Fannie and Freedie. Your retirement is as empty as your Social Security.


2001 to 2007 mortgage debt per household rose 63% from $91,500 to $149,500 even while wages were stagnant.
This is the hardest to accept. If John Q Citizen did not borrow above his ability to pay the collapse would not occur. Many investors did borrow heavily and got in and out, sold over and over. The average guy got in and caught in the mess.


When the housing mortgage markets cratered, the lack of transparency, the extraordinary debt loads, the short -term loans, and the risky assets all came home to roost What resulted was panic. We reaped what we had sown.
Some reaped obscene rewards as most Americans lost homes jobs and dignity, WHY?


We concluded the government was ill prepared for the crisis, and it's inconsistent response added to the uncertainty and panic in the financial markets.

The Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Bank of New York who were best positioned to watch were ill prepared for the events of 2007 and 2008.


Throughout the summer of 2007 both Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson offered public assurances the turmoil in subprime mortgage markets would be contained.
They did not tell the truth.

Days before the collapse of Bear Sterns in March 2008, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox expressed "comfort about the capital cushions" at the big investment banks. It was not until August 2008 weeks before the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that the Treasury Department understood the full measure of the dire financial conditions of those two institiutions. And a month before Lehman's Collapse, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was still seeking information on the exposures created by Lehman's more than 900,000 derivitive contracts.
More lies to save the bubble.

We conclude there was a systemic breakdown in accountability and ethics.


As early as September 2004 Countrywide executives recognized that many of the loans they were originating could result in "catastrophic consquences" . Less than a year later, they noted that certain high risk loans they were making could result not only in forclosure but also "financial and reputational catastophe" for the firm. But they did not stop. They sold those securities to investors as safe.
Crooks and Reckless Malpractice at Countrywide, AIG and Reporting Agencies were the puppets of Investment Banksters. The Federal Reserve and Treasury provided blind support. Congress provided the deregulation that enabled the malfeseance.

We do place special responsibility with public leaders charged with protecting our financial system.
Public leaders have not been asked to sacrfice for thier non-performance. WHY?

We conclude the failure of the credit reporting agencies were essential cogs in the wheel of financial destruction.
Credit Reporting Agencies have not been asked to sacrfice for their failures. Why should the taxpayer pay for the failures of others.WHY?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Justice, Defence, Welfare and Liberty

The US Constitution September 17, 1887 reads in part the following.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.. ( defence is spelled as written and adds some humor to our current immigration dilemmas)

My interpretation of this paragraph is:

Long before we had government there was a Union of people who fought for Independence from English Monarchy King George. The first evidence of our Union is The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. The Declaration is the written Obligation of Americans to Americans, not to government. Nor, does it imply America's obligation is to government or employers and then Americans. The Union is referenced in the name they choose United States. Clearly, Americans unified only for the common good is implied.

The people who defeated King George are now the Union of Americans and creating laws of self government to provide justice, for common defence, promote (not provide), general welfare and secure liberty for the people or Union. The Preamble is describing the highest priority of what will become the United States of America and it's government by default.

The balance of the US Constitution merely describes how "We the People" should accommodate the language found in the first paragraph "Preamble". Provide justice, defence our borders, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty. If our focus on our Constitution were on the first Paragraph "The Preamble" most of our problems would vanish tomorrow. Remember the US Constitution grants no rights or entitlements. The US Constitution is your American Handbook in the proper hands to the greatest nation the world has ever known.

Arguments on the floor of Congress and Supreme Court ignore the Preamble as our first priority. The Preamble is wrongly viewed as window dressing for the meat and potatoes of the fine print that follows. The intent of the US Constitution is found only in the Preamble from "We the People"

When determining if there is violation of the US Constitution our first priority is to consult the highest priority of the "Preamble".

If the violation inhibits Justice, Defence, General Welfare or Secure Liberty its Un-Constitutional. You can't twist the sections and amendments of the Constitution to violate the Preamble. If you violate the first paragraph the rest of the document is useless.

You cannot amend the US Constitution to violate the "Preamble". Reading the original document written by the founder's represented "By The People" you will not find any language violating the first paragraph. In short if it's not good for the people, it's no good.

Illegal Immigration defiles our Preamble as it exposes the government created by the Union as a total failure of a "More Perfect Union".

Section 9: Limits of Congress reads in part:

The privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Case of Rebellion or Invasion of the Public Safety may require it.

My interpretation of this section is the right of the citizen cannot be compromised unless in Rebellion or Invasion. Invader's have no rights.

Some words describing invaders are, invade, enter, encroach, overrun, permeate, intrude, infest, violate and pillage. Un-documented worker is the preferred choice of our current administration to describe the invasion occurring daily on our border with Mexico.

Un- documented workers completely ignores the law abiding documented worker provided in the laws of our Democracy. Democracy provides for those who violate the laws to be punished, not rewarded. Our President in the State of the Union proposed that children of criminal aliens who have graduated from High School be granted citizenship. I vehemently disagree.

The first mistake was allowing the criminal illegals to invade our borders. The second mistake was allowing them sanctuary. The third mistake was offering employment. Adding granted citizenship's to these criminals regardless of education violates the US Constitution the American citizens and the legal worker who work within the greater framework we call Democracy. Arguments these people are needed to perform work is an indication of changes in immigration laws may need reviewed. It does not indicate any laws of the land should be ignored. Powers such as these are for Monarchy and Dictatorships not Democracy. We all agree.

To correct this infestation we should first control our borders. Second deport those living here un-documented and prison for those who offer sanctuary housing. Third remove the un-documented worker from the work place and prison for anyone who offers them employment. Fourth those in government responsible for any form of law enforcement be held responsible for not complying with the written laws. Claiming non- jurisdiction does not mean not copyable to the crime of illegal immigration. Criminal Immigration violates the Preamble and Section 9 insures the un-documented has no rights under our laws. Rewarding those with citizenship violates my rights under our Constitution.

The Patriot Act violates the Preamble the Fourth Amendment illegal search and seizures. The Supreme Court has held parts of this legislation are Un-Constitutional. When parts of legislation are found to be Un-Constitutional the entire legislation should be tossed out re-drafted and voted on again.

Mandatory Health Insurance and Auto Insurance is first extortion and then Un-Constitutional. You can hold people responsible for their actions in our Justice system but, you can't force people to forfeit their money or blessings of Liberty.

Food for thought, Why do we purchase medical coverage at home again at work and then again in our cars. Further why should it be free if your very young or very old. If were gonna have government insurance how many people would select auto insurance over health insurance. Auto insurance is something we can all use and now.

If we have government Health Insurance then we should not pay for medical coverage at work, home or auto. Insurance is merely a vehicle of extortion that benefit the Underwriter and Attorneys who sue them in court. The average guy gets paperwork disclaimers and premiums and little coverage. That's why your policy looks like a New York phone book. The policies fine print discloses why they don't pay. If you care to read the fine print, if not sick when you begin I assure you. the more you read the more ill your likely to become.

Your retirement account administered by the Social Security has evolved into Social Surveillance. The number that once identified you as a contributor to government sponsored retirement is now used as a tracking number from birth to grave. You cannot access water, electricity, banking or phones without revealing your retirement number. You cannot buy sell or trade in America without the number. The money you contribute is not your benefit. The money left over is your benefit and this number always equals poverty.

In short any money paid to the government expect long term pain and little benefit. Democracy is not government. Your neighbor if American is your security. Help him and he will help you. That's what made us great.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union

Tonight, President Barack Hussein Obama will give his views of the State of Our Uni0n. The State of our Union has never been in question. The people of our Union are active in the affairs of government more than anytime in recent history. The National Mall has been a busy place indeed in 2010 as Americans embrace their Freedom of Speech, Rights of Assembly to voice their outrage with corruption in Government.

The President of the US will bore us again with feel good accomplishment of our citizens mixed with success of American Business. Individual acts of bravery and rags to riches accomplishments to inspire us the American Dream is alive and well. The narrative of a Sunday morning Minister will overlook the failures and focus on the immaculate. All true but, not representative of the Ship of State or our Government.

The War in Afghanistan will be cloaked in the Bravery of American youth who serve. The logic for the Wars and the leadership decisions ignored. There will be no mention of Osama Bin Laden or his capture in Pakistan. Our silent allied partners ignore our pleas to find Bin Laden.

The State of our Government is another bag of snakes entirely.
Unemployment still at 10% and poverty rates highest in generations. All this and 22 million free ranging illegal immigrates who slave for the Pharaoh's of Wall Street as they burden the entitlements of Main Street taxpayers. Not one job returned from China or Mexico.
College education will heralded as the pathway to success. College Grad individuals performing manual labor to retire their student loans go unnoticed in distorted government numbers.

The State of our Government stinks unless you work in Washington, DC or Wall Street Banksters. The DOW Jones has improved 100% from 6600 to a high yesterday of over 12,000. This achievement will no doubt be central to Obama's speech. Absent will be referenced the Houdini Dollars printed by the US Treasury or the current inflation numbers resulted.

The American Dream of home ownership, highest ever claimed by Bush is now Bank owned homes highest ever under Obama. The volatile economy forced millions of hard working Americans to be homeless as the taxpayer supported TARP Act funds made Giant Mega Banks richer than Robber Barons of the 1920's.

The unemployment numbers have changed little. Obama will avoid the failures of his administration and declare unprovable claims he saved us from financial collapse of wouldove, couldove, shouldove analogies. The politics of the bogeyman George W Bush and his imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The President will claim millions of new jobs saved or created under his administration. Saved is the operative word here as it negates the created jobs distortion. Saved jobs would be all the Government workers such as teachers, firemen, firefighters, and welfare administrators who would have been laid off without Recovery Act Funds.

These jobs detract from the GDP as liability expenditures not assets of incomes. Even though this money is likely spent in the economy and holds unemployment figures down it does not contribute to the GDP. Also included would be the workers jobs at GM, Fiat and Dirty Dozen Banks who rode Bush TARP Act funds into financial windfalls and bonus booty. Missing will be Obama's promise of Windmills of Mass Construction and the Green Energy jobs jobs jobs.

Absent from the speech will be focus on the failures of Security Exchange Commission to regulate the Mortgage Derivative Fiasco that crippled the fantasy economy of George W Bush.
No mention will be made to the Food and Drug Administration or United States Department of Agriculture's embarrassment in Poisonous Wright Egg scandal or Shirley Sherrod firring.
The Mineral Mining Service handling of the BP disaster that killed 11 men won't be mentioned.
Covert Immigration Policies of the Justice Department will surly be avoided in tonight's State of the Union.

The Debt will be discussed at length. Focus on programs to be cut but, waste fraud and abuse accountability will be overlooked. The six figure salaries of Government Workers dragging down four times the average income of taxpayers go unnoticed. The guilty workers downloading porn, accepting drugs and hookers gets no mention in budget discussions.

The taxpayer will be asked again to sacrifice his portion of entitlements paid by him from Oligarchy seizures from his paychecks through his employer. COLA increases withheld for 2 years despite inflation increases indicates who is paying for the recovery in a declining currency.

Free Health Care will be touted as they seize more money through your Oligarchy Employer separating the consumer from his purchase. The collusion between Private Sector Corporation and Government that blurs the line of free market commerce for the illusion of "FREE".

The Oligarchy Systems that make the working taxpayer subservient to the Government and Corporations limiting his rights of choice.

The State of the Union is fine. The government is a Obomination.

Friday, January 21, 2011

They thought it wouldn't happen to them.

They thought it wouldn't happen to them. When the steel workers lost their jobs because of cheaper foreign steel, we didn't care.

Even though the steel turned out to be of lower quality. American Capitalist patronized the foreign products as leverage against high quality more costly American made steel.

The higher paying union jobs were first to be laid off. Middle Management workers cheered as the over priced union labor was sent packing. Then the Auto workers fell victim to the same Wall Street Henchman. Foreign Autos imported to sell to the American Consumer. Ditto for textiles, appliances, furniture and construction equipment. American giants such as Packard, Studebaker and Amercan Motors fell from economic pressures without notice.

As each industry was cannibalized the remainder of the population endorsed the sacrifice for cheaper and cheaper products. They patronized the cheaper product and believed it couldn't happen to them. Deflation did not occur because the savings of wages were absorbed in higher profits, dividends, CEO Executive salary and bonuses skyrocketed. CEO's didn't work harder, they simply laid claim to the wages now left on the table. CEO's didn't invent new products or clever procedures, they became highwaymen on the middle class jobs. Neighborhoods declined and Little Leagues are replaced by Strip Clubs and Porn Stores

When the unions were busted the Wall Street Henchmen focused on Middle Managers. The non union sector who thought they were protected, were now fare game. The terms downsizing, early retirements and out sourcing were utilized to give them the bad news. They thought it wouldn't happen to them. They believed it was supply and demand free market capitalism. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Then Congress passed the NAFTA Act which allowed the remaining non union manufacturing to move to Mexico where labor was measured in nickles and dimes instead of $20.00 per hour. Now the non union workers lost their jobs because of the same misguided logic of cheaper is better.

At one time there were 65 million buffalo free ranging in America. The first buffalo slaughtered were cheap due to huge supply. Without conservation the buffalo were decimated in a few years. Numbers dropped to a few hundred instead of millions. The value of the natural resource was never reflected in the cost of a single bullet and shipping East. The Buffalo are gone and so are our jobs.

Mexico had no Pork Taxes or Congress to support. Environmental Standards were non existent as industry could now pollute at the expense of the workers.

The people who thought it wouldn't happen to them gets smaller and smaller as wealth is driven to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and their henchmen.

Then came the Bush Covert Immigration policies that stated the "Mexicans perform the jobs most Americans did not want" The look the other way policy allowed 22 million free ranging criminal aliens to pour across the border. The Mexicans took 100% of jobs no Americans has access. The illegal pays no taxes as he provides cheap labor to Wall Street and burdens the schools hospitals and welfare of Main Street. The profits shared by a few, the burdens shared by all.

Bush and Obama support the logic Americans are to blame for their lack of education and degrees. Logic not supported by College Graduates who cannot find work much less pay of school loans.

The last American Industry to fall was Construction. Construction cannot be performed overseas, outsourced or down sized. The only way to raid these coffers were illegal immigration and fantasy mortgages developed by Wall Street. Once again the profits and bonuses were taken by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and the bills for their greed become the burden of TARP Act on Main street.

The Banksters and CEO's who's greed defiled the economy ran to Congress for mercy. Corporate Welfare became TARP Bailouts for bonuses. GM declared bankruptcy after TARP monies were secured.

Now the focus is on teachers, firefighters, sanitation workers and policemen who are the source of our problems. Layoffs, salary freeze and retirement account are raided to feed the greed of Wall Street.

46 State governments are insolvent and facing bankruptcy. 46 out of 50 is not a sickness, it's epidemic. Americans failed each other , we failed the very core of our union which is each other. We placed our faith in government and failed our union of life liberty and pursuit of happiness. We all thought it wouldn't happen to us.

If your a teacher, firefighter, sanitation worker or cop who now finds himself in the jaws of Greed Street Banksters I ask you"Where was the outrage when it was my job raided". Why did it take you so long to see the Covert Immigration and foreign trade would eventually get your job as well. Who did you think was paying your wages and retirement?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Who's On First?

Who's Coming to Dinner

The White House welcomed President Who to Washington, DC. Yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden provided the Taxi service from Who's Soviet built plane known internationally as Who ville One. The transportation from Andrews to the South Lawn of the White House was aboard Joe Bidens Marine Two helicopter. President Who seemed upset the helicopter was made in USA.
Joe Biden announced to all dignitaries boarding the helicopter "Who's on First" Arriving on the South Lawn and greeted by US President Barack Obama and a full 21 gun salute. (they all missed).
After the ceremony on the South Lawn President Who tipped Obama with a Gold Yuan, the currency from Who ville. President Obama did not carry Who's bags as previously reported. Entering the White House from the South Portico President Who joined President Obama and Vice President Biden inside. Biden reminded Obama Who's in First through the door. Noting Who had not yet changed the locks on the White House, they both were relieved.
President Who told President Obama he may keep the Who ville Giant Pandas for five more years. With the Pandas secure, President Obama moved on to Human Rights concerns. President Who responded "they were doing all they can for the US workers.
Who also asked why Obama did not protect his own borders as a solution to his Human Rights concerns. In honor of Who's visit a formal black tie State Dinner was held. On the guest list were many American notables of Who ville heritage. Including Jackie Chan Why, Vera Wang What, and Michelle Kwan Who.
Corporations represented were Xerox, Pepsi, Disney and GM. Presumably, the Robber Barons were all attracted to the Who ville's illiterate cheap labor, absent environmental controls and Who ville's expanding industrial revolution. Harry Reid (D) Nevada was seen in black tie and wearing a windmill beanie to draw attention to Nevada's Green Energy promised by Obama Recovery Act Funds. Speaker of the House (R) Grinch, John Boehner was far to busy with lobbyist to attend.
The lavish dinner included every delicacy from around the world. President Obama had the beef. Vice President Biden had lobster. Who had green eggs and ham and GM executives all had the crow. Obama asked Who " Do you want fries with those green eggs Sir?"
Today, Who and Obama met to discuss trade issues facing the two countries. Who promised he would insure they would not export poison toys, toothpaste, pet food or drywall to the US. Who questioned Obama if he could loan the US more money to build new factories in Who ville.
Who was not interested in building factories in the US, He cited tough labor laws, envionmental standards and congressional pork taxes are counter productive. President Who was given a choice for tomorrow's agenda. He could either go to Chicago and meet with Mayor Daly or go hunting with Dick Cheney. Should be an interestingc selection either way.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Pharaoh's Of Greed Street oops.

Pharaoh's of Greed Street, Chase Bank a JP Morgan Chase & Company holding announced they may have overcharged US Military Servicemen Hundreds of thousands dollars in home mortgages. At least 14 military families were foreclosed and tossed into Americas streets they defend.

The news came after a Marine FA-18 Pilot Johnathan Rowles filed class action suit against the bank.
Chase, today conceded the Marine Pilot had done everything right and Chase was wrong across the board. Hence the belated apology.
Chase announced foreclosures have stopped and those displaced would be returned their homes, dignity, neighborhoods and schools. Over 2 million dollars will be paid out in refunds. Chase has over 2 trillion of assets.
Honestly, the time for apology was in 2006 when The Captain was called to service. The SRCA Act requires home mortgages be lowered to 6% when the Captain is called to service. Chase took months to recognize the law and then reluctantly lowered the payments to reflect the correct interest rate. Months past and Chase reverted back to another higher rate and the court battle took precedents over our nations wars overseas. I have always questioned the sincerity of apology when regrets are court inspired remorse.
Not surprising Chase Bank can trace it's roots back to one of their founders Arron Burr.
Arron Burr who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel before taking over Alexanders Bank of New York. Arron Burr charged with murder and treason sought refuge in South Carolina and was never convicted.
In 2008 Chase took 25 billion of Bush TARP Booty and repaid the debt June 17 2009 to avoid Government complications with executive bonuses. After leveraging the funds on the DOW Jones Wheel of Fortune for a year the money was repaid. The DOW Jones during this time grew from 6600 to over 10,000 from the TARP Houdini Dollars.
In addition Chase has been charged with unfair fees and obscene penalties in checking accounts and savings account banking. Their credit cards holders were victims of unexplained increases of interest rates.
During the past three years Goldman Sachs settled out of court for 500 million for lying to customers on mortgage derivative investments. Bank of America faced similar charges of lying to shareholders in the Merrill Lynch acquisitions.
It's apparent the modern day banker has brought new meaning to the term Bank Robber in the 21 century. In light of the behavior of the Banksters in the last decade, it can only make me ponder "what are the criminals doing".
I think America was much safer when we prospered from math and science technology. Our focus on becoming a banker nation has taken on the business model of Alfonse Capone of Chicago Illinois 1930.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Now and Then

In 1969 America put a man on the Moon after a decade of space launches. Gasoline was .30 cents a gallon and the American Family lived well on a single annual $10, 000 dollars average income. High School and College graduation rates were highest ever in a curriculum not duplicated today. Life was very good indeed.

Today America has trouble with snow removal. Border control is non-existent and our public schools are a disgrace.

We have 14 trillion dollars of debts created by Banksters. The debts to be paid back in the sweat of future GDP and planned inflation. Our current administration encourages America to return to work at bargain wages, that although may meet minimum wage fails to come close to costs of living.

One million families suffered with home foreclosures in 2010, expected to increase in 2011.
One million foreclosures is 4 million women and children forced into the streets. The Banksters created the Mortgage Fiasco that could only be profitable in concert with Bush TARP theft. The poverty rate is the highest ever as Banksters hoard homes of the newly unemployed. The sub prime mortgages have all been foreclosed. We are now taking homes of responsible law abiding citizens. The Stock Markets DOW have returned to 12,000 points of Houdini Dollars printed at the US Federal Reserve.

We live in America where Corporation control politicians and politicians control wages in covert immigration and monkey business with prime rates at the Federal Reserve. When Banks make record profits it's positive, If unemployment is down and wages increase we raise the interest rate to impede Americans from cutting into their piece of the GDP pie chart(see Alan Greenspan 1999).

The dollar in 1969 was payable upon demand in silver. Known then as "Silver Certificates" issued by our Federal Reserve. Nickels, dimes, quarter, halves were all solid silver, not sandwiched copper with shinny nickel polish. A penny today has more value as a material than purchase power equivalent. The silver certificate and gold standard prevented the government from spending money they didn't earn. You couldn't kick the can down the throats of future generations in 69.

A Confederate States of America Fifty Dollar bill complete with image of Jefferson Davis is now worth more than your current Ulysses Grant Fifty in your pocket.

In 2008 the cost of the Iraq War only was 3 trillion dollars considerably higher than the Bush 2003 estimates of 50 to 60 billion. The war in Afghanistan is not included in the 3 trillion.The estimate seems to mirror the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Mission Accomplished claims of a delusional administration of Bush/Cheney.

Oil in 2003 was $25.00 a barrel. Gasoline prices under Clinton was .99 cents a gallon. Gasoline under Bush soared to $4.25 cents a gallon for regular grade gasoline.

The most disturbing is our current obsession with Health Care Laws. I supported Obama because he campaigned on stopping exports of jobs and industries to China. Obama was to create new green energy jobs in the US solving our dependence on foreign oil and closing the trade balance with China.

After the Obama election we focused on a Health Care Act to create jobs as (D) Nevada Harry Reid buys windmills from China with Recovery Act Funds. Then Mid Term elections and return to Obama Care Repeal as if it has importance.

The 112th Congress should try something simple to conquer. Things like snow removal and education. Things America seemed to accomplish in 69 without much discussion are now challenges of the truly inept. Do something easy like job creations first. The 112 th Congress is not ready for anything as complicated as healing the sick in America.

Once you move the snow and regain control of our borders you may be ready to fix Obama Care.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dangerous presentsTwo men riding horse, mule arrested for DWI

Two men riding mules and horses were arrested in Austin, Texas. After inspection it was determined the mule and horse were in the country legally and quickly moved to detention at the Humane Society. The riders Jose and Olivio were not asked for proof of citizenship because of their rights to behave badly in public. Both riders were found to be intoxicated. Evidently US Attorney General approves of checking your blood but not your citizenship.
One rider was taken to the local Hospital to ride the Obama Care and the other was taken to jail to sober up. The horse and mule are resting comfortably at the ASPCA.

Second Amendment

The US Constitution was signed September 17, 1787. Our Bill of Rights including Second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms" was ratified December 15, 1791

Amendment 2 Reads:

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

On May 8, 1792, Congress passed "[a]n act more effectually to provide for the National Defence, by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States" requiring:

[Each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia...[and] every citizen so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball: or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear, so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise, or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack.[79]\

The reason for all this legislation was not to protect us from bears. The reason was for security from foreign invaders and possible tyranny from within US Government. They were evidently very sensitive about border control back in the day!

The National Defence Act lasted until 1903 when it was replace with The National Guard Act.

The recent shootings in Tucson have sparked new debates of "The Right To Bear Arms" The logic for the 2 Amendment is for the security of a Free State. We are all safer when everyone has a firearm and properly trained. We have gun permits but without training. Our founders who drafted the US Constitution were all to familiar with "Government By the Government for the Government". The instrument signed and drafted was "By the People For the People". Changes to the US Constitution should be taken very seriously.

My first exposure to firearms was at 10 years of age. Against my Mother's wishes. I received a shotgun as a Christmas gift. I hunted in Central Indiana with my father and his friends at work. My fathers friends were all veterans of World War 2. Hunting with these guys was more like maneuvers than sportsmanship.

Every November 11 was Veterans Day and the opening day of hunting season. We drove in the dark, ate breakfast in the dark but, as the sun rose on the morning of November 11 the hunt began.

We seldom encountered police officers but you couldn't help noticing the difference in the demeanor of the Sheriff when everybody has a loaded weapon. The use of sir with generous amounts of smiles are noted as the investigation continues with arm present. There is a certain respect followed when the Sheriff questions a War Veteran who is trained and likely to have killed others in his very recent past. Everyone is on their best behavior when firearms are represented from both sides. As a young boy I remember how impressed I was with the courtesy of the Police. After Police business was completed it was followed with small talk and best wishes of have a great day. I sold my guns at age 43. Ironically, very close to the recommended age of 45 in The National Defence Act. Our Founders must have given National Security a lot of thought. The pundits of cable news spin militia and people who have weapons as subversive citizens who threaten the security of The United States of America. Most of these pundits condone the use of firearms for hunting and sportsmanship. Our founder's provided for "The Right to Bear Arm" to be the first defense against foreign invaders and tyranny from within a corrupt American Government.

Years have past since those days and I can attest to the brash demeanor police display when they are armed and you are not. I would much rather be in a room with 100 armed citizens than in a room with 99 unarmed and one packing. Cops loose their cars, minds and weapons all the time and once the gun ownership transfers to the untrained terrible consequences are then possible. Barney of Mayberry always carried his bullet in his pocket for good reason.

I'm now sixty years old and like many Americans I feel unsafe in my own home. I worry about the people who illegally invade our borders everyday. My greatest fear though is from the American Government who condones this Covert Illegal Immigration.

I think it's time for all Americans age 18 to 45 years of age to purchase a firearm and keep your powder dry, as requested by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin. All who would be deemed a threat to Cable News Pundits today. Remember the Arab thugs of 911 were all legal in America.. There are far more cars in America than firearms. We spend vast amounts of money licensing and registering Automobiles and those who operate same. More people die from automobiles than firearms each year.

If we spent more money on licensing, registering and tracking firearms then tracking the citizens we would all be better off. If our national discussion were on the positive aspects of gun ownership instead of finding ways to penalize those who protect us from foreign invaders and tyranny of a police state we would all benefit. It worked well from 1776 to 1903.

The violence occurring today is due to a lack of arms. Criminals seek to exploit the use of weapons only when it's determined nobody will return fire. 911 would not have happened if firearms were not banned from aircraft. Limiting the citizen's rights to bear arms is a bonanza for criminals and protection of a Police State. Congress is concerned of the threats the Second Amendment impose. The Second Amendment is the trump card given to every American. They always have been concerned and that's precisely why we have "The Right to Bear Arms".

The terrible events of Tucson are an act of the insane. If not gunpowder the insane will murder with bombs or chemical weapons.

Charges of enticement by politicians pandering people with cross hairs on maps are responsible for the murders. Were theses people not around on October 30, 2010 when Jon Stewert held his "Rally to Restore Sanity" on the National Mall.
250,000 thousand people were there to recognize America was headed down the wrong path. The Rally was on cable TV and seen by millions. One cannot deny Comedy Central saw the storm coming. Why does cable news not challenge America that the violence in America is Americas fault. Americans need to become more responsive to their role in self government.

Are Nielsen's Ratings and greed between pundits for advertising dollars become a source greater than gunpowder? Is the power of the press being used to spin facts into fiction. Is a half truth a lie of deception? When will we stop listening to pundits who refuse to disclose the whole truth.

Was the tragedy in Tucson the responsibility of the Second Amendment or abuses from the First Amendment. We will never know, because the answer is in the mind of a madman!

Where was this outrage when 11 men were murdered on BP Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico only 9 months ago. This was a significant loss of life and injury far worse than Tucson and yet those who died in the Gulf pretty much passed in obscurity. Is it less important they perished without firearms or because politicians and government is largely to blame!

Both event are terrible and both should have received the same focus as those killed with firearms. Why the difference?

Monday, January 10, 2011

(R) Texas Tom De Lay Sentenced to 3 years

Former US House of Representatives Majority Leader (R) Texas Tom De Lay was sentenced in Federal Court today convicted of money laundering. Enough said!!

Home Grown Terror

The senseless shooting in Arizona reminds us of our own mortality. We grieve the lives lost and pray for recovery of the injured.

We live in a dangerous world. The guilt or innocence of the shooter on Saturday will unfold in the months ahead.

It appears the man responsible is most likely insane. Had he not chosen the Congress on Your Corner of Gabrielle Gifford he could have just as easily chosen his community college or any public venue to express his insanity.

It's impossible for the rational mind to understand the logic of the insane. The task for all Americans should be focused on the source of the illness.

The prosecution should not include misguided persecution. Since the event on Saturday many of the pundits have tried to spin the massacre to reinforce political gains. Remember 911 when we attacked the wrong country in attempt to avenge the deaths of World Trade Centers in New York. It's very important to connect the dots and not assume or jump to unproven theories.

The first is the obvious use of hand guns and Arizona's lacks laws of gun permits. Other's have tried to claims the Arizona Immigration issues as the source of the killings. Some have pointed to Gabrielle Giffords support of Obama Care.

In the end politics will probably not be the reason the killer murdered six Americans. The attacks at Virginia Tech were not an attack upon education and the Arizona killing will not be because of politics. Religon did not cause the Ft Hood massacre. These are the acts of deranged individuals unable to deal with the stresses imposed in American life. The fact the shooter attacked so many who were not involved in government is evidence that none are safe in America.

The fact he used a hand gun is not a good reason to promote second amendment infringements. Timothy Mc Veigh killed many more in Oklahoma City with diesel fuel and fertilizer.

Certainly none of the pundits have posed the question of "could we be copyable for the killings" Why was the man not working? Did his parents both work? Is he a product of daycare in his youth. Did America somehow overlook his illness? Was he the failure or did we fail the young man? Is the killer a product of the system or is this simply a quirk of genetics and every so many births we get one lunatic.

When one surveys the complexity of the human mind the possibilities are endless. I believe one of the biggest problems in America is the size of government. We now have several generations of Americans who believe the government is the answer to all their problems. The hurricane Katrina disaster is a good example of the citizens placing all their security in the government. This seems to be a belief supported by politicians to the electorate, The notion the government will take care of you is ridiculous.
Our security is in our Union not our government. We Americans are truly dependant upon each other not government. Government is the necessary evil produced in any Democracy.
The illusion of government is that by some miracle the government has wealth and therefore we are entitled to our share. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the distribution of the wealth we all contribute. Inequities emerge as many people feel cheated. Not surprisingly many are cheated as some people take more than their fair share. This is the source of all Civil Unrest. People who fall between the porous cracks in government rules become violent. The answer is not to change the rules of government. The answer is not to give them our money and become independent of government. The government has way to much control for a healthy Democracy. When people begin to believe the government supplies all happiness. This is the source of whats wrong in America. We have lost faith in ourselves and focus on a government that fails to meet our needs of liberty and our pursuit of happiness.
Too often our government impedes our ability to pursuit of happiness. License to work or sell our products goods and services is bureaucratic revenue generators to build a bigger government. Larger government gives more power to those in government. The result is a system far from Democracy that perpetuates a bigger government year after year. Our debt and government are out of control in an Oligarchy Nightmare.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Republican Crime Wave

The Republican Dynamic Duo wasted no time in passing the fund raising plate missing their own swearing in ceremony. Aggressively plowing the Oligopoly attendees at $30.00 dollars a head to donate even before they're swearing in was complete.

The duo (R) Pete Session Texas and (R) Mike Fitzpatrick Pennsylvania attempted to be digitally sworn in by watching the ceremony on television. Presumably the two stopped accepting money long enough to recite the obligation with the right hands positioned.
Not only is the digital process illegal it is also illegal to fund raise on Federal Property. The Capitol is evidently considered off limits to raise Capital Pandering for 2012. Very quick and illegal to capitalize the Capitol of the People's House.

Adding insult to the American people they then proceeded to the House Chambers to read the US Constitution to newly elected Speaker of the House (R) John Boehner. After reading the US Constitution to Speaker Boehner they then illegally voted six times each on legislation before the US House of Representatives.

A great start for the Republican Controlled House of Representative on the first day!!
The teary-eyed House Speaker Boehner was not available for comment.
I wonder how many other Americans thought to raise their right hand and become digital members of the House. No wonder we have immigration problems.

William Wyden vs Joe Biden

Despite most Americans want the Congress to create jobs, the Republican controlled House of Representatives will introduce legislation to repeal "The Job Killing" Obama Care Act.

The first order of business of House Speaker (R) John Boehner was to check the literacy of the House members to determine if they could read the US Constitution. In a emotional symbolic gesture each member rose to his roll call reading a portion of the US Constitution.

No checks from the Tobacco Lobby were distributed on the first day of the 112th Congress.

Sadly, this is probably the only time they will read this year as most will return to their day jobs, extorting money for the next election. Bartering for handouts from the Hedge Fund Pharaoh's of Cheap Street in exchange for the storehouse of the American people.

Congress doesn't actually give them the peoples money. The accepted tactics have always been to not tax money away in special demographic tax code deductions and legislation requiring the citizen to patronize the Oligopoly Industry or be jailed. This is a very effective in Social Security, Obama Care, Medi Care and Auto Insurance.

Social Security was a noble idea of the Dirty Thirties that provided retirement for people lucky enough to live to 65 years old. Nothing at all wrong with the concept or the fundamentals of saving money for retirements.

Social Security is not savings. Social Security does not set your money away for retirement later. Social Security is a government sponsored Ponzi Scheme that relies on more people paying into rather than drawing from the General Fund. Very similar to any form of Insurance where many people buy as fewer people make claims gives the illusion of security. Social Security was never intended to be used for Banking, Driving, Obtaining Utilities or Social Surveillance. This is the unfortunate loopholes created by the Oligarchy/Oligopoly System

Virtually anytime you receive goods and service through your employer it had to originate in Congress and signed by your President. This Oligarchy System grants your immense power and liberty won in the Declaration of Independence to the government via your Oligopoly employer. It's not the government or your employer taking your liberty, it's Government and Corporations working in concert together that deny Americans their liberty to chose. You effectively are forced into accepting a tiny benefit as payment for enormous values of work produced in the greater framework of Democratic GDP.

Ironically, most Americans never doubted the literacy of Congress. It's their hearing that should be in question. Perhaps instead of reading the Constitution a hearing and drug test would be a better use of the People's Time.

Oligarchy always looks real good and smells real bad. When asked if you want a free house, we all say yes. When the house turns out to be government housing we are revealed the source of the rancid smell. What you take is quadrupled in what you owe in Oligarchy!!

Truthfully, the Government is not empowered to give you anything. Government can only return what was yours originally. The gift was always yours!!!All this free stuff is costing Americans their freedom and forces American Labor from being competitive in World Commerce. The American Worker can prevail once Congress gets out of the way.

Obama Care Didn't create jobs and very doubtful repealing the legislation would put Americans to work. The word usage of "JOBS" is merely away to distract the electorate away from the intent of the legislation.

Clever titles and imaginary facts are the tools of Congress. A good example of Congress at work was the recent conflict between VP Biden and William Wyden (3 years old) who would not give the Vice President his notes returned. The Vice President offered the young William a small mint as he quickly grabbed returned control of his speech notes. William was no match for the experienced Joe Biden.

Substitute the notes in William Wydens tiny hands as Obama Care Act and the hidden mint in Biden left hand as Jobs for William and you have a perfect analogy of how we get screwed year after year.

My thought on Obama Care are it's Employer Based Health Care and therefore corrupt. After you accept it's employer based all other aspects are moot. Elimination of Pre-Existing Conditions and Cancellation of benefits of the sick become unimportant in Obama Care.

Your employer is your place of work. The work you agree to produce is compensated with script on Friday. Benefits such as paid vacations and health care have always been utilized to coerce employees to long term employments at minimal costs. The work you provide is your leverage to generate wealth. Fear of the employer you may quit for better compensation is your right as a American worker. To give away your employee rights to chose how your money is spent reduces the worker to enslavement to the Government, Bankers and Employers.

The Big Squeeze of the the 21st century are to charge for goods and services considered free benefits of the 20th century. We now pay obscene charges for TV, Telephone and Health/Insurance from the collusion of the Oligopoly/Oligarchy corrupt systems.

The very system that defiles our schools, destroying the middle class as it reduces America to a third rate country. To further the theft they tell us we are not educated and poverty is your fault. We all know as Americans produce more certificates of competency they simply raise the bar a bit higher. Highly skilled American workers are casually tossed to the streets as the Banksters feed from the GDP.

The dilemma of the 112 th Congress is the coveted currency they have always extorted is in jeopardy of total collapse. The tiny benefits of the taxpayer cannot be taken to pay the huge costs buried in a administration of bureaucratic monsters built into Government, Banking and Insurances. The only way to save themselves is to reinstall the system of the Great American Middle Class who created the wealth for two hundred years. They aren't going forward without us.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What We Really Need

Democrat Nancy Pelosi handed the ceremonial gavel of Speaker of the House to Republican John Boehner this afternoon transferring the era of big government back to big business. Neither Nancy or John cried during the shift of power.

The Obama campaign prophesy of puttin the car in "R" for reverse seemed apparent as the Republicans vowed to return to the sausage grinder of Obama Care and Financial Reform Acts to be repealed. A flagrant waste of more time as Americans sleep in the streets.

Most Americans cringed as the Obama Administration turned to Health Care Reform and Financial Reforms as Job creators. The passing of both legislation failed to restore the economy as both unemployment and poverty rates have increased. Even though I believe both legislation's are flawed I would favor other legislation to stimulate our economy.

The First legislation should be to reinstate the 1999 repealed Glass Steagall Act of 1930.
Second repeal the Patriot Act and abolish Homeland Stupidity. Then move to creation of a non employer based Health Care reforms that penalize the Insurance and Big Pharma as it rewards taxpayers with no pre-existing condition, cancellation and lower costs. Creating an honest, productive industry from cash cow or "The Big Squeeeze" of today.

Once Glass Steagall Act has been reinstated we throw the Bankers all in Prison for the extortion in the Bush Lost Decade.

Turning to the tax code we side step the Bush Tax Cuts by eliminating tax deductions of the Super rich. Deductions that fail to bridge all demographic are unfair and reward corruption. If all Americans cannot benefit from deductions then they discriminate by default. Fair and equitable is all we ask

Snow Job From Washington

The federal government issued a 11 page document to government agencies to identify possible whistle blower workers who might release embarrassing sensitive information to underground press such as Wiki Leaks. Close surveillance of employees who may have connections to the press should be viewed as a threat. Also included were psychological profiles of workers who might blow their whistles and expose embarrassing government faux paux.

The former USSR had the Committee for State Security or better known as the KGB we Americans now have Homeland Security and the Patriot Act to insure State Secrets are kept.

The obvious violations of the First and Fourth Amendments are naturally in the name of "National Security". The US Constitution fails to identify "National Security Get Outta Jail Free Card"

The State Of California Supreme Court ruled the Cops can obtain private cell phone information without warrants from the courts. The Fourth Amendment overlooked again?

The Federal Government announced they would launch an investigation into the New York Sanitation workers involvement in the recent Snow Job. The Obama Administration failed to claim the Blizzard as a Recovery Act Shovel Ready Project. No investigations were in order to investigate the Wall Street TARP Bailouts and 2 trillion dollar theft.

The Fed is more concerned with a Wall Street free of snow than safe investments for America.

Also revealed a small group of allied hedge fund groups donated 10 million dollars to the Republican Party to swing the mid-term elections. The names were not revealed due to Fourth Amendment Bill of Rights.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hot Air Ballons and 112th Congress

The newly elected 112 th Congress will be seizing the reins of power in Washington, DC this week.
I'm not sure if they will arrive in balloons. I am confident they will bring plenty of Hot Air.
This weeks news cycles are spinning "How the Teachers Unions are destroying our country. So were looking for another patsy to pin the debt on. Our inability to see the forest for the trees. The problem is not that teachers make to much money. The real problem is 20% of our people don't work at all. Many who do work don't make enough money. Add the illegal who work and pay no tax and the teachers are now to blame cuze the Governor is out of cash.
Not working creates budget shortfalls and politicians point the finger at the person to the right. The Banksters and Insurance executives pulling down millions make excessive salary and to often obscene bonus. Banksters seem to completely avoid the finger of blame year after year. We all know the only way a Banker can get rich is to steal. They're not smart they steal...
It's not just the NEA stealing tax money. All government unions are presumably at fault.
The NEA is at the top of the hit lists because they not only have protection from collective bargaining, the NEA members are all protected by the government supported collegiate systems. If you have a degree in education the system decrees you cannot be fired or replaced with illegal free ranging criminal aliens. The government demands Civil Service jobs be given to Americans. Fraternal Order of Police and Firefighter Unions all utilize collective bargaining in wage negotiations.
American Organized Labor Membership peaked in 1970 with highest ever College Graduation rates. Coincidentally the peaks occurred right after we Landed Men on the Moon. The Vietnam War was raging in 1970 and OPEC embargo was years ahead.
The biggest decline in union memberships occurred under Ronald Reagan from 1980 t0 1984. Private sector union jobs once dominated the union memberships. Today Civil Service employees now dominate union memberships and earn $200.00 weekly more than private sector workers. The claims made in 1980 that unions were destroying America have surfaced again in 2010.
Since the peak of 35% union membership to today's membership of 12.3% America has declined in college graduation rates and poverty has increased . The Bankers just get richer from legalized theft.
Government Workers represent 51.5% of union members nation wide. Manufacturing and Construction is at the lowest ever at 7.2%. This number reflects the Covert Bush Immigration Doctrines of Don't Look and Don't Tell illegal workers to leave. In addition to the illegal labor we have systematically sent most of our manufacturing overseas. Since 1980 our policy has been to cannibalize industry and middle class jobs to feed the remaining economy. Borrowing money and feeding from the wealth of former manufacturing jobs to secure a $5.00 shirt at Wallmart. Our current problem is an indication of the enormous wealth manufacturing and construction created. We have dinned on the wealth of past generation and borrowed from our children for thirty years. It's time for America to work again. Are you better off today than 1970? Only if you sell insurance or are a banker is the answer "Yes"
The current economic plan has derailed the economy as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street incomes rose 500 times the annual salary of 1970. The Banksters/ Stock Brokers divided up $144 billion in bonus booty in 2010. $144 billion would buy a lot of Fire Trucks, Police Cars and New Schools and pay the wages of those who work for the Government.
So why is the focus this week upon sanitation workers, teachers, police and firemen salaries. The money over the past thirty years has gone to the Banksters and Insurance Executive pulling down 20 million dollar annual compensations. CEO Rick Wagoner was paid 21 million a year and drove GM to Federal Bankruptcy Court. The Bankster were all bailed out with Bush TARP money dispelling claims they deserve high rewards for compensation. They all took huge bonuses after the taxpayer saved them from bankruptcy.
The teachers don't have the money the Banksters have all the money. The objective should be not to lower wages of Government Workers. We should be trying to increase the wages of the rest of America to equal wages and benefits of Government Workers. The mistake made in 1980 when union memberships were 35% was not demanding increases memberships and wages to 50%. We went the wrong way and the economy of 2010 indicates this truth. 45 million people now live beneath the poverty line and we blame teachers firemen and police.
If I were a Teacher, the first move would be to remove all retirement money from the Banksters The Banks are the the covert fourth branch of government. In 1999 Congress abolished banking regulation Glass Steagall Act 1930 that prohibits bankers from investing in Stock Markets. The reason is obvious the Bankers in the Markets create a false market. The only thing worse than Bankers in the Markets is Government and Bankers in the Markets. Both Government and Bankers drive markets unfairly up and down.
Had we not casually sent television production overseas maybe we would now be building our own computer and inherit tomorrows unseen technology in process. Regardless we must first recognize that if we don't have enough money to pay our teachers, it's not the teachers fault. Lack of funds is source of the problem and teachers are the product of a thirty year old failure.