In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Holy Smoke

White Smoke was seen rising from the Senate Floor as Brett Kavanaugh vote to the Supreme Court was reached 50 yea 48 nay. CNN is not leaking the story.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Immaculate Deception

The Russian Election Meddling continues as Robert Mueller tries to tie President Trump into collusion with Putin and Company. Despite the fabrication of evidence from the D.N.C, Trump Is pitching the best No Hitter since Yankee's Pitcher David Cone 1999. The evidence starts with a rumor, then lies, then tied to some truthful but unrelated facts. When the tale is smothered in enough unrelated facts, the stench from the core is barely noticeable. Bias Politicians and Media only report on the unrelated facts until the general public agrees. The Mueller Probe has a list of people near the Trump Campaign who pleaded guilty to a wide variety of charges in exchange for immunity. Even the guilty pleas share nothing in common with election meddling.     The body count on the other side is equally impressive but not widely reported.                                                                  The same play book is used in the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. This time we don't reach back a couple of years, we go all the away back to 1982. Y'all remember 1982, the year of the Falklands War, Fast Times at Ridgemont High and President Reagan This excavation reveals Dr Christine Blasey Fords recollection of a house party she attended somewhere in the Northeastern United States. The Date is just as infinite as it occurred in the summer or it was hot outside. Some evidence given declare there were four boys involved while other accounts only two. Beer and alcohol do strange things to memory let alone 36 years of aging. The  Doctor remembers three names not four because the forth was someone she didn't know or remember (alcohol can do that) The Doctor also admits to drinking beer but only one to be sociable? The FBI has interviewed all of those named and all have either answered , it did not happen or they cannot recall her or the party. If you think this evidence is sketchy, hang on it gets worse. The Doctor claims she wished to remain anonymous. She drafted a letter and gave it to her 18th District Representative who forwarded it to Senator Feinstein. Diane Feinstein swears that she did not leak the letter to the press. When asked if her staff leaked the letter she replied,No.  I know this is true because I was watching the live broadcast of the spectacle when  Diane leaned over to ask her assistant the question and answered , No because I just asked her. So much for oversight and the size of Diane's Congressional Staff. ( must be true huh) Any how the whole story is a classic he said she said until you ask for a witness, then the thing begins to favor the Judge and the Doctors story starts to smell psychiatric.  Somehow Senator Lindsey Graham wakes up from the mid term electioneering duties and gives his best 2018 Patrick Henry speech and raises the bar so far above the Democrats it will take forty lies to overcome. How the greatest story ever told got to the media requires a strong imagination. Again she said she said emerges as the Senator and the Doctor point fingers back and forth without any validation. Nobody is ever accused of lying we just don't care about the obvious loopholes in corroboration/ collaboration we just don't know. Congress or The Senate doesn't want to do their jobs so Sen Flake ( real name) asks for a vote to allow for a 7th FBI investigation because they're scared of mid term elections and the FBI isn't running this time. By the way a famous quote is the definition of insanity is; repeating something 7 times an expecting a different outcome. Well the FBI has a week to figure out how long a string is before fact are revealed again. This old information will be utilized by the Senate to establish probable guilt, which in this case is Congress. Meanwhile the FBI is investigating Trump or who stole the toilets seats from the FBI building in DC. The Agents reportedly have nothing to go on. but Russia Hackers have a clue!!!

Love Stinks

Season 44 Saturday Night Live opened to mix reviews. Singer Ariana Grande was a no show. Reportedly still recovering from kissing her boyfriend and turning him into a frog

Friday, May 25, 2018

Support Your Sports Team

We have reached a new level of fanatics sports gear. NOW for the first time available, we have Knee Pads in your favorite team colors with the number of your favorite players emblazoned on the face, Be ready at the local bar when the National Anthem plays, you can join your team spirit and always  keeping your knees clean. Also recommended for asking the boss for a much deserved raise or maybe one of those embarrassing Police Stops. Be ready the next time you park in a handicap spot or steal cigars from the liquor store. If your uncomfortable standing like a man, join your team on their knees. Available in all sizes ranging from melee mouthed to loud mouth.. Get yours today call 1800 lazeebasterd.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Definite Maybe

If it's possible to threaten torture or coerce a person into confession of a crime. Then it must be possible to promise immunity to achieve the same results. If a person is guilty of anything, that person might answer inappropriately if they think the interrogation will cease in order to walk free. Saving your own skin. Most of us have done something in our past that we would sooner not talk about, not me however. Swaying public opinion with unproven charges that will discredit a person as long as the investigation continues will no doubt cause a lengthy investigation. Utilizing this information it's possible  for a master to create truth without basis or fact. Done all the time, especially when all the information is quite literally unrelated. Validating warning threats from Senator Chuck Shumer that attacking the FBI isn't smart "as they have six ways from Sunday to get even" I think we must be well into the thirties ways from Sunday for firing Comey. It always helps if you can fabricate a document of proposed facts and then confirm this tall tale yarn with wordsmith from Yahoo News as backup. I watched James Comey on several interviews (book sales) where he was asked a number of questions surrounding his time as FBI Director.  Mostly of his involvement with exoneration of Hillary's E-mails, Applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts and his termination from the FBI. The first example of his answers shows he wears a lot of hats. Shifting from FBI Director to Private Citizen and then Author. Using each hat to answer or not at his discretion. Pleading that the FISA Application to achieve a warrant to trample a citizens civil rights contained more than just the information in the Steele Dossier. The other recollection of information contained cannot be disclosed and therefore we will assume it's information is just as bogus as the Steele Documents. Listening to comments of "The President not being fit for Office" or the size of his hands is saturated in opinion. If so  President Trump finds himself in good company with FDR. Eisenhower, Kennedy and the Mayor of Nashville to name  only a few.  Not because of their glove size either. Or we could also include a number of high level FBI Investigators/ Fornicators/Fabricators working for Comey. I'm not an attorney but still aware if any part of a testimony is found to be false, then all of the testimony is  scuttled. Using our own laws the FISA Application should receive the same treatments. Remembering back to then FBI Director 2 weeks before the election he determined and announced that Hillary Clinton was found to have lied about her E-mails. Then Director Comey said he believed she was not aware of her mistake. Therefore, Innocent by Incompetence. Sounds vaguely familiar to his own defense today. Not Guilty By Reason of Incompetence is his own assessments of his leaking bogus unproven classified information as business as usual. Webster's Dictionary defines a lie as speaking to anything not true. Where as Perjury is speaking to anything knowing it's false. Comey's friend Daniel Richmond who he asked to release information to the press also wears many hats, one as long time friend then as unpaid FBI worker and again as Columbia University of Law College Professor. (kinda funny grown men acting like fraternity brothers hazing) Each hat can be used as evidence or as excuse to evade questions within a single interview. The good news is; recently Trump was found not to have colluded with the Russians in Election meddling and Trump Jr used  poor judgments at Trump Tower meetings. As for Comey he was fired for incompetence at performing his job and vastly unable to separate lies from perjury. This writer has concluded that regardless of Mueller's FBI Investigations and including some of admissions of guilt for lying, the overall impact seems to be aimed at more political sniper fire than US Election. The FBI should stop kicking down doors of New York attorneys in hopes of tying Trump to a Las Vegas Hooker. We just don't care.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Stripper Poll

The latest polls show Donald Trumps approval at about the same. Every media outlet has their own pollsters and this explains wide variations in numbers gathered. Most offer a narrow range of demographic data which produces bias assumption as fact. The one to watch for Trump is the Stripper Poll. where Trump is popular.  Spokeswoman Horny Daniels polled closely from the Champagne Room. Attended by the Glitter and Purel  Committee and Silicone and Latex Salesmen. Although these commodities are not watched closely they appear to be on the rise in the new Trump Administration. Analyst advise a buy on Purel/Glitter/ Silicone and Latex. All expected to beat market projections.They also concluded that Trump is not guilty of any collusion with Russian Spies.      Further, the FBI is not a reliable resource of truth. Stating the F represents FABRICATION not Federal as published. Charges that Trump paid a hooker for sex in 2006 in a Vegas Hotel are probably true and the hooker should be arrested, because prostitution is legal in some rural Nevada Counties. Not legal in Vegas. The girls got enough paperwork to work legally in Nazi Germany. Her Lawyer is just another dickless pimp working his girls. So watch the Stripper Poll and forget about all the nonsense on media.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Dumb Questions

Sunday morning, listening to the political talk shows and mystified by the dialog. If we go back to before the last election, the dialog was filled by a confident Clinton Campaign whose only concern was Hillary's E-mails as Secretary of State and the investigation highly politicized by FBI guy James Comey.  The Clinton's were steep in denying any wrong doing as Secretary, admitting to poor judgments only. On a daily defensive, but still ahead in all the polls. Donald Trump who was largely abandoned and rejected by the G.O.P. was focused on birth certificates of President Obama at the White House.  Further, the Trump Campaign was screaming Rigged Rigged and Rigged surrounding the entire election process and threatening to bring law suits afterwards, Seemingly planning for a loss strategy. The Obama White House was well aware of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. In the lead with a confident D.N.C. Obama chose not to publicize the Russian Cyber Attacks. Meanwhile,  former President Bubba Clinton was hitch hiking on the Tarmac at the Airport to catch a plane with The Department of Justice Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss pending litigation surrounding his wife's e-mail debacle while at State. Bubba and Loretta go way back to 1999 when President Clinton' submitted Loretta's appointment to Attorney  General Office at northeast district of the Department of Justice. (they've met before). The impromptu meeting between Lynch and Bubba has a stench of collusion and misuses of power at the highest levels of government. Nobody talked of Stormy Daniels or Trump Campaign plotting with the Russians to throw the US election.                         So advance to April 22, 2018 and what happened? The Election happened and surprise, surprise Donald Trump Won the Election. The Stock Market Reversed overnight. The Polsters were alllll wroong.  Trump immediately dropped any mention of the election being rigged and suddenly Obama's White House reverses gears on Russian meddling. Stormy Daniels suddenly realizes she had sex with the P.O.T.U.S. in 2006 at a Las Vegas Hotel, ka ching. The News goes into radical reverse. We now know that the Clinton Campaign did hire foreign agents to fabricate the phony Steele dossier and submitted it to the Justice Department and FBI to investigate. The entire Hillary E-mail scandal vanishes with corruption inside the FBI. The dumb question is not if Trump is guilty of collusion with Russians. My question is why isn't  Hillary in Leavenworth....

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tiptoe around the Kremlin

The United States launched a missile attack on Syria in retribution for using poisonous gas weapons against innocent people. Our intentions always muted by the Military Capital of Russia. Mr Putin has leveraged this capital around the globe clinging to any autocrat that is anti American. To call his bluff may be Nuclear War. To answer what America wants; it is not real estate. We do not want another Korea, Vietnam or Iraq War. We have vivid memories of an American President having shoes thrown at him from an ungrateful liberation of Iraq. Images of American Helicopters pushed into the sea after Vietnam.   Remembering the stain of senseless war on the Korean Peninsula .                                               What the American people really want is to move forward into the darkness of future civilized civilization. Languishing in the present status quo in far beneath our intended human legacy. Unseen levels of Peace On Earth is our challenge. The past as our guide posts. We know that Wars won or lost are temporary and benefit only a few. We need plenty for all humanity. Certainly, the American Experiment, although flawed was a step in the right directions. Military Mite has become secondary to the will of Humanity. We can always retract and return to bullying your neighbor. This is never sustaining. What is the answer? It's not gold or dollars. these are merely accounting. The answer is Unlimited Clean Energy for Humanity. Once we harness clean fuels everyone will have plenty. If the world spent all of it's  military capital on something for everyone instead of something for me or us, can Peace On Earth finally prevail.

James Comey Interview

The much awaited and highly advertised interview of former FBI Director was aired Sunday night. We have not seen this level of zero since Geraldo Rivera opened Al Capon's vault. The collateral damage of the Trump Presidency continues to grow and from the top down as opposed to blaming the guy who sweeps the floor in the halls of bureaucracy. Mr Trump proving to be very unpopular in Federal Governments both ours and foreign. After listening to months of rumors flowing from and around Andrew McCabe and James Comey of Trump who is falsely accusing innocent dignitaries for nothing more than personal gain. There simply is no smoking gun in any Federal Investigations anywhere. It is true the lists of facts concerning what Trump might have done are limitless in both good and bad. Donald Trump; for instance may have found the cure for Polio. Probably not, but still  well within the limits of MAYBE. I'm truly sick of rumors that travel throughout media until saturation  levels reach True or Probably True or Maybe True.                                                                                      The one fact missing in the tell nothing interview was : Just how large are George Stephanopoluse's hands. Or why is the price of Gas out of control or why not one Bankster went to jail for raiding the US Treasury.........

Monday, April 9, 2018


How could a culture with such stringent laws of safety belts, helmets and child seats sell heroine at the drug store? Both are intended to drive sales figures and bottom line for Titans of Greed.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Enough is Enough and Me Too

The spin masters are busy drudging up new names for very old causes. The latest is drafting innocent teenagers from a Florida High School to engage in protests against guns or commonly refereed to as the Second Amendment. The most severe being banning all guns everywhere. Look no further than their own school where guns were banned and nobody proved to be safe.                                                       The battle of  the sexes continues as women complain of powerful men using sex as a job perk. The women don't complain initially, instead waiting years, long after shaking her tush to get ahead have past her bye bye. After years of shaking they turn to scorn. The movie Fifty Shades of Grey actually a chick flix supports my argument very well, only exception is the dude falls for the girl instead of moving on. In any case the stories are the same. Give a man a lot of power and you get a lot of hookers. Give a women the same power you get a lot of shoes

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Fake News vs Fake Titties

The White House is enduring a barrage of titillating charges of adultery in the Trump administration.The latest charges are from Stormy Daniels and another from Karen McDougal. As a voter I must concede the Trump choice in Hos is far far superior to Bubba Clinton's selections. We've not seen women like this since Kennedy was alive. I'm surprised that Mr Trump never heard of the first rule in adultery is: {Never trust a Woman with fake Titties} There's something in that silicone that's good for window, bad for Marriages. If your with the majority of Americans you really don't care about "All The Presidents Women" past or present. That's why I won't tune in to 69 Minutes airing of the National Smut in prime time. I,d rather watch infomercial on cookware...

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Clinton Campaign

President Trump continues  to deflect rumors of collusion with Russians on a daily basis. Meanwhile, new evidence emerges daily of the Clinton Campaign and D.N.C.  were in contact with foreign government agents who were paid to spread smear like swinging a dead cat. The only defense of their truth, not rumor is ; They lost and Trump Won !!!

Monday, February 26, 2018

School Prayer

For those of us who remember growing up in Public Schools 60 years ago we always had non denominational prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance early morning. School Prayer was declared unconstitutional and stopped. Many today believe they should not stand or Pledge of Allegiance. Possibly if we returned to prayers in school we  would witness a stop to school violence, show respect for our country and everybody just keep their guns!!!! No deaths in Parochial Schools only Public, wonder why????

Monday, February 19, 2018

Today's Thought

We never know what future catch phrase will spill from the White House. The most recent memorable comment involves people who are not Americans but may immigrate to America. It seems a large portion of America feels the achievements of Norway are over rated. And we should import more Hugos  instead of  Saab automobiles.....

Mueller Investigations

The one thing I noticed from the recent FBI  investigations, is both the FBI and DNC dislike Donald Trump, both are liars and neither care about school security in Parkland,Fl . How long will it take either to rumor the Russians  are attacking the Public School Systems