In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Lazeee Boy

Much of the focus in politics today is centered on the impeachment blather spewing from the Democrat Controlled House of Representatives. My fear is the Democrats will continue their siege in 2020. The constant drum beat of Impeachment is drowning out important  issues we Americans need. Immigration, Trade and Jobs have replaced the  national dialog of unemployment and poor economy of the Obama Administration . Americans are finally off the easy chair and back to work in numbers not seen in 50 years. Wages are on the rise and Wall Street and Main Street are in step together. If you support war overseas, uncontrolled immigration up your butt trade deals then Impeachment is for you. Dust off that Lazee Boy and settle in for years of maybe gonna get better hopeless change from the Democrats. The Democrats had eight years to solve the problems of Deuce Bush. Sadly, nobody went to jail and the laws passed will not prevent another melt down crash. Vote for Democrats next November pick out your Lazeee Boy and wait for your check in the mail and long lines everywhere. The Dems don't have a plan accept empty promises of tomorrow. So get to the store and buy that Obama Lazee Boy made in China. The Republicans need to stop defending the President, he will be fine. Instead Attack the Democrats for control of the House. Stop the Nonsense!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

More Blather

America seems to have placed the Mueller Report in it's rightful place in the ash heap of history. The attacks against the President have continued. The most recent attacks accuses the President of strong arming the President of Ukraine to complete their investigation into corruption in a Petro Company owned by Russian Oligarch and Hunter Biden AKA Burisma.  The investigation against Burisma was dropped when then Vice President of  the United States was video taped saying if they did not drop the investigation and fire the Ukraine Prosecutor the Vice President would use his power to withhold billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine. The investigation was dropped and Ukraine got the US Payola. Seldom does America get a smoking gun as obvious as Joe Biden's video tape. Old Joe was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. I am certain that when the investigation completes into the charges against the Biden's we will find a abuse of power by the Vice President and the Biden family profited from that abuse. We have no such evidence against President Trump and the phone call in question has been made public. It is also just as clear to me that Trump asked the President of Ukraine to complete the investigation into Burisma Biden's Fiasco as a matter of US Investigation in Corruption at the White House. It is also clear the Trump Family did not profit from Trump's actions. No Smoking Gun. In comes Rep Adam Schiff with a full press Capt Queeg strawberry investigation to prove Trump obstructed Congress against Trump's obvious innocents. We all were lied to by Schiff who advised the public he had seen the evidence against Trump in the now infamous Mueller Report. Trump has continued to tell the truth. For those of us who remember a time when televised programming contained civil persons who spoke only when it was their turn to speak and did constantly try talking over a room of rude discourteous people in televised Smack Down Event. Years ago these people were courteous and the message was truthful and important  interesting information exchanged. Today we sit through endless hours of blather on the boob tube spewing lies from serial liars. Each yelling louder than the next. In the end both Trump and Biden are guilty of conversations with Ukraine. Only one was illegal, unethical and immoral. Only one made billions Only one would take a job as Al Capone's account and claim innocents