In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Nest Egg

History has proven 401-K and IRA's are how your employer and banksters retire on your money. Never Never give a stranger your money regardless of what your television tells you!! Invest your money in land or gold that has never been worth ZERO...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bang Zoom Alice, To The Moon

Another debate completed in the GOP race for nomination. This time in Jacksonville, Florida. CNN Wolf Blitzer was the man in charge and it was clear Wolf would not be pushed by the candidates. Mitoosense gives CNN and Wolf Blitzer an AAA for moderating the candidates. Gingrich tried the same intimidation tactics on Wolf Blitzer that worked well in South Carolina. Wolf went right after Newt demanding answers to the questions. The debate would show the candidates were also prepared for challenges from Newt's thin skin. Mitoosense suspects this issue will vanish in the next debate.

The first question went to Rick Santorum on Illegal Immigration, a sensitive issue in Florida. Santorum agreed with Mitt Romney and supported self deportation of Illegals. Cutting of aid and employment opportunities through E-Verify as proof of citizenship. Without financial supports Illegals would be forced to repatriate.

Newt Gingrich followed with changes to Legal Immigration, Visas and Guest Worker programs to allow the Illegals to stay. Newt's solution seems to just change the definition and the problem will go away. People who have been breaking the laws for 25 consecutive years would become eligible for citizenship through a citizen review board. (Another Agency Really Newt) No apparent logic just give up I'm thinking.

Ron Paul seemed to diminish the whole problem as an economic issue. The Illegals would be needed when the economy increased. This was the worst response I've ever heard.

Gingrich was asked to clarify accusations Mitt Romney was Anti-Immigrate. Newt stated the charges were Romney wanted to deport Grandmothers and Grandfathers here illegally. There was an immediate exchange with Romney separating the obvious Legal and Illegal Immigration issue. Romney reduced Gingrich argument saying the problem was not 11 million Grandmothers. That's a lot of Grandmothers

The Candidates all agreed English should be the official language of the US. Cuba, South and Central foreign relations and trade were discussed. Ron Paul was against nation building in Cuba or anywhere else for the record. Santorum wants trade if nations will jump through his hoops when directed.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac futures were discussed. Mitt Romney took the opportunity to toss more dirt on the Gingrich Landfill and offered no thoughts of their futures. Gingrich then rebutted and denied being a lobbyist for the giant mortgage insurers. It's not clear what or if Newt did anything at all. The $1.6 million he took as compensation for doing nothing was never disputed. He may have been waxing the floors and greasing poles as far as we know. Gingrich then attacked Romney as a stock holder in both firms. It's not clear to me why this is important or if a blind trust was involved. It is important to Mitoosense Gingrich had his hand in the government supported firm up to his elbows. In addition Romney revealed Gingrich owned stocks in both firms as well. Gingrich in frustration waved his hands about bit added nothing.

Gingrich stated he advised Congress not to fund Freddie Mac in 2008. This was after his money was cut off. Rick Santorum said he with other Senators championed an effort to reform the institutions. Either 2006 or 2008 was far far to late as the handwriting was clearly on the wall to even modest investors.

The debate became heated when Blitzer asked Gingrich about transparency of Mitt Romney's taxes. Newt began several maneuvers to avoid the questions and at one point tried to assume duties of CNN. The issue of negative advertisements surrounding foreign bank accounts of Mitt Romney. Mudslinging at it's core. Several volleys back and forth and Newt finally forced to ask why Romney had money in foreign banks. Mitt was eager to answer the question that would put more dirt in the Gingrich Landfill. Romney said the money was not hidden and reported and taxes paid every year. Gingrich must have known this was true because he tried to avoid the entire issue of Other People's Money.

Several Tax issues were round tabled none were an inspiration to me. It will take a Democrat to fix the tax problems. Republicans are a Blind Trust when it comes to taxes. Ron Paul challenged all to compete in a 25 mile bicycle race in Texas heat to prove his health was sound despite his age.

The Highlight of the evening was the next question regarding NASA. Mitt Romney was clearly leading in all categories thus far and the next question is the one that will propel him to the nomination!!!

Blitzer outlined the Gingrich plan to establish a moon colony in less than eight years. The question to Romney was did he think this was a viable plan. Mitt answered he would explore any plans that would offer new science and technology that benefit America. All three candidates condemned Newt's Moon Base as frivolous campaign promises. Romney stated in business anyone who brought such an idea to his desk would be fired immediately.

Gingrich responded by attacking NASA as historically mismanaged. A diversion from the ridicule of his idea. Gingrich was losing big time and his hypocritical campaigning was center stage. Give them the moon and become President. Ron Paul's one liner was "going to the moon was a bad idea but offered to send Newt and his friends". I remebered.. The Great One.. Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners famous line "Bang Zoom Alice to the Moon"

Health Care was debated and none of the candidates had any viable plans to improve the system. They all focused on how to collect money and whom. Health Care is the victim of greedy insurance and profiteering government sponsored health care. Go to any city or town and look up. You won't see tall Hospitals saving lives. Look up and you will see towering insurance companies an banks with all our money. Congress and the President gave it to them.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Floatsam Jetsam

Have you ever noticed when the Stock Market rises the Bankster and Corporate Icons line up like rats to feed on Bonus Booty. When the market drops they blame the President. They never give up a dime when it drops either.

Famous Quotes: A Scapegoat is almost as good as a solution to the problem.
It's far easier to gain forgiveness than permission.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye Good News Bad News

Good news is Home Sales are up. Bad News is 57% of sales were Bank Foreclosures. Remember, Bank Foreclosures generate huge imaginary fees in the one sided process. Once they have possession, the Bank will resell the property for more than half the 2006 loan value. The loss on taxpayer supported TARP.

Then Bankesters collect another round of fees penalties and closing costs to the new owner. The old foreclosed owner could have easily paid the same amounts as the new mortgage if offered. The old owner is denied and must pay Bank fees, closing costs and penalties on his next property and worse begins a new unfair interest cycle and payment schedule of all interst. Win Win Win if your a friggin Bankster, Appraiser, Lawyer or Real Estate Sales. The loose money of everyone rides in 2006 mortgages and the stringent refusal of Banks to write down mortgages today are both imaginary laws of lending conceived in corrupt Banking. The net gains are guaranteed by the taxpayer Bush TARP that was packaged to help homeowners ....Ha

America needs a thirty year fixed job and a 5 year mortgage.

Seal Team Six Delivers another Pizza

Seal Team Six the United States Navy Elite Team delivered again this time in Somalia. Two volunteers, one Danish and one American were rescued in a daring night raid on Somali Pirates. The two volunteers were captured for ransom. They got pizza instead in 30 minutes or less. Much attention was given to the Bin Laden Raid last year. The raids since have been far more dangerous than the Bin Laden attack. Thank your lucky stars these guys are on our side.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tampa Debate Florida Primary 2012

The Final Four in the GOP headed for Tampa, Florida. Leaving their muddy footprints all the way to Dixie. Florida is not a Southern State. Most of Florida's residents are from other states and South Florida more of a Ellis Island of the Caribbean. Recently, Florida has become a haven for illegal aliens who find comfort in the Florida diverse backgrounds. Florida has a much different voter than the South.

The Moderator was Brian Williams who did a good job of asking questions and avoided the annoying bells. This is hard for Mitoosense to accept because of a bias against Comcast the majority owner of NBC.

First question to Newt Gingrich was respond to negative advertisement from Romney on the Gingrich record. In typical style Gingrich begins by dropping names of other famous men whom he shares little in common. We don't need history lessons we want answers. Twisted recall of the past is not evidence of facts today. Still he rambles on as if this imaginary association is good politics for his message. Newt completely avoided the question and never answered Brian's query. Brian fielded another to Newt asking him to explain his resignation as Speaker of the House in disgrace. Newt claimed responsibility for 4 years of balanced budgets under his leadership as Speaker. Today's fact checking finds this statement not true. Gingrich was only one of 538 members of Congress with Clinton as President. The budget was balanced 4 consecutive years but only 2 being before the Gingrich resignation. The deficit rose by 800 billion dollars under his failed leadership. It would appear the historian should be more careful when stating fact in the Congressional Record. This is of coarse the same reason Gingrich was reprimanded for lying to Congress and ultimately stepping down in GOP mutiny. He stretches this fact he resigned by choice. The truth contested by Congressman Paul and Santorum who's recollection was much different than Gingrich yarn of history. Further evidence the Gingrich repentance is probably not complete. The Gingrich score thus far is one question avoided, one answer false and one statement far far from fact.

Mittosense will note Gingrich will either avoid the question or question the relevance of the question or in some cases answer the question with false facts supporting his logic. Gingrich pushed will become angry on the first rebuttal and collapse on the second rebuttal with his head down. Three challenges must follow to penetrate the reliability of the Gingrich answers. Ron Paul will answer with one very unpopular truth which is his undeniable message. Santorum spends way to much time glorifying himself and Mitt has been to silent to long.

The next batter was Mitt Romney to answer allegation of his electability in November. Mitt quickly dusted off his resume starting in 1970 highlighting success at Bain Capital and The Olympics. Then went on to compare his work in contrast to that of Gingrich. Free dirt for the Gingrich Landfill! It is very clear that Mitt is not going to relent on the Gingrich record. Bully for Mitt finally.

Gingrich responded by saying he would not answer to the 4 Romney misinformation's. Newt offered instead a delay answer tomorrow on his website. I was left in anticipation wondering what the 4 things Mitt stated incorrectly. Mitoosense did not tune in to listen to "call me tomorrow"... After refusing to answer Newt says Mitt can't tell the truth citing past campaigns dropping McCain and Huckabee as uninvited guests to his aid. Unbelievable!!

Mitt answered the challenge to his integrity citing Newt is the only Speaker of the House to resign in history. Gingrich left in disgrace with an 18% approval rating. Then spent his next years as a K street Influence Peddler at Freddie Mac taking $1.6 million in taxpayer booty.

By this time Newt was on the ropes staring at his shoes and clearly upset with the Romney manhandling. Newt came back with more lies as support but, failed to get consensus from Paul and Santorum who were members of Congress during the Gingrich leadership. Both men denied the Gingrich yarn as accurate.

The debate continued on if you have further questions you can find the complete transcript online Washington Post.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Congressional Approved Liars

Mitoosense has compiled a list of Congressional Approved Liars from 200 years of Congressional Records in the Library of Congress. They are as follows:

1. Newt Gingrich. Votes 395 yea 28 nae

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Romney finishes second in Dixie,SC

The land of cotton voted against Mitt Romney yesterday allowing him a strong second place victory. Keep in mind they still fly the Stars and Bars over the State Capitol in Columbia, SC. Assuming they don't recalculate votes until another candidate wins. Romney finished second with 28% of the votes, Santorum 17% and Paul 13%
Romney won in Columbia and coastal Carolina Charleston and Beaufort Counties. The refusal of Romney to reveal his Income Taxes is suspect in slipping to second place. Mitoosense is unable to find reliable tabulations of delegates committed to each candidate thus far. Logic would dictate the RINO wining SC with 5th in New Hampshire and a 4th in Iowa would place him 3rd in delegate count. Keep in mind the GOP lacks confidence in counting votes in elections. Something to think about Florida. Dixie rejected Yankee Santorum even though the RINO himself was born in Harrisburg, PA. Paul wasted his time.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Emporer has NO Clothes

Mitoosense tuned into the CNN/Washington Post debate held in Charleston, SC 1/19/12. The Debate Moderator was CNN John King. If you tuned into witness an historical event leading to the election of another US President, you wasted your time. Watching the GOP cleaning the bottom drawer of Presidential Candidates is flawed politics and worse television. CNN gets and F for last nights questions and answers. Command and control of the candidates was non-existent with the audience intervening at one point. This was clearly a contest of who can shovel the most dirt. This was a lose, lose, lose event for the viewer, Network and Candidates involved. The winner hands down was Ron Paul with CNN ignoring his podium seemed to play to his advantage for the first time.

Since last nights telecast was little more than mud wrestling, Newt Gingrich gets the most attention as the squeaky wheel. The other candidates are relatively clean with Newt and Herman Cain having similar moral compass. It's hypocrisy in action with Newt Gingrich who was unrelenting criticism of Bubba Clinton for his escapades with women. Those in glass houses should not throw stones. The House in question of coarse is the US House of Representative that Gingrich resigned in disgrace and fines. The charges and fines were for lying to investigations.

Gingrich now claims to have cleansed himself of his past by marriage to his 8 year concubine Calista and becoming a Catholic follower. Both are highly questionable admissions in proof of repentance. Mitoosense believes Gingrich broke Commandments 7 thru 10 in last nights debate. For the record Gingrich finished forth in Iowa, Fifth in New Hampshire and first in hypocrisy. We know he took $1.6 million from Freddie Mac selling cronyism. He paid $300,000 in fines for lying to Congress and recently lied and said he was not eligible for the draft or "I didn't qualify"

In spite of his poor performance in ballots, Newt has still ordained himself the obvious candidate to defeat Obama in November. His balls are as big as his support of the truth. The most surprising fact is both FOX and CNN seem to support this coronation as they totally ignore his performance at the ballot box. This was true in Iowa again in New Hampshire and now again in South Carolina. Each time they have predicted a Gingrich win and lost.

The first question from King was: are charges made by former wife "Gingrich asked for an open marriage when he was involved in a eight year affair with concubine Calista". Newt answered by attacking the question as destructive, vicious and negative. Newts adjectives always come in threes. It's his debate trademark. Then finally answered with his former wife's allegation were false, charging the former wife as a liar, presumably. Not sure if the wife is a liar but, we are all aware Newt is a proven liar in Congressional Records, not public opinions.

Gingrich went from attacks on his wife to attacking the moderator King for asking the question. Newt is implying the question is despicable and not the truth of his actions. He went on to attack CNN and ABC as covert sponsors of Barack Obama. Friends Romans and Countrymen Lend Me Your Ears was said to be a similar speech from Mark Anthony.

Gingrich out for blood went after Mitt Romney for his record at Bain Capital. Newt charges Bain as Vampires in Capitalism, bleeding American business of assets and forcing healthy corporations and jobs into bankruptcy courts. This is nothing but pure fabrication. Corporations are above the law for all Americans and bankruptcy is just another tool in their kit. Corporations are a imaginary double standard to protect the rich.

Gingrich then claimed his work in Congress was responsible for the Romney fortune and the Bain Empire. Interesting, this places Newt on both side of the Bain issue charging them as predator's and following with his legislation was central to Bain's business models. Stating himself, Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan created the perfect environment for Bain growth. Mitt Romney stated during his 25 years in business he never once had appreciations for what the government did for him. He went on to say that Ronald Reagan's book only mentioned Newt once and dismissed Newt's input negatively. Mitt also stated George Romney his father was also referenced once in the Reagan Diaries, dispelling any close association with Reagan and Gingrich. Romney also stated he was not accustomed to challenges to his integrity. Romney would not apologize for being successful in business and implied only Gingrich and Democrats would attack Capitalism!!! The Gingrich message is his close ties to the achievement of other famous men. Gingrich finds himself victorious thru association. John Fitzgerald Kennedy said "Victory has a thousand fathers" Newt claims 900 associations. Basically if you take away the work of Kemp, Reagan, Clinton and word Conservative in the Gingrich message you will be left with only dirt.

$1.6 million dollars of extortion money from Freddie Mac, $300,000 in fines for lying to Congress and resignation as Speaker of the House. The Gingrich platform is legalized child labor, legalize illegal aliens and indenture the American workers to low wages. He fails to understand or cares that most of Americans on Food Stamps already have one job, some two. He does not understand the entitlement destroying America are Tax exemption, bailouts and GOP profiteering the federal government's Wealth Fare tax credits. He supports plans to lower Mitt Romney's 15% tax rate even lower and spend spend spend for power power power. His moral compass is not an issue in comparison to hard facts.The entire debate was centered on a fifth place candidates infamous affairs and failed accomplishments. Some pundits are claiming Newt won again

Mitoosense was relieved when Bachman stepped down, grateful when Cain was gone, understanding when Huntsman left and renewed when Perry finally quit. When Gingrich is removed from the national discussion I will be truly blessed. Voting in South Carolina should be an easy choice on Saturday............

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Myrtle Beach GOP Debate

Mitoosense was up at the crack of 7:30 am searching for the FOX / WSJ debate in Myrtle Beach held last night Jan 16, 2012. We could not locate any transcript published this morning. We did read comments on early morning Fact Checking and found all candidates misstated the truth with Gingrich as the biggest offender of FACT... The truth was only casually mentioned last night.

It is now 2:00 pm and we've located a transcript from the Chicago Sun Times. Sorry for the delay.
We give FOX/ WSJ a grade C for moderating the debate. FOX showed candidate favoritism in questions and podium time to candidates. It's very clear FOX has a dog in the hunt!! It's clear the debates slowly expose each candidates liabilities and assets, it also is exposing a flawed support system in the Media/Press and PAC money inequities. PAC Money and Televised Commercial Advertising should be heavily taxed. If your going to buy elections and influence it should not be be TAX FREE!!!!!!!!

Mitt Romney is leading going to South Carolina with 17 delegates accrued from Iowa and New Hampshire. Huntsman joined spectators Bachman, Cain and others who struggled to win votes. Ron Paul finished a close third in Iowa and Second in New Hampshire which should make him second in delegates. Santorum is third placing a close second in Iowa and distant 4th shared with Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire. Despite all the press and media attention, Newt has performed poorly at the ballot box. Placing distant 4th place twice among We The People!

The Photo above indicates how Ron Paul is continually ignored by Media/Press. ( this is the hole we try to fill in missing truth) Ron Paul's podium appears to be deep in the basement as Stephen Root's ignored character in "Office Space"
FOX has done little to cover up the obvious discrimination of Paul's grass roots campaign, hence the podium order.
Not surprising, the first question went to Newt Gingrich in bias FOX questioning of negative ads. This issue is not central to America's problems and is fabricated in house by Media/Press. Mitoosense will not explore answers to imaginary issues. Except PAC money is a vegetable, not people according to Congress.
FOX then framed questions on Mitt Romney tax plan in Massachusetts. We object to framing questions in unproven accusations so common at FOX. Mitt Romney answered with supporting unproven claims to counter the attacks from moderator Bair.
Third question to Gov. Perry about more mudslinging. Ron Paul same questions regarding campaign slander and PAC money. Santorum Challenged in Paul's answer responded by not answering Paul's charges. Santorum answered by attacking the source of the charges, ignoring facts if true. The dirt and questions thus far are centered on Campaign attacks on Romney and Santorum. This completed the first round with Gingrich taking the most podium time!!!

The next question was centered on unemployment and length of time people can claim benefits. The candidates completely ignored the failure of the economy to offer jobs or Congress to create Private Sector legislation to stimulate new infrastructure repairs in America. We have a War based economy that spends our wealth in other countries.
This is an extremely sensitive question in light of the premiums for unemployment insurance are seen as deduction on your paychecks. Seems reasonable if they want to deny benefits they should stop taking their money. Leading the charge is Santorum and Newt Gingrich who have never worked outside the purse strings of government. Particularly Gingrich who feels Janitors make excessive wages and children should be used to clean municipal buildings. Janitors at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac worked for their meager incomes and did not extort $1.6 million dollars. This is truly the pot calling the kettle black typical of Gingrich and Santorum. Gingrich should take a bath and get a private sector job and report back.
Education of the unemployed is a great idea. School should not end at 18 years of age. We are in a fast paced world where one job will likely not last to retirement. Keeping schools open to adults at night and in the summer is good use of public money. The single caveat being those being trained should not be a windfall profit for any corporation. Keeping GOP profiteering out of adult education should be first priority. It's doubtful any jobs would be created or unemployment lowered if everyone had a Harvard Degree. A good example of this would be if America changed to a flat tax. The result would be thousands of unemployed high paid CPA's and accountants. Their educations as worthless as the Tax Code they administered. These people would be tossed into the unemployment numbers and would require new abilities. Pious Santorum quoted claims made by the Brooking Institute that three things cause poverty and all are self inflicted. They are: WORK, graduate from High School and get married before having children. Interesting that only one is correct being work. The other two are Marriage and High School diploma are not central to either legal or illegal immigration. Regardless, although noble thoughts Work is the only lever out of poverty. Charles Branson one of the worlds richest has no HS Degree or Married to create his wealth, Rick.
From this point on Mitt Romney and Ron Paul showed why they lead in the polls. The next question was Bailouts of foreign countries and US Corporations from the Federal Reserve and Congress. Mitt Romney explained these institutions should be filtered through the bankruptcy courts. It's obvious the bailouts went on to undeserved windfall profits extorted from taxpayers and plaguing the national debt. Certainly, nothing compared to unemployment benefits or food stamps. Food Stamps for Bankers are measured in trillions of dollars from the Federal Reserve!!! References were made that Africans Americans were discriminated against in hiring practices by Juan Williams. The charge made no doubt due to coincide with MLK observance. Mitoosense agrees "That DOG Don't Hunt" with an African American in the White House. Free rides are over, all Americans get out and PUSH!!
Ron Paul answered questions on his plan to cut defense spending would cause hardship in laid off workers and reduce American security. Ron explained his plan would increase spending in the US by closing thousands of bases overseas. Opening new bases in the US will lower unemployment as it increases our security. Ron Paul claimed he receives more campaign contributions from the Military twice combined to all other candidates. Very, Very tough argument but, Paul wins this one! Ron Paul then went on to a very compelling speech on foreign policies, WAR and killing terrorist. Paul is either softening on his policies or much needed clarifications. His foreign policy is his biggest flaw in the opinion of Mitoosense. Paul's biggest assets are elimination of the IRS, Federal Reserve and Patriot Act that are all unconstitutional. The only foreign policy worse than Paul's is Rick Santorum, both extreme and not thought out well.
Income taxes were discussed and revenue increases. All Candidate favored lowering taxes at a time when America is broke. Ron Paul wins the round with elimination of all income taxes at ZERO. None of the candidates favored a single tax rate for both citizens and corporations. Mitoosense doesn't care what rate is selected as long as the divide between personal and corporations are eliminated along with ALL employer based deductions. When everyone pays equally without exemptions and deductions we will have a fair system supported by all Americans!!
Mitt Romney was very clear about his plans for an American 21st Century. Romney Plans to build the strongest military ever known and govern through that strength. It worked well for Reagan even at the cost of budgets.
This covers what Mitoosense considers important issues and responses. It includes criticism of the Press/Media and PAC money. There were many other issues including gay marriage and gun control. We encourage you to read the entire transcript at Chicago Sun Times and not rely on pundits who twist the truth!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Hampshire Vote: No Rinosaurs

The GOP campaign trail is widening into the Mitt Romney Highway. The New Hampshire Primary was a landslide victory for the Romney Machine. Mitt received 39% or twice as many votes as runner up Ron Paul. Third place went to Jon Huntsman. A win in South Carolina where Romney is leading by double digits would signal the Mitt Romney Expressway to Washington, DC

The Rino's Gingrich and Santorum shared spots 4 and 5 with 9% of the voters (Rino is acronym for "Republican In Name Only" coined by the Union Leader long ago)

The separation in GOP ideology became apparent with both Santorum and Gingrich who launched negative advertisements against Romney. Both came off sounding like Occupy Wall Street protesters attacking Romney as rich 1% Wall Street Raider from Bain Capital. Punishing the rich logic defense for their tumble in the polls and losses in Iowa. The attacks on Romney, who should be the success story of the GOP, instead of drumbeating from Zuccotti Park. The Rino's Big spender Rick and Freddie Mac conspirator Gingrich exposed profiteering the people's trust as their goals. Gov. Perry finished last then skipped town early with 1% of voters heading for South Carolina.

Expect a shootout in South Carolina between the long ignored Ron Paul and Mitt Romney.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 New Hampshire Debate

The ABC/ Yahoo debate was held in Manchester Saturday night at St Anseim College. The moderators were Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos. There was an air of urgency from those who finished poorly in Iowa. The gloves coming off with the handwriting visible on the wall. Santorum finished second in Iowa but last in the Saturday night smack down in Manchester.

Ron Paul's message is always the same with air time at the podium the only variable. Newt Gingrich attended with all his baggage and very stale embellished historical rhetoric. The moderators get a C this time for focusing on irrelevant imaginary questions regarding hypothetical scenarios of States Rights vs Supreme Courts and Contraception. Mitoosense feels candidates should not answer hypothetical irrelevant questions that don't exist and never will. Otherwise the debate went smoothly with little interruptions. Michelle Bachman has withdrawn her bid for President. Mitoosense watched the entire debate last night and is using a transcript from the Washington Post for reference.

The first question came from Diane Sawyer to Mitt Romney to comment on the news 200,000 new jobs were created last month. Romney answered the news was good however, the Obama administration was not responsible for the upswing. Noting Obama policies were impeding growth and jobs. Sadly, Romney failed to mention the Trillions of dollars taken from the Federal Reserve Discount Window at near zero interest or the Republican Bankster Bailouts under George W Bush. We need to hear more from the candidates on worthiness of Oligopoly Bailouts and Tax Breaks to Special Interest. Let's be fair Mitt? Allowing Tax Breaks to the So Called Job Creators deny small business creation from the ground up. Apple Computer began in a 3 bed 2 bath middle class garage?

Sanotorum was asked to comment on his statements made earlier "America does not need a manager or CEO to be President" Santorum supported his claim saying America needed leadership and his eight years on the Armed Services Committee qualified him to be Commander and Chief. Santorum backed up his claim by referencing statement from Newt Gingrich that applauded his work on Iran. It's clear that Newt and Santorum go to the same church even if they don't sit in the same pew. Neither Gingrich or Santorum are Veterans is noteworthy.

Mitoosense would like to clarify the Santorum claims that leadership trumps experience. Mitoosense feels this is a central flaw in all government ideology. We The People elect candidates because of experience. We The People do not elect candidates to lead us. We elect candidates to lead the three branches of government. We The People expect our elected candidates to follow our leadership of mandates. Mr. Sanotrum has his priorities backwards. We demand he follow We The People. It's easy to see how the inexperience of Santorum could lead him to his false fundamental views of how government "Of the People, By the People and For the People has been lost in 150 years of abuse. Experience in Government is a Campaign Liability. We the people want EXPERIENCE in effective managements of SOUND Policies. This is also the reason Mitoosense will support both Republican and Democratic candidates. The Big Business PAC money will only support those who will do the bidding of Special Interest Oligopoly. This is the evil operating within the greater framework of Democracy. First and foremost Corporations are not People and vegetables are not Pizza and the Patriot Act defy the US Constitution Amendment 4. Mitoosense will step down from the soap box and continue with the debate. Expect further interruption going forwards.

Romney followed with his experience at Bain Capital and the Olympics. Paraphrasing, Romney stated sorting out good apples from bad is creating a whole greater than the sum of the parts. That how business works. Tossing money at bad apples is tossing money at bad apples and encourages more bad apples and a lateral move at best.

Newt Gingrich was invited into the fray attacking Romney. Newt was only to happy to join. Testimonial from liars is always taken with a grain of salt at Mitoosense. Naturally Newt disguised his attack quoting other news publications. Newt fancies himself as a Reagan Conservative. This is probably the only truthful claim made from Newt. Since Reagan was not a Conservative supporting outrageous budgets and runaway deficits. Reagan was a Republican President, once a Democrat and never a Conservative. Bubba Clinton was a better Conservative than either of the Bush's or Reagan with balanced budgets!

Ron Paul was asked to backup attacks made on Santorum, Rick was a corrupt politician accepting huge amounts of lobbyist money in his failed campaign for reelection for Senate. Ron Paul also challenged Newt Gingrich and Santorum as a Chicken Hawks based upon the Gingrich request for draft deferments. Santorum missed the draft born May, 1958 by only 3 years. 1973 being the year America supported the all volunteer peace time Army. This was an interesting exchange and Ron Paul a veteran won the contest!

The Santorum rebuttal to Paul's attacks was focused on the source of the information. Santorum never denied or validated any truth in the charges. Santorum's only defense was attacking the Source and George Soros who was not present. Adding Ron Paul was a libertarian who voted against all spending. (no creme in his coffee) Probably the worst response to give considering Santorum fancies himself as a Conservative. Mitoosense feels spending the most money qualifies him as the tallest midget and no Conservative!

Ron Paul exposed Santorum's record of voting to increase the debt 5 times when he was in the Senate. Ron Paul is a crusty ole guy and a real spoiler with a mouthful of truth. Bravo Ron!

Newt Gingrich defended his Military Service saying he was not eligible and did not qualify for the draft as married with children. Nothing could be further from the truth. Newts birthday of June 1943 places his birth as dead center of World War 2 or 12/8/1941 to 9/2/45

Mitoosense was also involved in the draft board being born 7 years after Newt. Having first hand knowledge of the Selective Service I can attest those who were not considered eligible were all females and men who failed to meet physical requirements. ALL OTHERS are 1-A or eligible for service. Newt Gingrich would have been 1-A until pleas were made for a deferment from service. Newt was eligible for deferments not ineligible for the draft as he falsely claims.

Ron Paul stated correctly he was married with 2 children and served dispelling the Gingrich twisted views of the Selective Service.

The second half of the debate focused on the 4th Amendment, 10th Amendment, Contraception Israel, Iran, Iraq and Gay Marriage. If you should have interest, read the transcript at your convenience. Illegal Immigration and how best to remove them was not addressed.

The budget was addressed and discussed. Santorum favored a maximum 5 deductions for Americans. They are Health care, Housing, Pension, Children and Charities. Santorum exempted Business and Corporation from the new tax structures and favored lowering taxes on Corporations across the board. The deductions for every corporate need would remain intact including private jets and bonuses to executives. Mitoosense wonders how you lower taxes on those who pay nothing and receive free cash from the Treasury and Cash Credits from the Congress? Sounds like his new plan is to squeeze blood from stones...... NBC had another debate Sunday morning ignored by Mitoosense. The NBC/Comcast event was no doubt bias and not noteworthy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Will Anyone Win in the GOP Nomination?

The survivors of the Iowa Caucus are moving on down the Campaign Trail. Tossing away the Carhart Jackets and Deere Hats for a more appropriate New Hampshire look. Bachman and Cain are both toast with Gingrich and Perry smoldering hot on the wires. This leaves Romney, Santorum, Paul and Sweetheart Huntsman. We include Huntsman because he insists he will perform better in New Hampshire. Huntsman, also believes in the Easter Bunny.

Mitt Romney remains focused on attacking Obama as Santorum feeds mainly on cannibalism in his own party. Ron Paul attacks are focused on the current system Obama inherited from 200 years of bad policy. Gingrich's entire campaign is avoiding his own record of walking and talking as ducks or ducts in serial hypocrisy. All while he drops names of other famous men as evidence of his achievements. When his record is revealed he accuses those with below the belt negative advertisements, not focused on the issues. After loosing the Iowa Caucus the Gingrich Swan Song attacked Romney and Paul as he commended Santorum as the winner. Gingrich is a true historian and Monday Morning Quarterback. In the end Newt will auction off his political capital to the highest bidder and return to his lobbyist private sector duties selling political cronyism. These distractions are similar to the GW Bush charge opponents did not "Support the Troops". Mitoosense disagrees with Newt, the process is all about their records and mudslinging is appropriate when true! The fairytale policies ahead are unimportant once they gain power. Too often, once they receive power, the promises made to the People are found round canned. What you see is not what you get, with what you hear being much less. It is far more likely they will not embrace their promises than they will!!!

The biggest divide in top tier candidates is foreign policy. Santorum a Hawk, Romney an Eagle and Paul the Dove. Iran is simply carrion du jour. South Korea has a nuclear weapon and China is the Elephant in the room. China has a Space Program, Nuclear Power and devout communists. You do the Math. Then they're our friends and allies Pakistan. Whoopeee.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch Obama is busy knocking off Radical Islamic Leaders with unprecedented numbers. 2011 was not a good year to burn the flag and denounce American Policies. More Autocrats deposed for less money is the 2for1 Obama Plan. Undermining Libya is far more successful than 9 years of failed Occupation in Iraq. Nation building can only occur from the bottom up. Top down is the Bush Recipe of failure. Destroying your enemy is the only task in War. Rebuilding is the choice of the vanquished not the Occupiers!

Focusing on Iran is foolish when the problems are at home. "It's the Economy Stupid" rings true today. Here Ron Paul rattles the room with his plans to abolish the Federal Reserve System. The discount window at the US Treasury is operated like "Nickle Night at the Bordello". The Bloomberg News revelation that Trillions of dollars in US Currency is available for near zero interest for 2big2fail Banksters here and abroad. Harry Potter and Hogwarts has a similar system. This creates Open Season on Bankers and the Federal Reserve System to scrutiny. The epicenter of the current economy and 2big2fail are traced directly to the Federal Reserve policies. Foreign Banks and Governments are catered to as the American people are corralled as cattle by the Cowboys of 112th Congress. We the People Don't Matter at the Reserve!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shit It's Mitt

Mitt Romney won the Iowa Caucus edging out the dark horse Santorum by 8 votes. Ron Paul was a very strong third place short a thousand votes or so rounding out the top three. Forth place went to Newt Gingrich spreading the field over ten thousand votes. Bachman took 5% of the vote in her home state. Huntsman finished last if you don't count a handful of votes for Herman Cain.
The GOP likes their candidates warmed over. The Democrats take theirs fresh and right out of the box.