In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Pole Voter Stress Disorder: It started a year ago. Beginning slowly. Eminence of what we all know was coming. Another 4 year Presidential Election and with it the Executive Branch of Government. Media and Private Interests picking teams strategies and Politicians who will best do their bidding. The results of one year of propaganda, lies and insults have brought most Americans to the first round draft pick voters status. The topic of politics normally mostly ignored and boring is now main stage. Even the looters thieves and arsonist are coveted for the vote. The Politicians who formally devoted all their time to fund raising switches to what will make this person vote for me. Most notable are the 30 second advertisements non stop on every channel 24/7. The normally irritating blather of Accident Attorneys, Bath Remodeler's and Hawkers of Product are drowned out by Election Blather. I have not been this irritated since the Sham WOW guy went to prison. Even the guy selling boats made out of screen doors is gone. No Ronco, No Insurance Advertisements, How will we ever adjust. Soon, November 3 is Election Day will bring an end to the TV Blitz. The sudden changes will no doubt cause many Americans Emotional Trauma and require professional help counseling. I personally recommend all Americans exchange their Covid 19 face mask for a set of high quality Ear Plugs until we return back to normal broadcasting November 6 or 7. It will take a few days for the protests to subside and folks reclaim their sanity. Those most vulnerable should refrain from watching any commercials or at the very least keep a close eye on that Mute Button. Be confident the vast wasteland of television broadcasting will return. And a new crop of couch potatoes will be planted. Shows like Who's Your Daddy and Bee Bop News will return. The cash to support civil unrest will dry up and the Cities will become quieter with the colder weather and time change  as usual. The Politicians who win the voters confidence will vanish in political swamp hibernation until the Mid Terms when they will return to fight for us again. The Losers should get jobs selling Products as inferior as the platforms they once promised. I really don't know or care where they go, Prison Maybe. It will no doubt be a huge improvement to the status quo but still a far cry from what we should expect from ourselves. So I approved this message and Happy Trails Tom.........

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 What's more despicable than foreign governments interference in US Elections? More despicable are US Politician's who pawn their crimes off against the US Taxpayers as interference from those same governments. The  Foreign Autocrats who meddle in our elections have no intentions of  guiding who might become President. The intent is to divide the American Citizens by casting doubts on a valid outcome. They are not stupid and expect to be caught in exchange for sound bites on the 6:00 pm  broadcast news. Every election since 1789 has been declared unfair by the loser... Despicable are noble causes that are used to hide unspeakable crimes. Banners waved of inequality, unfair or unjust to dignify looting, arson and battery are merely distractions.  The Holy Wars from 1100 to 1300 were used to kill and wage senseless wars in the name of Christianity.  Despicable are media broadcaster who offer biased reporters as debate moderators position to craft questions that can only benefit one candidate.  Moderators will focus on the Noble Cause never the crimes committed at the same time. Asking questions about criminals who are injured or died by police making an arrest, who were called by citizens to enforce the laws. This is not profiling. If you were walking down the street and confronted for no reason by Cops is much different than an officer investigating bad checks, stolen cigars and domestic violence. Everyone knows the laws are easily interpreted, some just defied by those rejecting  any authority. These are Criminals not Hero's. If you don't want cops in your neighborhood ..Don't call the Police.. Same for the botched 60 minutes interview where President Trump walked out. I give Trump high marks for walking out on slanted questions practiced in preparation with questions that can only benefit Bingo Biden. To much focus on Covid 19 which will not be an issue in February, 21. The Inauguration regardless of who wins will not remedy this disease. The effects on the economy will linger for years as the world recovers economically.  We should be voting on the recovery not the disease.. Voting on 4 year term over an issue that will be gone in 4 months is crazy.... I approved this message. Not the lies Tom

Friday, October 16, 2020

Goes Without Saying

 I have said many times before "Buying Politicians" should not be tax deductible period. Legislators at every level of government are constantly trying to invent better ways to tax the people. They avoid anything that may affect them negatively in the same manner. If it affect them positively and they still get elected its just win win again and again. Billions of dollars are collected from the top 1% income earners to elect in office representative's who make decisions for how the other 99% live or not depending on incomes. The 1% recognize they must have a minimum standard for how the other 99% live or not.  That's why we have free programs from the government to insure people are happy living at poverty levels.  These programs lessen the possibility of uprising or civil unrest which is always expensive. Cheaper to feed the beast than have him bite you in contrast. It is unfair to me why the people who donate vast wealth every election actually do so at the taxpayers expense. These deductions should stop  immediately. Also we should add charges for every political ad on TV Radio and Magazine efforts. Turning this huge amount of money over to the US Treasury will eliminate 1% Billionaires and restructure the wealth among all Americans.  I approved this message!!!!Burma Shave Tom

Election Blather

 November 2020 and we the people are headed to the Polls. This years main event is Trump Pence vs Biden Harris. I think Trump has done a good job. High marks for the economy, foreign policy and pandemic response. The media is not unbiased and favors Bingo Biden. Similar to 2016 race, the polls show dyslexic Democrats leading by wide margins. Four years ago the networks had a lot of embarrassing explanations the day after the election. How could they be soooo far offf. Trump wins and Hilary has complained  ever since. It causes me to wonder if we will see a late October surprise from the networks. This time as Media changes the poll numbers to reflect the people who vote. I also believe more people believe Bingo Biden and son Casino Biden are both corrupting foreign policy for personal gains. I don't think either could organize a 2 car funeral with or without plagiarisms. Harris is way to Black. Neither her race or skin tone offends me. Her race baited attitude may secure votes from like minded Black Racist's but this a small number and most people are good regardless of culture. Barrack Obama won the highest office in the land twice by avoiding racial preferences and sticking to issues of all Americans. The Democratic Platform is based upon " Who's Your Honky" as if minorities are only interested in imaginary racial issues. If Harris wants to pursue her causes she should do so at other levels of Government. Pence is a solid running mate who protects the President's backside. Pence is also capable of taking over if needed. The Republican Ideology is we open the economy to prosperity through work and profits/ investments to achieve stated goals. The Democratic Ideology is to tax what we have and hope we get to the end before  we're bankrupt. The end goals for both Left and Right Ideology are similar. The pathway to victory however is in stark contrast. If you believe in gimme gimme somethun, then you are a good fit for Biden /Harris. On the other hand if you believe that perseverance and hard work dedication is the answer the you will fit well in Trump /Pence camp.  We all know which way works and the other never has!!!! We have an open seat at the Supreme Court. Trump has picked Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy. I did not approve of Senator Mitch McConnell's handling of Merrick Garland 4 years ago. I firmly believe that  Garland deserved the vote. If changes to the Constitution or legislation needs passed to insure the Presidents nominations are taken in order they were received and not by who is in office, this debacle would cease. The Democrats have had 4 years to change this oversight. They appear to be satisfied with just complaining over work ethic. None of this reflects on Amy Coney Barrett or her impeccable credentials. I am impressed that she has no affiliations with Harvard or Yale Law schools. Constitutionally there is nothing written, the Supreme Court should come from East of I-95. Sounds as stupid as it is also true. Common sense does not prevent the Dyslexic Democrats from attacking her birth place, race, religion and culture. White, Catholic and born in Louisiana are not as noteworthy as contrasting Black Gay or Latin resonates. These characteristic actually reflect the values of the nominator and shares nothing with the abilities of the candidate. You must be a racist if you believe the Supreme Court should have representation based on these qualifications. "Like me" is more important than just Household American. Ditto for Ivy League Schools versus Notre Dame. All are fine schools. We will all become equal when we discard racial, cultural and ethnic stereotypes. As long as we support the small differences we will only get more divisions...The Democrats who try to discredit Amy Coney Barrett are the same individuals who support the shameful resume of Bingo Biden and led the Impeachment Show of the President. The world may be watching as the laughter gets louder. Clearly there is to much party in Government and not nearly enough American Experience. This is what captures peoples attention around the Globe. It should be who we are. Get out and Vote it's better than Christmas    .... Happy Trails Thomas Palmer.