In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Liberal Republicans

Sometimes I surf other blogs to see what other people are writing about. I find I gain perspective on my writing. I skip over the baby blogs and who's who in Frizmore. I seek blogs of similar interest. I ran across a couple.

One was a Filipino/American man who described himself as a hardcore Republican. He wrote 47 entries in September. Most were centered on Barack Obama who is a Democrat. Interesting, a self described graduate of Rush Limbaugh University would have so much to say about the opposition. Must be what their teaching at RLU. The clip art attached indicated how many ways you can defame one man. Not much substance. Just a lot of well written political theatre. No real solutions, other than slander. No mention of who his candidate might be. And, he did this 47 times in a single month.

The next worthy blog was from a woman who by her admission was older than dirt. Her blog recounted a colleague from her former work place who stayed in touch with her and others against their will. Their former employer closed their doors after the 2008 Financial Holocaust. The entry she wrote was this man who claims to be a Republican sends her all this politically charged E-mails slandering Democrats. One e-mail conveniently contained a link to Snopes to prove authentic. She is a Democrat and he is aware of her allegiance to her party. Her complaint was the Republican platform is basically demagoguing the Democrats. After reading the message she checked the truth-o-meter to see if it had merit.
It was decidedly false. The link provided was forged as well. She then made the big mistake of informing the man of his error. This proves she's a Democrat. Enraged the guy denied the repudiation. This really hit home with me. This woman has been reading my mail too. I get the same crap about Jesus is a Republican yada yada. Never Republican mail proved to be true. I don't get mail from the Democrats. Not on their radar I guess. The Republicans focus on blue dresses and birth certificates and Democrats are concerned about senseless wars and financial meltdowns followed by bailouts followed by obscene bonuses as rewards.

I began blogging at the request of friends who were sick of my e-mails and politics. I decided it best to voice my opinions on the Internet. Raping another persons ear is unkind. So my views are there to read and 100% consensual. I feel better relieving my frustration on the willing.
Every now and again Republicans toss aside the slander and attack viable issues. Now your talking. The latest are the Solyndra Bankruptcy and $16.00 muffins. Both are legitimate issues of discussion. What is left out are the trillions handed to Haliburton and Blackwater no-bid contracts. The $800 billion TARP bailouts under Bush 43 or $180 billion Savings and Loan Fiasco under Daddy Bush 41. Both are wrong, neither are good yet, their mute on Republicans copyable. To say they lack objectivity would be an under statement. Republicans are in complete denial the Stock markets are controlled by the Federal Reserve through bond buys, toxic assets purchase and free investment money to Casino Bankers. They call this a free market and should not be regulated. Too funny!

Republican attack with sophomoric school yard slander and Democrats aren't smart enough to ignore it. Will Rogers said " I don't belong to a organized political party. I'm a Democrat! Very true. The Republicans are unified and wear similar suits. Democrats are easily spotted wearing enormous red shoes, red nose and orange hair.

Personally, I try to be Independent but no ties to an Independent Party. I try to vote my conscience. If forced to chose I would not select Democrat or Republican. I would be a Libertarian. If there is a Libertarian Party. You become a Libertarian after being screwed by Democrats and Republicans every two years. I cast my first vote for Richard Nixon. He cancelled my vote when he resigned in disgrace. I stood in line for this? My second vote was for Jimmy Carter. You would think with a record like mine a normal person would give up, not me. Undaunted, I voted for Reagan twice. This is when I surmised I was doing more harm than good. Reagan had a strong foreign policy. His domestic economics were a disaster. The first steps toward deregulation of Banking, Stocks and Union busting destroying the middle class on the alter of 2big2fail Reaganomics. For the record, my best vote was for Bubba Clinton, twice. Bubba had full employment and all the trains were on time. The worst President was not Jimmy either. Both Nixon and Bush 43 were worse than Jimmy. Jimmy didn't lie and he could pick peanuts. I place Bush 43 between Baby Doc and Idi Amin.
After reading both blogs I speculated that maybe I was to harsh on Republicans. I should broaden my knowledge and widen my scope. This is what I finalized. We should dispense with Elephants, Donkeys, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives. Going forward they should be referred to as Right and Left. These are the only terms that have any real truth. Republicans are not Elephants or Conservatives. Being fair, Democrats are not Donkeys or Liberals. By definition neither should make claims unsupported by facts. Now we have a solid base to work from. Neither party is what they claim to be and have records to back up the opposites. In fact they are much closer to being the same with rhetoric as the only real divide. They do put on a helluva show for us though.

When I buy shoes I always buy a right and a left. Same with gloves. Two rights is as uncomfortable as two lefts. Two rights will make you walk funny. I think there is a message here. Same with politics. If you only vote one way your gonna walk funny. The only time you should always chose right is in driving. Unless your in Europe then Left might work better for you. I think the problem is to much importance on party and not enough on our Union. We get led down the wrong path every election. We cast votes on the important issues and we get Employer Based Health Care in substitution. They deregulate Corporate America and regulate the citizens with Insurance Prisons. Fabricating 2big2fail Corporate Wealth Fare for the richest Americans. Forced retirement plans that guarantee poverty and the Un-Constitutional Patriot Act ignoring the Bill of Rights. Both sides are equally negligent.
If we want to improve we must demand change. Doing the same thing over and over for forty years and expecting a different outcome is Insanity. Forget about party affiliation and vote them all out. Only new blood will cause change. You buy a right and left shoe, politics isn't any different.

Jewel of Denial: Dead

The Jewel of Denial was killed by a US Drone on a Dead End Road in Yemen. The Spirit in the sky strikes again. Like lightning you never hear.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

22 Years Ago

22 Years ago Carol Ann passed away in Naples Florida. Carol and I met on Valentines Day 1965 at a Middle School Basketball game. We were both 14 years old. We had a very long run from 65 to 1989.

Blood, Sweat & Tears - You've Made Me So Very Happy

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Raising Taxes

Your first impulse when queered on raising taxes on the rich is "hell yes". If you think about what your saying is: I want a bigger central government. What you really want is smaller government. Punishing the rich by handing more money to central government is throwing money out the window. Big Government is 42% of our GDP accounting. So 42% of Corporate America is totally dependant on handouts from conspiracy of Big Brother. 42% of every dollar exchanged occurs between Big Brother and Corporate America. 100% of the $800 billion TARP bailouts went to Corporate America. Ditto for Stimulus Recovery Act. The Audits of the Federal Reserve indicate trillions with a T of additional secret loans granted to American Corporation and also foreign corporations!

We need to increase revenues to balance the budget. Republicans only answer is cut spending. Democrats only answer is raise taxes. Both treat the symptoms and ignore the illness. The answer is to stop all subsidies, deductions, exemptions, grants, gifts and loans. Republicans will confuse this as raising taxes. It really is stopping the practice of giving money away. Will some pay more money? The answer is yes. Will some pay more tax? the answer is no. They will pay the same tax is true. This is considered pure heresy in Corporate America. Corporate America is synonymous with "The Rich"
The direct benefit is less wealth at the top of the food chain. More money for the working middle class. It denies power of congress to control business by offering free gifts. This policy will break the economic cycles that allow big business and big government exchanging wealth as the middle class watch as spectators. This is the reason your poor. Your not even in the game 42% of the time!

The reason we have welfare is to insure "We The People" won't revolt and spoil the whole party. Taking these crumbs falling from the government means you will pay ten times premium for what was always yours in the beginning.

Anytime you offer favoritism to special interest, it's a gift by any definition. Not collecting a tax produces the same results as bailouts. Those selected have more of your money in their pockets. These are special rights not included in the US Constitution. Congress is not empowered by the US Constitution to grant any of the above. The powers of Congress are to impose taxes spend or borrow money as the deem necessary for the good of the Nation.
Another way to increase revenue is too lower unemployment. Putting people back to work equals more tax collected. The more they earn increases revenue. This brings us to how do we increase jobs available.

Republicans answer is handing out tax dollars to Corporate America. This is the debate that takes you right back to the lessens above. I've heard this argument for forty years and don't care to listen to it ever again. All GOP roads lead to greed. This policy produces Company Store Economics and the jobs America does not want or need. These same people poison the air, water for the taxpayer to clean up after they have raped the environment and economy. The exception is government spending for the government. Things like roads, bridges, ship, planes and trains that cannot bleed back to Corporate America benefit. If it's a one way street then it's OK. When it begins to cycle back and forth it's pure corruption!
Policies like paying Exxxon to look for oil when they are already the richest in America. Again the money cycles through government and then to Corporate America. Wrong answer! This policy interferes with supply and demand free markets. Once the cost of gasoline reaches the magic number. Either they will find the oil or America will convert to more abundant energy sources. Government involved at the gas pump confuses the markets. The real value and cost becomes an unknown factor to the consumer. President Ronald Reagan famously said "Government is not the answer to your problem. Government is the problem". This statement is all true but, not all inclusive. The flip side of this story is Government Conspiring with Corporate America is also equally at fault.

I know, I'm riding a dead horse so, I'll move on to the divide in America. I'm an Independent Voter. I change teams all the time. I represent most Americans who are neither party. The Independent Voter is the variable demographic that elects those in office. Right and Left are urged to vote party lines.

That's the reason I like Charlie Crist and Evan Bayh. Charlie is a Republican banished from his party for actually doing what he thought best for his Country. Evan Bayh a Democrat popular in a Red State resigned from the Senate because of the divide in government. This divide is the center piece of government stalemate. I have great respect for both of these men regardless of their politics. These are men of deep convictions to "We the People"
I would like to see these two team up as Independents running in 2012 Presidential Election. Running on the same ticket together. Evan Bayh as President and Charlie as Vice. In 2016 they reverse with Charlie on Top as President. Then reverse again in 2020 with Bayh as President. Charlie would have to run alone in 2024 due to term limits on the President. Still a very long run for "We the People"

Once upon a time Presidents ran as teams. This was changed in the Constitution to prevent having a Republican President and a Democrat Vice. Which is nearly what I propose. It's not new. It's new to you. We need change and the current system is broken..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fast & Loose with My Money

I caught a sound bite from Arnie Duncan on one of the cable channels defending the Obama Plan to offer free education to criminal illegal invaders. It's a free country and if you want to donate to educate illegal free ranging criminal invaders you may. As long as it's on the Mexico side of the Border.

Obama, Duncan, Perry and O'Donnell can be as philanthropic with their money as they care. Know this" Mine is Not On the Table By Law" As Gov. Perry Texas points out. Children born in another Country have access to Texas State College tuition subsidy. My kids born in America out of State don't qualify. If ever there were a violation of the Preamble Of The United States Constitution this is it baby.

The Department of Education is tied with the Justice Department for wasting money. Further more Department of Education has No input in INS Immigration. Arnie should focus all his attention on education in the classroom. Who sit in the class is none of Arnie's business. Try to teach first. Once you can accomplish your job maybe we might be interested in your opinion. Currently Arnie is getting a F in education. They get an A in destroying education.

MSNBC and their pundits offer a barrage of views in support of free education and college tuition. To those who are here courtesy of Illegal Covert Bush Immigration Policies. All the supporters including President Obama conveniently overlook the obvious line between Legal Immigration and Un-Constitutional Criminal Invaders.

The claim is that it's no fault of their own. Cheers to this we can all agree. It's a purposeful failure to provide cheap illegal labor to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. We can all dispense with rhetoric of "It's Not Their Fault". The entire problem is dereliction of duty of the United States of America.

We wouldn't have this problem if the first line of defense protected our borders. That line is not a fence or boundary between Mexico and the US. This is pure and simple a economic defense. No barrier will keep them out. What will stop the invasion is not offering sanctuary to illegals in employment, housing, schools and hospitals. Border security is necessary but the economics of no work or housing will stop the infestation. These are States rights under the US Constitution. Most States already have laws against hiring or housing illegal criminals. So the the States may be limited to Amendment 14. They are not helpless and blaming the Fed is a waste of time. Government slackers are to busy down loading porn and sleeping in the Airport. We don't have a government that works. We support a slush fund of bureaucrats like Arnie Duncan who can't perform their jobs. They distract from failure pointing to others who profit in additional failure. We have reached a inefficient level of dysfunction never seen before in government.

Arnie, We know who's fault it is. We know where all the problems lie. The question on every body's mind is: When are you going to start enforcing the laws we have on the books. creating new laws to control broken laws is an exercise in futility. We need to fire everyone in government who say it's not their fault.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Florida's Ridin the Cain Train

Godfather, Herman Cain won the Florida Straw Poll today beating Rick W Perry by a sizable margin. The Cain mutiny of Republicans won with 37% of votes. Perry edged out Romney by a small margin of 1%. Florida supports the 9/9/9 plan of Cain.

Bachman slipped from first in Iowa to worst in Florida. This election is wide open with unpredictable unhappy voters looking for new blood. The Clinton line "That dog won't hunt" is a great line. Cain needs a lot of practice on the Clinton Delivery.

This week we'll see a lot of interest in the viability of his economic plans. Those who are paying zilch aren't gonna play.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fox/Google Debates

The Fox/Google dog and pony show wrapped up last night. The Right Wing FOX moderators preached to the Republican choir like a Billy Graham pep rally all evening. I give the winner's title to Mitt Romney. Perry lost the most ground and Herman Caine gained the most ground. Bachman and Santorum teamed up again as Doug and Wendy Whiner of SNL fame. Newt Gingrich gave solid responses and logical conclusions all evening. Gingrich hasn't received any boos or gasps in audience reaction thus far.

Gary Johnson is the latest entry hailing as Gov. New Mexico. Gary filled in the center square needed for the Hollywood style Game Show. He endorsed many good ideas. Cutting the Military Budget is not one of them. He gave the best response of the evening with remarks of his neighbors two dogs created more shovel ready jobs than Obama. The truth rearing it's ugly head of campaigns coming.

Mitt Romney's winning appeal emanates from his positions to be the least like George W Bush. He fought when attacked but didn't behave as a predator looking for a kill. He seemed Presidential all evening deflecting Perry's comments.

Rick W Perry suffered more from his repeated failed attacks on Romney than his free education legislation to illegal criminal aliens in Texas. The Water Gate attacks from Bachman on Perry's campaign donations from Merck made both Perry and Bachman look bad.

Huntsman comes off a s smartest kid in the class who lacks athletic abilities to be President.

Herman Caine grabbed a lot of attention from his economics 9-9-9 plan and promise to bring an end to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service.

Ron Paul needs to calm down. Every time he is asked questions the response is an outburst of pent up frustrations mixed with a defensive posture. He has many great ideas. He has brought undeniable influence to the Party Platforms. All Americans think differently because of Ron Paul's fearless campaigns against the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service. The torch will be passed to his son Rand Paul along with a considerable campaign war chest of cash

Today's Thought

The same Congress who pay people not to work are now considering a bounty, paying employers to hire those who don't work. Those who do work will pay for Congress, those who hire and those who don't work. Seems like a crime against our Union.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A.A.R.P. Band: Talkin' 'Bout My MM Medication

Old Rockers never die. Unwilling to release their youth or Rock and Roll. The Boomer Generation carries on the tradition.
Their bodies aged in one millennium as their minds write bad checks forged in the last century.
Veterans of a life of self imposed chemotherapy. Including sex, drugs and Rock and Roll.We still take drugs but, as the song goes: I need to fill a b-big prescription...talkin' 'bout my medication. Talkin' bout my v-vaccinations...My Medication Baby.
We still have Rock and Roll. The sex however, a bit disappointing regardless of poor hearing and vision.
The lead singer front man has his shoes on the wrong feet. Nobody will tell him cuze, nobody cares.

Republican Squares on FOX Tonight

Tonight will be the third Republican Debates held. The first debate was moderated by Brian Williams. I didn't think much of the debate that focused to much on Perry vs Romney.
The CNN debates hosted by Wolf Blitzer pulled out more contributions from other candidates. I had been a supporter of Ron Paul until he spoke of Americas involvement in Muslim Jihad. I don't want anyone in the White House who listens to this malarkey. Muslims attacked the United States because they're barbarians rich with oil money. They have no sense of how to spend the wealth on humanitarian needs. They would rather practice genocide. We've all seen this movie before and we know how it's gonna end. The leaders of the Muslim plague are dying at alarming rates. They die from the sword they lived by. The Spirit in Sky US Drones are forcing the vermin deeper in obscurity.
So once again I'm open to other candidates. Paul, Bachman, Santorum, Gingrich and Perry are all thumbs down. In that order of worst being first. The remainder Romney, Caine and Huntsman simply haven't stepped in a big pile thus far. I said from the beginning this would be Romney's bid to lose.
Both debates thus far have lead the candidates to answer with either cut spending or lower taxes. The pre-edited question and answers are reminiscent of the old game show Hollywood Squares. I accept this kind of debate as an insult to most Americans. None of the candidates seem to have clear answers of how they might achieve this feat since it hasn't worked for forty years. Like the stock market we seem to climb out of our hole only to fall back in deeper than before. The rising tides at Wall Street lowers all boats on Main Street.
Gingrich did let the cat out of the bag by naming our problems as a revenue illness. Treating the illness with tax and spending cuts treat the symptoms and not the illness. Determined in denial to sink deeper they allowed covert Bush Immigration Doctrines to drive down the defeated American middle class further. They cannot , will not recognize that lower wages is destroying our economy. You conclude this answer by viewing your bottom line and ignoring your neighbors. Simply put the people who once made up the middle class paid the bills. High unemployment and wide spread poverty have decimated budgets at every level of Government. The decline in the middle class has eroded the standard of living once admired around the World. This poverty has spawned civil unrest unseen in a hundred years. Democrats responded with free stuff from the Big Government. Big Business hands out the Free Stuff but capture all the wealth in failed Reaganomics.
The bill for civil unrest will be unlike any current budget line item seen today. This is gonna be very expensive indeed. Our Union is in peril we all agree.
I agree with Gingrich our problem is a revenue based. The answer is found in the Rust Belt of dilapidated industries through out the United States. The American way is to build a better mousetrap. Foreign trade balance and unfair trade in concert with technology of more efficient workers has decreased demands for US workers. Entirely overlooked ideology for forty years are new industries in renewable energy and environmental balance with nature. We poisoned our country and answered with shove the dirt elsewhere and ignore the problem that could become Americas Greatest Innovation. Who would ever think you could make diesel fuel from discarded french fry oil? 110 years ago people were feverishly trying to build an affordable car and an airplane that would fly. They did so without any immediate rewards. They didn't have a college diploma or immigrated from India either. The early days of Henry Ford and Wright Bros. were accomplished as Congress passed legislation prohibiting enormous 2big2fail corporations. Leaving plenty of room at the bottom to compete.
Obama knew all this and responded with wasteful spending on Acorn Workers caulking windows in downtown urban blight. The workers got paid and the windows still leak in homes that should be torn down, not caulked!
You can't steal blood from a stone. The American worker cannot be beaten further. He's tapped out, Uncle.
Tonight we will all be waiting for new leadership with promise of radical changes that produce revenues that can be taxed. I don't care to hear about vaccinations or cutting Social Security. It's a Ponzi Scheme and we all know it. That's the reason you can't option out. Put people back to work with a forty hour week and eight hour day. Earning wages that afford basic human needs of Retirement, Health Care, Education, Food and Housing. Take all the Free Stuff and shove it where the Sun don't shine. Forget the bottom line. We're on the bottom!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blast from the Past and Pegged Pants?

Each generation has their own music. The music they write is unquestionably a reflection of the time in which they lived. As each generation comes of age, the old songs they heard as children are the base for the lyrics they will write as adults.
Going back to the Roaring Twenties you will find decadent music such as the Charleston. The age of Bootleggers and Speak Easy life in a economy running on borrowed time. Also written was George Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue. Contrasting life in the Twenties.
The Thirties were all about the Great Depression. The bills came due for excessive lifestyle of the Twenties. I have vivid memories of family gatherings with the Grandparents born in 1900.The conversation of the Dirty Thirties would always surface and the sacrifices shared. When the Twenties came up the conversation quickly changed with a new sparkle in the eye. Followed by a gasp of "Ah Yes, Those Were The Days". In the Dirty Thirties America listened to "Happy Days are here Again" Sunny Side of the Street and "Get Happy". The Twenties are important because of the generation born in Great Prosperity. These are the children who would write the music of the War Torn Forties. Glenn Miller and Moonlight Serenade, Brown Jug or In The Mood topped the charts. Somehow the music endures in the absents of the suffering that took place around the Globe. The era of the Big Bands had to die because of the huge expense, not the quality of the music.
The first Atomic Blast entered the US into the Atomic Age and born in the explosion was Rock and Roll. The crooners of the the forties Sinatra and Perry Como handed the torch to Elvis Presley and Pat Boone. To those people born in the twenties it was all down hill going forward. This is the time I remember most growing up in the 50's. The songs of the Fifties were Hound Dog, Johnny B Goode, Blue Suede Shoes and Jail House Rock. Bill Haley and the Comets enraged the older generation. Great Balls of Fire was a National disgrace. This is the recipe for the music of the Sixties. Born in 1950 I claim all music written from 1963 to 1983 as mine. For My Generation are the Boomer's. The Sixties were the most violent times in American history since the Civil War. We got through the Cuban Missile Crisis with Bob Dylan's "Blowin in The Wind" and Beach Boy's "Surfin USA". The Civil Rights revolution occurred at the same time Motown records was leading the top forty. The War in Vietnam launched Hippie protest songs, folk singers and Woodstock in New York.
To my Grandparents who are the Sons of Pioneers who fought the Civil War. It was yesterday in the time line between generations. Their parents and grandparents were those who settled the Great American West, fought the Indian Wars and Gettysburg. Ah, the stories they must have heard first hand from the generation who lived it real time. So I played cowboys and Indians in the backyard from accurate sources. John Wayne born in 1907 played out the history of the Old West as it was the news of the day. Wyatt Earp didn't die until 1929 after he wrote his legacy of the Shoot Out at The OK Corral. The end of Wyatt Earps life and the beginning of mine is a mere 21 years of separation. Seems like forever to me. The same way I suppose some people think of Lunar Landings or the Berlin Wall as long, long ago. The Steam Engine Locomotive that tied the East and West together are our history but, so is Pan American Airways, TWA and the Space Shuttle.
My Grandchildren sit and listen to me in blessed ignorance of the life lying ahead for them. The hardship, sacrifices and mistakes lived out will be tempered in the music they write. The love you take is equal to the love you make is still true today.
Peace Brother!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blood, Sweat & Tears - You've Made Me So Very Happy

Obama's Grand Plan

Huckleberry Obama announced his plan for job creation in the US. I didn't tune in again. I'm in favor of focusing on the next President who won't waste anymore of my time. Evidently, the Commander and Chief has figured out that spending money on dead end reforms creates jobs in China and not Stateside. Asking for more money to gift to GE to send US X-ray technology to China is conveniently overlooked. Obama has boosted the Wall Street Dow to 12,500 at the same time the Main Street poverty rate in America is rising faster than the Missouri in spring. With liberal quotes from Warren Buffet as support the Presidents Plan begins with raising taxes on those who pay no taxes. Naturally, the Republicans are offended at Obama's intentions to tax the richest Americans to pay a little. With their virtue at stake the Republicans challenged the idea as class warfare.

Five years ago the Republicans had all the virtues of a pregnant welfare mother with ten kids. Republicans handed out free money to No-Bid Haliburton, Blackwater for imaginary wars and TARP for Banksters, GE, Fiat and GM. They invented 2big2fail Fascism. They have all the virtues of a K-Street Hooker. (quote Allan Greyson)

The common denominator in all the debates over the past years find their roots in the tax code. Budget, Wars, Borders, Deficits, and Increasing the debt hole all lie in the 1913 Income Tax Act. The Republicans make the false claim that deregulation and tax loopholes create jobs in America. Nothing could be further from the truth. All GOP roads lead to greed. Deregulation and Loopholes create jobs America does not want or need. They are a dead end pathway to the American Dream. These jobs produce the Company Store economics in America.

If you were looking for a good place for tax deductions look no further than the US Military. The service they perform protects the Capitol Building and all commerce in America. Yet they get nothing in the tax code. Ditto for Volunteers and Firemen.

Why is there no support for a tax code that provided for deduction as received, not promised. Gifting money to proposed job creation creates corruption. If we granted deductions for service rendered then you would see the economy grow. Of coarse you must cancel all other deductions and exemptions. Earn first then collect. No considerations for poor paying jobs naturally. The US Military should be taxed less for the service they provided. In the end it was a man with the Golden Gun who killed bin laden with 0.25 cents of lead.

All debates are over money. The current tax code is full of gifts, grants, exemptions and deductions crafted by wordsmiths to benefit the chosen few. Before you can talk intelligently about taxes you must first determine who pays the tax. Under the current system there is no baseline to begin. First Tax Reforms then determine how much we will ALL pay.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Powers of Congress

The US Constitution is very clear as to how Congre$$ is empowered. I read the US Constitution 3 or 4 times a week to find the answers to my miserable existence. I finally found what I was not looking for. What I was not looking for is nowhere in the Constitution.

If you will note Article One sections eight and nine titled Powers of Congress and Limits of Congress detail what empowers Congress in the legislative branch. I have read it forwards and backwards from top to bottom and amazed at what you will not find. Congress is not empowered to grant, gift, subsidize, or loan money. It seems our founder's provided the Congress to be landlords but not bankers. Nor can they empower through legislation powers not provided to them in the Constitution. What I'm saying here is; if Congress never had the power they cannot grant it to another enity. I'm talking about the Federal Reserve especially.
We can have a Federal Reserve but they can't loan money. They can sell money in trade for gold or silver. They cannot gift or loan the peoples wealth!
Congress is a one way street that can lay and collect taxes and spend the money as they see fit. They appear unlimited as to what they may purchase. Congress is not empowered to loan or gift wealth. Nor can they accept wealth or grant Nobility in office. Congress can buy mercernaries or privateers as they deem useful. They can't loan or grant, gift money to GM or GE. They cannot offer tax deductions or loopholes unless all are available to everyone. Tax exemptions are a gift by default. Meaning if some do not qualify all are ineligble. This pretty much destroys the US Tax Code. Kinda makes you fell good all over don't it!!

If the Supreme Courts agree with my analyses it will change life in America as we know it today. No more bailouts or loans to Auto Czars or Bankers. No more free wheel chairs from the Feds. They can buy all the wheel chairs they want but, cannot give any away. They can provide wheel chairs as a service to the citizens but cannot gift them as entitlements The wheel chairs remain the property of the Government. We can have Social Security but government cannot run it. Congress are not Bankers and never had the Power they abuse!!!!

Bank of Bejing: B.O.B

Bank of America is not performing well recently. Losing $9 billion in three months is adding to the disgraceful $4,5 billion paid last year in executive bonuses. I'm gonna steal Mitt Romeny's line. When Benny and the Jets deal you four aces, it doesn't mean your good at poker.

Come Bank with BOB has a nice ring. The television commercial have endless possibilities. Images of happy people greeted by BOB with checks for free and under tones of give me your money or die penny less in the poor house for not saving with BOB. We've seen the movie before. Your security always involves you to happily handing over your money to BOB. You go to work and are given script known as a check. A check is a note from your employer who directs the banker to forward said amounts to the bearer of the check. Otherwise useless. Known as cashing. Once upon a time payroll checks could be cashed at the neighborhood grocery. Not today. You must go to the Bank to get paid. Your employer doesn't pay you to stand in line either. Standing in long lines insures the bank employees are working at top efficiency at the subsidy of customer's time. If you haven't any accounts at any banks the Banker penalizes you for not patronizing banking. Just exactly how the banker becomes involved in your compensation from your employer is a mystery. The only advice I can recommend is if the bankers demands of $6.00 dollars to cash your employers check you should get a receipt for the fee and have it added to your next paycheck. Bank fees are not the workers responsibility. Demand cash or your employer pay the $6.00 extortion.

If you have an account then putting money in the bank is free. Free if you consider giving money away as Free? Only in American Banking could such a twisted system work. You will also note this will be the only time banking is free is when you blindly forfeit your money. Putting money in is always cheerful and immediate, taking money out is waiting in line and always costs you money to return what is yours. Each time money is extracted the Banker embezzles a little for himself.

If The Girl Scouts of America got their cookies for free they to would be listed on the Dow Jones as well. The Girl Scouts don't bake cookies and BoA doesn't print money. They both operate as middlemen/girls in the prosperous GDP. Neither spin the GDP. If Americans don't have money they don't buy cookies or put money in the bank. The Girl Scouts won't take your home and throw you in the street if you don't buy cookies.

The phenomenon overlooked by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street is: if America sent their retirement 401-k money to the Ying Yang stock exchange and Banked with B.O.B for checking and mortgages, we could roll up the sidewalks in New York and DC in the same manner they abandoned the Rust Belt in Middle America. Same logic, identical economics. Has nothing in common with education levels or wages paid. Your just as screwed as the people in the Mid West trying to compete with another country who coincidentally has a different rulebook than yours. Wall Mart mentality that is destroying our Union. Greedy people who can't see that not patronizing American workers will eventually lead to your wealth lost in the end.

Everybody out of work should bank with BOB until the message is received in Washington, DC

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lloy Price - Stagger Lee

First recorded in 1923. Most famous 1959 ABC label. Song was urged by none other than Dick Clark himself. Listen to the only song known to make dead people try to dance. Makes today's rappers look like clowns in baggy pants and stupid hats.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Adsense Update September.

Mitoosense reported last month we would begin paid advertisements from Google. Adsense is a mysterious form of commerce invented at Google. Google makes billions as the middleman in adsense.
Anyhow the results..envelope please... drum roll... The total amount from last month is $9.11. No kidding we hit $9.11 on 9/11 adding spooky to the amounts. Not quite enough yet to pay bankster fees or pay taxes as yet. The total was based upon traffic numbers of 1300 page views and 7 clicks. if your one of the 1293 people who visited Mitoosense and not clicked on the adsense, shame on you. People from Homeland Security, CIA and FBI are not exempt from clicking. Just because your spying on the public doesn't mean you shouldn't tip the writers here at Mitoosense. We pay your salary remember?
Delivering the Indianapolis Times in my youth paid more than what Google pays. As a paperboy I bought the papers, counted the papers, collected the money and paid the Times. After I delivered the paper I got paid regardless if the customer read the paper.
With Google: they deliver the product, count the customers, collect the money from advertisers and then pay me alap (as little as possible). The reader pays the Internet Service Provider that feeds from citizens blood like parasites.
The biggest disappointment is: when I delivered the Times I made more money and didn't have to write the damn thing!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Redneck Unemployment Rate?

Does anyone know or keep track of the Redneck Unemployment Rate? I hear a lot lately about minority unemployment which is synonymous with African American unemployment. Nothing about the Rednecks who are out of work as well.
Maybe we should have a Congressional Redneck Caucus to support our oppression.

Once we win jobs for Rednecks can liberation of Hillbillies be in our the future. Can President Obama become the Abraham Lincoln to free the Hillbillies?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One in Six Americans Sustained in US Poverty

The US Census announced today that 50 million Americans live in poverty. If the US Congress fixated on this number rather than daily gyrations of the New York Dow Jones our country would recover from the economic nose dive. The return of 12,500 Dow did nothing for the plagues griping Main Street. 50 million in poverty is the new 2big2fail. The situation is dire!
The Dow has not been spared as it to spirals downwards to beneath 11,000 mark. Despite the sugar rush of Hocus Pocus imaginary fixes from the Federal Reserve. The nations economy and world banking continues to slip into Depression. The sixth man not shown in the photo above are the 50 million buried in US poverty.
We're raising a generation of children who will reject their poverty and revolt when numbers cannot be discounted or controlled by Homeland Security. 50 million is a lot of angry pitchforks. The poverty is from the sacrificed middle class on the alter of 2big2fail Reaganomics.
The free money from Benny and the Jets has tended to every need of Wall Street and ignored poverty on Main Street. For many American there's only one solution and it isn't standing in line.

Republican Debate 2012

The candidates lined up against each other in a prime time fray for power in 2012 Republican Debates. Most were aligned to the safety of narrow party lines. Dissenters were Ron Paul, Herman Cain and John Huntsman. These men seemed to be following the agenda of personal convictions rather than party rhetoric.
Newt Gingrich spoke well, gave excellent answers and response without nervous delay. Gingrich always quick with response centered on logical conclusion is plagued with baggage from past service as Speaker of the House.
The issues of cut spending and lower taxes carried the evening. Republicans in denial these people pay no taxes already. That dog won't hunt in our depressed economy. Like our zero interest bank rates of the Fed you cannot lower taxes beneath zero. Refusing logic that in most cases cutting taxes and spending are often found within the same line items. Further confusing regulation as tax and avoiding bureaucratic windfalls in the tax code. The issues of sacred cows of energy subsidies can be viewed as both expenditures and tax depending on the party that has your ear. Paying Corporations to look for oil, increase MPG standard for autos and handouts to GE and Bankers are not considered expenditures in the Republican Platforms, ignoring true Conservative values. Great political Theatre and nothing for realistic leadership!!
Mudslingers: Santorum, Bachman, Huntsman and Romney all attacked Perry with negative audience response to divisive Texas issues not applicable to a National election. Perry seemed confident until confronted with one on one debates with Mitt Romney. Perry seemed to lose composure when confronted by Mitt.
Mitt Romney seemed to be the front runner and overall winner in the debates. In spite of audience negative response to Mitt's comments that Perry's leadership as Governor was not responsible for the Texas record. Perry scored no points against Romney as Perry suffered from constant reference to Texas Mandated Vaccinations from the round table. Romney suffered from self inflicted wounds most of the evening.
Ron Paul ended his campaign with quoting Muslim Radical Ideology for attacks on 911. Most Americans realize Radical Muslims would attack the US regardless of perceived US Foreign Policies. War mongering is the Al Qaeda agenda and peace with the US is against religious beliefs. Leaving the US with little choices, other than killing all Muslim Radicals until peace is achieved with attrition.
We prefer to kill them over there, opposed to hiding in the security of porous US borders. The conflicts overseas are not in debate. The US Military policies of how to best win the wars is the entire discussion.
Sadly, I will be forced to vote for one of these candidates in 2012. The performance of the likable President Obama in Obama Care, Dodd-Frank, Stimulus and proposed Dream Act overwhelm his positive foreign policy and killing of Bin Laden.
I have ruled out Paul, Bachman, Huntsman, Santorum and Gingrich as viable candidates. I found Herman Caine to have solid solutions that penetrate core problems in the US Economy. Unpopular on Wall Street and supported on Main Street.
Bachman maintained her position as head cheerleader and mudslinger attacking Perry then Obama. Very little substance beyond childish attacks on the leadership of others. Romney and Perry are mired in party politics that ignore the independent voters. The run off will come between Romney and Perry with one losing and no winner for the People.
Paul, Caine and Gingrich apply counter weight to the standard party platforms swaying the debates away from narrow Republican Failed Agenda.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tchaikovsky Overture 1812 - The Final - ending (V for Vendetta)

I made a promise to myself on May 1st 2011 the ten year observance of the attacks on New York and Washington, DC would be much different. A time to reflect our loss but, tempered with the death of osama bin laden. Many have said it took ten years to kill him. Not true, it took nearly ten years to find him and 36 minutes to kill him. The majority of his time after 911 was spent hiding from his destiny in a self imposed prison.
Mitoosense has tried to remember those who died by not joining in Homeland Security Paranoia. Mitoosense selected the 1812 overture to remind all Americans, 1812 was the year the British burned Washington to the ground. We survived. We've been under attacks before. Mitoosense has said many times, Democracy is not for everyone. All are eligible, none denied. If your living in fear, it's your faith in government that is the source. The American citizens of 1812 had no government to protect them.
The reality is that your security is in your Union. It's our American Union that protects us. Your neighbor's united in a single indivisible impenetrable force. The Union that created the government of the people, by the people and for the people. If Muslim radicals defeat the government and burn Washington to the ground, they still haven't conquered our Union

Pizza delivery from Seal Team Six

One year ago Mitoosense challenged America to find and kill osama bin laden before the next anniversary of the attacks on New York and Washington, DC. I must admit to a pleasant surprise May 1, 2011. The President blind sided the nation Sunday night with the news that only a handful of Americans knew; Osama Bin Laden was dead.
The Americans in the situation room watched the real time televised events as America's Finest went about their deadly business a half a world away. Just another day in the office for Seal Team Six. Evidence, when Americans put on the uniform, for a time, they are no longer human. The news triggered immediate celebrations around the world. Americans instinctively reached out to other Americans in the streets to find anyone to share the good news. Spontaneous celebration wherever people may gather. Images everywhere of Americans celebrating their union not witnessed since World War 2. If you had to pick a time to see America at it's finest. This moment would be near the top. If we could only capture that moment of unity every September 11th.
The constant reminder that we may marvel at our enormous government, vast wealth and tall metropolitan building. The one emotion that stirs Americans the most is the pride in our union. Everyday Americans who serve our Nation in Military and Volunteers for Community.
Selfless acts of kindness from the hearts of America
The death of bin laden was a symbolic event that was second to the bin laden information collected on other radical muslims leaders. In the months after we've seen other radicals die from US Drone attacks. The goat herders of the middle east responded to the deaths of their leaders with claims to kill American Comedians. Best they got, I guess. No Islamic plans reveled to invade Paris Island, South Carolina as yet. If I were working Late Night television I doubt the muslim threats are much greater than being attacked by a jealous husband. These radicals are nothing more than a group of cowards with fear as their only weapons.
This year we have a new radical leader al zawarhi hari bahls or somthin. Whatever. So just as last year I make the challenge to America to find and kill al-zawarhi hari bahls before the 11th anniversary of September 11th . All Americans united against cowards.
Waiting patiently for another Midnite Pizza Delivery from Seal Team Six to an Egyptian Coward Dog and another big party after.

President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ground Zero's

September 11, 01 marks the day a group of mostly Saudi Thugs and all Muslims attacked unarmed citizen going to work. The only reason Muslim is noted is because this was the inspiration of their cowardly attacks. Muslim radicals are the only religion today practicing genocide in the name of Deity. American Muslims are enjoying the fruits of Democracy. Practicing synthetic patriotism and questionable allegiance to Our Flag. Freedom of religion is a guarantee in the Bill of Rights. However, one cannot deny that Muslims seem to have a disproportionate amount of radical militants involved in social issues and government. Each time they emerge they cowardly attack innocent unarmed people of all race and religion. Not a good record for your demographic. Freedom of Religion is accepted but, tempered with separation of church and state. Muslims seem to embrace freedom of religion and oppose separation of church and state as a minor inconvenience. Muslims need be advised both are institutions in American Laws and both will be enforced to the letter of laws regardless of Deity. Beware, cuze I had about enough of your religion! We can see both the forest and the trees. Muslims seem to take a cavalier detached approach to policing treasonous behaviors within their own religion. If you challenge my vigilance as discrimination? Please feel FREE to to do so. We're watching!

I think most Americans were aware if not concerned with the amounts of foreigners allowed passage to America. The fact that all those involved in 911 were legal immigrants in America was not a revelation. We all kinda wondered when the other shoe would drop.

I was in Miami pouring the 10 th floor of a Condo Hotel that morning. I suppose most people remember where they were when the news came to them. The first news came from a concrete man with head phones listening to the radio.

He said Tom: did you hear a plane hit the World Trade Center in New York. I responded a quick no, encouraging others to keep working and avoid the distraction. Minutes later the same worker said both towers were hit. Keep working! There was a lot of chatter among the Spanish worker many of whom had ties to NY. South Florida is often referred as the 5th borough. In the construction business everyone is an equal regardless of race or religion. Sometimes hot or cold. Sometimes smelly and dirty. But, always heavy back breaking and strenuous. The work itself has few rewards with little room for useless discrimination.

Then the news came the planes were Commercial Aircraft and one plane was stuck high in the upper tower and burning. I said if true, that building is gonna come down. Building designs, each floor carries the weight of that floor only. Known as live load and dead loads transmitted to columns to the foundations. These are not infinite factors and don't include Commercial Aircraft.

When the first floor came down the building would pancake unable to support the immense weights of the structure above. I'd seen it before at Cocoa Beach. Then I said both buildings would fall because one tower would not stand alone, needing both towers as counter balance on a shared foundation. The workers there in Miami got the the news first from me, "the Towers would collapse". My prophecy came true minutes later the first tower was down. There was little doubt among the workers the second tower would fall soon. We were nearly finished with the 10th floor and by this time the focus was quickly transferred to the events in New York. I didn't know about the Pentagon or Pennsylvania tragedy until much later in the day. News across the media was America was under attack and all air traffic was grounded.

Swell, Miami International lands or takes off a plane every 2 or 3 seconds. I could only imagine every airport in America grounded and the impact of places to put people and planes. Schools were being let out early and workers sent home. By this time I remember being first unafraid and seventeen kinds of mad as hell. I got home early and my daughter was in a fuss about her kids and the news on TV we were being attacked. I remember being unfazed and logic seemed to dictate this was not a Country attacking America. I surmised it was the acts of cowards killing innocent people. More about the repeat of another Federal Building in Oklahoma City than a full blown Pearl Harbor. There is no honor in killing the innocent. These Mother Fuckers were gonna pay a heavy price. If they thought this despicable act would produce a positive result they were in for a big surprise.

In the months ahead I saw America attack alkada facilities in Afghanistan. I use phonetic spelling in Arabic languages. They're largely a illiterate bunch and haven't any translated correct spelling. The US Military chased the cowards across Afghanistan like Grant through Richmond. I expected the whole mess would be wrapped up in a year or so. They unwisely picked a fight and America meet their needs.

I was amazed Bush and Rummy were planning attacks in Iraq. Further, I felt we should pull out of Afghanistan as soon as the immediate threats were removed. I saw the police action in Afghanistan as needed to control the vermin population. Kill the SOB and come home. We tracked down Hitler in less than 4 years in a real war.

Attacking Iraq would produce another Vietnam. Back in the day opponents of the Iraq War were arguing Bush 's Plans, saying this would be exactly what alkada would want "US Forces spread thin and mired in Civil Wars and Nation Building".

Bush 41 was wisely careful to not become involved in Nation Building in the 92 Gulf War. Daddy Bush carefully exercised America's Military under support of the UN and advisement of the Pentagon. The purpose was clear and the loss of life was minimal. We didn't attack Iraq because we didn't want it. I didn't care for Daddy Bush because of families involvement in the Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco. His son W is an idiot who acted in concert with Cheney who is a self absorbed bureaucrat representing Haliburton interests only. Any nation who can withstand the irresponsible leadership of Bush/Cheney and not fold under the pressure is truly strong.

It was here at this point that America took the wrong path. Without support of the United Nations we launched a paranoid attack of Iraq alkada training camps and weapons of mass destruction. Further, Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense argued with the Pentagon about the size of troops needed and money spent. Bush43 exercised little care and based America's involvements upon unrealistic troop numbers, flawed economics of oil revenues to pay for the War, the liberation's of grateful Iraqi citizens and of course the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction and Training Camps of Bogeymen. No matter where you look you find nothing more than blind paranoia mixed with unprovable speculation leading America to needless, senseless conflict. I must admit as I watched the US Marines enter Baghdad and topple the statues of a Madman the mood was positive but, short lived. The people who we liberated were now trying to kill us.

I believe the American people were convinced to enter the Iraq War because of delicate information central to national defense yet, unavailable to the general public. We trusted our government! The War proved to be based solely upon Haliburton revenues producing zip for the citizens of either nation.

Bush/Cheney handed the blame to flawed intelligence from CIA. Had they exercised any restraint upon their own intelligence and required proof positive evidence before going off half cocked the entire War would have been avoided.

The World would be a better safer place if Iraq overthrew their own leaders. Remember, all said and done, Iraq threw shoes at Bush 43 in the end. Bush seem amused at the anger of his shoeless attacker and ignorant of an enraged taxpayer back home.
The Wars dragged on under the Bush/Cheney leadership. There didn't seem to be an end in sight. Eventually, it became apparent that the Rumsfeld Plan was failed and a surge in troops was needed in Iraq.

The Pentagon had been correct in their original assessment of the Senseless Iraq War. A new administration was coming and the new blood would eventually lead to the troop withdraw in Iraq.

At the same time Afghanistan was escalating and rumors were mounting the US might concede the loss. If we did lose the loss would not be in defeating alkada but, in nation building. President Obama authorized more troops to Afghanistan and placed renewed focus on killing Osama bin Laden.

The greatest blow to both wars was the killing of Bin Laden. Even if we pulled out of both wars Bin Laden's death mark US Victory. Not to mention all the others killed or captured through the years. The final chapters in the Middle East have not been written. What is known is the wars against terrorist with bombing and boots on the ground is nothing compared to the power of the Internet.

Just as our Civil Wars in America that took the lives of 650,000 men needlessly. Modern farm machinery of the Industrial Revolution eventually would have brought an end to slavery through technology without the slaughter of so many.

The Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Middle East will be won on the Internet with truth and the power of the people. Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Libya have all thrown out their tyrants in power without US boots on the ground.

The world is a better place because of the truth revealed on the Internet. The Bombshell of Bandwidth is the fear of governments an tyrants around the globe. Even the US government has felt the sting of Wiki leaks exposing the soft underbelly of US espionage. Big Brother may be watching but little brother can see too, for the first time.

The story should end here right? Nope, because this editorial about the tragedy in New York and DC is not a about building collapse, wars or troops or winning or losing.This story is about where America has gone since the distractions of 911. That's right, mere distractions.

We are all aware of the loss of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness bartered casually in the Patriot Act. We long endure the invasions of privacy at airports as TSA workers go about the business of illegal search and seizures. The constant reminder the Patriot Act is reading your mail, listening to phone conversations and monitoring Internet Traffic. The Messages of "if you see something, say something" offered by Homeland Security Paranoia. Spying on the citizens in the interest of National Security. Defying the US Constitution and mockery of the 4th amendment. The focus of a Nation determined to barter your freedom to maintain lucrative foreign trade and immigration policies that bring poverty to the American people. So if you think the editorial is about loss of freedom from the jobless former middle class you'd be wrong again.

The real tragedy of New York and DC began in 1999 with Gramm Leach Bliley legislation passed and signed into law by Bubba Clinton. The story I consider to be far above any building collapse, failed leaders or defiled Constitution. This is the legislation that released the demons sequestered in 1933 Glass Steagall Act that led America out of the Great Depression and into America's Golden Age.

The Gramm Leach Bliley Act that legalized Investment Banks, Commercial Banks and Insurance Underwriters to be operated under a single corporation ownerships. Commonly referred to today as 2big2fail. This law is the core of the 2008 Financial Holocaust that grips our nations economy as hostage. The source of every bailout and bonuses of CEO's across America. The Legislation that provides for some to live in privilege and most to live in poverty.The Hallmark of our Oligopoly System ruling America today.

I'm sure many of you are saying this guys bananas and dropped his Happy Meal. Before you condemn me you should look at the numbers. Compare the costs of both wars overseas and put them together. Include all the costs of Homeland Security that robs your freedom. Hell, throw in the cost of all natural disasters and toss in the entire Federal Deficits. When your done you won't have a figure equal to what Gramm Leach Bliley has stolen from America.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bankster's Bailouts Blues

Wall Streets in the red today,

I've heard on the phones,

Down again's reported,

Should've never made the loans,

I knew the Fed was loaded,

But, I didn't think He'd steal,

Then everything exploded,

when Glass Steagall got repealed,

So Bernanke's got your fix it,

It's the Citi banks demands,

Goldman needs the money now,

So do it as we planned,

You'll be cool in front of Congress.

And we'll pay a million grand.

I'm sorry it went down like this,
The people had to lose.

It's the nature of the business.

It's the Bankster's Blues,

Bankster's Blues.

The brokers and the agents,

The traders and the law.

The pay off and insurance.

And the loans nobody saw.

Don't matter if it's been stolen as long as it's in cash.

You gotta bribe the Congress.

Cause you know they need the stash.

There's lots shady characters.

Lots of dirty deals

Name's are just an alias.

When everybody steals.

It's the lure of peoples money,

It's gotta very strong appeal.

Perhaps you'd understand it better,

Stealin in my shoes.

It's the ultimate enticement.

It's the Bankster's Blues.

Bankster's Blues.

See it in the headlines.

You hear it every day.

They say there gonna stop it.

Then Dodd-Frank says it's OK.

They steal it in New York, then ship it far away.

They hide it up in Washington.

I mean it's gone today.

It's propping up the Congress and elections that are through.

You ask any S.E.C man,

He'll say there's nothing we can do.

From the office of the President

Right down to me and you, that's me an you.

It's a losing Constitution.

But it's one they can't refuse.

It's the politics of Treasury.

It's the Banksters Blues.

Bankster's Blues.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Grand Funk Railroad - We're An American Band

Railroads are important to Labor Day. Had it not been for the sacrifices made by Railroad Worker's 127 years ago we would not have our National Rails today! Even Grand Funk.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day

Today is the first Monday in September. The day designated in 1884 by President Cleveland as Labor Day. The President selected September as a distraction from May Day Celebrated by Organized Labor. June 29 of 84 marks the day that peaceful strikers were murdered but not martyred in Pullman, Illinois.
Two years later a similar labor rally May 4th 1886 at Haymaker Square Massacre in Chicago, Illinois occurred. The killers in both accounts were the Hired Thugs, US Army and US Marshals who were ordered to protect business interest of McCormick Harvesting Machines and Pullman Palace Car Company.
May 4th is also the same day the US Army murdered unarmed students at Kent State University in 1970, sum 84 years later. Happy anniversary. So if your a part time Patriot with your head in the sand. Buried deep in Political Patriotism beware. The Central Government has murdered it's own in the past and the destiny it will occur again is found in the Iron Will of the American People.
The peoples celebrated Labor Day May 1 was chosen in October 1884 to commemorate the dead at Pullman Palace Car in Pullman Illinois. The first national observance of unity among America's workers. Their objective was to standardise the 8 hour work day. The Nationwide union organized events in 1884 proved deadly for the workers at Pullman Car. The Trans Continental Railroads that connected a nation also brought an equal amount of unity in the American Labor Movement. America had become smaller because of Railroads
The first demands for the eight hour day is from the Philadelphia Carpenter's Union 1791. Coincidentally, the same year the Bill of Rights became law. Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness was rampant out of control in 1791 evidently. Most likely the sentiment of a grateful nation to reward those who fought and died in the Revolutionary War. How quick greed overwhelms grateful is repeated throughout American History.
Labor struggled from 1791 to 1869 when Federal Workers were granted the eight hour work days. During this time there were countless strikes, toothless legislation to appease Chicago Rail workers and City employees from shutting down America. In 1869 all the Federal Workers in America would fit in a modern day School Bus. (excluding Postal Workers and Military) It did regardless mark a changing tide in American Labor.
It's clear when American Workers unite, supporting each other rather than selfish greed, the resulting power is an overwhelming force. It's obvious when reading history the central government sided with big business on every issue every time. Much as today when Banksters steal trillions and Government responds with patronizing legislation like Dodd Frank to appease "We The People". America was divided between it's provisional central government and "We The People". I dare say "provisional" to remind Congress they can be thrown from power at anytime from the Iron Will of the American People. American Presidents included along with their much coveted central government. It's not that the old Constitutional Democracy doesn't work. The old Democracy has been modified and often ignored into obscurity. The record of the Supreme Courts decisions to uphold the 4th Amendment is a disgraceful example of Hypocracy not Democracy!
Remember before their was a government their was only a Union of people who organized to overthrow English Rule in the American Colonies. The Founder's selected the US Constitutional Democracy as the best choice for "A More Perfect Union". To insure peaceful tranquility they wisely chose the Bill of Rights to insure against tyranny in a Powerful Central Government. The Bill of Rights is a constant stumbling block of the Oligopoly System in power today. Then wisely tempered the Bill of Rights in Separation of Church and State
Make no mistake. Just as the 4th of July is not the day we became a country Labor Day is not the day we garnered workers rights. Both days are results of perceived subversive dissidents profound convictions to do or die. To often, die precedes do.
Both the 4th of July and Labor Day share years of pent up frustrated oppression. Not the opposite, flag waving celebrations supported "to be grateful for what ya got" implied by government and taught to America's Youth. Highlighting the profound differences in Political Patriotism and true American Patriotism. Thomas Jefferson quoted "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism" Be grateful to your neighbor and your Union for what you have. Government is intended as the cop on the beat working for you.
The Patriot Act courtesy of Bush 43 is 100% political patriotism. The spin of government by and for the government. Their refusal to control the borders and immigration translates into a loss of freedom and liberty of the people, by the people and for the people. The Patriot Act mocks the Preamble of the US Constitution.
Benjamin Franklin who dwarfed Bush 43 's intellect is quoted "Those who would give up a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both". The Patriot Act is Tossing the baby out in the bath water insuring the floor remains dry. Our Liberty should never be bartered.
The Massacres at Pullman Car and Haymaker Square is not the beginning of the union movement. Pullman Car and Haymaker Square are the product of years of oppression from the Robber Barron's pulling the the strings of government like a Stradivarius Violin.
The events of the Pullman Car and Haymaker Massacre did little to quell the divide between Oligopoly Government and Union Organizations. The Pullman Strike of June 29, 1884 saw the Oligopoly Government slaughter 13 Americans at Pullman Illinois. Those who gathered protesting the George Pullman decision to pay hundreds of workers less money because he said so. I gather having the town named in your honor allows unprecedented authority to do as you please as an Autocrat. The death toll at Haymaker Square has never been revealed.
Thousands of Union workers shut down the Railroads in 84 and President Cleveland made the quantum leap in logic. claiming the Railroad Strike impeded US Mail delivery and therefore required the US Army and US Marshals to intervene. Railroads privately owned share nothing in common with US Mail delivery. The fact railroads may be inherently more convenient is not the product of Union Organizations. Even faced with US Marshals and our own US Army "We the People" stood our ground in unwavering fearless unity. The Veterans of Gettysburg had seen death before.
The Struggle of Organized Labor over the years has been not to get ahead but rather stay even in the Oligopoly System that controls the strings of money supply, inflation, taxes, immigration, unemployment and interest rates policies that are designed to benefit employers. The Wealth Fare Programs of the Federal Reserve, TARP, 2big2fail magnify the double standard between the workers and Corporate Welfare supported at Congress.
The economy and workers rights have always prospered after America is threatened in World Wars. The last such event was World War 2 when America was threatened by Germany and Japan. The returning Veterans were greeted to a grateful nation once again. The sentiment in American ideology of grateful over greedy prevailed throughout America until 1979.
In the 1980's however American sentiment transferred from grateful to greedy and American Labor has been on a steady decline since 1980. Union Busting, Downsizing, Outsourcing are fanciful terms describing the controls imposed on Labor as fair in free market capitalism. Quantitative Easing, Zero Interest Rates and Covert Cash dispersed at the whims of the Federal Reserve Bank New York are the real time opposites that conveniently cast off free market capitalism as primary rule. The long division of 2 for me and 1 for you dividing a fair days work and fair days pay from the sacred cows in New York and DC.
Gone is the 8 hour day, the forty hour work week and workers rights fought for 100 years. We now live in the highest poverty rate in history and the balance of wealth can be found in extravagant CEO pays, obscene bonuses for Banksters, Brokers, Media, Health Care, Energy and Pharmaceutical Titans. All because Congress provides the security blankets of 2big2fail Reaganomics. The Black Hole Economics that rewards heavily to Oligopoly Employers who in turn hire workers to spin the economy. Greed trumps this failed fairytale policy. The Oligopoly builds factories overseas and creates jobs America does not want or need.
More recently the 11 men murdered at BP Deepwater Horizon is a fine example of a greedy BP, Trans Ocean and Haliburton hiding under the veil of corporations and a corrupt central government. The greed simply trumps regulation every time. 11 men died nobody tried.
Mitoosense didn't relish writing this editorial. It's not with pleasure we report the deplorable conditions in our economy. The current state of affairs in America have reached a level of discontent that cannot be, will not be ignored further. If we had our wish we'd be drinking beer today and looking forward to returning to work Tuesday. And a 8 hour day, forty hour week and a single paycheck that pays the bills. The Nimrods of the Northeast can't seem to grasp how Corporations Stocks climb without hiring additional workers. If they ever had a job the answer would be crystal.
8 hours work, 8 hours rest and 8 hours relaxation enjoyed forty years ago sleeps within the"Iron Will of the American People"

Friday, September 2, 2011

On This Day

September 2, 1945 Imperial Japan signed unconditional surrender to the iron will of the American people. Following the USAF B-29 Enola Gay and Bockscar dropped Little Boy and Fat Man Atomic Warheads on mainland Japan.

World War 2 ended upon the decks of USS Missouri BB-63 in Tokyo Bay. At the end Japans Naval Forces were annilated and fuel for the remaing ships cut off. The dead at Pearl Harbor were avenged and their tyrants vanquished.

The Way It Is

Melancholy tune of the recession in the early eighties. Song went Multi-Platinum in 86. The song has more significance this Labor Day than ever before. Enjoy one of my favorites of all time

Thursday, September 1, 2011

GAO-11-696 Audit the Fed. Uncle Billy's Gone Again

The GAO report GAO-11-696 dated July 21, 2011 was reported on by Mitoosense August 30, 2011 after an obscure reference noticed on the WEB. The impact of 16 trillion dollars of covert secret cash from the Federal Reserve to Bankers around the world is staggering to the taxpayers struggling to feed their families.
The implication of secrecy further increases the magnitude of dissent in the Fed audit and US Government who condones the 2big2fail legacy. The brief review performed at Mitoosense indicated line items in billions to Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane LLC2 and Maiden Lane LLC 3. An Internet search show Maiden Lane to be a bordering street to the Federal Reserve Bank New York address 33 LIBERTY.
Additional searches provided Maiden Lane LLC as corporation chartered by the Federal Reserve Bank New York to provide capital to JP Morgan Chase acquisitions of Bear Sterns and Buy Toxic Waste from AIG and their imaginary CDO's Credit Default Swaps. I'm sure this is all legal.
My question is why all the secrecy? Is the Federal Reserve afraid panic will develop and spoil 3 years of imaginary gains in US confidence? If so we are all victims of the next failure planned at the Federal Reserve in concert with Congress and Casino Banking.
Mitoosense reported the Audit did in fact exist and the accuracy of the amounts is unclear. Anxious for any results to follow up I've heard nada nothin. The Internet is full of chatter about the audit and all seem to support claims of the $16 trillion figure. Leading the claim is US Senator Bernie Sanders (D) Vermont.
To our amazement there isn't any response from government the figures are false. The fact none of the Media, Cable News, Broadcast Networks or Internet Giants Google or Yahoo have carried the news the audits exists or evidence of disputes the $16 trillion amounts.
The Covert Cash in any amounts is evidence of systemic corruption centered on the Federal Reserve and Central Government. The silence in the Press/Media rocks the Core Value of the Bill of Rights.
How can such a charge go unnoticed, ignored or disputed is beyond conventional wisdom in today's 24 hour news cycles.