In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Romney wins in Michigan and Arizona

Mitt Romney picked up another 45 delegates yesterday in the GOP greatest spectacle in politics. Despite the Santorum plea to Democrats to throw the GOP election and vote Santorum in the GOP Michigan Primary.
Romney won again without support from dissenting liberal voters. The Santorum message is clear; anything to win. Politics is a team sport folks is the Santorum battle cry. Romney walked with 41% of Michigan GOP voters. Santorum the bridesmaid 38% of Democrat and GOP votes. Ron Paul the bronze and Gingrich cleaning up last place.

In Arizona Romney took 50% of the votes and all the delegates. Santorum 27% the bridesmaid Gingrich the bronze and Paul last place. The longer the GOP primary runs the stronger support for Obama grows. The GOP message is abstract to voters who want clear signals on the economy, immigration and jobs jobs jobs.

Super Tuesday next week with ten states voting. Should be interesting who the media will spin against Romney this week. Media will either stay in the Sanorum stable or switch back to dark horse Gingrich....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daytona, Rinse, Wash, Spin, Repeat

The Daytona 500 finished with Matt Kenseth the winner. Rained out on Sunday, started on Monday and finished early Tuesday. Mitoosense has never been a big fan of Nascar, yet I found myself watching the Monday Night lineup. Hoping my girl Danica would do well I'm disappointed. Not that her performance wasn't stellar. Danica was simply a victim of a lap 2 train wreck when veteran Jimmy Johnson hit the outside wall spinning a color wheel of numbers about like first break in a game of pool.
The highlight of the race occurred on a caution yellow lap 160 when a lone Juan Montoya hits the track jet dryer high in turn 3. The result was 200 gallons of jet fuel explodes into a fireball and a red light stopping the event. Out runs the fire department and then the safety crews cleaning the fiery spill. Two large fork truck speared the disabled safety truck and jet dryer off the $10 million dollar paving. Brushes, fire hoses, lawn spreaders and boxes and boxes of Tide laundry detergent was used to clean the mess.

The winner at 500 miles was Wisconsin native Matt Kenseth followed by bridesmaid heir apparent Earnhardt JR. My girl finished deep in the pack.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Politics is a Team Sport Folks

Rick Santorum astounded America last night in Mesa, Arizona CNN/GOP debate. When forced to defend his voting record in the Senate he advised he voted against his convictions in favor of party lines. This response in Mesa was followed with booing from the audience . Santorum then glared into the house and said "Politics is a Team Sport Folks" to further his lame position. Clearly, Santorum was declaring his teachable moment to the little people. Choosing to support the party while abandoning "We the People" is why we have elections. It's also why Santorum was voted out of the Senate by wide margins in 2006. It's apparent this single statement of six words should define so well the extent of corruption in government. The only candidate who recognized the vile statement was Ron Paul who said Santorum was a fake early in the debate. The old guy from Texas who never has his integrity challenged calls them as he sees them and always plays them where they lie. We elect our Representatives to vote our mandates. The United States Constitution is placing second to Party Affiliation which is code for Oligopoly or even Fascist government.

Mr Santorum I'm speaking to you! You should be jailed for talking the We the People with such careless regard. You went to law school and claim to be Devout Catholic. Do these institutions not teach ETHICS. Mr Santorum you will never be my President. Not since Richard Nixon stated in interview with David Frost "When the President does it It's not illegal" has the American people been more violated. Know this: The American People will not be denied self government much longer.

It is normal for Mitoosense to critique the candidates contributions after the televised debate through transcripts. The statement made by Santorum was so offensive to me it overwhelmed anything other candidates had said. None the less Mitoosense will continue with the debate last night. The transcript we found is from the Washington Post.

Most of the evening the candidates would blindly outline with great clarity our dysfunctional government. Unable to see or hear the truth in their own words. I thought Ron Paul did a good job followed by Mitt Romney. The hands down winner last night was Barack Obama.


The candidates debated earmarks in a perfect circle ending where it began. Romney begins with challenges to Santorum voting records that included earmarks. Then swung quickly to Gingrich claiming Newt as Speaker attached over 6000 earmarks making the policy an Art Form. Romney a Governor, never in Congress is squeaky clean in this practice. Gingrich avoided the charge making the false claim he balanced the budgets four consecutive years as Speaker and avoided the issue. Santorum unwisely took the bait and again tried to defend his Senate record. First Santorum attacked Ron Paul for attaching earmarks to legislation. Ron Paul defended, saying earmarks can be a useful tool to direct money away from slush fund accounts and forces money to a finite expenditure. Sounded good to me.

Santorum then squirmed again saying that Congress in order to get things done often accept earmarks they don't approve. Romney answered so you voted for them. Santorum said he voted for legislation for Presidential line item veto. The Supreme Court declared line item veto unconstitutional. Not Sanatorum's cross to bear. Blame the Supreme Court. Overlooking Congress can overrule the Supreme Court with Amendments to the Constitution.

Romney said he favored line item veto but none suggested support of Constitutional Amendments. HA

There seemed to be consensus earmarks are generally bad and abused in Congress. They all favored Line Item Veto Amendment. Nothing was suggested to stop the abuse.

Auto Bailouts:

Santorum stated clearly he was against both Auto and Bank Bailouts from Congress regardless of the pain involved.

Romney was in favor of managed Bankruptcy for Auto makers Fiat and GM. Romney supported the Bank Bailouts as necessary to our economy. Sounds like Romney Sacred Cow Bank and Trust may be coming soon. Both Romney and Santorum supported Airline Bailouts as payments for the US shutting down air traffic in the hours after 9/11 attacks. The Airlines have been bailout and received structured bankruptcy through years of red ink. They have never been profitable without subsidy. Note: without the airlines poor managements, gun control and porous borders 9/11 would have never happend.

Gingrich blamed the entire issue on the UAW. Citing US Mercedes, BMW, and Honda all prospered without the UAW. The RINO overlooks American Ford also prospered with the UAW. Newt also never mentioned the UAW was not involved in Bank Bailouts or Airline bailouts. These facts destroy the Gingrich logic the UAW caused the collapse. Truthfully bad management destroyed these institutions. Neither the UAW or NEA are copyable to bad management or a failed 112th Congress. Ron Paul stated there were no good bailouts, they're all bad. He would not support them. (see how easy this is gentlemen)

Birth Control:

The subject of Birth Control was asked. Newt Gingrich first went off to the moon again with his $2.50 cent gasoline and began a rant on Obama infanticide.. Mitoosense would never consider Gingrich a reliable beacon on moral or ethical issues. His track record here is of Congressional Records.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daytona 500

Danica Patrick will run in the Daytona 500 this Sunday. Danica a veteran of Indy Car and the Greatest Spectacle in Racing at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. She will not be intimidated by the slower speeds at Daytona. The Taxi Cab race venue in closed wheel cars will involve traded paints and duct tape presentations. Tony Stewart did well in his transformation and I expect Danica will also outperform many NASCAR notables. She looks good in a swimsuit too.

GOP Debate Tonight

The GOP and CNN will host another debate tonight in Mesa Az. Since the last debate January 26, 2012 much has changed in the front runner status. Not Gov. Perry, 999 Cain or the RINO stirring the GOP cauldron. This time it's former Senator Rick Santorum. The Fat Lady Sang in Florida and Mitt Romney walked with the gold 50 votes in winner take all.
Rick Santorum found victory in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado. The Santorum sweep won 18 votes from Colorado and Romney walked with 9 delegates. There were no delegates from Minnesota and Missouri that diminishes the Santorum sweep.

Mitt Romney is currently leading with 123 delegates followed by Santorum with 72, Gingrich 32 and Ron Paul 19. The total of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul at 123 ties with Romney.

Mitoosense has avoided the importance of the big Santorum Sweep and the recent national discussion on gay marriage, female contraception and the Pope. All three volatile issues of other peoples business subordinate to government mingling in private lives. The separation of Church and State flows both ways. A government who believes that Church Doctrines have no place in government should recognize Government has no place in Church Doctrines. The Pope may have some authority from some people on marriage and contraception. The government should not be involved in sanctioning any marriage or dispensing in medication or contraception. The always pious Santorum has rode these issues to the top of the polls. I think when the dust settles the voter will prioritize these issues in comparison to the economy and jobs jobs jobs. Romney has historically avoided issues of faith no doubt being a minority Mormon. Romney has vowed to rescind the unconstitutional Obamacare legislation removing the win from Santorum sails. The Santorum Campaign is flourishing farther right making Glen Beck look like a Massachusetts Moderate.

The focus tonight will be on Romney and Santorum. Santorum will likely avoid his Senate Record run from the social issues and hide in more Iran rhetoric as a fear monger. This time he will not get support from Gingrich backing him as an authority on Iran. Tonight Rick will be all alone in a very crowded room...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

DOW hits 13000 again

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hits 13000 today. Not bad for a country with no industry. The Chinese are celebrating with Buddha I'm thinking. We should have a big bronze Buddha riding the Wall Street Bull in New York. Investment in foreign goods is up. Only if you ignore inflation. If you allow for inflation for 100 years then number looks a bit different. Since 1912 the dollar has lost 95% of it's value or today's number of 13000 slips to 650 adjusted. Dow Jones closed January 2, 1912 at 82.36. I wasn't around in 1912 but I assume this is also basis points and relative information. Never mind if you put a dollar in the bank in 1912 it would have the buying power of a nickle today.
From my paperboy proceeds in 1962 I can attest you could get a fountain coke for a nickle or a handsome candy bar for a nickle some fifty years later. Penny candy was an aisle at the drug store in 62. No sales tax either. The modern day Five and dime is now the Dollar Store in stark contrast. Everything at the Five and Dime was American made. Imports were exclusive to the richest Americans in 1912. The dollar store today has few items made in America.

In 1912 we had no income tax either. The 17th Amendment was passed in 1913 and taxed only those making $3000.00 or more a year. The average wage earned in 1913 was $800.00 annually. There were no loopholes or exemption until 1914.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Underwear Bomber Get Life

The Underwear Christmas Day bomber was sentenced to life in prison today. In a twist of circumstance it appears he will get his 72 virgins anyway with himself being number 73. win win win I'm thinking.

Exxxon, Romney, GM and Fiat

Headlines: Yahoo today is an article reporting on the Romney campaign bashing Union Auto Workers in Michigan. The failed Romney logic follows with Obama bailed out GM to gather votes for his reelection. This logic can be applied to any issue in government. People will migrate to or from issues that affect them. Quite naturally they will vote in the same manner. This is politics and being on the right side of dominate voters equals election to office.
If President Obama's push to bailout Banks, AIG, GE, and Auto Czars could be seen as politics but, doubtful.

Mitoosense agrees with Romney GM/Fiat should have been taken to the Bankruptcy or Auction Block with all the 2big2fail banks, not mentioned in the report. Similar to the Lehman Bros. Studebaker, Packard and American Motors and on and on and on who vanished without fanfare in American capitalism.

The insinuation that the Union Auto Workers forced GM/Fiat into unprofitable bottom line. The obvious is GW Bush bailed out GM/Fiat before Obama took office. Not to overlook that American Ford stood tall through the entire spectacle without a whimper of Union Pressures or Government Handouts. Ford kept their long pants on and returned to black ink on their own. This glaring fact should dispel thoughts the Unions brought down the Auto Industry. There was no mention in the article of gross mismanagement of GM or Fiat. Rick Wagoner drove GM to bailouts building giant gas hogs Hummer and unprofitable buyouts of Saab and Hummer nameplates and the foolish ground up creation of Saturn. Rick and company earning 21 million dollars annual CEO compensation destroyed GM, not the UAW. Rick and company also managed the destruction of Pontiac and Oldsmobile nameplates that were profitable for many years.

Fiat is another story who began as The Dodge Bros. then Chrysler, then Daimler Benz, then Cerberus Capital Management LLP and now Tony and Fiat. Lee Iaccoca was the only guy who could run Chrysler. They have been ripe for bankruptcy for many years regardless of UAW associations.

This editorial is about the GOP election in Michigan. If Romney runs on the platform the Banks and Auto Czars should have not been bailed out and taken to bankruptcy he wins Michigan. Conversely, if Romney runs a campaign against the UAW saying they caused the meltdown then Romney will lose to either Paul, Santorum or the RINO. It's interesting the Romney Campaign has not tied the demise of AIG or BoA, Citi and Chase to the UAW since their input in management decisions are the same in both industries.

Evidence is found in another Yahoo article this morning. GM reports the highest profits in recorded history of either old General Motors or new Government Motors at a whopping $7.6 billion income. Indications of how powerful the government influence can be in synthetic capitalism. Is this the model of American Capitalism and Free Markets? Can the GOP support Corporate bailouts and handouts on a conservative platform? Will the GOP ultimately lay blame to the entire meltdown on the UAW. The GOP platform is cloudy and blurs the Democratic perceived success of GM. Is GM a story of successful capitalism and free markets for the Liberal Obama?

Also reported on Yahoo this morning is Exxxon reported increased profits despite lower production output. Seems Exxxon has realized the Enron business model. If you control supply the demand will cause costs to rise creating higher profits. The key being you must have control over the supply. This ties into our editorial three ways. First why would anyone buy a car when gasoline supply and costs rise and fall in the 4 year election cycles. The second is why would anyone buy a car that is regulated by the Government Supported Insurance Underwriters who charge for mandatory coverage in conspiracy with government license and auto tags? The third is why do we as a nation subsidize the Petroleum Industry with taxpayer funding?

Romney has not attacked Obama for supporting gas and oil subsidy. Maybe this will be the narrative for Texas and Alaska who are oil rich states. Or maybe it's just politics and political theatre in Michigan!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bank Settlements

It should be very easy to settle the Banking Fiasco. First call all of TARP money debts to be repaid immediately. Impeach everyone who voted for the legislation and ban them from public office. Then all Persons who were foreclosed upon any mortgage written after 1999 would receive the following from the mortgage originators and lenders.
1. Return All Down Payments, Closing Costs, Document Stamps, Attorney Fees, etc
2. Refund: All moving costs up to $2,000 dollars each mortgage.
3. Return: All money back to the courts, police departments sheriffs etc to remove the homeowner.
4. Compensate: the foreclosed person for lost equity and all interest charges accrued during the term of the loan. Add the amount of interest to a new mortgage interest cycle on a new home the owner can afford. Interest being paid at the top of the loan the new mortgage should be at the same point of the old mortgage.
5. Compensate: the homeowner for hardship and punitive damages for pain and suffering.
6. Any Bank who bundled or resold or participated in Credit Default Swaps would be liquidated and Executives of same would be banned from banking.
7. Any Credit Rating Agency who rated Mortgages Bundled as AAA should fined $10,000 dollars for each mortgage.
8. Refund: All lost money to anyone who purchased Bundled Securities directly or indirectly through Mutual Fund or Annuity Investments.
9. Refund: All commissions paid to Wall Street brokers who sold fraudulent securities to investors.
10. Pass Legislation to tax all Wall Street Fees and Commisions until debts to consumers are paid.

That's it, if you can do this with $26 billion great. I suspect 26 trillion would be closer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl

The NY Giants beat the New England Patriots in Indianapolis last night. Great game right down to the Hail Mary. There's a lot of talk on the wires to politicize the Eastwood/Chrysler ad "It's Half Time in America". Some claim the ad by Chrysler was left wing politics supporting Obama bailouts.

Since G.W. Bush bailed out Chrysler first and Chrysler is owned by Italian Fiat, I don't see the connection. The commercial got rave reviews in Italy.

Stateside in Nevada Mitt Romney won the GOP primary by huge margins. Mitts father George Romney ran American Motors from Detroit until it was sold to Chrysler formerly owned by Mercedes Benz and now Fiat. Somehow this ad is focused on American Spirit and turn around. The obvious point is our fathers fought against Germany, Italy and Japan in World War 2. Germany and Japan surpassed American Automobile production in recent years. I would not buy products from Fascist American Manufacturers GM. GE Fiat or any TARP Bank. I'm a Ford man and American family owned. The Russian KGB would call the Fiat/Eastwood message Propaganda.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romney Wins In Florida GOP

Mitt Romney won a landslide victory in the Sunshine State. The Fat Lady sang a solo placing Mitt 50 delegates closer to national nomination.
The Rino took second with no delegates. Santorum third and Paul last place.

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