In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stop Short and made a Grab

Most of America tuned in yesterday to catch Robert Mueller's Press Release (off the record by the way). Contrary to the Democratic Representatives, Mueller made no new clarifications. The Dems are focused on the obstruction issues  associated with the President. The underlying crimes were not an issue, only that the President may have obstructed the investigation that proved himself and countless others INNOCENT.  Incidentally the underlying crimes committed all occurred under Democrat Barrack Obama not Trump. The purpose of the investigation order from Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General was to  see what evidence there was concerning Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Mueller made clear the success his team had made to uncover all those who were guilty of this crime. This is at very center of his work and paramount to the investigation. The media, politicians and contributors don't give a flip about dirty deals in the Kremlin that threaten our democracy. Ditto to the House of Representatives and Nancy who offer no legislation to protect the 2020 election. The essence of Mueller's work is burred in how best to attack President Trump. Clearly Robert Mueller's only interest was to protect his own legacy that must have been impugned by critics who claim Muller had the venue to offer his assessments on the public record but remained silent for the record.  Nor did Mueller ever investigate the underlying evidence of the underlying crime. Never a thought to the accuracy of James Comey FBI Director, and the phony F.I.S.A Warrants and those underlying documents. How could you whistle past the Graveyard and not take a look at the Infamous Steele Dossier. The Steele Dossier also has the fingerprints of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama! Mueller instead hangs his hat on Constitutional requirements that a sitting President may not be charged. This claim is nothing but irresponsibility and dodging Rosenstien's Order. Mueller made clear he would not be questioned by those present and essentially pleaded the 5th Amendment. Mueller the consummate wordsmith mindful of the possibility of lying when trick questions are imposed.  Mueller further advised he had closed his office of Special Counsel and his retirement eminent. Basically Mueller pulled a Stop Short and made a Grab, made famous by Jerry Stiller. That's my move and I own it!!! The Russians are having a field day celebration of this obvious success handed to them on a sliver gilded Democratic Plate. You would think Americans would be concerned about the RED THREAT at our Polls.  Many Democrats want Non citizens be allowed to vote. What's next voting at the Kremlin!!  Happy Trails Tom

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Warrior Lawyer

Bill Barr Attorney General was led to sacrifice this week to appear before the US Senate to explain why he was not responsible for Bob Mueller's now released report. Mueller who had 2 years to forward his opinions to the ever anxious Democratic House ,but chose to remain silent. Mr Mueller in classic op-ed style waits like a political sniper for his superiors Bill Barr  and Rod Rosenstien to step into the trap. Mueller blindsided Bill Barr with a follow up letter to criticize Barr's interpretation of Mueller's 2 year 400 page extravaganza. Stating Barr did not meet with similar conclusions in the Report. Mueller has laid the ground work by making sure the letter was leaked to the Washington Post. When Barr received the now famous letter regarding the bupkis report, he phones Mueller for the wasssup. Now, not in writing, Barr claims Mueller advised that his complaint and subsequent letter to Barr was to document his disapproval of the Press coverage  concerning the 4 page letter drafted at the D.O.J. What a bunch of hooey!! Mueller could have sent his letter directly to the Washington Post and avoided the D.O.J completely.  Had Mueller done so then Barr would never had been snared in the trap of lying. Obvious Barr is stunned by the revelation in the Senate Chambers. GOTTCHA... If Mueller would have waited 2 weeks the entire 400 page report was made public and he said,she said would not matter. The same method of operation used to trap others not guilty but failed to account the past correctly, thus your lying!!!  Each Democratic Member of the Senate continues where others left off beating the Attorney General with the same Stupid Stick for hours. Never mind that no collusion was discovered and no indictments of Trump was advised in the Mueller Report. This leaves a crack in claims of obstruction of justice. Barr did a excellent job of explaining to Congress that all of these charges of obstruction are within the duties of the President granted in the US Constitution. The explanation excellent, the retention was zip. The imaginary claims of obstruction are the only hope for the Democrats in 2020. Now it will be Barr's turn to examine what crimes were committed to make such false accusation against a Presidential Candidate and the President Of the United States. When Richard Nixon's Campaign broke into the Democratic National HQ at Watergate it was because Nixon did not have access to the F.I.S.A Courts created in 1978. What cost Nixon his presidency becomes legal For 2008 President Obama. Both men spied on the opposing party and both were caught. One was legal,the other not so much. No foul No Crime we ask? Not quite. What Barr will now focus on was the entire process at the F.I.S.A Courts to see if they followed the laws concerning spying on US Citizen. OK so just as I was sure Trump was not guilty I am just as sure when the truth comes out The Democrats in Congress will be as nervous as a dog passing impeachment seeds. There will be an overhaul at the FBI and F.I.S.A. Application in the future will be scrutinized for authenticity.