In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Sunday, November 22, 2020


 I voted November  3rd at my designated polling place. I arrived at 7:00 am hoping to be first in line. I was not. I was 51 according to my ballot. The wait was 1 hour and temperature was 34 degrees. My turn came at 8:00 as I was greeted by a man asking for my Identification. In this case I showed the backside of my pictured driver's license to be scanned. We all know and I oppose the information stored by this number is well beyond Driving History. From this number they can tell if you cried on your first day of school. Not to mention a host of regrettable mistakes in my youth. I paid for each occurrence. On to the voting machine to cast my ballot. My first vote was for President Nixon. The wait and line were similar. The temperature warmer. The voting machine was bigger than a Piano with buttons and switches and privacy curtain. I voted by pulling a lever that one may find in a large truck emergency brake, I was done and a bit proud of my selection. Less than 2 years later he quit. I mean the President QUIT. That was my first experience with Democracy. This year I approached a table that some years past would be suitable for eating in front of the TV. On top of the TV tray was a box the size of a medium suitcase. No screen as I made my selection. It seems every 4 years they have a new way to vote. I was very comfortable with the old bigger machines with the emergency brake exit. Hopefully I voted correctly.  As I walked away with my printed ballot was then entered into another machine for tally. A smiling lady placed a sticker on my shirt that displayed " I Voted". Again I was proud, Anyone who knows me is aware that I voted. Thousands of people I don't know saw my shirt sticker and knew I voted. Therefore Voting is not a Secret. Who you voted for is a secret. This is the rule for 200 years. In the past many people voted absentee. Certainly people in the military should vote and those who may be handicapped can also vote, I also am aware that each State has different regulations and procedure for Elections. In a Democrazy voting is a much different than Democracy explained above. In a Democrazy the poll station is very secretive of who is voting. No Identification is required. Poll workers strive to remain isolated away from any onlookers. And the person who voted is more protected than how they voted. The rules are much different in a Democrazy. Anyhow my first vote for Nixon was in vain and my recent vote was a wasted effort. The reason is some jerk in Georgia considers who voted a secret. Imagine my amazement remembering thousands of people who recently wore shirt stickers I Voted. Criminals in Detroit Michigan dumped thousands of fraudulent ballots in the count at 3AM November the 4th. Same with Philly. What the don't realize is they put a loser in the White House. The Executive Branch of Government has been stolen. The belief that there be no accounting of who voted is protected by the constitution is outrageous. Not true. Without validation of who voted we get Democrazy. Millions of ballots were sent out and never returned. This is not because there ballot did not count. It's because those votes were not needed to a win for Biden. If they needed more they had plenty. If I cannot vote then I will not obey those in Office. what ever Joe Biden does I will vow to stop him at every turn. He will never get my support until the truth is known. No Thanks Joe and Calamity I'm gonna take a pass for the next four years. At least 4 years. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Friday, November 20, 2020

Step One

 Step One is a voter validation number for each absentee ballot for President/Vice, House of Representatives and Senate. Step 2. never allow voter inputs outside the United States for tabulation from any foreign entity. Step 3. All  State Ballots require Name, Address, Date of  Birth, POST MARKs typical certification that must be pre validated authentic etc. State certification validation is encouraged to be done prior to election day.  NO tabulations announced until Election Day. Once the ballot is certified authentic it should be stored and filed by Federal Validation Number. Validations sent to the federal government need only the coded number on each ballot with no information about the voter or how they may have voted. Vote Validation Numbers must be in on or before election, day no exceptions. Voter Validation only confirms eligibility and this person did vote. Receipt of both the ballots at the State level and coded number sent to the federal government constitutes a valid vote. Step 3. Election tabulations are to be kept secret with no access until all voting is complete.  All Tabulations are secret until all counts are complete and the winner is known. Synchronization at both the State and Federal level must be reconciled. If you don't know how many votes need to be dumped you will likely guess wrong and be caught. This is not voter suppression. Validating ballots insures everyone can vote by mail if they wish. We want each legal voter to vote and every legal vote counted. We want a secret ID ballots as we demand all ballots be secret. Right now balloting is not secret and tabulation are unreliable. This will eliminate most of the cheating as it speeds the process. It will restore voter confidence AND make voting much easier and cheating much harder.  If you don't care for the Biden Administration today, wait for tomorrow. Biden will change his story daily with a new accounting of endless scapegoats and lame excuses to explain laws broken and every false promise made. Biden will accomplish nothing and take no responsibility for his failures. The longer Trump can keep Biden from transition reigns of Power the better off America will be. THE Biden Buck Stops Next Door!!! . Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Zombie Administration

 Really, Biden is appointing a zombie cabinet to support his zombie election. Neither Tom Clancy or Walt Disney could dream this big.  I remember Jerry Ford was President and he never received any votes or won a state. I hope we don't have Biden for 4 years.  Trump was ahead 800000 votes on election day with all votes counted from machines. On November 4 at 4am Biden jumps ahead from phony mail in ballots.  Some no post mark, no signature and voted just Biden. Clearly some clever electioneering. We can put a man on the moon he just can't vote in America. Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Trumps Pathway to Victory

 The state of Georgia has announced a full vote recount for President. The lead by Biden currently is 14000 votes. Trump needs a win in  Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Michigan all are within reach.  Alaska  and North Carolina  are states where Trump is still ahead. Flip Michigan and Pennsylvania and Trump takes 284 electoral college votes.  Enough to walk through the front door at the  White House again. We could witness the greatest defeat since the 1980 USA Hockey Team won the Gold Medal at the Olympics...

Trump and the Media

 5 years ago plus  or minus Trump announced he would run for President. He quickly learned the Press/ Media could not be trusted to convey his words accurately or at all. Trump looked in his toolbox and found the Tweet. And so it began. When Trump became President he continued to tweet rather than allow networks to scoop the White House News. News from the White House and the President became vetted by the President himself. You can't report falsely what the President said if everyone in America received the information at the same time. This way the press is denied partial or false reporting. The longer this went on the worse the confrontation became. One year ago the Media/Press launched an all out assault on the Trump Campaign while they kept Bingo Biden in the Basement. Free speech guarantees this right to speech. At the same time only negative information was reported on Trump. Only Positive Information was reported on Biden. Slanted Journalism is the result. It appears Biden may take the White House and the peoples direct access to the White House will end. All our knowledge will once again be censored by the Press. You will know what they want you to know. This is not free speech. News reporting becomes propaganda. Knowing the difference between  them is each citizens responsibility. This has always been true. The big difference is the Trump Tweets revealed only the truth. Often ugly but always accurate. The acid tests in the coming administration is Are You Better OFF. Biden is backwards. Taking the standard of living to the dumpster. No Jobs, Higher Cost of Living, Higher Taxes and no Improvements across the board. You may not hear or see what's going on in the next 4 years but you will feel it. The new administration will be full of excuses to mask the failure. Biden has begun to ask for unity among all Americans. A position never advised during the elections. If Joe wants Unity. If Joe wants to fight for us then let's start with a fair election. Joe should embrace a recount of valid voting. Other wise Joe will take the White House walking in backwards through the BACKDOOR.  Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Close Enough For Horseshoes

 Election officials are saying on record that people voted twice, people who should not be allowed to vote have voted. dead people have voted and phony out of state people voted and these ballots were counted. All of these things happen in small numbers in normal election. No Sir You're on Drugs and that is not what we pay you to do!!!! Famously quoted by others is.. I'm a little bit pregnant, I've had one or two Officer and I don't recall her name sir. In other words these elections are more like playing Horseshoes than selecting a leader of the free world. What this official admitted publicly is there are grounds for investigations regardless of those who are not impowered to decide will tell us. I demand that every mail in ballot be double checked and verified as a legal vote. Not just merely recount the fraudulent votes again. We demand as citizens if we are going to stand in line 6 feet apart wearing face masks outside in 34 degree temperatures for more than an hour the very least our official can do is get off their lazy freeloading arse and check the ballots before counting them. Clearly, voting in America needs to be cleaned up or your wasting everyone's time and money. If we spent one tenth of the money wasted on political advertisement we could have valid elections!!!!! Happy Trails Suckers Tom

Monday, November 9, 2020

The End of Christianity

 The recent 2020 election has provided undisputable proof that thousands of people rose from the dead to cast  a vote for Joe Biden only. Nobody else, just Joe. 2000 thousand years ago we had similar reports and a guy named Joe was implicated then. This can only mean we are all Jewish. Or Joe Biden is a liar. Happy Trails Suckers

Clean the Polls

 Regardless of the outcome of the 2020 election it is obvious we need to overhaul our federal election process and give it a good scrubbing. First declare donations to party are NOT tax deductible. Add Heavy Taxes to every political advertisement in every media. Demand honesty in every news broadcast with National Watchdogs handing out stiff Fines for erroneous misleading information. Add new election policing at the federal level to insure no bully intimidations at the polls. Require random checks of validations of votes. Checking both vote process and voters. If spot checking reveals incorrect tally, complete a audit of every vote with backups. Nothing Is More Important!!!  Provide heavy penalties and jail time for every offense. Once the odds of being caught are greater than the odds of not getting caught is the only way to valid Federal Voting.

Defund the President

 Since Bingo Biden and Calamity Harris will take office with  a trail of phony write in absentee ballots as their constituents. WE can only assume their base is as much a hoax as his presumed office. Add this to the endless lists of first time evers and never before happenings proudly touted by the imaginary press . There's a lot that I don't know but in this particular instance I witnessed the theft real time on every news outlet in America. ANYONE with a  a brain can connect the dots on this hoax. (Obviously does not apply to Democrats) It's difficult to distinguish which suffered the most. Both the Process and Reporting have slipped to lowest ever accounting. Now the same fake news who got Biden in office has ordained him winner before votes are counted and court cases completed.  The answer is as obvious as the solution. Analyze every absentee vote in every battle ground states. If Biden still wins then we go forward. If nothing is done we go backwards. The task of a new President to unite America is always the biggest challenge. Tough to accomplish with a majority win at the Polls. Impossible to achieve with a imaginary voters with imaginary ballots. Such elections produce imaginary leaders.  If you cheated your way through college then the degree you received is an empty piece of paper. A process not fully thought through with Biden's IQ. Don't take my advice just ask Calamity Harris what she had to say about Joe in the Primaries..  The Biden Presidency is based upon an imaginary platform with no stated purpose. Biden's Platform is a mindless abortion of sound bites from the basement that changes daily as he walks backwards into the Oval Office. He has no goals. He just wants a big party for himself.  I propose we place the White House up for sale and require Biden's Office be in the dumpster where they both belong. Defund the President as the Idiot in Charge deserves. No police Cars have been burned, Windows Broken or Looting in the name of Donald Trumps imaginary loss. Tom

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biden selects Hunter

 Joe Biden has declared that if elected he will appoint Hunter Biden as the first US Ambassador to The Dollhouse.

Stupid Easy

  Ballot harvesting has been going on for a long time. In the computer age it makes it easier than ever. All you need to tip an election is 30 thousand votes in only Battle Ground States. EASY. First you verify through public records who is not registered to vote. EASY. Without their permission you register these people who never voted to falsely register. EASY. Obtain ballots using these names or in some states just ask for blank ballots. EASY. Wait until days before election and mail these fraudulent ballots to be counted. EASY. Or simply dump these fraudulent ballots without post marks and mix with valid ballots.  Pews research an estimated vote turn out of 100 million. They also estimated 139 million could have voted and chose not to.  Just 1% of these could make a loser a  big winner.. This explains why Trump wins among People who voted in person. Trump wins again with people who voted early in person. Trump wins again in people who voted with certified mail in Ballots. Trump loses in late vote absentee fraudulent votes in states who are governed with politicians complicate in the fraudulent elections. The election flips by people who did not register and did not vote and have no idea of the abuse. 30 thousand votes in each battle ground state is Easy to forge. Fraudulent votes also explain why Trumps  early leads on election night flips to Biden in days after. Stupid Easy. The votes will appear to be valid even though they were cast fraudulent by people who should be in prison. This is not dirty politics or October trickery. This is an assault on our Constitution and We The People. The only way to prove this happens is to reverse the process and check every absentee write in votes cast by people who weren't registered before did not vote in the last election. Contact these people and find out if they are still alive. Still live at the same location. Ask did they register and did they VOTE. ALSO STUPID EASY.  If poll workers only check to see if a person can vote as opposed to checking if they did vote should be the tally.  We also know thousands of ballots were mailed out and never returned. Making the ballot resources plentiful again, EASY. We all know this election turned out huge numbers of voters. We all know the pandemic caused many people to vote early or absentee. These facts simply cloud the truth, it only take 30 thousand votes in only battle ground states to put a CROOK in the White House.  The first time in US history a president took office without Ohio. Biden was also was soundly defeated at the Iowa caucus. Count only valid votes and Trump wins again....

Friday, November 6, 2020

Naked Voter Fraud

 The election for President 2020 is nothing more than a sham. We the People may be slow  but we're not stupid. At least not as gullible as the residents of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. All states that President Trump led at some point election night. Republicans did well in the Senate and House of Representative's. Are we really going to believe this trend did not follow in the Presidents race. The wild card in all the battleground states is the Absentee Vote. Harvesting votes has been going on for a long time. Never this obvious. Never this flagrant. One thing is for sure. If were going to vote in this manner we are going to have Mandatory Federal Laws Guarantees of Continuity in elections. How the states vote for dogcatcher is up to them. Federal positions must have federal laws. I'm not sure how this will play out in the courts and I fear that the real loser may take office.  All politicians left and right speak of our great nation. Democracy, Union, Republic and Constitution are all proud emblems of our success as a nation. Be aware these fine qualities all have underlying rules that must be adhered to. Most of our rules can be traced to No lying. No stealing. No cheating No exceptions to anyone regardless of pedigree. When violations occur we have lost it all. All things become possible and likely sooner than later. Without the obedience we are no better than our worst enemy. At the top of this list is our Union and respect for our fellow man regardless of how wrong we may disagree with his culture. Unfortunately the left has condoned the anarchists' looting and arson because civil unrest might help in national elections. It did not. It became obvious the unrest only occurred in Democratic controlled governments. It's time to declare Martial Law and suspend Habeas Corpus..  I will be damned if I will let some career criminal pick who will led this country. If he wishes to burn Portland or Chicago to the ground I don't care. If we can't follow the laws, then don't follow any laws until peace can be maintained. If you think you don't have rights now, Under Martial Law you don't have ANY Rights. Lawless behavior becomes accepted norm. Sounds extreme. No it is not extreme because we are already there. If I cannot choose who makes the laws then I sure as hell am not going to follows the laws. This is not about Trump versus Biden. It's about fair elections. So let the Courts convince us the election for President is valid. Not lawful but morally and  ethically the intentions of real voters. Lots of things are lawful and not acceptable behaviors. The President Should Declare Martial Law in any state where voter fraud is expected. Right Is Might ...Support the Donnybrook Republicans TOM...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

He Don't Call. He Don't Write

 He Don't Call. He Don't Write. He said he was gonna fight for me. Give me free stuff. Pay my rent and buy my groceries. Every day I go to the mailbox and get letters from him. Ten times an hour he speaks to me on my TV.  What, No free College. No free Healthcare and worse I gotta get a JOB.  He don't call.  He don't write.  I hope he's all right. The election must be over.  How could he forget so quickly. Say it aint so Joe... Did we count all the river votes and ballots left in the trunk of the rentals cars at the airports. I hope he's all right. Burma Shave Tom

Monday, November 2, 2020

New Normal

 One more day before the election. So why are the Democrats boarding up windows and doors. What has gone wrong with the Republic. What sickness does our Union suffer from. Very Sad Indeed. I approved this message. None of the lies. Happy Trails Tom