In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nutcracker Married in England

The Royal Nutcracker was married yesterday and the event was covered by all the major TV networks. We haven't seen this much pomp and circus stuff since The King of Pop died.

The nutcracker kissed his bride and she turned into a beautiful Princess of Cambridge. Sadly.her husband remained a frog.

Now the Brits have another couple to gossip their most secret behaviors. This guarantees years of tabloid gossip and work for the paparazzi.

Proving there is nothing Royal about their head gear or those who sit beneath them.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gold hits $1504.95 oz Really

During the 1970's America experienced a huge housing bubble.

Unlike the mortgage derivative bubble of 2006 the 1970's bubble was based upon real needs of the emerging baby boomer generation.

Home values increased dramatically in the 70's and home ownership was considered a wise investment. The investment was based entirely upon need. The laws of supply and demand of free market capitalism working.

The purchase of a new home was a contract to purchase from the owner/builder and the search for a mortgage lender to provide the capital. Once closing occurred the business was now between the Bank and your timely monthly payments. Wall Street and Congress were not involved in your purchase. Down payment on your first home was always a problem. Lenders required 20% down with a stunning credit report. Income tax disclosure and job history for 3 years also included. Your monthly payment was firmly held to 25% of income. Your Bank owned your mortgage and it was understood the Bank or mortgage was not going to be sold to another bank. Banks in my State could only operate in a single county. Therefore the possibility of knowing you Banker was probable. There were no State Banks and Country wide banks were prohibited by 1930's Federal Banking Regulations. These laws were the result of unscrupulous Bankers of the 1920's. Ronald Reagan was the President who pushed for deregulation and a staunch union buster. In the 1980's we began to see Glendale Federal of California with offices in Florida. This was the beginning of 2big2fail.

There were Government 5% down FHA programs and VA loans that carried higher interest but offered less down payment. In addition if you were poor the government subsidized low income earners with cheap below market interest rates known as 235 HUD programs.

If you were poor enough you could buy a home paying a mere 3% interest rate. This could allow people of lower incomes to access the bonanza of home ownership at the cost of others. Extremely unfair to those who crested just above the established income levels.

I was one of these people who did not qualify for government assistance and relied on my backbone to provide the necessary down payments required. Even though the actual income difference was marginal. Like affirmative action in education, this program discriminated based on wages earned and racial bias. A person making less income could enjoy a higher standard of living than those who got an education, played by the rules and often the difference could be pennies a year in income separation. As you can see, buying a home in 1970 and financing was far different than today.

Many home builders today are traded on the New York Stock exchange. I'm not sure why anyone would buy a house from these guys. What you really need is a qualified carpenter to build your home and a honest lender who will provide capital. More houses and better houses have been built by carpenters than all the Titans of Wall Street.

The purchase of your home as the American Dream has become the Nightmare on Greed Street. In on the action are local government who assess property taxes based on the street value of your home, not what you paid in the sale. These increase in a falsely stimulated market is now causing the collapse of State and Municipal Budgets across America. If property taxes were assessed on sale price, governments would be much better shape fiscally. Many older people have been forced to sell off homes with no mortgage because they could no longer pay the falsely stimulated assessed home values taxes inflated in New York Derivative trades.

As we entered the 1980's we suffered a collapse in the housing markets. The collapse was due to a lack of money caused by a severe depression and 10% unemployment that forced interest rate to hit 22%. Putting your home on your credit card was impossible.

People turned away from home investments and bought gold and silver from a lack of faith in US Currency. People were afraid of money and banks. Along came the Hunt Brothers and with huge oil fortunes gained control of the Silver Markets worldwide. Driving the value from $11 dollars and ounce to fifty dollars an ounce in two years. The price of Silver corrected overnight in January, 1980 as the price fell from $50 dollars to under $11 dollars an ounce. The little guy got stung playing in a rich mans domain. The Hunt Brothers could have done the same in Gold markets accept they didn't have the enormous capital to control Gold.

Along came two blind guys in Ft Lauderdale to destroy the Gold Markets. Known as the International Gold Bullion Exchange. The two legally blind owners were William and James Alderdice. These clowns with an extensive rap sheet and several failed business ventures began selling gold necklaces door to door in Ft Lauderdale's wealthiest neighborhoods. Eventually openings a swank jewelry store complete with Bubbly Champagne and Classical Music for atmosphere.

The deal they offered in Gold, Silver and Platinum was the buyer must wait 12 to 15 weeks after payments to receive their precious metals. During that time it was hoped the price would drop and the difference was in their pockets. They did in fact make money until Gold and Silver began to climb and the difference became a loss. The two hoodlums managed to open offices in Texas and California with well over a thousand employees when the vault was opened and exposed wooden bars coated in gold to fool investors into the Fool's Gold.

William died in 1985 from stab wounds and James went on and graduated with honors as valedictorian of Federal Prison with a degree in Theocracy. James became a Minister of Faith in a Arizona Church after five years of prison repentance. Most Graduates of Federal Prison usually emerge outside as Construction Workers, Minsters or go on to Post Graduate Degrees incarcerated for life.

As we left the 1980's for the roaring 1990's the sophistication level increased for the common thieves. The Infamous G H Bush 41 Silverado Savings Bailout was the white collar crime of that century. The actions of Neal Bush son of George led the words "Read My Lips" into history. The cost to the taxpayers was a whopping $ 180 billion dollar heist. The day's of the infamous John Dillinger's V/8 Fords and Browning BAR had faded into the darkness of sneaky con men like the Alderdices who stole from individuals foregoing banks.

The crimes of the nineties were crimes of Enron and World Com. The cover is the education levels needed to control the energy grid and phone networks without detection. Americans were led to slaughter again and again by white collar thieves.

In the eighties the 401-k program was promoted by the IRS. 401-K is a section of the US Tax Code. This allowed the taxpayer to contribute money into his retirement accounts at work, tax free. Free always is synonymous with bend over and grab your ankles. Here you have the makings for the greatest theft of mankind. The 2008 Financial Holocaust that will destroy our economy in a super nova of 2big2fail. The greatest theft of the 20th century and 21st century occured with a Republican Bush as President!!

You have Joe Average putting tax free money into a retirement account. Sounds great smells bad. Looking closer you find that the governments interest in your retirement security will be under the control of your employer and the watchful eye of the IRS. Why the government deems you irresponsible to control your health care and retirement is because of the Golden Rule. The ones with the Gold, Rule. The never ending flow of 401-K mom and pops nickles and dimes under the control of Banking, The Forth Covert branch of government and Congress is what caused the 2008 Financial Meltdown.

Housing Mortgage Derivatives and 2big2fail Investment Banking were merely the vehicle to the crime and the bonuses afterwards. We have done nothing to prevent these thieves from doing it again in a different car. Important to note that none of this could have happened a generation ago. Once upon a time we had daring criminal like Dillinger who robbed the banks we hated so much. Crime has been homogenized in my lifetime through a collegiate filter of privilege. There is no logical reason why a banker should be rich. The only way a Banker gets rich is to steal. The only way to steal is buy a politician who will make stealing legal.

By placing the Employer and Government between you and any form of commerce makes you subservient to the Oligarchy System working within the fragile framework of "We The People"and gives them dominion over your wealth.

I'm certain these employer based programs that constitute 2/3 of our annual budget violates the Preamble of the US Constitution. Ironically, the first sentence and paragraph. Violate the Preamble and the rest of the document is useless. The Preamble is the doctrine. The rest of the US Constitution describes a handbook of how to establish the doctrine.

We've witnessed several ways to steal over the years. Without question white collar crime is the method of choice. Recently we elected a new President Obama who campaigned against the wild spending of Bush.

Obama led us to spend our way out of debt by inflating the deficit further with the $860 billion Stimulus and Recovery Act In Addition to $350 billion in leftover TARP money. Then we piled on Employer Based Obama Care as Americans slid backwards into increased poverty.

Now we have both parties claiming we need to cut spending by increasing the Debt Ceiling (huh) The party that brought us to financial collapse and Obama agree we need to give them more money. I think we need to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care and Social Security. Stop all employer based deductions and tell the IRS to get off their asses and collect taxes.

At the same time lets do away with OSHA. OSHA is nothing more than a playground for Bureaucrats, Attorneys, and Doctors to enrich themselves. Eliminate Mandatory Insurances of any kind and hold people responsible in courts. Putting people in jail for driving without insurance is a crime in itself. Jail or penalty for failing to buy anything is the grounds for civil wars. Making children acquire Social Surveillance Numbers and wear plastic hats to ride a bike as well as seat belts and helmets for adults is a Nanny State. What we demand is our freedom returned. Once we have our freedom back we will create our own jobs.

Did I mention Gold is $1500.00 an once. The Gnomes of the US Treasury want you to believe the price of gold fluctuates up or down. Gold is the only constant worldwide. The purchase power has not changed in 10.000 years. Currency rarely last 200 years. The illusion that the dollar is constant and gold fluctuates is pure Harvard Nonsense. Ok to buy Gold but, don't take any wooden bars from Alderdice

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Big is your Barrel

In July, 2008 the barrel price of oil was $145.00 bbl and gasoline hit $4.11 cents a gallon for regular grade gas.

Today the barrel price of oil is only $107.00 bbl and a gallon of regular gasoline is back to over $4.00 again.

My question is; did the barrel get smaller or did the dollar get smaller?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April is Tax Month

Tax Loopholepalooza Day

Tomorrow is officially the day the obedient faithful march to the US Postal Service to purchase the all important post mark before Midnight. Mailing those tax returns accompanied with the extortion monies that will keep them out of Federal Tax Prison another year.

The Corporate Titans of TARP will pay no Federal Taxes this Year. Sixty Six percent of America's corporations with such familiar nameplates B o A, GE, Exxon skip the tax ax completely.

GE reportedly earned 14.2 billion this year and not only paid no tax but, also was bestowed with a 3.2 billion dollar tax benefit. A Tax benefit is the loopholepalooza where the corporate Titan paid no tax and still received a tax check from the US Treasury for 3.2 Billion.

Florida Tax Watch meanwhile places Taxpayer Independence Day around April 24 this year. For those not familiar with this day, it's the day when Joe Average pays in all his unfair commitment portion of tax and begins working to feed his family. Sadly, Florida has no State Income Tax so we can assume those not living in the Sunshine State will probably pay into May this year.

This day does not include other taxes that live in perpetuity. Sales Tax, Gas Tax, Taxes on Tires, Batteries, Alcohol and Tobacco. Nor, does it included hidden taxes like Social Security, Unemployment, Property Tax, Obama Care, Auto Extortion Insurance or Workers Compensation. Then we add fees for Auto Tags, Professional License, Operator's License where we pay a surcharge to work. Banking is also a tax as any attempt to move money in this country is always taxed by the government and attached a fee by the banker. Banking IS the covert forth branch of government in America. As long as you work for Commercial Paper you will be a slave to an Oligopoly Employer, Banking and The Federal Reserve. Gold is your only freedom.

Relax were not done yet We must factor in Permits also. Tree Permits to cut or prune your own trees on your property. These are the trees that kill people falling on your home in Hurricane or Tornado Storms. Permits for Environmental issues Building Permits and even Demolition Permits all designed to liberate you from your wealth.

New taxes on the horizon are for a fat tax on Coca Cola and lethargic Internet Users. With short supplies of gasoline and less Drivers on the road an Internet Operator's Permit will be required to provide revenue with a tag and insurance for your computer of coarse . All to insure Internet safety as well as pay for maintenance of the Information Highway.

Your Internet Operator's Permit will require a tracking ability tied to your Social Surveillance Number, Naturally. As long as we have a number we should use it to track the obedient citizens.

All for nought as we reap our bounty of services for our tax contributions. One doesn't look far to see our tax dollars at work. Just in the news today is the FAA Air Traffic Controllers sleeping on the job at many major metropolitan international airports and TSA facilities. The good news here is if their sleeping their not downloading porn as the Treasury Department's Security Exchange Commission or Department of Interior Mineral Mining Service.

TSA is under the Direction of Homeland Stupidity. These are the folks who are paid to monitor securities to our Airline Industry nationwide. In 2001 the budget to monitor our airports was 700 billion. Today we spend 7 trillion dollars a year to provide safety of flight to the tiny portion of people who fly in America. Many of those who fly aren't American. Yet, the bill for all this nonsense security is not paid in ticket price. It's paid by Americans who don't fly and likely never will fly.

Not to mention if you wanted to cut spending to reduce debt the Homeland Stupidity and TSA budget would be an excellent place to start. Way, way ahead of Teachers and Firefighters who provide services to us all. I'm not suggesting we close our Airports, only that those who fly should pay for their desire totally in the tickets they purchase. I don't fly and never will and I abhor subsidies to the rich who do fly!!!!!!!!!

MMS brought us the Deepwater Horizon BP explosion that murdered 11 men as it poisoned the Gulf of Mexico with trillions of barrels of crude spewing from a 24" steel pipe a mile beneath the surface.

The SEC was downloading porn as Bernie Madof stole 55 billion from the Stock Markets under the watchful eye of The Department of Justice and US Treasury. The Investment Bankers were busy manufacturing the Snake Oil Derivatives Mortgage Meltdown that caused the Financial Holocausts of 2big2fail 2008. The SEC employees downloading porn were paid $250,000 or more a year for the expertise and collegians degree.

The USDA and FDA Department of Agriculture brought us the Wright County Poison Egg recall and the USDA was center stage to the scandalous Shirley Sherrod firing from perceived racial bias. The firing proved that incompetency performing your job is condoned but, any form of racial discrimination is immediate dismissal.

This is the same reason our children don't learn in school as racial civil rights, court ordered busing and desegregation became a social football trumping education in American. Our kids are now equally as stupid as our government. We dropped in College Graduation from number one in 1970 worldwide to 21st worldwide. I'm in favor of equality for all. Sacrificing education and unfair affirmative action is tossing the baby out with the bath water. Counter productive and rewarding poor performance to silence those who won't work but, demand success.

The Justice Department biggest failure without question is Border Control where third world citizens and drug smugglers out wit the highly paid workers of Homeland Stupidity.

The Attorney General of the United States of America Eric Holder has failed to prosecute the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay or close the Prison as promised.

All and all I'd say our tax money is largely wasted in a Keynesian Supply side economics plan that's failing America. We don't all work for the government yet but, we're getting closer.

Ron Paul: The Big Guns Have Lined Up Against H.R. 1207 (House Floor 7/30...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Bottomless Pit

The usual suspects of the Den of Thieves commonly referred to as the 112th Congress are leading us all to fiscal slaughter again. The march towards the event horizon of the first and probably only American fiscal black hole. After saving $38 billion found in couch cushions Congress is clamoring to raise the our debt. Failure to raise the debt means they will lose their jobs without funding. Both sides encourage raising the debt. The split comes when discussion turns to who will pay for their extravagant lifestyle. Good news, Bad News is; the good news is we saved you $38 billion. Tahhh Duhhh!!! Bad news is we need another 8 trillion Houdini Dollars on top of the 14 trillion we still owe. They're planning another round of bailouts for their 2big2fail cronies. At the core of our divide for a more perfect union is our debt. The debt is merely the product of forty years of OPEC Oil extortion. We continued to live as the richest country in the world even as we slipped to 7th place behind the OPEC Oil Nations. Top spot in 2010 is Luxembourg. Turns out this tiny country plays banker to all of Europe and boasts average annual income at $80,000 . People in Europe evidently have honest bankers and politician in addition to low taxes. Investment Banking with your money is prohibited in Luxembourg Secret Banking. Banking is not controlled by a Federal Reserve. Sounds like heaven and health care too. All that oil money made Saudi Arabia a world power was donated from the sweat of the American GDP. The OPEC Nations evidently are banking in Luxembourg.
The fact both parties refer to the problem as a"debt ceiling" indicates neither party can see our debt is not a ceiling. Our debt is a Bottomless Pit. Like the Patriot Act it's fun to say. Debt Ceiling rolls of the tongue similar to the imaginary 2big2fail that saved your ass. Brilliant huh
Both sides agree Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are the largest contributors to our debt. We can all agree that these costs are not derived from the benefits received but, from the administration costs of bureaucrats empowered by Congress to legally skim the top. The sacrifice or elimination of theses entitlements would be devastating to those who administer the programs not, those who actually benefit. Neither party supports the abolishment of these institutions One side wants to privatize them to a Oligopoly Big for Business and the other side wants to keep them in control of big government. So both sides agree that "we the people" should have no direct input and should be obedient and wait patiently for our handouts as they may direct. Ted Kennedy made a career saving Social Security. If the people were empowered in Health care, Retirements they wouldn't need saving. If most of our debt is in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security then most of the power controlled by Congress is secured in the very extortion of these entitlements. If we American refuse the entitlements tiny benefit Congress and their Cronies will suffer greatly. American Welfare is a profitable enterprise in America.
After giving away a Trillion Dollars of TARP Bailouts to Financial Holocaust of 2008 the Bottom Feeders of the Pharaoh's of Greed Street and 2big2fail banksters they find their running short at the US Treasury. Chairman Gnome Ben Bernanke cannot print more money unless Congress raises the Debt Ceiling which is really a hole. The Bottomless Pit can be reversed by cutting spending or cut entitlements or raise taxes. The Choices are an illusion of Congress because in the end they will do all three and raise the debt!!! Burma Shave

Monday, April 11, 2011

Libyan Civil War? Maybe Not

We all know the stories of America's fight for freedom from the British. The Americans out gunned and out numbered survived on perseverance and determination to win our Independence. The blood of Patriots who tempered the US Constitution is legendary. It is often overlooked and taken for granted but, we could have adopted a US Monarchy or Despotism at wars end. Many thought George Washington would become king.

This is the reason we owe so much to those responsible for writing the US Constitution. The government "Of the People, By the People, For the People " was a Constitutional Democracy never tried before. They settled for a more perfect union, as agreeing on the perfect union was found to be impossible. That same debate never finished, carries on today.

Four score and seven years later we found ourselves at war again. At the center of this war was the very same debate. Blue vs Grey and Americans fighting each other. Fifty Thousand men killed and wounded at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in three days. 620,000 dead in the US Civil War is more than all American Wars combined to date. The horrific battles could have been fought anywhere and many battles were fought. The one most remembered was Gettysburg and the third day of fighting as 12,500 Confederates known as Pickets Charge marched across open fields and farmland into history. The deaths of so many Americans fighting hand to hand was the inspiration for the Famous Eulogy of our sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln and the first President of all people in America.

I never met Abraham Lincoln but I'm sure he'd gladly share his credit for those words in his famous address with those who died. The message carried by the Union was That Slavery must be abolished in all United States. Hundreds of thousands died to determine the fate of 500,000 African Slaves.

Sadly, African Americans today rarely focus on those who died for their freedom. African Americans today focus entirely on all Americans as the elite plantation slave owners of the South. Their history is flawed. More Americans died in the Civil War (620,000) than slaves were emancipated (500,000) The Blue and Grey were largely white caucasian soldiers. After the surrender of Lee 5,000,ooo Americans returned home to start over again

The message is what won the war and it truly made no difference where the battle was fought. The Message is more important than either the Battle of Gettysburg or Abraham Lincoln's Address. Those who died never heard the words of the Address at Gettysburg but, it is they who wrote them.

In World Wars One and Two Americans prevailed again because they carried a message from "We The People" They marched through Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands and Europe far from Gettysburg with the message from the American People. Your tyranny shall be avenged and your tyrants will be vanquished. The message written and hand delivered by 600,000 now dead US men and women of the United States Armed Forces to the Axis of Europe and the Empire of Japan. Those who died at Normandy and The Pacific Theatre never saw the school they built the electricity everywhere they fought and the hearts and lives of future generations they touched.

"We The People" failed to deliver the right message in Korea and Vietnam. Our soldier's fought just as bravely and died in the same valor of those in Gettysburg, Bunker Hill, Iwo Jima and Battle of the Bulge. It was the wrong message delivered in spite of an out cry from "We the People" we lost our voice and our elected leader's foolishly ignored our Message.

I heard the cry from Egypt this year as they tossed out Mubarak. The hard work in Egypt is just begining as they choose their message. If their message is true they will prosper. If not, they fail.

The message from Libya is not clear and I'm certain the Libyan People will fail. They lack perseverance and determination and the message is mute. They run back and forth across the same desert of George Patton, Rommel and Montgomery. The Libyan death toll is likely less than Americans killed in yearly Auto accidents. Democracy is not for everyone although, none are denied

My concern is for America and the Message of "We the People".

Are you being heard?

Debt Ceiling is a $14 trillion hole

Isn't it just like the Gnomes of the US Treasury to call our debt a ceiling?

We all know it's a cavernous black hole. I guess it depends if your glass is half full or smells like shit huh.

Confederate fifty dollar bills are now worth more than their Ulysses S Grant counterpart.

The reason for the disparity of currency is Jefferson Davis isn't printing anymore currency and Ben Bernanke is running double time.

The South Shall Rise Again or The North will Sink in a Bottomless Pit of Bureaucratic Debts.

Burma Shave

Gunship Diplomacy and fun tongue twisters


Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Ousted President of Ivory Coast and former community activist was forcibly removed from his underground bunker. (NOTE: Ivory Coast is not a US bath soap)

Former President Laurent Gbagbo was found draped in the Ivory Coast Flag deep in his underground bunker and talking with Dick Cheney via Skype. The Cheney conversation was reported to discuss future political possibilities, employment at Haliburton and peaceful democratic US sanctuary. Former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich advised Gbagbo to step down, surrender and seek work in American Daytime TV.

Gbagbo a staunch republican and long supporter of a 2big2fail Fascist Oligopoly style government refused to hand over the reins of power to newly elected Democratic President Alassane Ouattara. It's not clear why Gbagbo refused to relinquish power but, crack addiction is suspect.

The new Ouattara Regime supports a Oligopoly/Communist style government where the people vote but are subservient to their Oligopoly Employers for basic human needs.

Commander Daguillon lead the bunker raid to capture Gbagbo and remove him from government. Otherwise the transfer of power was similar to when Bush/Cheney left office stateside. Obagbo was also unharmed like the Bush Cheney departure.

Pro Ouattara fighgter Issard Souahro and French Ambassador Ali Coulbaly stated the transfer of power in the African nation was complete and under control.

US President Barack Obama and US Ambassador Youssoufou Bamba were not available for comment.

President Barack Obama an African American himself has a paternal heritage that can be traced to nearby Kenya. Obama has siblings and family member still living in Kenya which could explain the silence. Or it may be the lack of crude oil. Before civil war the Ivory Coast has been known as Gyaaman and the Kong Empire.

Ivory Coast exports stimulants and depressants Cocoa and Coffee worldwide.

I apologize for any misspelled words as my spell check went to meltdown on this piece.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wheel of Unfortunate 38 Red

I stayed up late last night to see if the Government would Shutdown. If you haven't heard the news we were saved from the apocalypse of a closed Lincoln Memorial today. Abe Lincoln would crap in his chair if he new what was going on at Capital Hill. The news is we landed on 38 red. 38 billion rescued from euthanasia spending deficit of 14 trillion dollars of bureaucratic waste. Truly a drop in a bucket of smelly waste. I wouldn't recommend any celebration in the 38 billion cuts. Nor, should you plan any long term loans in the near future. The reality is we cut 38 billion but, were still broke. We must print more Houdini Dollars and raise the debt ceiling to untold figures . It's like gas mileage; lets say your getting 14 miles a gallon and a recent tune up indicates your car now get another .00038 miles per gallon. Great news but, it still won't get you to the moon. You gotta give the boy's and girl's of capital hill credit for they really put on great show. The theatrics equalled anything Hollywood could produce. With 14 trillion we should get a good show. As for the 38 billion cut; they spent more than 38 billion in television air time covering the worlds largest dog and pony show. Seems fitting of an Academy Awards Oscar. Since we don't have Oscars we should have Obama Awards for the contributing Actors. perhaps a golden image of Obama himself in full statue would suffice. Best actor: would be John Boehner and best actress in the ship of fools goes to the unrivaled performance of Michele Bachmann. Best supporting actor: is Mitch McConnell and supporting actress Sarah Palin. Best Movie: goes to The Tea Party. Best in Science Fiction: hands down winner is the filthy rich Donald Trump. Best Director: is naturally Obama playing himself. The loser's were the American people again. It's now time to start preparing for the debt ceiling debates only months away. We can expect another round of great performances from the same boy's and girl's of capital hill. Same foot stomping screaming childish acting to ask for more money to spend on you and I. It's a great country huh. Where's Keith Oberman? I wonder how many day's it's been since Obama announced the closing of Guantanamo Bay Prison. Burma Shave

Friday, April 8, 2011

Good, Bad or Ugly. Depends, if your Rich or Poor

The pending Government Shutdown has caused a lot of concerns in the US Ship of State. Most of the rhetoric comes from Congress and the Executive Branch of Government. I find this surprising as it's well known they will continue to be paid regardless of their conduct or lack of conduct.

Remember, these are the people who took away your house and told us to "Sober up or sleep in the street" (Congressman (R) Allan Simpson) then rewarded the Incompetency of Banksters, Insurance Extortionists, and Auto Moguls who drove the GDP in the ditch under the close watch of the US Treasury and Justice Departments. The theatrics of our politicians is to evoke the illusion they are fighting to protect the constituency. The smoke and mirrors of election day magicians.

Remember, The Bush Republicans gave away a trillion dollars and called it TARP and the Obama Democrats gave away a trillion dollars and called it Health Care and Stimulus. I call it the CRAP Act. Give me some time and I'm sure I can come up with a patriotic acronym for CRAP. Both TARP and Stimulus were passed to cover the theft choreographed in the 2008 G W Bush Financial Holocaust.

The Piper has come to collect his due. The fallout of 2big2fail bailouts are starring down the throats of their creators. Millions of bankruptcies have come and gone over the past 250 years. Bankruptcy is the garbage collector in free market capitalism. 2big2fail is a venture into unprecedented fascism in America. TARP and Stimulus offer a state supported life boat to the financial institutions who plotted and walked away with America's wealth. The life boat was used by these same institutions to extort their obscene undeserved future bonus booty. The funding for TARP and Stimulus is all borrowed money printed at the US Treasury. In the absence of the Gold Standard Bretton Woods 1944 and Glass Steagall Act 1934. We've legislated and deregulated our prosperity into a three ring circus and laughing stock of the world. We have a imaginary monetary currency that is the whipping boy of the Mastery of the Federal Reserve, Corrupt Investment Banking and a Government of Power Mongering Thieves.

It's should be apparent to all Americans the failure of the past ten years is now focused upon the diversionary accusation teachers, firefighters and sanitation workers are responsible and should pay for the theft in lost wages and benefits. The rest of America is paying in higher state taxes, fees and less services such as auto tags and operator permits. Meanwhile, not one banker has gone to jail.

It doesn't matter if your tribe is Republican or Democrat. Nor, if your chief is black or white. If your one of the working 99% of American stiffs, your supporting a system designed to make you poor.

If your 1% of top income earners in America, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. You will note YOUR time is running short. If your one of the 22 million illegal free ranging alien invaders you should shut your pie hole and return to your country of origin. You have no rights here illegally.

The Oligopoly Corporate Titans such as BofA and General Electric pay no taxes after loophole deductions. The Criminal Aliens pay no taxes and live a life from various unlawful contraband to subsidize their deplorable conditions. It should also be noted the Tax Code, Covert Immigration and Bank Deregulation were all heralded by Government as good for you and good for America

In short, considering the path of government over the past ten years most American voters seem unfazed at the recent inaction of our partisan system. The logic of the people is: what they did failed, so what they don't do can only help.

It's clear to me that Congress views increased poverty in America as insignificant long term problem caused by ignorant uneducated people who suffer from their own demise. This message is now reaching degree individual who are told to go back to school and pay another round to the Collegiate Toll Booth.

Conversely, massaging the DOW Jones back to life requires immediate bi-partisan attention from all three branches of the Cesspool we call The Federal Government. America is a good nation of Great People. Not a Great nation of good people. It's "We The People" not Wee the people is self evident.

It's amazing how we Americans become so worked up over partisan election rhetoric. When we all know they will act in the opposite manner when elected. Five o'clock cable news rhetoric and elections are as common as the taxes they collect. Neither the elections or the accompanied fallout rhetoric affects our downward spiral in standard of living in America. Both parties spend our wealth foolishly in an opposite focus of Selfish Power. The narrative from both tribes is cut,cut, cut spending. The direct opposite of TARP and Stimulus salivations passed in the past three years. We all know their secretly planning to raise the debt ceiling in a few months out of desperation. Raising the debt ceiling opens the door to more corruption.

If you agree with this logic then shutting down the government for long periods of time truly is something we've not explored by the electorate. It is obvious that the government or parts of government will slowly sunset. The question remains will it reverse our trending downward spiral in Poverty. In government shutdown the activity of government ceases causing their bailouts and subsidies to their cronies to stop. (Fat chance I'm betting) What will become of the poverty rates and unemployment without government meddling in our free markets? The answer is the Stock Market and Major Banks will be forced to close when removed from the Congressional Teats.

So if you have large sums of wealth in these institution your gonna have to get a job. Once the Banksters and Dow Jones Fail we will get a true picture of the values of goods and services in the free markets of American Commerce and Trade. The industries supported by Pork will wither without the artificial Stimulus or TARP. We have so much PORK in America that we export our wasteful spending overseas to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. PORK expenditures overseas are much harder to track than the wasteful spending here at home.

Those of us who don't have large investments in the Stock Markets or Bank Investment will see a big difference as employment demands will increase forcing many Americans out of the poverty of our current systems of servitude of millions. This in turn will cancel the vast wealth in America's 1% Elite Class. CEO pays will collapse and bonus will become the product of clever industrious people who work as opposed to those bath in the labor of others wealth known as 401-K or GDP.

If your poor you will benefit in Government Shutdown. If you are 1% of the Pharaoh's of Wall Street Investment Bankster you will loose in the economic swap. ( no offense intended to the Hell's Angels and their 1% club as were talking economics here not social clubs) The Hell's Angels operate totally without government influence or subsidy. (we hope)

Without the Pharaoh's of Wall Street, manufacturing will return to America as the needs of a people are now measured on a National Scale rather than the complex global corrupt system known as the WTO.

We will make what we use, and pay for what we buy based on our economy in America. Cheap foreign labor will buy sell and trade in economics of crippled third world countries. Our standard of living will return to how hard you work versus how much you can extort from the sweat of others. The cost of food, housing and health care will be forced to balance with wages earned. This is the essence of a unfettered fair economy. You simply cannot mix the economics of our system of government with those overseas fairly. It's fundamentally unfair to the citizens of both counties.

We get a $5.00 shirt at Wallmart and despicable wages to support Congress. Foreign workers sweat in unfair filth and servitude under the control of Despot Regimes coupled with the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. Greed Street then controls the purse strings of Governments with the wealth of those enslaved. Meanwhile, the Pharaoh's of Wall Street slither around world markets under the vigilant patriotic protection of America's Youthful Military Servicemen. Unfair taxes provide our military with weapons and obscene unemployment insures the constant supply of US marksmen.

This is not a new World Order, heresy or government overthrow. Shut down in government is a return to normal. Doesn't make any difference if it's Big Government or Oligopoly Suppression. What ever we have now, it's not working and neither is America!!!!

Burma Shave

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Glen Beck Done at FOX

If you can believe anything from FOX or Glen Beck. The Glen Beck Show will be phased off the air over the coming months.

After the loss of 300 sponsors, millions of dollars and throngs of viewers Beck will throw in the towel. Becks well known style, a cross between Jimmy Swaggert and Buffalo Bob has been the voice of lunatics across America since 2009 when he left CNN for greener pasture at FOX.

Gone forever is the teary eyed Beck in front of his chalk board drawing mindless conclusion found in the white circles he drew for his viewers. Beck is Americas self proclaimed authority on Nazi Regime and Communist mixed with a Biblical Theocracy taking over in government. Glen had something for everyone. The shows demise will no doubt trigger thousands of conspiracy theories and Elvis sightings among America's bi polar communities and better prisons.

It's not clear who will replace the shows 5 o'clock time slot at FOX. FOX employs a plethora of right wing conservative high ranking Republicans from which to choose.

My favorite is Sarah Palin. I love the way she makes up her own vocabulary. She often reminds me of Norm Crosby..........

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Government Shutdown

Government Shutdown, just the sound of those words make me flush with warm and fuzzy feelings of 2good2b true. Imagine all the money cut off from those who pilfer the American Storehouse. The fear evoked from government shut down actually reveals the source of why they're out of money again. The self full filling prophecy of, I'm broke give me more money.
The number kicked around was 33 billion in cuts, subsequently agreed to by the Dems. Then Republicans double downed and rose to 73 billion in cuts, also agreed by the Dems. A mere billions of a 14 trillion dollar debt ceiling problem. Either 33 0r 73 the figure is a drop in the ocean when compared to 14 trillion in spending.
It's well known among taxpayers the dynamics of government follows with large amounts of money from the sweat of the GDP are filtered through the government producing the trickle down of benefits to the citizen. The vast majority of the wealth is captured in administration costs of the cronies feeding in the government trough. When you shut off the money pouring in the top it has a proportionately opposite effect of what was formerly the benefit. Nothing, or almost. The squeeze is absorbed almost entirely upon those feeding from the system as opposed to those who pay in the system. Sadly, most Americans are entirely focused upon the benefits dripping out of government and have no grasp of the wealth pouring into the top. Tax day is right around the corner. Obedient Americans will wait in long lines for the Post Mark before midnight. The Witches Ours of the Eternal Revenue Service. The official bleeding ceremony of April 15th. If we used our budget to rein in waste fraud and abuse we would penalize Federal Agencies who performed poorly over the last year. At the top of this list would be SEC then USDA, FDA MMS, TSA, Homeland Security and Border Patrol. When these agencies succeed we award them with larger budgets. Throwing good money after bad logic must stop.

The irony of the Republicans is they lost power because of fiscally irresponsible spending on cronyism 2big2fail and wars of imaginary threats of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Obama raised and called with ridiculous employer based health care that enriches the insurance extortion and enslaves the worker to a system of servitude to government and employers. These two administration have backed the voters into a corner of anger of a mad dog. Neither Bush or Obama has thrown bankers in jail or lowered the poverty rate of 50 million Americans.

Remember Bush handed out a trillion and Obama another trillion in 2big2fail raids on the GDP. The republicans are reluctant to agree on any number. Knowing the real number required is political suicide, far more than we can afford. If they agree they know they will be held responsible for the impending failure to come. Politically polarized to do nothing is John Boehners plan.

Those who don't take from the Government will not see any change in their lives. Government Workers will be furlowed and be forced to work for a living without retirement, health care, paid sick days and 27 annual paid Government Holidays.

One essential of the new budget is raising the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is an abstract number set as drop dead your out of money scenario. If we leave the debt ceiling where it is or lower the number it will stop inflationary spending. Printing more dollars and spending on earmarks causes the money in circulation to be worth less. Ear marks is a appropriate word used by Farmers . Marking the pigs ear for where the hog is to be butchered. Your hard earned money won't buy the same purchase power as yesterday. The laws of supply and demand in currency states the more you print the less buying power of the dollar. Most economist agree inflation has caused the evaporation of .95 cents from every dollar in the last hundred years. Gone in thin air of the Federal Reserve. A good example of this loss is the Dollar store of 1900 was called a Five and Dime Store. What costs a dollar now, cost a nickel in 1900.

When Congress has money, they give it away to get elected. The TARP and Stimulus acts failed to improve the economy. The poverty rate has risen buried in higher cost of living. They did provide free bailouts for corporate welfare funds to wealthy titans of failed business and obscene bonuses for the Pharaoh's of Greed Street. Lloyd Blankfien CEO of Goldman Sachs will receive 14. 1 million in compensation this year. The only way to become rich in Banking is to steal the money. The Stealing simply requires Congress to make it legal. Please, don't tease me any further, shut down the government. Please!!

737 Cabriolet

Watching the news today I noticed several reports on the Southwest Airlines 737 roof splitting followed by an immediate loss of cabin pressure. The FAA investigates the roof splitting and points to a lap joint at the top of the aircraft center. A lot of foot dragging concerns, this is a new problem and has not been a reported in past 737 model.

We haven't quite reached 2big2fly yet but, getting closer. We should stop subsidizing the Airlines. Throwing our tax money away for Homeland Stupidity and TSA to insure low air fares for the small portion of population who fly. Supporting Air travel the same way we build giant tax supported Stadiums for the NFL Owners. It's waste fraud and abuse to those who don't fly.

I remembered a similar accident where the entire roof blew off of a Flight 243 in Hawaii. I wasn't sure if the plane was a Boeing 737. The result of a quick Internet search proved the plane was a 737 owned and operated by Aloha Airlines 1988. The only fatality on flight 243 was CB Lansing. CB was a Flight Attendant who was blown out of the air frame at 24,000 ft.

Perhaps the FAA records don't go back to 1988 or their to busy downloading porn with SEC and MMS. We should now include the Airlines in the Oligopoly Corruption in America with the Bankers, Auto Czars, Drug Makers and Insurance Extortion.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

West Virginia Ninja

Dog Fight in Houston

UConn 53 Butler 41

The worst game in Indiana History

I'm without speech. Top Dog was the Husky. My dog had fleas.

Friday, April 1, 2011

March Wrap

March was an active month in the news for 2011. The world news was dominated by natural disasters and government Coup.

The Japanese were pounded by a 9.0 Earthquake and a Tidal Wave of equal proportions. The failed Japanese Nuclear Reactors 1 thru 6 would not qualify as Natural as they are completely man made.

The man made Ecological disasters of Biblical Proportions are poisoned Air ,Water, Food and rotting corpses all considered unsafe hazards. Operator Fukushima Daiiachi is offering $2500.00 per day for workers willing to essentially "drink the hemlock". Run into the plant perform tasks and run back out. The Japan Earthquake dwarfs the Haiti and New Zealand quakes in loss of life and Billions lost. The disaster has prompted Americans to reevaluate Nuclear Plans moving forward. Rather than spend money building new reactors, maybe we should increase safety standards and new technology in America's aging older reactors.

All three Quakes combined would not equal the 2008 New York Banking Meltdown on Greed Street.

To see the impact of the Japanese Nuclear disaster draw a circle fifty mile radius from your home and consider everything in the circle as toast? This value does not include damage from the Earthquake or Tsunami in Japan, Haiti or New Zealand.

The New York Bank Fraud is an astonishing number. Carl Sagan would have trouble understanding the magnitude of New York greed.

The Muslim Jihad that took down the World Trade Centers in 2001 appears to have backfired into a long list of Arab Muslim Countries Overthrown in 2011. The Coup's are the result of the Freedom of Speech gained from the Internets Highway of Information. When Egypt shut down the Internet, the Internet shut down Egypt. Israel has been quiet on the issues. I would say much too quite for the Jewish Theocracy.

On the home front the Republicans are beginning to realize the Presidential elections are just around the corner. Sadly, the front runners are a cornucopia of comedy. The latest entry is the flair haired man from New York, Donald Trump. The calling for his public service is somewhat unclear. He seems to be challenged to lead America to world dominance in business over Communist China. Trump has been bankrupt more times than there are crooks in New York. Making him a good candidate for Congress not President.

Trumps only other issue is Obama's birth certification. Anyone on this bandwagon should look for employment in Archeology, not Public Service. You can't have a vision of the future looking in a rear view mirror. The future will not improve viewing past failure.

Candidate Sarah Palin seems to have the best platform of "If nobody runs she will". Nobody is the clear front runner thus far. Obama has a advantage as the opposition proposes another Bush Cheney type ticket. So far we have a blind racists, silver spoon billionaire, bass guitarist, failed governor of Alaska and a call girl from Minnesota. Looks more like an episode of "Gilligan's Island" than selection of leader of the free world. Although, Gilligan's Island was not aired on FOX. I'm very disappointed in all republican thus far. None of the Republicans narrative is focused on criminal free ranging foreign invaders, border control, health care or solving 2big2fail throwing Banksters in prison.

I have no intentions of voting for Obama and have less interest in his birth certificate. I'm planning another lonely Tuesday evening eating popcorn and watching all night returns in November 2012. Playing Democratic Roulette with the Constitution.

In 2012 I would like to see the candidates on the ballot have their 4 year budget numbers listed on their ticket. Voters could choose how much change they can afford. They must stay within these numbers despite Congress.

Governor Scott Walker's Oligopoly Regime is moving forward with their plans to silence collective bargaining in Dairy Land. The Cheese Emperor is using the 2008 Bank Fraud in New York to tilt the future of Wisconsin elections away from Labor Unions toward his Oligopoly Ideology.

Teachers, Firefighters, Police and Sanitation pay is merely a diversionary distraction. The big score is breaking the Labor Unions and their Political Machine's influence. His only impediment seems to be Wisconsin Law and Judge Maryann Sumi.

Both Oligopoly and Labor Unions are political divisions that operate within the greater framework we call Democracy. We need to abolish both. I do concede, if you have either, you require both.

The economy continues to feel the effect of TARP and Recovery Stimulus. As the Bankers handed out another year of record obscene bonuses and CEO pay across the Dow Jones. CEO pay jumped 27% average over last year. The pay was a result of an increase in stock values falsely stimulated by TARP, Recovery and Big Ben's Billion dollar Bond Buys with your sweat in the GDP. History will record the TARP Act as the Economic Holocaust of 2008 and the Patriot Act that lead America to a Fascist Police State..

Home values continue to fall and more people are foreclosed in a corrupt court system that supports the Banksters. The housing market and retirement accounts are the reason for passing both TARP and Recovery. Neither legislation saved anyone homes or retirement. It's my personal view both impeded the correction necessary that bankruptcy offers in Free market Capitalism. Never waste a good crisis, even if you caused the failure yourself analogy.

A man I met once commented " if you take all the wealth in America and divided the sum equally among all citizens, the wealth would return in two years to the same balance of where it began". I thought a great deal on his comment. I determined he was correct. The money would return to the wealthy, unless changes in laws were enacted. His statement is true only because of regulation and legislation demand same.

I suspect this man was a Republican as they seem to all take abstract thoughts or opinions and frame them in compositions of irresponsible yarn. After three trips around the Internet the narrative becomes indisputable facts or common knowledge. Anyone warm and above ground the last ten years has seen how it works. It's the basis for the Patriot Act, Weapons of Mass Destruction and TARP.

March Unemployment dropped a bit as inflation soared cancelling any celebrations.

Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan made news again. Charlie, out of Detox was fired by CBS and Lindsey Lohan was in court more times than Judge Judy. Charlie and Lindsey would make a great prime time sit com paired. Lady's Man and the Tramp? Or maybe a run for Governor of Wisconsin!!