In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tax Credits

Democrats with full  Media Support are proposing Tax Credits Legislation to anyone associated with Kangaroo Proceeding of the Mueller Probe or Impeachment Inquiry of Donald J Trump. Taking pages right out of the Bankers Play Book from Too Big To Fail that crime does in fact pay!!! Even the viewers who wasted hours of their time would qualify a small tribute.. The Republicans oppose saying the Democrats should reimburse the Treasury for Court Costs and the broadcast time billed directly to the D.N.C. Those who testified  already receive 200 thousand a year salary plus perks and should not expect extra pay for working. The taxpayers who wasted their time should just suck up.. Comments from Republicans why Democrats all part their hair in the same manner should be ignored

Mattress Gate

With the Kangaroo Rodeo in Washington winding down new challenges face the Trump White House. Deemed Mattress Gate the Democrats are hot on the trail of who removed the Do Not Remove tags from the White House Bedding. This is what we know so far. When the Obama's moved out and the Trumps moved into the White House new bedding pillows etc were delivered. We know all of the bedding had the mandatory Federal Tags attached. Upon recent inspection from the White House Staff they noted that all the Tags are missing. A whistleblower contacted the appropriate people at the CIA to confirm these  new allegation. The Whisleblower's identity will naturally remain confidential. The Democrats in the US House of Representatives have pledged they will launch a new Impeachment Inquiry for President Trump. Proof reportedly is, the President had access to scissors and unimpeded access to the bedding. Representative D. Adam Schiff, Beverly Hills California ( yes folks from Hollywood get a representative too} has stated he has seen the evidence that ties President to the scissors and the bedding launching a third Kangaroo Rodeo in Washington DC. Adam is expected to ask the tough question of; what is your favorite color? how long is a string? and what the meaning of Is Is? First witness is reportedly to be Tom Clancy.. Rumors circulating among the Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is also unproven at this time... Also questions from Republicans on why the Democrats all part their hair the same manner should be completely ignored...Happy Trails Tom

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Friendly Reminder

Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer have forgotten that 6 months before President Trump delayed 400 million dollars in aid to Ukraine for 55 days. The Democratic Trio Shutdown our own government for 35 days. There was no mention of trials or impeachment when the American People were ignored!!!!! Rumors circulating among Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is unproven thus far. Happy Trail Tom

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Catch 22

November 19, 2019...... Impeachment Inquiry. The knot was tied this morning as Rep Devin Nunes questioned Lt. Col Vindman about information he relayed to the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council. The words barely left Devin Nunes lips when Chairman Adam Schiff interrupted and advised Lt. Col Vindman not to answer the question to protect the identity of the Whisleblower. This is the first time Adam Schiff  stopped a witness demanding the question not be answered. In a real life Catch 22 you cannot answer the very question that will end the Inquiry. Rep Nunes next question was you stated in previous testimony you did not know who the whisleblower was. Is this still true? Vindman's lawyer enters and advises they will not answer any more questions without consent of the Chairman. Rumors circulating among Republicans that Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is unproven!!! This is glaring proof that Adam Schiff lied when he said he was unaware of the whisleblower's identity. Also obvious is if Lt. Col Vindman did not know who the whisleblower is, he does now. We are very close to revealing the blow job and blue dress of the Clinton Impeachment. Also noteworthy Lt Col Vindman's name has been blurred from the public. Why? Ms Williams name is still readable. Both Ms Williams and Lt.Col Vindman testified that the Transcript provided by President Trump is factually correct. George Kent, Bill Taylor and Marie Yovanovich testified that the Hunter Biden Association with Burisma was a conflict of interest. Devin Nunes advised Bank Records indicate the amount from Burisma to Biden to be in excess of 3 Million Dollars.  Millions certainly qualifies as bribery by any definitions. So there you have it Kent, Taylor, Yavanovich ,Williams and Vindman agree the previous leaders of Ukraine were corrupt and should be replaced. Vice President Joe Biden threatened Ukraine if you don't fire the Prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden your Foreign Aid Check will be delayed. The prosecutors now removed was a Win Win for the hard working people in foreign service. The Law of Unintended Consequences prevails as the Bidens walk with Millions in the Win Win outcome. Obviously President Trump does not agree with the second Biden Win and sees Joe Biden's threats to fight Ukraine corruption is in fact corruption to fight corruption. I believe Vice President Biden could have utilized US Diplomacy to eliminate the Corrupt Ukraine Prosecutor and the 3 Million in Bribery to his family is just stand alone Payola. The witnesses so far have not been asked or been empowered to validate the Biden's Bribery. Simply not in their job description. The National Media refuses to investigate these two  cases as separate.  I also agree with President Trump the money realized by the Bidens from Burisma should be returned. If Laws were broken proper trials required. Nobody is above the law especially the Vice President and his Family...... Happy Trails Tom

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Silent Majority

Every election is never won by the Democrats or Republican. The silent majority in the middle will decide who represents the country.  The people decide the culture of government in a democratic society. When government attempts to decide the culture of the people you have tyranny. The obvious protection is The US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.      Some people will split ticket vote, casting ballots for all party affiliations. Ardent hard line party people vote straight ticket partisan voting. These people for the most part are candidates or wanna be candidates and special interest private sector voters who wish for unfair legislation in their favor. Unfortunately this condition carries predominately into all government. There has been an undeniable attack ongoing against our President that began during his campaign for election. The issues occurring in 2016 are now being the centerpiece of a criminal investigation in progress  by Attorney General Bill Barr. Remembering back to November 2016 the polls reported by the media favored Hillary Clinton by wide margins. Reports were everywhere the Russians were meddling in our elections. President Obama was aware of Russian Activities and slapped the hands of Putin in a similar manner as his administration sat on their bureaucratic butts while the Russians shot down civilian aircraft and invaded Crimea. Crimea then was held by the Ukraine. No real explanation from the Obama in his last days of lame duck. Hillary was ahead in the polls and the administration was on the Down Lo.  There is strong evidence the FBI obtained illegal F.I.S.A. Warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. Very similar to Watergate. The difference being No Such F.I.S.A. Warrants were legal until 1978 . The crimes are virtually the same, the investigation are different with the 2016 focus are now on the FBI and F.IS.A. Courts. The 2016 FBI investigations resulted in the conviction of people in the Trump Campaign BUT, for crimes committed in 2006 . In the case of Carter Page they yielded nothing as Pages Civil Rights were needlessly trampled several times over many years. Conversely, many people at the FBI were fired for their part in Attacking the Trump Campaign. Even the Muller Report Found NO Evidence against Trump. In stark comparison to President Obama and President Trump is Ukraine and how it should be handled. Nobody can dispute the difficulty confronted by every President and even the worst President would be considered exceptional in comparison to the average guy. A tough job indeed.. We the People are being saturated with partisan facts from the Democratic Party under their control is the US House of Representatives. The lists of wrongs supported by these people are undeniable. Wrong Hillary would win the election. Wrong about the Mueller Reports. Further lies from the Democrats that evidence against the President was forthcoming and Representative from Beverly Hills California Adam Schiff had actually seen the incriminating evidence. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also from California responds to all charges like a shell shocked war victim who is not capable of controlling her party much less the Speaker Duties. This is a very long dissertation on information spread over many years. The reason is simple, the attack on President Trump is an attack on the US Constitution and the Executive Branch. The truth here is the objections coming from the Democrats  are Bribery, Obstruction, Collusion and Quid Pro Quo. What they describe as impeachable are actually the President carrying out his Oath of Office. The President has the rights to make treaties with foreign powers, The President has the right to investigate corruption. It's his job!! Also the charges in the Impeachment Inquiry are biased as the witnesses called. Not attacking Bill Taylor, George Kent or Yavonavitch. All of the witnesses are good Americans without prejudice towards the President. However they will only respond to the questions asked which paints an entirely different truth. The result of Chairman Schiff in complete control of both witness and questions acceptable to the Chairman. The outcome can only be  a Adam Schiff truth. Make no mistake about it OUR US Constitution is being tested as two branches of government go head to head. What is clear to me is the answer to the House Impeachment Inquiry will not be justified until all the facts are known. Not starting in the middle and jumping around cherry picking facts. Adam Schiff and Shell Shocked Pelosi are wrong again. Not because Trump is innocent, they are wrong because they refuse to start at the beginning. Before 2016 and how we got to where we are now.  Let's call it the WHOLE TRUTH...The Attorney Generals Ongoing Criminal Investigation must be completed before we can assess the actions of the President. These events are tied together as one.  Or as I began with ,The Government deciding the culture of the PEOPLE IS TYRANNY.... Stop it NOW Schiff!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Trails Tom

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Stress is defined as the resistance required to choke the daylights out of someone who desperately needs the adjustment. So goes the House Inquiry Impeachment of Donald Trump chaired by Adam Shifty Schiff. The Kangaroo Rodeo continues at great costs to the taxpayer. Two statements standout from the fiasco at the House were: First the statement made by Adam Schiff "he did not know the identity of the Whisleblower". Obvious lie that is condescending to even the most uniformed of people. The second also hard to believe exchange is when Ambassador Taylor revealed the revelation he received from a unnamed person that this individual overheard a phone conversation between President Trump, where Trump inquired about the pending Biden investigation forthcoming from Ukraine. The voluntary new information was after the the cell phone conversation was completed this individual declared the President was more concerned about the Biden investigation than US Aid released to Ukraine. Chair Adam Schiff eagerly questioned. Was the second hand information audible to or " could the eavesdropper hear the voice of the caller from his position? The Ambassador Taylor quickly answered "YES"  What the American public had just witnessed was the manufacture of so called truth between two people who were never party to the content of the Phone call. The comment was the analyses of the forth party removed from this new revelation. Pure opinion of the forth person and if we believe that the third person could hear both people: why would the question be necessary???  Back Stories circulating among Republicans that Adam Schiff is secretively seeking a spot on Dancing With The Stars is largely unconfirmed!! After two and a half hours of Democratic misrepresentations of partial fact and inappropriate conclusions the Republicans were finally allowed to question the George Kent and Ambassador Taylor. Devin Nunes let the dogs out. During the first two and a half hours both George Kent and Ambassador Taylor answered the democratic question comment and conclusion effortlessly. The comfort of both witnesses no doubt stems from the coaching received by Adam Schiff either directly or indirectly. Also the question were also vetted so that any questions that followed with undesirable results would not be asked so as not to confuse the American people about game day on TV. Conversely when Devin Nunes let the dogs out. Nunes first asked a plethora of questions confirming past statements taken from witnesses previously.  These question removed any possible back peddling of the testimony. Neither changed their stories and stayed in concert. Both witnesses slowed in answers, ask that questions be repeated and response time slowed while they chose their answer. Both Witnesses were uncomfortable with the uncoached questions. The first dog out was John Ratcliff Texas who spurned Adam Schiff about calling the Whisleblower. Then Stephen R Caster Republican Attorney began closing the dialog tighter and tighter to reveal real truth from each witness. A pattern was developing as Republicans passed the ball back and forth confusing the once confident witnesses. The hammer came down when Jim Jordan Ohio verbal attack of fast paced undeniable facts. The uncomfortable witnesses were forced to answer questions about the real corruptions that faced President Trump and the collusion that took place against the Trump campaign in 2016. Also noteworthy was the declaration that Hunter Bidens position at Burismo was a conflict of interest. Any inappropriate conflicts automatically gives the President a obligation to protect the people of The United States of America. I believe this is the smoking gun that will exonerate the President and eventually will place his opponents behind bars. Clearly, first hand information from witnesses under oath will be more valuable than rumors from third, forth and even sixth places removed. Representative Elise Stefanik also proved to be effective bringing out facts. I think the Republicans won the day hands down.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Kangaroo Rodeo

The Democrats celebrated Halloween 2019 with a partisan vote for impeachment inquiry of POTUS. Democrats should suspend the Kangaroo Rodeo immediately and Trump should plead guilty to save the taxpayer money. The finding will go to the Senate where the smart people live and the whole process will get thrown out. The Democrats will ride their Kangaroos out of town next election and The House will get a new Speaker... Happy Trails Tom