In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Captain Outrageous

Just as I was about to give up on the Democratic Party it is evident they have finally found their moral and ethical compass. Now that the House has transmitted the air tight articles of impeachment to the US Senate for trial they, subsequently found the moral high ground. Coincidentally, this revelation occurred at the same time their party went from majority to the minority. The air tight case conjured at the House is likely to receive the  same impact of a fart in a igloo. Is anyone surprised at the reception at the Senate after watching the careless regard for truth  with Nancy, Schiff and Nadler in control. I think it's about time the President issue a executive prayer for all Democrats in the House. At the core of American divide is our elected congress. It consistently fails to represent the people. Instead, votes bias party affiliation over doing the right thing of voting for the people who pay them. Please note this is the fault of the American Voters who don't clean up after every election. These people both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of not representing the people. We need to be more vigilant at the voting booth and make sure each vote means " not politics as usual again". Voters should be ruthless to get the party patriots out of office....... Day 2.. Captain Outrageous passes the baton to House Goblin Nadler to continue the debate of Tastes Great or Less Filing. Same shaming tactics of you don't support the troops or if you don't vote with us you're a traitor. Tears appear from Captain Outrageous as if he were going to heal a cripple or make a blind man see. Great theater; no substance. I catch the highlights on FOX and refuse to waste another minute on mindless charge number 3 against the President. They got bupkis thus far and I hope the spectacle ends soon and Captain Outrageous gets his spot on Dancing With The Stars.................Day 3 Captain Outrageous provides conclusive evidence that "You Cant't Fix Stupid". In closing the Captain threatens Republican with guillotine if they didn't vote to remove the President.... Saturday the Presidents Legal Team finally gets a shot at the TRUTH. The challenge for the Presidents Team will be to first wade through all of the lies asserted by the 3 days of fairy tales supported by Democrats. A striking contrast between leaders and misleading...... I tuned in Saturday to watch the Presidents legal team take the floor. Finally we hear the whole truth not the hole truth. I sat in my living room watching the big screen with a room of devout capitalists. Every five minutes or so the room would break out in the WAVE, down the couch to the overstuffed chair across the love seat then to the rocker before ending at the fireplace. There was a room full of joy as the Republicans destroyed every aspect of the democratic house managers twisted truth. The Democrats are searching for the Blue Dress or facsimile that will take down the President. The Russian Probe and Obstruction  of Congress charges are just vehicles that allow the investigations to continue. The same reason the Democrats push for more documents and witnesses to be called. The Blue Dress is just a metaphor for the unknown smoking gun. Ironically if they wanted a Blue Dress, Joe Biden has a closet full and his son carries more baggage than Barnum and Bailey. Sadly the Saturday at the Senate only lasted 2 hours. I was hoping for a halftime show and then more more more. Anyhow Mitch McConnell adjourned until 1 am Monday. It is now 4:00 p.m. Tuesday and the Republican Trump Team has completed their arguments using about half the time as Media Mongrel Captain Outrageous. To highlight what I found important is the House did Not Follow Constitutional Procedures for the Impeachment Process. This can explain why the President did not release documents requested  by Nancy. Nancy cannot order an inquiry to Impeach. Only the House can authorize an Inquiry and only with a favorable vote. Changes in procedures at the House don't nullify the Constitution. Basically Nancy ordered Captain Outrageous to get a rope we're going after the President. Without the Votes No Obstruction. This leaves us with Abuse of Power. The House modeled their case after the payola from Biden's Ukraine adventures. Using Taxpayer Funds to extract cash from Burrisma and force Ukraine Officials out of Office. The claim is Trump used foreign aid to be withheld to force Ukraine President to reopen the Biden Investigation.. Most Americans would like to know if corruption and extortion occurred during the Obama Administration. The  Abuse of Power can never be proven because the President is required to insure the American Taxpayer Dollars are not promoting corruption.  Calling out Burden Share with others and weeding out the rampant corruption in Ukraine is his job..This is a huge task and nearly impossible to guarantee. The Truth is Ukraine got their money and no investigation on the Biden's was reopened in Ukraine.  Overall the Democrats did a poor job in the House providing documents and witnesses and now they are in the Senate they want gold platted diamonds. What I learned that is unimportant is Senator Stormin Mormon from Utah thinks more witnesses should be called. I respect his break from party politics but refuse to believe that politics are not at his core value.  Senator Chuck Schumer wants to put lipstick on the House Pig Articles. Maybe add a short skirt and boots to dress up the pitiful House Articles.The democrats have supported lies and unbridled deception to deceive the people from the truth. When the whole truth is revealed the handwriting is upon the wall. Eleventh hour revelations from a guy who knows a guy who said Jon Bolton has testimony about Trumps Dealings in Ukraine is just more distraction. The reported book will be for sale in March and may have some information or just trying to sell books. The way I see this is Trump is not guilty and if the House of Representatives wishes to start over using correct procedures they may call all the witnesses the wish as long as Trump can do the same. How they got this far depends solely on the web they weave and never the truth. Senate will allow questions Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday February 5, 2020. The Senate Votes and the Fat Lady Sings. Donald J Trump is NOT GUILTY in both articles. Not even close to the 67 votes required by at least 20 votes. The media questions if and why the Presidents goes unpunished. The reason is the election in November will validate what the Senate did today. The facts are Clear as is the Constitution. Only the people can remove a President or 67 votes in the Senate. The reason is in the balance of power in the 3 branches of government, not guilt or innocents of a deed. The task going forward is to investigate the House of Representatives to see if any laws were broken to obtain the  flawed Articles of Impeachment.... The President or Executive Branch must have this latitude and discretion to effectively execute his Oath of Office.

Monday, January 20, 2020

January 20,2020

January 20, 1265 is noted as the first meeting of English Parliament also 1937 the First time U.S. Presidents  are sworn into office after passing 20th Amendment. Including Donald J Trump in 2017. Since 1986 we have celebrated M.L.K. Day as a holiday for federal workers. To many Americans this M.L.K. Day is observance of Martin Luther King. To other Americans it's a signal there will be 6 more months of basketball. Many Americans are expected to just take a knee to get even with N.F.L. In 2020 the titans of cable news are focused on the Democratic Primary Hopefuls and the Impeachment Hearing in the Senate. History will remember this process as little more than a drive by shooting from the US House of Representatives. Over the pond  Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex have pulled out of the Royal Family and quit their posts as Royal Representatives of Great Britain. Stateside Burger King has offered the Prince a post as King Of Burger King. The Canadians have offered them titles of Lord  and Lady Doublewide.  Work like this is hard to get..Very hard for most of us commoners to fathom quiting such a cush job with the Queen. The Grass is Always Greener elsewhere. For me I have sworn off broadcast television until a more favorable news cycle interests me. Once the Super Bowl is over and the Impeachment Trial in the Senate completes I fear there will be precious little entertainment for me outside of Streaming on Netflix The endless paid political commercials will continue until crescendo at the  November Elections. After the election we can expect 2 years of campaign collections mixed with other bickering over the failed election complaints from the losers. I'm Looking forward to 4 more years of Trump and a New Speaker in the House..... Happy Trails

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Message from Iran

Well we're all here and my calendar says 2020. In the news of late is My President Trump ordered an attack on Iranian  Military Leaders at an airport in Iraq. Yep, dead are Colonel Klinq and wingman Sergeant Schultz. These guys stir up more shit globally than 2 Mexicans with spray paint. The Trump Plan you see for extreme terrorists is simple. The Terrorist get the 72 Virgins and Trump puts up a free bomb. Now how could you turn down that deal?  Puff the Magic Dragon (aka the delivery) in Colorado goes to work and these guys are quite literally vaporized from the planet. Iranian President Whohanni is extremely angered with the loss of his favorite henchmen. To clarify what really happened is the following: Trump gets word they have a shot at the top cab drivers in Iran. Trump says, yeah lets do that. The order goes to some guy in Colorado eating a baloney and cheese to take out theses guys. He was hoping to get off a bit early to celebrate in Vegas , not far away. None the less he pushes the button and Cable News Lights up like the 4th of July. The truth here is Trump didn't kill anyone and we have  Thousands of Americans who can and will Push the Button if asked. The best outcome was this action has buried the Nancy spotlight on Impeachment news cycles for a few days. Iran President Whohanni vows death to all Americans and herds a bunch of Iranian citizens into the streets to show CNN they mean business. Things get crazy down at crowd control and 55 people are trampled in the streets. Now we Americans know how to protest in the streets and never has anyone been Trampled. One can only imagine the people were herded against their will by soldiers with guns. They don't have any guns which is problematic with free people. Theses folks got spooked, and killed 55 of their friends and neighbors. So then President Whohanni Opens his Holy Book of Utowe Whatnow and launches 15 missiles at American Soldiers in Iraq.  4 do not work and the other 11 blow up garages at the motor pool.. Okay, this is a mess that Iraqi Soldiers are gonna cleanup. 5 hours later Iran accidentally shoots down a Ukraine 737 passenger plane and kills 176 souls, mostly Canadians.  Death to Americans campaign is not working, clearly Whohanni taking pages from the Bush Play Book of Unintended Consequences. I hear the news that Whohanni is taking shots at Americans Serving In Iraq and I believe this will be the end of Whohanni.  Without any shoes to throw at a US President, Whohannii's options are limited. I  wake next morning expecting to see a smoldering ash heap of Iran with Burkas, Head Mops and Prayer Mats spread among a few remaining radioactive dogs. No No Trump will not attack as I had thought and Nancy had said no no Mr President and then grabbed her beads and did a quick prayer. Trump instead, decides he will impose sanctions on Iran.The Wars in Persia have been ongoing for 10 thousand years.  Don't blame the Jews either as this crap predates Judaism. It was never a problem until they discovered oil. Like a Drug Pusher in Chicago they have money to spread their disease globally. SOLUTION I say give every country on Earth 5 Nuclear Warheads capable of destroying all life on Earth.Theses weapons will not function of coarse. Every time a country pushes a button we take that country out. As long as people think they have power maybe they will stop the hatred senseless killing of innocent Earthlings. Happy New Year and Happy Trails.....