In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Neuter the Rich. Starve the Government!

There's a lot of talk about raising taxes on the richest Americans. The logic is an increase here will counterbalance the distribution of wealth. Apples and Oranges. The answer is clear, more taxes shifts money or wealth to government. This will only validate the conspiracy existing between Wall Street Casino Bankers and the 112th Congress.

The balance of wealth will naturally occur in Capitalism with a correction in the Markets. Such was the case in 2008/2009 crashes.

The American people were cheated when those wealthy corporations were bailed out in 2big2fail imaginary law of economy. It was legislation and the tax code that destroyed the US economy as most of us were working. If we had let the Banks, GM, GE, Fiat and AIG insurance go under as did Lehmen Bros. We would surely have problems. We would have different problems to solve with a different group of folks to solve them. Allowing Capitalism to work we would be on the mend. Houses would crash and sold in a unfettered market to highest bidder. There would be interest rates set on the money available. No new currency flooding the Banks. Placing a fixed lid on the National Debt will stop 2big2fail greedy bureaucrats from handing out Corporate Wealth Fare.

We really need to cut off the ability of the rich to create such vast wealth. This is what was done in the early 1900's when the Bull Moose Party neutered the rich with legislation reigning in greed. Don't Tax the Rich, pass laws regulating tariffs and anti trust legislation as in the Progressive Era. Outlaw 2big2fail. Democracy and Capitalism works. Their cannot be Capitalism or Democracy in Communism or Fascism.

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