In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Tiptoe around the Kremlin

The United States launched a missile attack on Syria in retribution for using poisonous gas weapons against innocent people. Our intentions always muted by the Military Capital of Russia. Mr Putin has leveraged this capital around the globe clinging to any autocrat that is anti American. To call his bluff may be Nuclear War. To answer what America wants; it is not real estate. We do not want another Korea, Vietnam or Iraq War. We have vivid memories of an American President having shoes thrown at him from an ungrateful liberation of Iraq. Images of American Helicopters pushed into the sea after Vietnam.   Remembering the stain of senseless war on the Korean Peninsula .                                               What the American people really want is to move forward into the darkness of future civilized civilization. Languishing in the present status quo in far beneath our intended human legacy. Unseen levels of Peace On Earth is our challenge. The past as our guide posts. We know that Wars won or lost are temporary and benefit only a few. We need plenty for all humanity. Certainly, the American Experiment, although flawed was a step in the right directions. Military Mite has become secondary to the will of Humanity. We can always retract and return to bullying your neighbor. This is never sustaining. What is the answer? It's not gold or dollars. these are merely accounting. The answer is Unlimited Clean Energy for Humanity. Once we harness clean fuels everyone will have plenty. If the world spent all of it's  military capital on something for everyone instead of something for me or us, can Peace On Earth finally prevail.

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